12 research outputs found

    Desain Aplikasi Mobile Panduan Sholat dan Doa untuk Anak Gangguan Pendengaran

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    Children with hearing loss are children who experience learning difficulties. They have limited vocabulary and language in communication that hampers the learning process. They need a special way of learning and are usually educated in special schools. Level 2 elementary students at SLB B Karnnamanohara have difficulty learning prayer and daily prayer. Almost all elementary level 2 students cannot pronounce daily prayers and prayers. They need interesting learning resources and according to their characteristics. This study aims to design multimedia mobile application of prayer and daily prayers guides for children with hearing loss. The research method consists of five stages: data collection, data analysis, storyboard making, prototype design, and prototype evaluation. This research has been designed to multimedia mobile applications of prayer and prayers guides for children hearing impairments according to the needs of users who have different characteristics with users in general. The results showed that the prototype design of the multimedia mobile application prayer and prayer daily guides for children with hearing loss had met the needs of users with evaluation values of 4.42 from a scale of 5

    Analisis dan Perancangan Kamus Interaktif Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia dengan Speech Recognition

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    ABSTRAK     Intisari – Menurut data Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) pada tahun 2012 terdapat sekitar 9,9 juta anak Indonesia menyandang disabilitas. Sekitar 7.87% dari total jumlah penyandang disabilitas tersebut mengalami tunarungu atau keterbatasan mendengar. Penyandang tunarungu melakukan komunikasi dengan menggunakan Bahasa isyarat. Karena tidak semua orang mengerti dengan bahasa isyarat maka dibutuhkan alat bantu atau aplikasi untuk berkomunikasi dengan penyandang tunarungu. Keterbatasan dalam berkomunikasi antara orang biasa dengan penyandang tunarungu. Oleh karena ity, untuk membantu mahasiswa dan dosen berkomunikasi dengan mahasiswa yang tunarung maka dibutuhkan aplikasi kamus Bahasa isyarat dengan Speech Recognition. Pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan metode pengembangan aplikasi waterfall. Dimana setiap alur berjalan secara selaras dan memudahkan untuk mencari kesalahan system. Pengujian dilakukan dengan verifikasi kebutuhan untuk memastikan produk perangkat lunak yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang ditentukan. Kata Kunci: Bahasa isyarat; kamus; speech recognition; ABSTRACT   Digest - According to data from the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) in 2012 there were around 9.9 million Indonesian children with disabilities. Around 7.87% of the total number of persons with disabilities experience hearing impairment or hearing impairment. People with hearing impairment communicate using sign language. Because not everyone understands sign language, tools or applications are needed to communicate with deaf people. Limitations in communicating between ordinary people and hearing impaired people. Therefore, to help students and lecturers communicate with students who are fussy, it requires a sign language dictionary application with Speech Recognition. This application development uses the waterfall application development method. Where each flow runs in harmony and makes it easy to find system errors. The test is carried out by verifying the need to ensure that the software product is produced according to the specified specifications.   Keywords: Signal language; dictionary; speech recognition

    Desain Aplikasi “SAPA” Berbasis Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) untuk Efektivitas Komunikasi Mahasiswa Tunarungu

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    Komunikasi antara penyandang disabilitas dengan orang normal masih sulit bahkan dengan adanya bahasa isyarat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengembangan aplikasi “SAPA” berbasis Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) untuk efektivitas komunikasi antara tunarungu - tunanetra. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan Research and Development (R & D). Penelitian pengembangan adalah model pengembangan sebuah produk dari mulai perancangan, validasi, pengujian produk, dan desiminasi produk secara luas. Tahapan pengembangan aplikasi pada penelitian ini meliputi; stdudi pendahuluan, perancangan produk, validasi produk, perbaikan produk, uji coba produk dan penyempurnaan produk final. Hasil pengujian aplikasi yang dilakukan didapatkan analisis yang berisi ouput Paired Samples Test menunjukkan nilai Sig.(2-tailed) adalah sebesar 0.000 < 0.05, maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa, ada perbedaan rata – rata antara komunikasi mahasiswa pada saat sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan aplikasi “SAPA” yang artinya ada pengaruh pada penggunaan aplikasi “SAPA” untuk mengatasi masalah komunikasi mahasiswa tunarungu, tunanetra, non-disabilitas, dan dosen pengampu mata kuliah, sehingga tercipta komunikasi yang efektif dalam perkuliahan

