36,758 research outputs found


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    The paper describes the attempt made in the direction of innovative approach to management and sustainability of Green projects concept. Green project concept involved the practice of increasing the efficiency with which building use resources-energy, water, materials, while reducing building impact on human health and the environment. Atmosphere above the earth has suffered high degree of pollution from buildings in recent times resulting in destabilization of ecosystem and ozone layer depletion which culminates in global warming phenomenon. In order to curtail the effect of negative impact of building on human health and environment, the complete building life cycle from design to post construction period should be thoroughly monitored. To this end, this study attempt, to describe innovative approaches to a sustainable Green project development including the attendant sustainability issues

    Environmental performance outcomes and indicators for indigenous peoples: Review of literature

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    The literature review in this report was the starting point for developing a Māori research strand (2003-2009) within the Planning Under Co-operative Mandates (PUCM) research programme (1995-2009). An early task of the PUCM Māori team was to review the international literature on environmental outcomes and indicators for indigenous peoples. This was in order to gain an understanding of what had been written on the subject and to become familiar with approaches taken by others that might provide lessons for the development of our proposed kaupapa Māori outcomes and indicators framework and methodology, which was aimed at local government performance in Aotearoa/New Zealand. This current report is not intended to provide an exhaustive catalogue of writings on environmental performance outcomes and indicators for indigenous peoples, including Māori. Rather, some of the more obvious and important writings are noted as a ready reference for others interested in this topic. Before detailing the approach we took in carrying out the review, the key terms, outcomes and indicators, are defined

    International Practice and Regional Applications in Cultural Heritage Management: Whose Values?

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    Reciprocity in global mental health policy

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    In an attempt to address inequalities and inequities in mental health provision in low and middle-income countries the WHO commenced the Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) in 2008. Four years on from the commencement of this programme of work, the WHO has recently adopted the Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020. This article will critically appraise the strategic direction that the WHO has adopted to address mental health difficulties across the globe. This will include a consideration of the role that the biomedical model of mental health difficulties has had on global strategy. Concerns will be raised that an over-reliance on scaling up medical resources has led to a strengthening of psychiatric hospital-based care, and insufficient emphasis being placed on social and cultural determinants of human distress. We also argue that consensus scientific opinion garnered from consortia of psychiatric ‘experts’ drawn mainly from Europe and North America may not have universal relevance or applicability, and may have served to silence and subjugate local experience and expertise across the globe. In light of the criticisms that have been made of the research that has been conducted into understanding mental health problems in the global south, the article also explores ways in which the evidence-base can be made more relevant and more valid. An important issue that will be highlighted is the apparent lack of reciprocity that exists in the impetus for change in how mental health problems are understood and addressed in low and middle-income countries compared to high-income countries. Whereas there is much focus on the need for change in low and middle-income countries, there is comparatively little critical reflection on practices in high-income countries in the global mental health discourse. We advocate for the development of mental health services that are sensitive to the socio-cultural context in which the services are applied. Despite the appeal of global strategies to promote mental health, it may be that very local solutions are required. The article concludes with some reflections on the strategic objectives identified in the Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 and how this work can be progressed in the future

    Smart-entrepreneurship education in training of the hotel business specialists

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    The article is devoted to the problems of introducing the SMART-education technology in the training and development of personnel of hotel complexes and business activities in the field of hotel business. The methodological and organizational bases for the application of SMART-education in staff training were identified; the leading qualitative features and development trends of this type of entrepreneurial educational activity were outlined. The principles of SMART-education of staff in the field of hotel business and its applied features in the service sector were developed. A model of SMART- education of hotel complex staff was developed based on solving case problems and practical mastering of professional content

    The inadequacy of regulatory frameworks in time of crisis and in low-resource settings : personal protective equipment and COVID-19

