30 research outputs found

    Knowledge Sharing and Employee Performance: the mediating role of Organizational Learning

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    This study aims to obtain the latest insights on various issues of Knowledge sharing and Organizational Learning variables to increase Employee Performance of SMEs. The sample was obtained through purposive sampling technique as many as 101 respondents spread over various areas in Semarang. The research technique uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the Partial Least Square (PLS) program. Other variables obtained from 101 respondents are name, age, gender, last education, SME identity, age when SMEs have operated, and domicile address. Filling out this questionnaire will take at least 20 minutes. The age range varies from less than 30 years old to a maximum age of 50 years. 85% who participated in this questionnaire were women, while the remaining 15% were men. Educational Background 40% are Bachelors and diplomas from universities, while the rest have equivalent high school backgrounds. The results of the study can explain the positive effect of the Knowledge Sharing variable on the increase in Organizational Learning by 41.9%, and the positive influence of the Knowledge Sharing variable on the increase in Employee Performance by 55.8%, and both have P-values < 0.05, namely 0.000 and 0.012. Knowledge Sharing (KS) has a positive effect on Employee Performance (EP) through Organizational Learning (OL) mediation, the significance of which is 0.000 or <0.05 with a quasi-mediatin

    Knowledge management in a dynamic manufacturing context: a case study

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    Continuous improvement or just improvement is a necessity for companies in a dynamic environment. To be more competitive companies must adapt to the changing internal and external environment. To adapt implies making decisions and taking actions in an informed way. Assuming that Knowledge is widespread over the company, companies may develop knowledge management systems (KMS) to capture and disseminate knowledge, but there is not a universal set of requirements to do it. This paper shows, through a case study, a methodology to manage knowledge developed by a renowned manufacturer of electronic products. In this company, it is studied the impact of process improvement on management practices and collaborators behavior. The development of a KMS, in a dynamic context, is discussed and assessed through a survey. The features of this system allow us to consider it as a KMS. The KMS leverages the use of collaborative tools and supports the verified performance improvements.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Integrating Knowledge Management and Human Resource Development: A Knowledge Based HRD Process model

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    The human resource management field is known for its information and knowledge intensive nature, yet it could be easily suggested that the most dominant work has focused upon the human resource management as a systematic way of accumulating and processing of information related to people in the organization. The focus of the past development remained mostly on information processing, and more recently on explicit knowledge; however, using a knowledge management perspective could provide more fruitful and comprehensive source of knowledge based human resource development approach. A profound role of tacit knowledge in the development of individuals and particularly communities of practices could emerge as an alternative source of practice based HRD. The “knowledge lens” conceptual approach is used to enrich the human resource development field in order to integrate and bring commonalities in the fields of HRM and KM. Focusing on the core beliefs in the two fields through a synthesis literature review, a four phased knowledge oriented HRD conceptual framework is developed that presents an attempt to extended general HRD process model by integrating knowledge management at various stages of HRD. Important research prepositions driven out of the framework and corresponding 10 research questions are formulated for future multidisciplinary research efforts

    Autochthonous management knowledge/knowledge management in Africa

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    Purpose: There is a growing desire for more scientific and technical knowledge regarding Africa. This is because Africa has the potential and opportunity to generate impactful research. However, this potential is not optimized because of several constraints, including the lack of systematic reviews and models of knowledge management and paradoxical trends in Africa. The purpose of this paper is to review studies on knowledge management and associated paradoxes in Africa and a paradox-conscious African knowledge management model. The autochthonous African model that the authors propose has implications for global knowledge management. Design/methodology/approach: The authors review studies on knowledge management and paradoxes on Africa. Findings: The authors propose a model and identify 12 paradoxes broadly categorized as industrial, political and social. Practical implications: The paradoxical tensions characteristic of Africa may be considered integral to business and policy rather than local expressions to be solved through international “best practice.” Originality/value: The model this paper propose enables theoretical and empirical studies of knowledge management sensitive to the paradoxical tensions associated with autochthonous management knowledge and autochthonous knowledge management.authorsversionpublishe

    Improving Firm’s Innovation Performance through Transformation Leadership and Knowledge Sharing: the Moderating Role of absorptive Capacity. Case Study in Jordan