    Sosialisasi Media Pembelajaran Melalui Aplikasi Google Voice Untuk Guru- Guru SLB

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    Salah satu sekolah yang melayani siswa berkebutuhan khusus ada di dipekanbaru yaitu SLB Pembina. Beberapa persoalan di sekolah mitra seperti masih kurangnya media pembelajaran yang ada di sekolah ini. Hal ini sangat disayangkan karena zaman sekarang teknologi sudah sangat berperan dalam dunia pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, dalam kegiatan ini tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat mencoba untuk memberikan satu diantara sekian banyak media pembelajaran berbasis IT. Media itu dapat ditemukan dalam handphone. Dalam handphone ada aplikasi yang bernama google. Salah satu kelebihan google voice yang dirancang khusus untuk orang berkebuutuhan khusus, khususnya bagi penyandanng tuna rungu atau tuli. Dengan memamfaatkan aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu para tenaga pendidik dalam berinteraksi dengan siswa mereka. Hasil dari kegiatan ini mengindikasikan sebanyak (75%) guru yang mengajar siswa berkebutuhan khusus dengan aplikasi google voice memebrikan efek positif dalam pembelajaran

    Game Edukasi Pengenalan Lingkungan Tempat Hidup Makhluk Hidup di SLB B YRTRW Surakarta

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    Admire the creatures of God's creation and added insight around are some examples of the benefits gained from studying Natural Sciences. This also applies to the Sekolah Luar Biasa B Yayasan Rehabilitasi Tuna Rungu dan Wicara (SLB B YRTRW) Surakarta, which began to introduce education or learning about the introduction of living places since 4th grade elementary school. But during the learning process in the classroom deaf children find difficult to understand the material conveyed by the teacher. Based on the results of interviews and observations, during the teaching and learning process children quickly get bored and tend to not be able to concentrate on the material being taught, besides the enthusiasm of students when learning decreases, the authors plan to make an educational game. Educational games can be used as alternative media for the problems faced. This research was conducted through 3 stages. The first stage is making a storyboard design from the game that will be made. The second stage is making game design using Contruct 2 software and then doing blackbox testing to determine the suitability of the concepts made. The third stage is implementation, respondents are asked to test the game that has been made. After completing the trial, the respondent was given a questionnaire to determine the validity and reliability of the game. The results of the questionnaire obtained the following results: from scale 3 for each questionnaire had an average score above 2.5. From these results it can be concluded that this educational game can be used as an alternative during learning

    Mobile Application Design Emergency Medical Call for the Deaf using UCD Method

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    Deaf or hearing loss is a condition of inability to hear something, either totally or partially. Hearing loss greatly affects the life of a person in communicating with the people around him. Deaf people will be very difficult when in a medical emergency, this is because the medical emergency situation requires fast action. The Healthy Phone application is a mobile medical emergency call application that can help people with hearing impaired when in emergency situations. With the Healthy Phone application, the user only needs to select an icon that suits the situation encountered in touchscreen mobile device then the message will be sent to the nearest hospital. To search for icons corresponding to emergencies, the User Centered Design (UCD) method is used. This application is very helpful for deaf people because this application does not require audio communication and user location is also sent automatically to the nearest hospital. The results were analyzed using four emergency event scenarios with a total score of 87% and an average user time of less than 0:42 sec indicating that the study was successful in designing a mobile medical emergency call application according to user requirement

    Survey of ICT use for students with developmental disabilities by type of disability and class

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    This study was conducted to investigate whether information and communication technology (ICT) devices are used differently for students with developmental disabilities in elementary schools, depending on the type of disability (learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and autism spectrum disorder) and class (regular classes, resource rooms, and classes for special needs education). A questionnaire survey was administered to elementary school teachers to identify the extent of use of different ICT devices for students with developmental disabilities in their schools by type of disability and class. Results did not show differences in the extent of ICT device use by type of disability, although relative ICT scarcity in resource rooms was found. For supporting students with developmental disabilities, a need exists for more effective use of ICT devices depending on different types of developmental disability and class

