354,698 research outputs found

    Membuat Aplikasi Game Othello Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Greedy

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    Game is an application or software made for entertainment, education and a combination of both. Game itself is using artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligent / AI), some are not using artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligent / AI). One game that uses artificial intelligence is Othello game. Othello game application is made by using a greedy algorithm with three difficulty levels, namely : easy, normal and hard. The characteristics of Othello game is the shaped of the game a square with a size of 8 x 8 and has a coin-shaped pieces in black and white that represent each player. The technique of this game the player must be able to block the opponent's coins as possible and seek measures to win the game. Game application built using waterfall method and modeling language Unified Modeling Language (UML), and tested by the method of black box testing and white box testing. Game application can to be used as a means of entertainment and thinking skills of players

    Comparison Of Dt& Gbdt Algorithms For Predictive Modeling Of Currency Exchange Rates

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    Recently, many uses of artificial intelligence have appeared in the commercial field. Artificial intelligence allows computers to analyze very large amounts of information and data, reach logical conclusions on many important topics, and make difficult decisions, this will help consumers and businesses make better decisions to improve their lives, and it will also help startups and small companies achieve great long-term success. Currency exchange rates are important matters for both governments, companies, banks and consumers. The decision tree is one of the most widely artificial intelligence tools used in data mining. With the development of this field the decision tree and Gradient boosting decision tree are used to predicate through constructed intelligent predictive system based on it. These algorithms have been used in many stock market forecasting systems based on global market data. The Iraqi dinar exchange rates for the US dollar are affected in local markets, depending on the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Iraq and the features of that auction. The proposed system is used to predict the dollar exchange rates in the Iraq markets Depending on the daily auction data of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI). The decision tree and Gradient boosting decision tree was trained and testing using dataset of three-year issued by the CBI and compare the performance of both algorithms and find the correlation between the data. (Runtime, accuracy and correlation) criteria are adopted to select the best methods. In system, the characteristic of artificial intelligence have been integrated with the characteristic of data mining to solve problems facing organization to use available data for decision making and multi-source data linking, to provide a unified and integrated view of organization data

    Study of eddy current probes

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    The recognition of materials properties still presents a number of problems for nondestructive testing in aerospace systems. This project attempts to utilize current capabilities in eddy current instrumentation, artificial intelligence, and robotics in order to provide insight into defining geometrical aspects of flaws in composite materials which are capable of being evaluated using eddy current inspection techniques
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