1,342 research outputs found

    Intelligent opinion mining and sentiment analysis using artificial neural networks

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    The article formulates a rigorously developed concept of opinion mining and sentiment analysis using hybrid neural networks. This conceptual method for processing natural-language text enables a variety of analyses of the subjective content of texts. It is a methodology based on hybrid neural networks for detecting subjective content and potential opinions, as well as a method which allows us to classify different opinion type and sentiment score classes. Moreover, a general processing scheme, using neural networks, for sentiment and opinion analysis has been presented. Furthermore, a methodology which allows us to determine sentiment regression has been devised. The paper proposes a method for classification of the text being examined based on the amount of positive, neutral or negative opinion it contains. The research presented here offers the possibility of motivating and inspiring further development of the methods that have been elaborated in this paper.Stuart, KDC.; Majewski, M. (2015). Intelligent opinion mining and sentiment analysis using artificial neural networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 9492:103-110. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-26561-2_13S1031109492Feldman, R.: Techniques and applications for sentiment analysis. Commun. ACM 56(4), 82–89 (2013)Taboada, M., Brooke, J., Tofiloski, M., Voll, K., Stede, M.: Lexicon-based methods for sentiment analysis. Comput. Linguist. 37(2), 267–307 (2011)Mohammad, S.M., Turney, P.D.: Crowdsourcing a word-emotion association lexicon. Comput. Intell. 29(3), 436–465 (2013)Chen, H., Zimbra, D.: AI and opinion mining. IEEE Intell. Syst. 25(3), 74–80 (2010)Majewski, M., Zurada, J.M.: Sentence recognition using artificial neural networks. Knowl. Based Syst. 21(7), 629–635 (2008)Kacalak, W., Stuart, K.D., Majewski, M.: Intelligent natural language processing. In: Jiao, L., Wang, L., Gao, X., Liu, J., Wu, F. (eds.) ICNC 2006. LNCS, vol. 4221, pp. 584–587. Springer, Heidelberg (2006)Kacalak, W., Stuart, K., Majewski, M.: Selected problems of intelligent handwriting recognition. In: Melin, P., Castillo, O., Ramírez, E.G., Kacprzyk, J., Pedrycz, W. (eds.) IFSA 2007. Advances in Soft Computing, vol. 41, pp. 298–305. Springer, Cancun (2007)Stuart, K.D., Majewski, M.: Selected problems of knowledge discovery using artificial neural networks. In: Liu, D., Fei, S., Hou, Z., Zhang, H., Sun, C. (eds.) ISNN 2007, Part III. LNCS, vol. 4493, pp. 1049–1057. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)Stuart, K., Majewski, M.: A new method for intelligent knowledge discovery. In: Castillo, O., Melin, P., Ross, O.M., Cruz, R.S., Pedrycz, W., Kacprzyk, J. (eds.) IFSA 2007. Advances in Soft Computing, vol. 42, pp. 721–729. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)Stuart, K.D., Majewski, M.: Artificial creativity in linguistics using evolvable fuzzy neural networks. In: Hornby, G.S., Sekanina, L., Haddow, P.C. (eds.) ICES 2008. LNCS, vol. 5216, pp. 437–442. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)Stuart, K.D., Majewski, M.: Evolvable neuro-fuzzy system for artificial creativity in linguistics. In: Huang, D.-S., Wunsch II, D.C., Levine, D.S., Jo, K.-H. (eds.) ICIC 2008. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 5227, pp. 46–53. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)Stuart, K.D., Majewski, M., Trelis, A.B.: Selected problems of intelligent corpus analysis through probabilistic neural networks. In: Zhang, L., Lu, B.-L., Kwok, J. (eds.) ISNN 2010, Part II. LNCS, vol. 6064, pp. 268–275. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)Stuart, K.D., Majewski, M., Trelis, A.B.: Intelligent semantic-based system for corpus analysis through hybrid probabilistic neural networks. In: Liu, D., Zhang, H., Polycarpou, M., Alippi, C., He, H. (eds.) ISNN 2011, Part I. LNCS, vol. 6675, pp. 83–92. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)Specht, D.F.: Probabilistic neural networks. Neural Netw. 3(1), 109–118 (1990)Specht, D.F.: A general regression neural network. IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 2(6), 568–576 (1991

    Sentiment Analysis for Words and Fiction Characters From The Perspective of Computational (Neuro-)Poetics

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    Two computational studies provide different sentiment analyses for text segments (e.g., ‘fearful’ passages) and figures (e.g., ‘Voldemort’) from the Harry Potter books (Rowling, 1997 - 2007) based on a novel simple tool called SentiArt. The tool uses vector space models together with theory-guided, empirically validated label lists to compute the valence of each word in a text by locating its position in a 2d emotion potential space spanned by the > 2 million words of the vector space model. After testing the tool’s accuracy with empirical data from a neurocognitive study, it was applied to compute emotional figure profiles and personality figure profiles (inspired by the so-called ‚big five’ personality theory) for main characters from the book series. The results of comparative analyses using different machine-learning classifiers (e.g., AdaBoost, Neural Net) show that SentiArt performs very well in predicting the emotion potential of text passages. It also produces plausible predictions regarding the emotional and personality profile of fiction characters which are correctly identified on the basis of eight character features, and it achieves a good cross-validation accuracy in classifying 100 figures into ‘good’ vs. ‘bad’ ones. The results are discussed with regard to potential applications of SentiArt in digital literary, applied reading and neurocognitive poetics studies such as the quantification of the hybrid hero potential of figures