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    The goal of this research is to determine the impact of transformative leadership (TL) on innovation performance in terms of process and product innovation It improves perceptions of paths to enhance certain characteristics of innovation performance by assessing the mediating function of knowledge sharing (KS) and the moderating effect of absorptive ability. Based on data obtained from 243 participants in Jordanian pharmaceutical enterprises, this study performs a questionnaire survey and uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to evaluate hypotheses in the suggested research model.The research shows that TL is the primary driving factor behind the KS process and innovative results. The research addresses a large gap in the literature by focusing on how KS mediates the impact of TL on certain characteristics of innovative performance. The research greatly helps to developing the deeper understanding of the particular circumstances to increase the link between KS and innovative performance by examining the moderator of absorptive capacity

    Gestión del conocimiento en la administración pública

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    In Perú, the public administration does not have a solid knowledge management system, which helps to provide an efficient public service. Therefore, this research has collected a series of studies that highlight the importance of the implementation of knowledge management in both the private and public sectors, with the aim of highlighting the benefits that knowledge can generate in order to achieve optimal performance of public institutions; an effect of incorporating it as a fundamental asset that produces a positive impact on public administration; promote the construction of an institutional culture that promotes the transfer of knowledge between servers, encouraging good performance that guarantees correct and innovative decision-making, in order to provide efficient services that contribute to the integral development of society.En el Perú, la administración pública no cuenta con un sistema sólido de gestión del conocimiento, que coadyuve a brindar un servicio público eficiente. Por ello, la presente investigación ha recogido una serie de estudios que remarcan la importancia de la implementación de la gestión del conocimiento tanto en el sector privado como en el sector público, con el objetivo de resaltar los beneficios que puede generar el conocimiento en miras de conseguir un óptimo desempeño de las instituciones públicas; a efecto de incorporarlo como un activo fundamental que genere un impacto positivo en la administración pública; asimismo, fomentar la construcción de una cultura institucional que promueva la transferencia de conocimientos entre los servidores, motivando el buen desempeño que garantice la toma de decisiones correctas e innovadoras, a fin de brindar servicios eficientes que contribuyan al desarrollo integral de la sociedad

    Gestão do conhecimento e sustentabilidade: das abordagens conceituais à implementação como estratégia nas organizações

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    This article aims to present a theoretical discussion about knowledge management applied to the establishment of sustainability in contemporary organizational environments. To this end, it was decided to conduct a literature review, consisting, basically, of the analysis of scientific productions about knowledge management and sustainability, in order to understand the meaning of each concept and the approaches that can contribute to the discussion raised in this study. Based on the constructed framework, it is theoretically demonstrated that the set of strategies adopted by organizations should contemplate the integration of knowledge management practices with the sustainability model that ensures the balance between economic, social and environmental dimensions, thus creating possibilities for the consolidation of corporate environments increasingly committed to sustainable development.Cet article vise à présenter une discussion théorique sur la gestion des connaissances appliquée à l'établissement de la durabilité dans les environnements organisationnels contemporains. À cette fin, il a été décidé de mener une revue narrative de la littérature, consistant essentiellement en l'analyse des productions scientifiques sur la gestion des connaissances et la durabilité, afin de comprendre la signification de chaque concept et les approches pouvant contribuer à la discussion soulevée. dans cette étude. Sur la base du cadre construit, il est théoriquement démontré que l'ensemble des stratégies adoptées par les organisations devrait envisager l'intégration des pratiques de gestion des connaissances avec le modèle de durabilité qui assure l'équilibre entre les dimensions économique, sociale et environnementale, et ainsi, créer des possibilités de consolidation. des environnements d'entreprise de plus en plus engagés dans le développement durable. O artigo objetiva apresentar uma discussão teórica acerca da gestão do conhecimento aplicada à instauração da sustentabilidade nos ambientes organizacionais contemporâneos. Para tanto, optou-se por conduzir uma revisão bibliográfica, constituída, basicamente, pela análise das produções científicas acerca da gestão do conhecimento e da sustentabilidade, a fim de compreender o sentido de cada conceito e as aproximações que podem contribuir para a discussão levantada neste estudo. A partir do referencial construído, demonstra-se teoricamente que o conjunto de estratégias adotadas pelas organizações deve contemplar a integração das práticas de gestão do conhecimento ao modelo de sustentabilidade que garanta o equilíbrio entre as dimensões econômicas, sociais e ambientais, criando, assim, possibilidades para a consolidação de ambientes corporativos cada vez mais comprometidos com o desenvolvimento sustentável

