12 research outputs found

    Assessment of a Wearable Force- and Electromyography Device and Comparison of the Related Signals for Myocontrol

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    In the frame of assistive robotics, multi-finger prosthetic hand/wrists have recently appeared,offering an increasing level of dexterity; however, in practice their control is limited to a few handgrips and still unreliable, with the effect that pattern recognition has not yet appeared in the clinicalenvironment. According to the scientific community, one of the keys to improve the situation ismulti-modal sensing, i.e., using diverse sensor modalities to interpret the subject’s intent andimprove the reliability and safety of the control system in daily life activities. In this work, wefirst describe and test a novel wireless, wearable force- and electromyography device; throughan experiment conducted on ten intact subjects, we then compare the obtained signals bothqualitatively and quantitatively, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. Our resultsindicate that force-myography yields signals which are more stable across time during whenevera pattern is held, than those obtained by electromyography. We speculate that fusion of the twomodalities might be advantageous to improve the reliability of myocontrol in the near future

    Deep and Surface Sensor Modalities for Myo-intent Detection

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    Electromyography is the gold-standard among sensors for prosthetic control. However, stable and reliable myocontrol remains an unsolved problem in the community. Amid improvements currently under investigation, one focuses on alternative or complementary sensors. In this study, we compare different techniques, recording surface and deep muscle activity. Ten subjects were involved in an experiment in which three different modalities were attached on their forearm: force myography, electro-impedance tomography and ultrasound. They were asked to perform wrist and grasp movements. For the first time, we evaluate and compare in an offline analysis these three different modalities while recording several hand gestures

    A Vision-Driven Collaborative Robotic Grasping System Tele-Operated by Surface Electromyography

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    This paper presents a system that combines computer vision and surface electromyography techniques to perform grasping tasks with a robotic hand. In order to achieve a reliable grasping action, the vision-driven system is used to compute pre-grasping poses of the robotic system based on the analysis of tridimensional object features. Then, the human operator can correct the pre-grasping pose of the robot using surface electromyographic signals from the forearm during wrist flexion and extension. Weak wrist flexions and extensions allow a fine adjustment of the robotic system to grasp the object and finally, when the operator considers that the grasping position is optimal, a strong flexion is performed to initiate the grasping of the object. The system has been tested with several subjects to check its performance showing a grasping accuracy of around 95% of the attempted grasps which increases in more than a 13% the grasping accuracy of previous experiments in which electromyographic control was not implemented.This work was funded by the Spanish Government’s Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the DPI2015-68087-R, by the European Commission’s and FEDER funds through the COMMANDIA (SOE2/P1/F0638) action supported by Interreg-V Sudoe and by University of Alicante through project GRE16-20, Control Platform for a Robotic Hand based on Electromyographic Signals

    A survey on bio-signal analysis for human-robot interaction

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    The use of bio-signals analysis in human-robot interaction is rapidly increasing. There is an urgent demand for it in various applications, including health care, rehabilitation, research, technology, and manufacturing. Despite several state-of-the-art bio-signals analyses in human-robot interaction (HRI) research, it is unclear which one is the best. In this paper, the following topics will be discussed: robotic systems should be given priority in the rehabilitation and aid of amputees and disabled people; second, domains of feature extraction approaches now in use, which are divided into three main sections (time, frequency, and time-frequency). The various domains will be discussed, then a discussion of each domain's benefits and drawbacks, and finally, a recommendation for a new strategy for robotic systems

    Wrist-Worn Wearables Based on Force Myography: On the Significance of User Anthropometry

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    Background Force myography (FMG) is a non-invasive technology used to track functional movements and hand gestures by sensing volumetric changes in the limbs caused by muscle contraction. Force transmission through tissue implies that differences in tissue mechanics and/or architecture might impact FMG signal acquisition and the accuracy of gesture classifier models. The aim of this study is to identify if and how user anthropometry affects the quality of FMG signal acquisition and the performance of machine learning models trained to classify different hand and wrist gestures based on that data. Methods Wrist and forearm anthropometric measures were collected from a total of 21 volunteers aged between 22 and 82 years old. Participants performed a set of tasks while wearing a custom-designed FMG band. Primary outcome measure was the Spearman’s correlation coefficient (R) between the anthropometric measures and FMG signal quality/ML model performance. Results Results demonstrated moderate (0.3 ≤|R| < 0.67) and strong (0.67 ≤ |R|) relationships for ratio of skinfold thickness to forearm circumference, grip strength and ratio of wrist to forearm circumference. These anthropometric features contributed to 23–30% of the variability in FMG signal acquisition and as much as 50% of the variability in classification accuracy for single gestures. Conclusions Increased grip strength, larger forearm girth, and smaller skinfold-to-forearm circumference ratio improve signal quality and gesture classification accuracy

