164 research outputs found

    Satellite-based monitoring of pasture degradation on the Tibetan Plateau: A multi-scale approach

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    The Tibetan Plateau has been entitled Third-Pole-Environment'' because of its outstanding importance for the global climate and the hydrological system of East and Southeast Asia. Its climatological and hydrological influences are strongly affected by the local vegetation which is supposed to be subject to ongoing degradation. The degradation of the Tibetan pastures was investigated on the local scale by numerous studies. However, because methods and scales substantially differed among the previous studies, the overall pattern of degradation on the Tibetan Plateau is hitherto unknown. Consequently, the aims of this thesis are to monitor recent changes in the grassland degradation on the Tibetan Plateau and to detect the underlying driving forces of the observed changes. Therefore, a comprehensive remote sensing based approach is developed. The new approach consists of three parts and incorporates different spatial and temporal scales: (i) the development and testing of an indicator system for pasture degradation on the local scale, (ii) the development of a MODIS-based product usable for degradation monitoring from the local to the plateau scale, and (iii) the application of the new product to delineate recent changes in the degradation status of the pastures on the Tibetan Plateau. The first part of the new approach comprised the test of the suitability of a new two-indicator system and its transferability to spaceborne data. The indicators were land-cover fractions (e.g.,~green vegetation, bare soil) derived from linear spectral unmixing and chlorophyll content. The latter was incorporated as a proxy for nutrient and water availability. It was estimated combining hyperspectral vegetation indices as predictors in partial least squares regression. The indicator system was established and tested on the local scale using a transect design and textit{in situ} measured data. The promising results revealed clear spatial patterns attributed to degradation, indicating that the combination of vegetation cover and chlorophyll content is a suitable indicator system for the detection of pasture degradation on local scales on the Tibetan Plateau. To delineate patterns of degradation changes on the plateau scale, the green plant coverage of the Tibetan pastures was derived in the second part. Therefore, an upscaling approach was developed. It is based on satellite data from high spatial resolution sensors on the local scale (WorldView-type) via medium resolution data (Landsat) to low resolution data on the plateau scale (MODIS). The different spatial resolutions involved in the methodology were incorporated to enable the cross-validation of the estimations in the new product against field observations (over 600 plots across the entire Tibetan Plateau). Four methods (linear spectral unmixing, spectral angle mapper, partial least squares regression, and support vector machine regression) were tested on their predictive performance for the estimation of plant cover and the method with the highest accuracy (support vector machine regression) was applied to 14 years of MODIS data to generate a new vegetation coverage product. In the third part, the changes in vegetation cover between the years 2000 and 2013 and their driving forces were investigated by comparing the trends in the new vegetation coverage product against climate variables (precipitation from tropical rainfall measuring mission and 2 m air temperature from ERA-Interim reanalysis data) on the entire Tibetan Plateau. Large areas in southern Qinghai were identified where vegetation cover increased as a result of positive precipitation trends. Thus, degradation did not proceed in these regions. Contrasting with this, large areas in the central and western parts of the Tibetan Autonomous Region were subject to an ongoing degradation. This degradation can be attributed to the coincidence of rising temperatures and anthropogenic induced increases in livestock numbers as a consequence of local land-use change. In those areas, the ongoing degradation influenced local precipitation patterns because sensible heat fluxes were accelerated above degraded pastures. In combination with advected moist air masses at higher atmospheric levels, the accelerated heat fluxes led to an intensification of local convective rainfall. The ongoing degradation detected by the new remote sensing approach in this thesis is alarming. The affected regions encompass the river systems of the Indus and Brahmaputra Rivers, where the ongoing degradation negatively affects the water storage capacities of the soils and enhances erosion. In combination with the feed-back mechanisms between plant coverage and the changed precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau, the reduced water storage capacity will exacerbate runoff extremes in the middle and lower reaches of those important river systems

    Linkages between Atmospheric Circulation, Weather, Climate, Land Cover and Social Dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau

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    The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is an important landmass that plays a significant role in both regional and global climates. In recent decades, the TP has undergone significant changes due to climate and human activities. Since the 1980s anthropogenic activities, such as the stocking of livestock, land cover change, permafrost degradation, urbanization, highway construction, deforestation and desertification, and unsustainable land management practices, have greatly increased over the TP. As a result, grasslands have undergone rapid degradation and have altered the land surface which in turn has altered the exchange of heat and moisture properties between land and the atmosphere. But gaps still exist in our knowledge of land-atmosphere interactions in the TP and their impacts on weather and climate around the TP, making it difficult to understand the complete energy and water cycles over the region. Moreover, human, and ecological systems are interlinked, and the drivers of change include biophysical, economic, political, social, and cultural elements that operate at different temporal and spatial scales. Current studies do not holistically reflect the complex social-ecological dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau. To increase our understanding of this coupled human-natural system, there is a need for an integrated approach to rendering visible the deep interconnections between the biophysical and social systems of the TP. There is a need for an integrative framework to study the impacts of sedentary and individualized production systems on the health and livelihoods of local communities in the context of land degradation and climate change. To do so, there is a need to understand better the spatial variability and landscape patterns in grassland degradation across the TP. Therefore, the main goal of this dissertation is to contribute to our understanding of the changes over the land surface and how these changes impact the plateau\u27s weather, climate, and social dynamics. This dissertation is structured as three interrelated manuscripts, which each explore specific research questions relating to this larger goal. These manuscripts constitute the three primary papers of this dissertation. The first paper documents the significant association of surface energy flux with vegetation cover, as measured by satellite based AVHRR GIMMS3g normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data, during the early growing season of May in the western region of the Tibetan Plateau. In addition, a 1Ā°K increase in the temperature at the 500 hPa level was observed. Based on the identified positive effects of vegetation on the temperature associated with decreased NDVI in the western region of the Tibetan Plateau, I propose a positive energy process for land-atmosphere associations. In the second paper, an increase in Landsat-derived NDVI, i.e., a greening, is identified within the TP, especially during 1990 to 2018 and 2000 to 2018 time periods. Larger median growing season NDVI change values were observed for the Southeast Tibet shrublands and meadows and Tibetan Plateau Alpine Shrublands and Meadows grassland regions, in comparison to the other three regions studied. Land degradation is prominent in the lower and intermediate hillslope positions in comparison to the higher relative topographic positions, and change is more pronounced in the eastern Southeast Tibet shrublands and meadows and Tibetan Plateau Alpine Shrublands and Meadows grasslands. Geomorphons were found to be an effective spatial unit for analysis of hillslope change patterns. Through the extensive literature review presented in third paper, this dissertation recommends using critical physical geography (CPG) to study environmental and social issues in the TP. The conceptual model proposed provides a framework for analysis of the dominant controls, feedback, and interactions between natural, human, socioeconomic, and governance activities, allowing researchers to untangle climate change, land degradation, and vulnerability in the Tibetan Plateau. CPG will further help improve our understanding of the exposure of local people to climate and socio-economic and political change and help policy makers devise appropriate strategies to combat future grassland degradation and to improve the lives and strengthen livelihoods of the inhabitants of the TP

    Estimation of grassland aboveground biomass and its response to climate changes based on remote sensing inversion in Three-River-Source National Park, Tibet Plateau, China

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    Three-River-Source (TRS) National Park stands as one of Chinaā€™s earliest established national parks, dedicated to significant ecological responsibilities that include conserving soil and water resources in the Tibetan Plateau region. Research on climate changeā€™s influence on the TRS regionā€™s grasslands is of great significance in our efforts to comprehend and conserve the grassland ecosystem. The most effective random forest (RF) model was chosen to invert the aboveground biomass (AGB) of grassland in the previous 6 years (2015āˆ’2020) and predict the grassland AGB in the following 20 years (2021āˆ’2040) by comparing linear regression and multivariate nonlinear regression models such as RF, support vector machine, decision tree, and artificial neural network. A Theilā€“Sen median trend analysis and a Mannā€“Kendal test were then used to examine the trends of grassland AGB. The results showed that (1) RF outperformed other models in estimating grassland AGB, with a test set decision coefficient of multiple determination (R2) of 0.722, a root mean square error of 42.596 g/m2, and a mean absolute error of 35.619 g/m2; (2) over 6 years, the grassland AGB in TRS National Park had a spatial trend of a steady rise from the northwest to the southeast. The average annual grassland AGB was 247.333 g/m2, with averages of 44.836 g/m2, 92.601 g/m2, and 120.217 g/m2 in the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Lancang River source parks respectively. The trend of the grassland AGB was primarily stabilized and slightly recovered, with a small portion of the slightly deteriorated areas; (3) climate change significantly affected grassland AGB, and when temperature and precipitation conditions were adequate, grassland AGB values increased with temperature and precipitation. In the scenarios of ssp119, ssp245, and ssp585, grassland AGB is projected to exhibit a dynamic upward trend over the next 20 years. Global warming is expected to boost grassland AGB. Comprehensive measures are essential to maintain grassland health and ensure a positive impact on global carbon and ecological balance. The studyā€™s findings hold great importance for the ecological security of the TRS region and contribute to our global understanding of sustainable grassland development

    A systematic review on the use of remote sensing technologies in quantifying grasslands ecosystem services

