51 research outputs found

    A Workflow for Studying the Stump-Socket Interface in Persons with Transtibial Amputation through 3D Thermographic Mapping

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    The design and fitting of prosthetic sockets can significantly affect the acceptance of an artificial limb by persons with lower limb amputations. Clinical fitting is typically an iterative process, which requires patients' feedback and professional assessment. When feedback is unreliable due to the patient's physical or psychological conditions, quantitative measures can support decision-making. Specifically, monitoring the skin temperature of the residual limb can provide valuable information regarding unwanted mechanical stresses and reduced vascularization, which can lead to inflammation, skin sores and ulcerations. Multiple 2D images to examine a real-life 3D limb can be cumbersome and might only offer a partial assessment of critical areas. To overcome these issues, we developed a workflow for integrating thermographic information on the 3D scan of a residual limb, with intrinsic reconstruction quality measures. Specifically, workflow allows us to calculate a 3D thermal map of the skin of the stump at rest and after walking, and summarize this information with a single 3D differential map. The workflow was tested on a person with transtibial amputation, with a reconstruction accuracy lower than 3 mm, which is adequate for socket adaptation. We expect the workflow to improve socket acceptance and patients' quality of life

    A personalised prosthetic liner with embedded sensor technology:a case study

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    BACKGROUND: Numerous sensing techniques have been investigated in an effort to monitor the main parameters influencing the residual limb/prosthesis interface, fundamental to the optimum design of prosthetic socket solutions. Sensing integration within sockets is notoriously complex and can cause user discomfort. A personalised prosthetic liner with embedded sensors could offer a solution. However, to allow for a functional and comfortable instrumented liner, highly customised designs are needed. The aim of this paper is to presents a novel approach to manufacture fully personalised liners using scanned three-dimensional image data of the patient's residual limb, combined with designs that allow for sensor integration. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach, a personalised liner with embedded temperature and humidity sensors was realised and tested on a transtibial amputee, presented here as a case study. METHODS: The residual limb of a below knee amputee was first scanned and a three-dimensional digital image created. The output was used to produce a personalised prosthesis. The liner was manufactured using a cryogenic Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machining approach. This method enables fast, direct and precise manufacture of soft elastomer products. Twelve Hygrochron Data Loggers, able to measure both temperature and humidity, were embedded in specific liner locations, ensuring direct sensor-skin contact. The sensor locations were machined directly into the liner, during the manufacturing process. The sensors outputs were assessed on the below amputee who took part in the study, during resting (50 min) and walking activities (30 min). To better describe the relative thermal properties of new liner, the same tests were repeated with the amputee wearing his existing liner. Quantitative comparisons of the thermal properties of the new liner solution with that currently used in clinical practice are, therefore, reported. RESULTS: The liner machining process took approximately 4 h. Fifteen minutes after donning the prosthesis, the skin temperature reached a plateau. Physical activity rapidly increased residuum skin temperatures, while cessation of activity caused a moderate decrease. Humidity increased throughout the observation period. In addition, the new liner showed better thermal properties with respect to the current liner solution (4% reduction in skin temperature). CONCLUSIONS: This work describes a personalised liner solution, with embedded temperature and humidity sensors, developed through an innovative approach. This new method allows for a range of sensors to be smoothly embedded into a liner, which is capable of measuring changes in intra-socket microclimate conditions, resulting in the design of advanced socket solutions personalised specifically for individual requirements. In future, this method will not only provide a personalised liner but will also enable dynamic assessment of how a residual limb behaves within the socket during daily activities.</p

    Avaliação termográfica e adaptação à prótese de amputados de membros inferiores: um olhar qualitativo

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    Objective: To evaluate qualitatively the characteristics of the thermographic map of the lower limb intact limb and adaptation to the prosthesis of amputated patients of lower limbs. Method: Qualitative research, descriptive and exploratory. The sample consisted of five amputees of lower limbs of both sexes, with transtibial and transfemoral levels, aged between 18 and 65 years, literate and protected by the Unified Health System (SUS). Anamnesis and thermographic evaluation were performed qualitatively analyzing the intact limb and stump applied to the Prothesis Evaluation Questionnaire (PEQ) questionnaire. Results: Thermographic images of transfemoral individuals presented in the residual limb an increase in temperature in the inguinal region, and may be due to the friction of the superior fit of the prosthesis. In all samples, temperature was observed in the lower extremity of the stump, indicating a possible reduction of vascularization in this region. In the PEQ, the domain most strongly cited as unfavorable for the participants was mobility, mainly in the questions of going up and down stairs, climbing and descending steep hills and walking on slippery places. The transpiration within the socket and the swelling of the residual limb were also complaints well cited by the participants. Conclusion: The issues of greatest impact to the adaptation of the prosthesis were the mobility, transfer characteristics related to the edema, sensation of weight and thermal discomfort of the residual limb in the region of the prosthetic fitting. Thermography showed higher values of intact limb temperature, as well as temperature increase in the prosthesis fitting region and temperature reduction at the end of the stump.Objetivo: Avaliar qualitativamente características do mapa termográfico do coto membro inferior íntegro e adaptação à prótese de pacientes amputados de membros inferiores. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo descritiva e exploratória. Amostra foi composta por cinco indivíduos amputados de membros inferiores, de ambos os sexos, com os níveis transtibial e transfemural, idade entre 18 e 65 anos, alfabetizados e protetizados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Foi realizada anamnese e avaliação termográfica analisando qualitativamente o membro íntegro e coto aplicado o questionário Prothesis Evaluation Questionnaire (PEQ). Resultados: As imagens termográficas dos indivíduos transfemurais apresentaram no membro residual aumento da temperatura em região inguinal, podendo ser devido à fricção do encaixe superior da prótese. Em toda amostra percebeu-se diminuição da temperatura na extremidade inferior do coto, apontando uma possível redução de vascularização desta região. No PEQ o domínio fortemente mais citado como desfavorável para os participantes foi o de mobilidade, principalmente nas questões de subida e descida de escadas, subida e descida de morros íngremes e andar sobre lugares escorregadios. A transpiração dentro do encaixe e o inchaço do membro residual também foram queixas bem citadas pelos participantes. Conclusão: As questões de maior impacto à adaptação da prótese foram a mobilidade, transferência caraterísticas relacionadas ao edema, sensação de peso e desconforto térmico do membro residual na região do encaixe protético. A termografia evidenciou maiores valores de temperatura do membro íntegro, assim como aumento de temperatura na região do encaixe da prótese e redução de temperatura na extremidade do coto