    Gestão do conhecimento e sustentabilidade: das abordagens conceituais à implementação como estratégia nas organizações

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    O artigo objetiva apresentar uma discussão teórica acerca da gestão do conhecimento aplicada à instauração da sustentabilidade nos ambientes organizacionais contemporâneos. Para tanto, optou-se por conduzir uma revisão bibliográfica, constituída, basicamente, pela análise das produções científicas acerca da gestão do conhecimento e da sustentabilidade, a fim de compreender o sentido de cada conceito e as aproximações que podem contribuir para a discussão levantada neste estudo. A partir do referencial construído, demonstra-se teoricamente que o conjunto de estratégias adotadas pelas organizações deve contemplar a integração das práticas de gestão do conhecimento ao modelo de sustentabilidade que garanta o equilíbrio entre as dimensões econômicas, sociais e ambientais, criando, assim, possibilidades para a consolidação de ambientes corporativos cada vez mais comprometidos com o desenvolvimento sustentável

    Onnistuneen tietojohtamisen edellytykset TE-toimistoissa

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    Tietojohtaminen ja tietoperustainen päätöksenteko ovat ajankohtaisia ilmiöitä julkishallinnossa. Tiedon merkitystä päätöksenteossa painotetaan Sanna Marinin hallitusohjelmassa (10.12.2019), jossa tavoitteeksi on asetettu mm. tietopolitiikan vahvistaminen ja julkisen tiedon avoimuuden lisääminen. Valtionhallinnossa on käynnissä useita kehittämistoimia, jotka tähtäävät hallitusohjelmassa asetettuihin tavoitteisiin. Tietojohtaminen (knowledge management) on yksi tietoyhteiskunnan johtamisparadigmoista. Tietojohtaminen voidaan jakaa kahteen osa-alueeseen: tiedolla johtamiseen (knowledge-based management) ja tiedon johtamiseen (information management). Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan tietojohtamisen tilaa työ- ja elinkeinohallinnossa, työvoimapalveluja tuottavissa TE-toimistoissa. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tunnistaa TE-toimistojen tietojohtamisen onnistumisen edellytyksiä, toisin sanoen tietojohtamisen menestystekijöitä. Lisäksi tavoitteena on nostaa esiin TE-toimistojen tietojohtamisen kehittämiskohteita. Tämän tutkielman tutkimuskysymyksiksi muotoutuivat 1) Mitkä tekijät mahdollistavat tietojohtamisen onnistumisen TE-toimistoissa? ja 2) Mitä tekijöitä tulisi vielä kehittää tietojohtamisen vahvistamiseksi TE-toimistoissa? Tämä tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jossa tutkimuskysymyksiin pyrittiin vastaamaan kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineiston analyysissä hyödynnettiin abduktiivista eli teoriasidonnaista teemoittelua. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineiston perusteella TE-toimistojen tietojohtamisen menestystekijöiksi voitiin tunnistaa laajat tietorekisterit, suuri määrä seurantamittareita, avoin tieto, tiedon jakaminen, julkisten työvoimapalvelujen yhteinen asiakastietojärjestelmä (URA) sekä Business Intelligence -analyysityökalu QlikView. URA-järjestelmä tulee tulevaisuudessa vaiheittain päivittymään Työmarkkinatori-järjestelmäksi ja BI-työkalu saa rinnalleen Mylly-tietoalustan. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella TE-toimistojen tietojohtamisen kehittämiskohteiksi nostettiin valtionhallinnon strategisten tietojohtamisen tavoitteiden vieminen käytäntöön, tilastoaineiston ja analyysityökalujen hyödyntäminen organisaation johtamisessa, tiedolla johtamisen välineiden kehittäminen ja uuden BI-järjestelmän (Mylly) käyttöönotto, vaikuttavuutta kuvaavien seurantamittareiden kehittäminen sekä organisaatioiden välistä tiedonvaihtoa ja -yhdistelyä rajoittavan lainsäädännön kehittäminen