    Regressing Grasping Using Force Myography: An Exploratory Study

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    Background: Partial hand amputation forms more than 90% of all upper limb amputations. This amputation has a notable efect on the amputee’s life. To improve the quality of life for partial hand amputees diferent prosthesis options, including externallypowered prosthesis, have been investigated. The focus of this work is to explore force myography (FMG) as a technique for regressing grasping movement accompanied by wrist position variations. This study can lay the groundwork for a future investigation of FMG as a technique for controlling externally-powered prostheses continuously. Methods: Ten able-bodied participants performed three hand movements while their wrist was fxed in one of six predefned positions. The angle between Thumb and Index fnger (θTI), and Thumb and Middle fnger (θTM) were calculated as measures of grasping movements. Two approaches were examined for estimating each angle: (i) one regression model, trained on data from all wrist positions and hand movements; (ii) a classifer that identifed the wrist position followed by a separate regression model for each wrist position. The possibility of training the system using a limited number of wrist positions and testing it on all positions was also investigated. Results: The frst approach had a correlation of determination (R2) of 0.871 for θTI and R2 θTM = 0.941. Using the second approach R2 θTI = 0.874 and R2 θTM = 0.942 were obtained. The frst approach is over two times faster than the second approach while having similar performance; thus the frst approach was selected to investigate the efect of the wrist position variations. Training with 6 or 5 wrist positions yielded results which were not statistically signifcant. A statistically signifcant decrease in performance resulted when less than fve wrist positions were used for training. Conclusions: The results indicate the potential of FMG to regress grasping movement, accompanied by wrist position variations, with a regression model for each angle. Also, it is necessary to include more than one wrist position in the training phase

    Simultaneous assessment and training of an upper-limb amputee using incremental machine-learning-based myocontrol:a single-case experimental design

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    Background Machine-learning-based myocontrol of prosthetic devices suffers from a high rate of abandonment due to dissatisfaction with the training procedure and with the reliability of day-to-day control. Incremental myocontrol is a promising approach as it allows on-demand updating of the system, thus enforcing continuous interaction with the user. Nevertheless, a long-term study assessing the efficacy of incremental myocontrol is still missing, partially due to the lack of an adequate tool to do so. In this work we close this gap and report about a person with upper-limb absence who learned to control a dexterous hand prosthesis using incremental myocontrol through a novel functional assessment protocol called SATMC (Simultaneous Assessment and Training of Myoelectric Control). Methods The participant was fitted with a custom-made prosthetic setup with a controller based on Ridge Regression with Random Fourier Features (RR-RFF), a non-linear, incremental machine learning method, used to build and progressively update the myocontrol system. During a 13-month user study, the participant performed increasingly complex daily-living tasks, requiring fine bimanual coordination and manipulation with a multi-fingered hand prosthesis, in a realistic laboratory setup. The SATMC was used both to compose the tasks and continually assess the participant's progress. Patient satisfaction was measured using Visual Analog Scales. Results Over the course of the study, the participant progressively improved his performance both objectively, e.g., the time required to complete each task became shorter, and subjectively, meaning that his satisfaction improved. The SATMC actively supported the improvement of the participant by progressively increasing the difficulty of the tasks in a structured way. In combination with the incremental RR-RFF allowing for small adjustments when required, the participant was capable of reliably using four actions of the prosthetic hand to perform all required tasks at the end of the study. Conclusions Incremental myocontrol enabled an upper-limb amputee to reliably control a dexterous hand prosthesis while providing a subjectively satisfactory experience. The SATMC can be an effective tool to this aim