9,908 research outputs found

    Assessment of suitable observation conditions for a monthly operational remote sensing based crop monitoring system.

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    Abstract: Cloud cover is the main issue to consider when remote sensing images are used to identify, map and monitor croplands, especially over the summer season (October to March in Brazi). This paper aims at evaluating clear sky conditions over four Brazilian states (Sa?o Paulo, Parana?, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul) to assess suitable observation conditions for a monthly basis operational crop monitoring system. Cloudiness was analyzed using MODIS Cloud Mask product (MOD35), which presents four labels for cloud cover status: cloudy, uncertainty, probably clear and confident clear. R software was used to compute average values of clear sky with a confidence interval of 95% for each month between July 1st, 2000 and June 30th, 2013. Results showed significant differences within and between the four tested states. Moreover, the period from November to March presented 50% less clear sky areas when compared to April to October

    Cloud cover assessment for operational crop monitoring systems in tropical areas.

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    Abstract: The potential of optical remote sensing data to identify, map and monitor croplands is well recognized. However, clouds strongly limit the usefulness of optical imagery for these applications. This paper aims at assessing cloud cover conditions over four states in the tropical and sub-tropical Center-South region of Brazil to guide the development of an appropriate agricultural monitoring system based on Landsat-like imagery. Cloudiness was assessed during overlapping four months periods to match the typical length of crop cycles in the study area. The percentage of clear sky occurrence was computed from the 1 km resolution MODIS Cloud Mask product (MOD35) considering 14 years of data between July 2000 and June 2014. Results showed high seasonality of cloud occurrence within the crop year with strong variations across the study area. The maximum seasonality was observed for the two states in the northern part of the study area (i.e., the ones closer to the Equator line), which also presented the lowest averaged values (15%) of clear sky occurrence during the main (summer) cropping period (November to February). In these locations, optical data faces severe constraints for mapping summer crops. On the other hand, relatively favorable conditions were found in the southern part of the study region. In the South, clear sky values of around 45% were found and no signi?cant clear sky seasonality was observed. Results underpin the challenges to implement an operational crop monitoring system based solely on optical remote sensing imagery in tropical and sub-tropical regions, in particular if short-cycle crops have to be monitored during the cloudy summer months. To cope with cloudiness issues, we recommend the use of new systems with higher repetition rates such as Sentinel-2. For local studies, Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles(UAVs) might be used to augment the observing capability. Multi-sensor approaches combining optical and microwave data can be another option. In cases where wall-to-wall maps are not mandatory, statistical sampling approaches might also be a suitable alternative for obtaining useful crop area information

    Applications of active microwave imagery

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    The following topics were discussed in reference to active microwave applications: (1) Use of imaging radar to improve the data collection/analysis process; (2) Data collection tasks for radar that other systems will not perform; (3) Data reduction concepts; and (4) System and vehicle parameters: aircraft and spacecraft

    Agriculture, forest, and range

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    The findings and recommendations of the panel for developing a satellite remote-sensing global information system in the next decade are reported. User requirements were identified in five categories: (1) cultivated crops, (2) land resources, (3)water resources, (4)forest management, and (5) range management. The benefits from the applications of satellite data are discussed

    Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture in Europe

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    COST Action 734 was launched thanks to the coordinated activity of 29 EU countries. The main objective of the Action was the evaluation of impacts from climate change and variability on agriculture for various European areas. Secondary objectives were: collection and review of existing agroclimatic indices and simulation models, to assess hazard impacts on European agricultural areas; to apply climate scenarios for the next few decades; the definition of harmonised criteria to evaluate the impacts of climate change and variability on agriculture; the definition of warning systems guidelines. Based on the result, possible actions (specific recommendations, suggestions, warning systems) were elaborated and proposed to the end-users, depending on their needs

    ESA - RESGROW: Epansion of the Market for EO Based Information Services in Renewable Energy - Biomass Energy sector

