78 research outputs found

    Process Evaluation of Healthy Habits, Healthy U: A School-Based Cancer Prevention Program

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    In the U.S., approximately one­third of cancer deaths are a result of poor nutrition and sedentary behaviors (ACS, 2015) and since 2008, cancer has been the leading cause of death in Idaho (CCAI, 2014). The American Institute of Cancer Research (2015) indicates about 50% of the most common cancers could be prevented by reducing negative health habits or by adopting positive ones. The topic of cancer is only briefly mentioned in the Boise School District\u27s eighth­grade health curriculums, thus the motivation behind the Healthy Habits Healthy U (HHHU) program. The program was designed to inform students about the relationship between cancer risks and nutrition, physical activity, and sugar sweetened beverages. After the HHHU program, teachers administered surveys to the students to determine the program\u27s impact on their knowledge of health habits related to decreasing cancer risks and measure their behavioral intent when it came to changing negative health habits. After analyzing the Fall 2015 data, it was found that there was a 71.06% increase in knowledge when identifying cancer risks and a 75.48% increase when identifying ways to prevent cancer risk

    Teaching Operations research, the experience of the Catholic University in Bolivia

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    [EN] The Catholic University of Bolivia undertook an experience to develop profesional competencies in students of Operations research and to position the tools of this specialty to help improve the management of private companies. The paper presents the implementation of a new methodology (Project Based Learning) for teaching the subject of Operations Research to a group of students from different fields at a national context during a period of 5 years. Students must perform a project on small companies in order to gain the competences related to the course of Operational Research. The paper analyzes the change of methods (from traditional ones based on the passive role of students to a participative model where student applies their knowledge to their daily activity) teaching mathematics in Bolivia. The company representatives play an active role monitoring and assessing the implementation process. The evaluation of the students shows that the competency has been developed to the expected level and Operations research has now a place in the management of small companies.Córdova Eguívar, H. (2019). Teaching Operations research, the experience of the Catholic University in Bolivia. En HEAD'19. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 837-844. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9397OCS83784

    Quality Services, Better Outcomes: A Quality Framework for Achieving Outcomes.

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    The Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) is an innovative, community based response to a comprehensive consultation process undertaken in Tallaght West. Working with a wide range of locally established service providers, CDI is delivering services to children and families which meet identified needs. Etch of these is being rigorously evaluated, and considerable attention is being given to quality assurance, promotion of reflective practice, and professional training and support. The insights gained, and techniques developed during this process are central to delivering high quality services with the view to improving our understanding of what enables children to meet their potential, gain their developmental milestones within appropriate timeframes and become healthy and active citizens. This Workbook describes key processes relating to practice, organisational culture and systems change which support the implementation of evidence-based and evidence-informed programmes and practices. From CDI's experience, implementing evidence-based programmes not only requires specific structures and processes in place to support programme implementation and fidelity (e.g. training, coaching, and supervision) but also necessities a focus on the more generic aspects of delivering quality services (e.g. engaging in reflective practice in order to promote and maintain fidelity to a programme). The Workbook also addresses some fundamental areas in relation to monitoring and evaluation as a way of determining whether an intervention was effective or not. In effect, this Workbook hopes to explain the 'what', 'why', 'how' and 'did we?' of evidence-based practice. The Workbook is intended to provide readers with a comprehensive introduction to both the shared language and concepts underpinning the science and practice of implementation. It complements the 'What Works Process' guide published by the Centre for Effective Services (CES, 2011) which supports services in assessing how effective they are in improving outcomes for children and helps them to think about what works

    Upaya Pemantapan Membaca Al-Qur’an di Bumrungsuksa School, Thailand

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi upaya-upaya yang dilakukan dalam pembelajaran membaca Al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan metode Iqra’dalam di Bumrungsuksa Islamic Boarding School, Thailand. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Peneliti terjun langsung kelapangan mengamati dan menilai proses pelaksanan pembelajaran membaca Al-Qur’an dengan penggunakaan metode Iqra’ dalam upaya pemantapan membaca Al-Qur’an. Hasil penelitian ini adalah metode Iqra’ yang digunakan peneliti merupakan metode yang cukup efektif diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran membaca Al-Quran. Adapun kemampuan siswa yang dapat ditingkatkan adalah siswa mampu mengucapkan huruf hijaiyah sesuai dengan tempat keluarnya masing-masing, siswa dapat membaca panjang pendeknya huruf dengan benar, dan beberapa siswa juga dapat menguasai hukum bacaan qalqalah, dan ilmu tajwid lainnya