    Exploring thermal discomfort amongst lower-limb prosthesis wearers

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    Amongst lower-limb prosthesis wearers, thermal discomfort is a common problem with an estimated prevalence of more than 50%. Overheating does not just create discomfort to the user, but it has been linked to excessive sweating, skin damage caused by a moist environment and friction. Due to impermeable prosthetic components and a warm moist environment, minor skin damage can result in skin infections that can lead to prosthesis cessation, increased social anxiety, isolation and depression. Despite the seriousness of thermal discomfort, few studies explore the issue, with research predominantly constrained to controlled laboratory scenarios, with only one out of laboratory study. In this thesis, studies investigate how thermal discomfort arises and what are the consequences of thermal discomfort for lower-limb prosthesis wearers. Research studies are designed around the principles of presenting lived experiences of the phenomenon and conducting research in the context of participants' real-life activities. A design exploration chapter investigates modifying liner materials and design to create a passive solution to thermal discomfort. However, this approach was found to be ineffective and unfeasible. Study 1 presents a qualitative study which investigates the user experience of a prosthesis, thermal discomfort and related consequences. Study 2 explores limb temperature of male amputees inside and outside the laboratory, with the latter also collecting perceived thermal comfort (PTC) data. Finally, Study 3 investigates thermal discomfort in the real-world and tracks limb temperature, ambient conditions, activities, and experience sampling of PTC. While there were no apparent relationships presented in sensor data, qualitative data revealed that in situations where prosthesis wearers perceived a lack of control, thermal discomfort seemed to be worse. When combined, the studies create two knowledge contributions. Firstly, the research provides a methodological contribution showing how to conduct mixed-methods research to obtain rich insights into complex prosthesis phenomena. Secondly, the research highlights the need to appreciate psychological and contextual factors when researching prosthesis wearer thermal comfort. The research contributions are also converted into an implication for prosthesis design. The concept of 'regaining control' to psychologically mitigate thermal discomfort could be incorporated into technologies by using 'on-demand' thermal discomfort relief, rather than 'always-on' solutions, as have been created in the past

    Wearable Technology Supported Home Rehabilitation Services in Rural Areas:– Emphasis on Monitoring Structures and Activities of Functional Capacity Handbook

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    The sustainability of modern healthcare systems is under threat. – the ageing of the population, the prevalence of chronic disease and a need to focus on wellness and preventative health management, in parallel with the treatment of disease, pose significant social and economic challenges. The current economic situation has made these issues more acute. Across Europe, healthcare expenditure is expected to rice to almost 16% of GDP by 2020. (OECD Health Statistics 2018). Coupled with a shortage of qualified personnel, European nations are facing increasing challenges in their ability to provide better-integrated and sustainable health and social services. The focus is currently shifting from treatment in a care center to prevention and health promotion outside the care institute. Improvements in technology offers one solution to innovate health care and meet demand at a low cost. New technology has the potential to decrease the need for hospitals and health stations (Lankila et al., 2016. In the future the use of new technologies – including health technologies, sensor technologies, digital media, mobile technology etc. - and digital services will dramatically increase interaction between healthcare personnel and customers (Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, 2015a; Deloitte Center for Health Solutions 2015b). Introduction of technology is expected to drive a change in healthcare delivery models and the relationship between patients and healthcare providers. Applications of wearable sensors are the most promising technology to aid health and social care providers deliver safe, more efficient and cost-effective care as well as improving people’s ability to self-manage their health and wellbeing, alert healthcare professionals to changes in their condition and support adherence to prescribed interventions. (Tedesco et al., 2017; Majumder et al., 2017). While it is true that wearable technology can change how healthcare is monitored and delivered, it is necessary to consider a few things when working towards the successful implementation of this new shift in health care. It raises challenges for the healthcare systems in how to implement these new technologies, and how the growing amount of information in clinical practice, integrates into the clinical workflows of healthcare providers. Future challenges for healthcare include how to use the developing technology in a way that will bring added value to healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations and patients without increasing the workload and cost of the healthcare services. For wearable technology developers, the challenge will be to develop solutions that can be easily integrated and used by healthcare professionals considering the existing constraints. This handbook summarizes key findings from clinical and laboratory-controlled demonstrator trials regarding wearables to assist rehabilitation professionals, who are planning the use of wearable sensors in rehabilitation processes. The handbook can also be used by those developing wearable sensor systems for clinical work and especially for use in hometype environments with specific emphasis on elderly patients, who are our major health care consumers