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    The last decade has seen considerable progress in scientific research on vegetation ecosystem services. While much research has focused on forests and wetlands, grasslands also provide a variety of different provisioning, supporting, cultural, and regulating services. With recent advances in remote sensing technology, there is a possibility that Earth observation data could contribute extensively to research on grassland ecosystem services. This study conducted a systematic review on progress, emerging gaps, and opportunities on the application of remote sensing technologies in quantifying all grassland ecosystem services including those that are related to water. The contribution of biomass, Leaf Area Index (LAI), and Canopy Storage Capacity (CSC) as water-related ecosystem services derived from grasslands was explored. Two hundred and twenty-two peer-reviewed articles from Web of Science, Scopus, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers were analyzed. About 39% of the studies were conducted in Asia with most of the contributions coming from China while a few studies were from the global south regions such as Southern Africa. Overall, forage provision, climate regulation, and primary production were the most researched grassland ecosystem services in the context of Earth observation data applications. About 39 Earth observation sensors were used in the literature to map grassland ecosystem services and MODIS had the highest utilization frequency. The most widely used vegetation indices for mapping general grassland ecosystem services in literature included the red and near-infrared sections of the electromagnetic spectrum. Remote sensing algorithms used within the retrieved literature include process-based models, machine learning algorithms, and multivariate techniques. For water-related grassland ecosystem services, biomass, CSC, and LAI were the most prominent proxies characterized by remotely sensed data for under-standing evapotranspiration, infiltration, run-off, soil water availability, groundwater restoration and surface water balance. An understanding of such hydrological processes is crucial in providing insights on water redistribution and balance within grassland ecosystems which is important for water management

    The use of earth observation multi-sensor systems to monitor and model Pastures: a case of Savannah Grasslands in Hluvukani Village, Bushbuckridge Local Municipality, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

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    Grassland degradation associated with climate change and inappropriate grassland management has been characterized as a global environmental concern driving decreased grassland ecosystem's ecological functioning. More than 60% of South African grassland is degraded or permanently transformed to other land uses and nearly 2% properly conserved. Yet, grasslands are a major source of food for livestock grazing and provide material and non-material benefits to many livelihoods. Therefore, grassland above-ground biomass (AGB) estimation is crucial in planning and managing pastoral agriculture and the benefits derived from it. However, current grassland monitoring techniques used in rural smallholder livestock farms rely on conventional methods, which are destructive, labour-intensive, costly, and restricted to small areas. This study investigated the monitoring and modelling of protected grasslands biomass using current Earth observation systems (EOS), an approach, which is non-destructive, cost-effective, cover larger areas and is a time-saving alternative to conventional methods. Hence, the research objectives were: (i) to map the trends and advances in data and models used in the monitoring of grassland (pastures) with Earth observation systems, and (ii) to assess above-ground biomass estimation in semi-arid savannah grassland integrating Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data with Machine-Learning. This goal was to assess if this approach could provide the requisite information, which could contribute to the long-term goal of developing a semi-automated system for data processing, and mapping grassland biomass to benefit local communities. For this investigation, it was crucial to understanding what research had achieved so far in this area of pasture management. An assessment of the Scopus database showed the recent developments in European Union (EU) programs and Sentinel missions, including statistical models and machine learning for monitoring grassland changes at multiple scales. However, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data, machine learning models, and variable importance techniques were applied for grassland AGB estimation. These techniques have been used in similar studies to determine optimum machine learning models, influential variables, and the capability of integrated Sentinel datasets for mapping grassland AGB, spatial distribution, and abundance. Results showed improved performance with the Random forest regression (RFR) model (RĀ² of 34.7%, RMSE of 9.47 Mg and MAE of 7.68 Mg ). The study also observed optimum sensitivity of Difference Vegetation Index (DVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) in all three machine learning models for modelling grassland AGB estimation in the study area. A further, statistical comparison of all three machine learning models showed an insignificant difference in the predictive capacity for AGB in the study area with Gradient Boosting regression (GBR) model (RĀ² of 27.7, RMSE of 9.97 Mg and MAE of 8.03 Mg ) and Extreme Gradient Boost Regression (XGBR) model (RĀ² of 17.3%, RMSE of 10.66 Mg and MAE of 8.83 Mg ). The study revealed that an integration of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 has improved capabilities for monitoring grassland AGB estimation. This research sheds light on the timely and cost-effective techniques for grassland management strategies to enhance or restore the ecological functioning of grassland ecosystems and promote community sustainability.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 202

    The use of earth observation multi-sensor systems to monitor and model Pastures: a case of Savannah Grasslands in Hluvukani Village, Bushbuckridge Local Municipality, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