    Evaluation of the state-wide implementation of an allied health workforce redesign system: Utilisation of the Calderdale framework

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    Background: Increasing demand for allied health services is driving workforce redesign towards greater productivity within budgetary constraints. To date, there has been limited research into workforce redesign tools at an organisational level. The aim of this article was to evaluate an implementation of The Calderdale Framework for state-wide service delivery workforce redesign within allied health settings across Queensland. Method: A multi-phase methodology with mixed methods of data collection was used. This included analysis of documents, staff surveys, and semi-structured, in-depth interviews with staff from work units utilising the Framework across the state. Findings: The primary mechanisms for implementation were staff training and provision of centralised resources. Across the state, all health services engaged in training and most completed associated workforce redesign projects. However, the number and type of projects varied across the state as did the successful projects. Feedback from staff indicated the structured nature of the framework was viewed positively, but was time intensive to perform. Local contextual factors heavily influenced workforce redesign success. Conclusion Key factors pertaining to state-wide workforce redesign include: providing coordinated and centralised systems to support staff, ensuring adequate training, prioritising the development of key local staff, and proactively managing local contextual factors

    Implementación de la metodología aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP), en la unidad de geometría plana, en estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Física-Matemática, FAREM-Estelí, I semestre del 2017

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    El presente estudio se realizó con el propósito de valorar el proceso de implementación de la metodología del ABP, en la unidad de Geometría Plana, en estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Física-Matemática, FAREM-Estelí, I semestre del 2017. Se trató de un estudio con enfoque metodológico de índole cualitativo, su población la constituyen 5 docentes de Matemática o con experiencia en aprendizajes sobre Geometría Plana de FAREM-Estelí y 45 estudiantes de primer año de la carrear de Física-Matemática. La recolección de datos fue a través de una entrevista, la observación, la aplicación de una unidad didáctica fundamentada en la metodología del ABP, el análisis de resultados se hizo por objetivos específicos. Los principales resultados del estudio dejan en evidencia que el aprendizaje a través de la resolución de situaciones problemáticas en Geometría Plana, es la forma más eficaz de mejorar los espacios de aprendizajes que actualmente se desarrollan en las aulas de clase y que la búsqueda constante de formas más dinámicas que involucren el contexto donde se desarrollan los procesos educativos facilita la interpretación y análisis de los mismos, la formulación de situaciones problemáticas acordes a sus necesidades básicas despierta el interés y la motivación en los estudiantes para resolver las situaciones problemáticas propuestas

    Chaos Theory as a Meta-theoretical Perspective for IS Strategy: Discussion of the Insights and Implications

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    Development and implementation of IS strategy often takes place within a complex and uncertain socio-technical environment. Under such circumstances any predictions of the future states of an organization and organizational IS are understandably limited. We believe that Chaos Theory can provide a valuable vantage point, as well as offer a set of insights and implications, to those practitioners who are involved in the decision making process during the development and implementation of IS strategy

    Allied Health Professionals Experience of Supervising Allied Health Assistants. A Mixed Method Study.

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to quantify time spent by allied health professionals in allied health assistant supervision and to explore allied health assistant supervision from an allied health professional perspective. Method: A convergent parallel mixed method design was used. Forty-seven allied health professionals were surveyed, and 18 allied health professionals participated in focus groups, providing different but complementary data with the aim of gaining a more complete understanding of allied health assistant supervision load. Results: Allied health professionals report spending 10% of their workday supervising allied health assistants. Descriptive interpretation of the focus group data presents evidence that allied health professionals in this local health district lacked knowledge of allied health assistant training, skills, and roles, and that this gap in understanding affected their ability to supervise and delegate to allied health assistants. Conclusion: The findings were found to support improving knowledge and skills of allied health professionals relating to supervision of allied health assistants

    Feasibility and cost analysis of implementing high intensity aphasia clinics within a sub-acute setting

