1,162 research outputs found

    Argumentation for machine learning: a survey

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    Existing approaches using argumentation to aid or improve machine learning differ in the type of machine learning technique they consider, in their use of argumentation and in their choice of argumentation framework and semantics. This paper presents a survey of this relatively young field highlighting, in particular, its achievements to date, the applications it has been used for as well as the benefits brought about by the use of argumentation, with an eye towards its future

    Automatic production and integration of knowledge to the support of the decision and planning activities in medical-clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

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    El concepto de procedimiento médico se refiere al conjunto de actividades seguidas por los profesionales de la salud para solucionar o mitigar el problema de salud que afecta a un paciente. La toma de decisiones dentro del procedimiento médico ha sido, por largo tiempo, uno de las áreas más interesantes de investigación en la informática médica y el contexto de investigación de esta tesis. La motivación para desarrollar este trabajo de investigación se basa en tres aspectos fundamentales: no hay modelos de conocimiento para todas las actividades médico-clínicas que puedan ser inducidas a partir de datos médicos, no hay soluciones de aprendizaje inductivo para todas las actividades de la asistencia médica y no hay un modelo integral que formalice el concepto de procedimiento médico. Por tanto, nuestro objetivo principal es desarrollar un modelo computable basado en conocimiento que integre todas las actividades de decisión y planificación para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico médico-clínicos. Para alcanzar el objetivo principal, en primer lugar, explicamos el problema de investigación. En segundo lugar, describimos los antecedentes del problema de investigación desde los contextos médico e informático. En tercer lugar, explicamos el desarrollo de la propuesta de investigación, basada en cuatro contribuciones principales: un nuevo modelo, basado en datos y conocimiento, para la actividad de planificación en el diagnóstico y tratamiento médico-clínicos; una novedosa metodología de aprendizaje inductivo para la actividad de planificación en el diagnóstico y tratamiento médico-clínico; una novedosa metodología de aprendizaje inductivo para la actividad de decisión en el pronóstico médico-clínico, y finalmente, un nuevo modelo computable, basado en datos y conocimiento, que integra las actividades de decisión y planificación para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico médico-clínicos.The concept of medical procedure refers to the set of activities carried out by the health care professionals to solve or mitigate the health problems that affect a patient. Decisions making within a medical procedure has been, for a long time, one of the most interesting research areas in medical informatics and the research context of this thesis. The motivation to develop this research work is based on three main aspects: Nowadays there are not knowledge models for all the medical-clinical activities that can be induced from medical data, there are not inductive learning solutions for all the medical-clinical activities, and there is not an integral model that formalizes the concept of medical procedure. Therefore, our main objective is to develop a computable model based in knowledge that integrates all the decision and planning activities for the medical-clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. To achieve this main objective: first, we explain the research problem. Second, we describe the background of the work from both the medical and the informatics contexts. Third, we explain the development of the research proposal based on four main contributions: a novel knowledge representation model, based in data, to the planning activity in medical-clinical diagnosis and treatment; a novel inductive learning methodology to the planning activity in diagnosis and medical-clinical treatment; a novel inductive learning methodology to the decision activity in medical-clinical prognosis, and finally, a novel computable model, based on data and knowledge, which integrates the decision and planning activities of medical-clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

    PaperRobot: Incremental Draft Generation of Scientific Ideas

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    We present a PaperRobot who performs as an automatic research assistant by (1) conducting deep understanding of a large collection of human-written papers in a target domain and constructing comprehensive background knowledge graphs (KGs); (2) creating new ideas by predicting links from the background KGs, by combining graph attention and contextual text attention; (3) incrementally writing some key elements of a new paper based on memory-attention networks: from the input title along with predicted related entities to generate a paper abstract, from the abstract to generate conclusion and future work, and finally from future work to generate a title for a follow-on paper. Turing Tests, where a biomedical domain expert is asked to compare a system output and a human-authored string, show PaperRobot generated abstracts, conclusion and future work sections, and new titles are chosen over human-written ones up to 30%, 24% and 12% of the time, respectively.Comment: 12 pages. Accepted by ACL 2019 Code and resource is available at https://github.com/EagleW/PaperRobo

    Personalized Event Prediction for Electronic Health Records

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    Clinical event sequences consist of hundreds of clinical events that represent records of patient care in time. Developing accurate predictive models of such sequences is of a great importance for supporting a variety of models for interpreting/classifying the current patient condition, or predicting adverse clinical events and outcomes, all aimed to improve patient care. One important challenge of learning predictive models of clinical sequences is their patient-specific variability. Based on underlying clinical conditions, each patient's sequence may consist of different sets of clinical events (observations, lab results, medications, procedures). Hence, simple population-wide models learned from event sequences for many different patients may not accurately predict patient-specific dynamics of event sequences and their differences. To address the problem, we propose and investigate multiple new event sequence prediction models and methods that let us better adjust the prediction for individual patients and their specific conditions. The methods developed in this work pursue refinement of population-wide models to subpopulations, self-adaptation, and a meta-level model switching that is able to adaptively select the model with the best chance to support the immediate prediction. We analyze and test the performance of these models on clinical event sequences of patients in MIMIC-III database.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2104.0178