    The Design, Development, and Validation of a Residual Limb Evaluation System for the Real-Time Data Mapping of the Trans-Tibial Amputee Socket-Limb Interface for Prosthetic Fitment

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    Introduction: Skin problems are known to occur on the residual limb (RL) of trans-tibial amputees (TTAs). These are induced by an improper prosthetic socket fitment, alignment or component selection. It was identified that there is a lack of RL evaluation systems (RLESs) that are tailored for the prosthetic fitting procedure that analyse the pressures and temperatures on the RL, as well as the gait phases of stance. This observation established the hypothesis that a tactile RL evaluation device and recording software system can provide reliable socket-limb interface (SLI) information which can be used to identify vulnerable areas on the RL induced by the socket during the gait movements of TTAs. Methods: A prototype RLES was designed and developed. It was comprised of tactile pressure and temperature transducers, gait ground reaction force (GRF) transducers and device-specific software tailored for the evaluation of the RL within the SLI. A pilot study was designed to evaluate the capabilities of the RLES which entailed the evaluation of its skin temperature tracking ability, pressure measurement repeatability within the SLI, and ability to interpret the pressures during (natural) walking movements. Study participants were recruited through the private practice of prosthetist Eugene Russouw, as well as Vincent Palloti Hospital (South Africa, Cape Town) and consisted of two bilateral and three unilateral TTAs, who were enrolled in the pilot study. Each participant performed three experimental procedures: a static stand (SS); a straight-line walk (SLW); and a figure-of-8 walk (F8W). Skin temperature change due to loading and unloading was monitored during the SS procedure. Peak pressure results from the SLW and F8W procedures were gathered to evaluate the coefficient of variance (COV) between strides. This was used to evaluate the repeatability of the pressure measurements and allowed for a comparison between the SLW and F8W methods. GRF data collected from the SLW dataset was used to evaluate the RLES's ability to track gait phases. Results: The developed RLES software provided a tailored prosthetic fitting analysis platform (in the form of a graphical user interface) which allowed the user to perform a real-time, in-depth analysis of different RL areas, as well as provided an overview of all areas simultaneously. It provided functions for the recording, playback, and export of testing data which was used to evaluate the RLES capabilities. The RLES produced an average COV of 7.16%, which fell within the 6.94% ± 1.7% range in literature. The SS procedure produced an average temperature increase of 0.45 °C, found over all RL areas, which corresponds to similar studies in literature. This validated its ability to track RL skin temperature by producing the expected skin temperature change trend. Additionally, the RLES produced an expected TTA gait GRF curve (similar to literature) in which different gait phases could be identified. The comparison between the SLW and F8W methods found that pressure sore areas endured large pressures without relief from other movements (when compared to healthier areas), and suggests that the SLW and F8W comparison may be an important additional evaluation method during the prosthetic fitting procedure. The RLES identified all of the pressure sores presented within the 24 RL areas over all the TTA participants and suggested that a safe pressure threshold of 100 kPa is an appropriate guideline to be used during the prosthetic fitting procedure. Conclusions: The RLES proved to work efficiently and successfully within the study, and was capable of identifying vulnerable areas of pressure sores. With the high prevalence of skin problems on the RLs of TTAs, the implementation of a RLES during the fitting procedure, which can tailor the prosthesis design and fitment to the amputee, may potentially identify vulnerable areas of future skin problems and allow preventative actions to be performed

    Strategies in surface engineering for the regulation of microclimates in skin-medical product interactions

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    There is a growing number of personal healthcare devices that are in prolonged contact with the skin. The functionality of these products is linked to the interface formed by the contact between the medical apparatus and the skin. The interface can be characterised by its topology, compliance, and moisture and thermal regulating capabilities. Many devices are, however, described to have suboptimal and occlusive contacts, resulting in physiological unfavourable microclimates at the interface. The resulting poor management of moisture and temperature can impact the functionality and utility of the device and, in severe cases, lead to physical harm to the user. Being able to control the microclimate is therefore expected to limit medical-device related injuries and prevent associated skin complications. Surface engineering can modify and potentially enhance the regulation of the microclimate factors surrounding the interface between a product's surface and the skin. This review provides an overview of potential engineering solutions considering the needs for, and influences on, regulation of temperature and moisture by considering the skin-medical device interface as a system. These findings serve as a platform for the anticipated progress in the role of surface engineering for skin-device microclimate regulation
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