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    Biomass energy is of growing importance as it is widely recognised, both scientifically and politically, that the increase of atmospheric CO2 has led to an enhanced efficiency of the greenhouse effect and, as such, warrants concern for climate change. It is accepted (IPCC 2011 and just recently in the draft version of the IPCC 2013 report) that climate change is partly induced by humans notably by using fossil fuels. For reducing the use of oil or coal, biomass energy is receiving more and more attention as an additional energy source available regionally in large parts of the world. Effective management of renewable energy resources is critical for the European and the global energy supply system. The future contribution of bioenergy to the energy supply strongly depends on its availability, in other words the biomass potential. Biomass potentials are currently mainly assessed on a national to regional or on a global level, with the bulk biomass potential allocated to the whole country. With certain biomass fractions being of low energy density, transport distances and thus their spatial distribution are crucial economic and ecological factors. For other biomass fractions a super-regional or global market is envisaged. Thus spatial information on biomass potentials is vital for the further expansion of bioenergy use. This study, which is an updated version of a study carried out in 2007 in frame of the ENVISOLAR project, analyses the potential use of Earth Observation data as input for biomass models in order to assessment and manage of the biomass energy resources especially biomass potentials of agricultural and forest areas with high spatial resolution (typical 1km x 1km). In addition to a sorrow review of recent developments in data availability and approaches in comparison to its 2007’ version, this study also includes a review on approaches to directly correlate remote sensing data with biomass estimations. An overview of existing biomass models is given covering models using remote sensing data as input as well as models using only meteorological and/or management data as input. It covers the full life cycle from the planning stage to plant management and operations (Figure 1). Several groups of stakeholders were identified

    Summary of the 2017 South Southeast Research Initiative (SARI) Agricultural Workshop

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    South/Southeast Asian countries are growing rapidly in terms of population, industrialization, andurbanization. As a result of this growth, one of the key policy challenges facing the region is foodsecuritythat is, those conditions when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access tosufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active andhealthy life.1 Although total food production has increased in the region since 1960 due to land areahaving been converted to agricultural use, more recently it has decreased, mostly due to loss ofproductive agricultural land due to urbanization and industrial development. Furthermore, the region isexperiencing variability in the timing of the monsoon and extreme weather events, resulting in droughtor flooding, which impact agricultural production. Monitoring crop production in a timely manner isessential to predict and prepare for disruptions in the food supply. To achieve such timely monitoringrequires improved and uptodate information on agricultural landuse practices.Although there has been significant progress in remote sensing and geospatial technologies over thepast few decades, there has been little emphasis placed on developing robust methods for operationalmapping and monitoring of areas devoted to crops. In South/Southeast Asia generally, most mappingefforts to date have focused on the broader classification of land cover types and generalized croplandareas into a single or limited number of thematic classes. Only a few countries have access to uptodatecrop type information. There is an urgent need to make this nearrealtime information morereadily available to stakeholders and to enhance national and regional operational systems formonitoring agricultural crops.

    Soil moisture analysis using remotely sensed data in the agricultural region of Mongolia

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    A comparison of global agricultural monitoring systems and current gaps

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    Global and regional scale agricultural monitoring systems aim to provide up-to-date information regarding food production to different actors and decision makers in support of global and national food security. To help reduce price volatility of the kind experienced between 2007 and 2011, a global system of agricultural monitoring systems is needed to ensure the coordinated flow of information in a timely manner for early warning purposes. A number of systems now exist that fill this role. This paper provides an overview of the eight main global and regional scale agricultural monitoring systems currently in operation and compares them based on the input data and models used, the outputs produced and other characteristics such as the role of the analyst, their interaction with other systems and the geographical scale at which they operate. Despite improvements in access to high resolution satellite imagery over the last decade and the use of numerous remote-sensing based products by the different systems, there are still fundamental gaps. Based on a questionnaire, discussions with the system experts and the literature, we present the main gaps in the data and in the methods. Finally, we propose some recommendations for addressing these gaps through ongoing improvements in remote sensing, harnessing new and innovative data streams and the continued sharing of more and more data