    Models to represent linguistic linked data

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    As the interest of the Semantic Web and computational linguistics communities in linguistic linked data (LLD) keeps increasing and the number of contributions that dwell on LLD rapidly grows, scholars (and linguists in particular) interested in the development of LLD resources sometimes find it difficult to determine which mechanism is suitable for their needs and which challenges have already been addressed. This review seeks to present the state of the art on the models, ontologies and their extensions to represent language resources as LLD by focusing on the nature of the linguistic content they aim to encode. Four basic groups of models are distinguished in this work: models to represent the main elements of lexical resources (group 1), vocabularies developed as extensions to models in group 1 and ontologies that provide more granularity on specific levels of linguistic analysis (group 2), catalogues of linguistic data categories (group 3) and other models such as corpora models or service-oriented ones (group 4). Contributions encompassed in these four groups are described, highlighting their reuse by the community and the modelling challenges that are still to be faced

    Identifying subjective statements in news titles using a personal sense annotation framework

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    This is the accepted version of the following article: Panicheva, P.; Cardiff, J.; Rosso, P. (2013). Identifying subjective statements in news titles using a personal sense annotation framework. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 64(7):1411-1422 , which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/asi.22841.[EN] Subjective language contains information about private states. The goal of subjective language identification is to determine that a private state is expressed, without considering its polarity or specific emotion. A component of word meaning, "Personal Sense," has clear potential in the field of subjective language identification, as it reflects a meaning of words in terms of unique personal experience and carries personal characteristics. In this paper we investigate how Personal Sense can be harnessed for the purpose of identifying subjectivity in news titles. In the process, we develop a new Personal Sense annotation framework for annotating and classifying subjectivity, polarity, and emotion. The Personal Sense framework yields high performance in a fine-grained subsentence subjectivity classification. Our experiments demonstrate lexico-syntactic features to be useful for the identification of subjectivity indicators and the targets that receive the subjective Personal Sense.The work of Paolo Rosso was done within the EC WIQEI IRSES project (grant no. 269180) FP 7 Marie Curie People Framework, the MICINN Text-Enterprise 2.0 project (TIN2009-13391-C04-03) Plan I+D+I, and the VLC/CAMPUS Microcluster on Multimodal Interaction in Intelligent Systems. We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for helpful comments.Panicheva, P.; Cardiff, J.; Rosso, P. (2013). Identifying subjective statements in news titles using a personal sense annotation framework. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 64(7):1411-1422. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.22841S1411142264

    Sentimental causal rule discovery from twitter

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    Social media, especially Twitter is now one of the most popular platforms where people can freely express their opinion. However, it is difficult to extract important summary information from many millions of tweets sent every hour. In this work we propose a new concept, sentimental causal rules, and techniques for extracting sentimental causal rules from textual data sources such as Twitter which combine sentiment analysis and causal rule discovery. Sentiment analysis refers to the task of extracting public sentiment from textual data. The value in sentiment analysis lies in its ability to reflect popularly voiced perceptions that are stated in natural language. Causal rules on the other hand indicate associations between different concepts in a context where one (or several concepts) cause(s) the other(s). We believe that sentimental causal rules are an effective summarization mechanism that combine causal relations among different aspects extracted from textual data as well as the sentiment embedded in these causal relationships. In order to show the effectiveness of sentimental causal rules, we have conducted experiments on Twitter data collected on the Kurdish political issue in Turkey which has been an ongoing heated public debate for many years. Our experiments on Twitter data show that sentimental causal rule discovery is an effective method to summarize information about important aspects of an issue in Twitter which may further be used by politicians for better policy making

    Etiquetado no supervisado de la polaridad de las palabras utilizando representaciones continuas de palabras

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    Sentiment analysis is the area of Natural Language Processing that aims to determine the polarity (positive, negative, neutral) contained in an opinionated text. A usual resource employed in many of these approaches are the so-called polarity lexicons. A polarity lexicon acts as a dictionary that assigns a sentiment polarity value to words. In this work we explore the possibility of automatically generating domain adapted polarity lexicons employing continuous word representations, in particular the popular tool Word2Vec. First we show a qualitative evaluation of a small set of words, and then we show our results in the SemEval-2015 task 12 using the presented method.El análisis de sentimiento es un campo del procesamiento del lenguaje natural que se encarga de determinar la polaridad (positiva, negativa, neutral) en los textos en los que se vierten opiniones. Un recurso habitual en los sistemas de análisis de sentimiento son los lexicones de polaridad. Un lexicón de polaridad es un diccionario que asigna un valor predeterminado de polaridad a una palabra. En este trabajo exploramos la posibilidad de generar de manera automática lexicones de polaridad adaptados a un dominio usando representaciones continuas de palabras, en concreto la popular herramienta Word2Vec. Primero mostramos una evaluación cualitativa de la polaridad sobre un pequeño conjunto de palabras, y después mostramos los resultados de nuestra competición en la tarea 12 del SemEval-2015 usando este método.This work has been supported by Vicomtech-IK4

    Feature Based Opinion Mining on Movie Review

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    Rapid flow in internet users along with increasing power of online review sites and social media has given Existence to Sentiment analysis or Opinion minning,which aims to determine what other people feel,think And Exprss.Sentiment or Opinions contain user generated comment about products,services,policies andPolitics.Opinion may be in the form of ‘positive’ or ‘negative’.Users can give various opinion about feature of the product or services.Therefore product feature or aspects have got significant role in sentimental Analysis.This review paper analyse existing techniques and approaches for feature extraction in opinion Minning and sentimental analysis.In this paper we proposed the technique to extract the feature from the Movie review dataset. There is a burst of movie domain opinion rich resources in the form of review siteslike IMDB,yahoo movies etc.In this paper we proposed the method to provide the review summarization based on the feature of the movie commented by the user
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