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    The current study explored the clinical feasibility and costs of embedding three different intensive service delivery models for aphasia treatment (computer, group therapy, and therapy with a speech pathology therapy assistant) within three sub-acute facilities. The study employed a two cohort comparison design, with the first cohort (n = 22) receiving the standard service of treatment currently offered. This treatment was delivered by a speech-language pathologist and involved on average 3 hours of treatment/week over 8 weeks. Participants in the second cohort (n = 31) received one of the three intensive treatment models providing up to 9 hours of therapy/week for 11 weeks. Organizational data was collected throughout treatment, with participant, caregiver, and clinician satisfaction with the intensive models also being measured. Participants completed the spoken language production sub-tests and the Disability Questionnaire of the Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT) pre- and post-treatment. All intensive models yielded high participant attendance, satisfaction, and significant improvements to the CAT sub-tests. The pro-rata cost of providing treatment per hour per client for the computer and group therapy models was found to be ̃ 30% cheaper compared to the standard service. The outcomes support the potential feasibility of embedding the different models into sub-acute facilities to enhance client access to intensive treatment for aphasia

    The Procedure of Diminishing Utility of Fixed Assets: Organizational-Methodical Aspects

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    Метою статті є дослідження існуючих підходів щодо формалізації процедури зменшення корисності активів, зокрема основних засобів, та їх подальше поглиблення. Визначено, що запропоновані підходи до формалізації проведення процедури зменшення корисності здебільшого дублюють один одного та не вирішують зазначених проблем (перепон), які стоять на заваді впровадження П(С)БО 28 «Зменшення корисності активів» в практику. Запропоновано авторський підхід щодо організації та методики здійснення процедури зменшення корисності активів. Даний підхід наведено у вигляді структурно-логічної схеми, у якій виокремлено та обґрунтовано основні та пов’язані між собою чотири етапи. Зазначено необхідність доопрацювання та узгодження вітчизняної термінологічної системи бухгалтерського обліку щодо дефінієндуму та дефінієнсу дефініції «балансова (залишкова) вартість», що дозволить дотримуватися вимоги інтернаціональності при побудові термінів та виступить кроком на шляху конвергенції національних та міжнародних стандартів. Обґрунтовано необхідність внесення змін до характеристики рахунка 13 «Знос (амортизація) необоротних активів» та його доповнення рахунком другого порядку 136 «Втрати від зменшення корисності» з кореспонденцією за кредитом з дебетом рахунка 97 «Інші витрати».Цель статьи состоит в исследовании существующих подходов к формализации процедуры обесценения активов, в частности основных средств, и их дальнейшее углубление. Установлено, что предложенные подходы к формализации проведения процедуры уменьшения полезности в основном дублируют друг друга и не решают указанных проблем (препятствий), которые мешают внедрению П(С)БУ 28 «Уменьшение полезности активов» в практику. Предложен авторский подход к организации и методике осуществления процедуры обесценения. Данный подход приведен в виде структурно-логической схемы, в которой выделены и обоснованы основные и связанные между собой четыре этапа. Отмечена необходимость доработки и согласования отечественной терминологической системы бухгалтерского учета относительно дефиниендума и дефиниенса дефиниции «балансовая (остаточная) стоимость», что позволит преодолеть определённую несогласованность и соблюсти требование интернациональности при построении терминов, а также выступит продвижением на пути конвергенции национальных и международных стандартов. Обоснована необходимость внесения изменений в характеристику счета 13 «Износ (амортизация) необоротных активов» и его дополнения счетом второго порядка 136 «Потери от уменьшения полезности» с корреспонденцией по кредиту с дебетом счета 97 «Прочие расходы».The article is concerned with studying existing approaches to formalization of the procedure of depreciation of assets, in particular fixed assets, and their further developing. It is found that the proposed approaches to formalizing the procedure of diminishing utility are largely duplicative and don't solve the problems (obstacles) specified, which prevent implementation the of P(S)A 28 «Diminishing utility of assets» into practice. The author's own approach to organization and methodology of implementing the procedure of devaluation has been proposed. This approach is provided in form of a structurally-logical schema, where the basic and interconnected four stages are allocated and substantiated. The need to refine and harmonize the domestic terminology of accounting concerning definiendum and definiens of the definition of «book (net book) value» has been specified that will make possible to overcome a certain inconsistency and observe the requirement of internationality when building up terms, and will also appear as progress towards convergence of national and international standards. The necessity of amending the feature of the bill 13 «Wear and tear (depreciation) of non-current assets» and its supplementing by the second order bill 136 «Losses from diminishing utility» with correspondence on the loan with the debit of the bill 97 «Other expenses» has been substantiated