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    COVID-19 pandemic is plaguing the world and representing the most significant stress test for many national healthcare systems and services, since their foundation. The supply-chain disruption and the unprecedented request for intensive care unit (ICU) beds have created in Europe conditions typical of low-resources settings. This generated a remarkable race to find solutions for the prevention, treatment and management of this disease which is involving a large amount of people. Every day, new Do-It-Yourself (DIY) solutions regarding personal protective equipment and medical devices populate social media feeds. Many companies (e.g., automotive or textile) are converting their traditional production to manufacture the most needed equipment (e.g., respirators, face shields, ventilators etc.). In this chaotic scenario, policy makers, international and national standards bodies, along with the World Health Organization (WHO) and scientific societies are making a joint effort to increase global awareness and knowledge about the importance of respecting the relevant requirements to guarantee appropriate quality and safety for patients and healthcare workers. Nonetheless, ordinary procedures for testing and certification are currently questioned and empowered with fast-track pathways in order to speed-up the deployment of new solutions for COVID-19. This paper shares critical reflections on the current regulatory framework for the certification of personal protective equipment. We hope that these reflections may help readers in navigating the framework of regulations, norms and international standards relevant for key personal protective equipment, sharing a subset of tests that should be deemed essential even in a period of crisis


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    This article presents aspects related to creativity in accounting. In our approach we started from theoretical aspects regarding the position of accounting in the field of scientific knowledge. The paper aims to justify these positions (as a language of communication, communication tool, social game), and from there to mirror the way of expressing creativity in accounting. In terms of research methodology, we have appealed to a qualitative research inspired by sociology and psychology. The sociological survey shows the vision of society related to creators, the way in which it admits or rejects them. The sociological approach allows us to understand the importance of collective consciousness in assessing and maintaining the creation. The psychological study regarding the creator describes a creature endowed with an excessive sensitivity, accompanied by a worker with permanent activity, but who is constantly gripped by an "existential doubt". In conclusion, the consultant or the researcher will have to recognise the creator's right to be wrong and surround him with a climate of confidence. This paper shows that there is a path where the one who talks to numbers (and does not have the skill of words) and those who possess the mastery of words actually meet. This paper is part of the PhD research entitled: Identifying and motivation of creative accounting practices - the case of Romanian listed companies, carried out under the guidance of PhD Prof. Feleaga Liliana, research carried out within the framework of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.language figures, social game, creative approach,creative accounting,humman capital

    Study Abroad Syllabus

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    Over the last several years, the Kelley School of Business has made great strides in increasing the numbers of students who have the opportunity to study abroad, but there was no program which directly addressed the topic of Human Resource Management. As the individual who coordinates the Kelley HR major, I took it upon myself to create a new course which could be considered a minor elective for HR majors. I utilized a tour company to facilitate travel, hotels, and tourism visits, but I created the entire academic experience by myself, from classroom content with relevant guest speakers in Indianapolis to company HR department visits throughout Germany and Switzerland. We had several classes on the IUPUI campus before we travelled and then spent a week each in Germany and Switzerland. I created and implemented this syllabus for a study abroad in 2017 for course D355: Special Topics in International Business - Managerial Perspectives on Globalization

    Keystones to foster inclusive knowledge societies: access to information and knowledge, freedom of expression, privacy, and ethics on a global internet

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    The transnational and multi-dimensional nature of Cyberspace and its growing importance presents new frontiers with unparalleled opportunities and challenges for access to information and knowledge, freedom of expression, privacy and ethics. The Internet Study being undertaken by UNESCO is seeking to provide the necessary clarity to support holistic approaches to addressing this broad range of interrelated issues as well as their short and long-term effects. The study was built on a year-long multistakeholder consultation process, which involved several rounds of consultation with member states and other actors, as well as almost 200 major responses to an online questionnaire. The Study includes the Options for future actions of UNESCO in the Internet related issues, which has served as a basis for the Outcome Document as adopted by the CONNECTing the Dots Conference on 3 and 4 March 2015. The Study also affirmed that the same rights that people have offline must be protected online, and good practices are shared between Member States and other stakeholders, in order to address security and privacy concerns on the Internet and in accordance with international human rights obligations. The Study also supports the Internet Universality principles (R.O.A.M) that promote a human rights-based approach, including freedom of expression, privacy, open Internet, accessible to all and characterized by multistakeholder participation