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    Grassland degradation associated with climate change and inappropriate grassland management has been characterized as a global environmental concern driving decreased grassland ecosystem's ecological functioning. More than 60% of South African grassland is degraded or permanently transformed to other land uses and nearly 2% properly conserved. Yet, grasslands are a major source of food for livestock grazing and provide material and non-material benefits to many livelihoods. Therefore, grassland above-ground biomass (AGB) estimation is crucial in planning and managing pastoral agriculture and the benefits derived from it. However, current grassland monitoring techniques used in rural smallholder livestock farms rely on conventional methods, which are destructive, labour-intensive, costly, and restricted to small areas. This study investigated the monitoring and modelling of protected grasslands biomass using current Earth observation systems (EOS), an approach, which is non-destructive, cost-effective, cover larger areas and is a time-saving alternative to conventional methods. Hence, the research objectives were: (i) to map the trends and advances in data and models used in the monitoring of grassland (pastures) with Earth observation systems, and (ii) to assess above-ground biomass estimation in semi-arid savannah grassland integrating Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data with Machine-Learning. This goal was to assess if this approach could provide the requisite information, which could contribute to the long-term goal of developing a semi-automated system for data processing, and mapping grassland biomass to benefit local communities. For this investigation, it was crucial to understanding what research had achieved so far in this area of pasture management. An assessment of the Scopus database showed the recent developments in European Union (EU) programs and Sentinel missions, including statistical models and machine learning for monitoring grassland changes at multiple scales. However, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data, machine learning models, and variable importance techniques were applied for grassland AGB estimation. These techniques have been used in similar studies to determine optimum machine learning models, influential variables, and the capability of integrated Sentinel datasets for mapping grassland AGB, spatial distribution, and abundance. Results showed improved performance with the Random forest regression (RFR) model (RĀ² of 34.7%, RMSE of 9.47 Mg and MAE of 7.68 Mg ). The study also observed optimum sensitivity of Difference Vegetation Index (DVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) in all three machine learning models for modelling grassland AGB estimation in the study area. A further, statistical comparison of all three machine learning models showed an insignificant difference in the predictive capacity for AGB in the study area with Gradient Boosting regression (GBR) model (RĀ² of 27.7, RMSE of 9.97 Mg and MAE of 8.03 Mg ) and Extreme Gradient Boost Regression (XGBR) model (RĀ² of 17.3%, RMSE of 10.66 Mg and MAE of 8.83 Mg ). The study revealed that an integration of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 has improved capabilities for monitoring grassland AGB estimation. This research sheds light on the timely and cost-effective techniques for grassland management strategies to enhance or restore the ecological functioning of grassland ecosystems and promote community sustainability.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 202

    Book of Abstracts, ACOP2017 : 2nd Asian Conference on Permafrost

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    Land Degradation Assessment with Earth Observation

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    This Special Issue (SI) on ā€œLand Degradation Assessment with Earth Observationā€ comprises 17 original research papers with a focus on land degradation in arid, semiarid and dry-subhumid areas (i.e., desertification) in addition to temperate rangelands, grasslands, woodlands and the humid tropics. The studies cover different spatial, spectral and temporal scales and employ a wealth of different optical and radar sensors. Some studies incorporate time-series analysis techniques that assess the general trend of vegetation or the timing and duration of the reduction in biological productivity caused by land degradation. As anticipated from the latest trend in Earth Observation (EO) literature, some studies utilize the cloud-computing infrastructure of Google Earth Engine to cope with the unprecedented volume of data involved in current methodological approaches. This SI clearly demonstrates the ever-increasing relevance of EO technologies when it comes to assessing and monitoring land degradation. With the recently published IPCC Reports informing us of the severe impacts and risks to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide, the EO scientific community has a clear obligation to increase its efforts to address any remaining gapsā€”some of which have been identified in this SIā€”and produce highly accurate and relevant land-degradation assessment and monitoring tools

    Remote Sensing of Land Surface Phenology

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    Land surface phenology (LSP) uses remote sensing to monitor seasonal dynamics in vegetated land surfaces and retrieve phenological metrics (transition dates, rate of change, annual integrals, etc.). LSP has developed rapidly in the last few decades. Both regional and global LSP products have been routinely generated and play prominent roles in modeling crop yield, ecological surveillance, identifying invasive species, modeling the terrestrial biosphere, and assessing impacts on urban and natural ecosystems. Recent advances in field and spaceborne sensor technologies, as well as data fusion techniques, have enabled novel LSP retrieval algorithms that refine retrievals at even higher spatiotemporal resolutions, providing new insights into ecosystem dynamics. Meanwhile, rigorous assessment of the uncertainties in LSP retrievals is ongoing, and efforts to reduce these uncertainties represent an active research area. Open source software and hardware are in development, and have greatly facilitated the use of LSP metrics by scientists outside the remote sensing community. This reprint covers the latest developments in sensor technologies, LSP retrieval algorithms and validation strategies, and the use of LSP products in a variety of fields. It aims to summarize the ongoing diverse LSP developments and boost discussions on future research prospects
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