    The Impact of an Instructional Model with Assistive Technology on Achievement Satisfaction of People with Physical-Motor Impairments

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    Background: The use of new technologies in education is a topic that has attracted the attention of educational experts over the past two decades. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of an instructional model enriched with assistive technology on the achievement satisfaction of people with physical-motor impairments in learning English. Methods: The research method is semi-experimental, with a pre-test/post-test design using a control group. The statistical population consisted of male individuals with physical mobility impairments studying at Imam Ali Educational Center in Tehran. To determine the sample size,Cohen’s (1986) table was used. Based on the sample size table, 16 people were selected. In this method, after drawing up a student list with a random number table, the sample was selected after checking criteria for entry and exit. The experimental group was trained in six sessions using an instructional model enriched with online and offline assistive technologies, and the control group was trained in the usual way. Results: The mean ± standard deviation (SD) for pre- and post-test in the experimental group were 75.50 ± 5.90 and 82.25 ± 6.29, respectively, and was 75.38 ± 11 and 77.37 ± 11.91 in the control group. The results of the analysis of covariance between adjusted means of both groups for variable of academic satisfaction show a significant difference between the two groups (F =20.06, P < 0.01). The effect size was 0.60. Conclusion: Using an instructional model enriched with assistive technology can be useful in teaching English to individuals with physical-motor impairments

    Metodologías educativas para niños sordos apoyadas en tecnología móvil y realidad extendida: un análisis sistemático de literatura

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    This study aims to identify Teaching-Learning (TL) methodologies applied in conjunction with mobile and extended reality applications developed for the deaf community. A systematic literature review of mixed type, cross-sectional between 2016 and 2020, focused on educational mobile applications for deaf children in basic school age is presented, emphasizing the type of methodology and support strategies used, as well as the type of extended reality. development and use technology. The results show little literature that records TL applications for children, the most used communication system is sign language. There are few applications that record the use of collaborative strategies, but playful ones that combine memory, cognitive, metacognitive, metacognitive and affective techniques. Regarding the type of development technology, Android applications supported by multimedia elements stand out, followed by the use of Augmented Reality and a minority for other XR technologie

    Evaluaciones utilizadas en investigaciones de tecnología de asistencia : Estado de arte.

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    El propósito del trabajo de grado ¿Estado de arte: Evaluaciones utilizadas en las investigaciones de tecnología de asistencia¿ fue identificar, analizar e interpretar los artículos en tecnología de asistencia, en relación con las evaluaciones, al no encontrarse una recopilación que diera cuenta de los contenidos y tendencias en el tema de investigación, para guiar a los profesionales de diferentes disciplinas en el proceso de prestación de servicios en tecnología de asistencia. Se propuso un estudio cualitativo, de tipo exploratorio, con diseño de investigación documental a 12 meses, llevado cabo en 8 bases de datos disponibles de la Universidad del Valle: EBSCO, DOAJ, SCIENCE, Springer Link, IEEE, Wiley Journals, Pubmed, ISI web of Science. Para lo anterior se elaboró un marco teórico dando referencia a conceptos del tema de investigación: discapacidad, tecnología de asistencia (TA), Modelo de la Actividad Humana: Tecnología de Asistencia (HAAT), Modelo Persona- Tecnología (MPT), Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento de la Discapacidad y la Salud (CIF), Modelo de Evaluación de la Prestación de Servicios en Tecnología de Asistencia (ATA), Prestación de servicios en Tecnología de Asistencia, evaluaciones, entre otros. Se evidenciaron tendencias en materia de investigación, determinando necesidades futuras que consolidan un marco de conocimientos sobre el tema, con el análisis de 134 artículos, la mayoría obtenidos de la base de datos EBSCO, publicados en 97 revistas, comprendidas en 50 áreas de conocimiento, en 27 países. A partir de estos artículos se recopilaron 274 evaluaciones utilizadas en las investigaciones en tecnología de asistencia