10 research outputs found

    An examination of two-year and four-year continuing education curriculum in post-secondary hospitality management programs

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    The purpose of this study was to examine continuing education in foodservice management and higher education focuses on how academic programs view continuing education. Four specific areas were focused upon in this study (1) operational issues in continuing education, (2) program design of continuing education, (3) academic practices related to continuing education, and (4) subject areas of foodservice which could be a part of a continuing education program; When possible, importance and performance scores were calculated, allowing for a robust analysis. The analysis includes general descriptive statistics such as frequencies and means and appropriate inferential statistics


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    This article reports on a study investigating the perceptions of EFL teachers in schools and language courses (henceforth, teachers) and EFL lecturers in tertiary educational institutions (academic staff) from Indonesia regarding their definitions of and their engagements in teacher research. An online questionnaire was used to gather quantitative data from almost 400 EFL teachers and academic staff from Indonesia. The questionnaire was followed by in-depth interviews with some respondents who met the criteria set and agreed to be interviewed. Results from the study show that both teachers and academic staff align research with evidence-based practice, survey, literature-driven practice and professional communication, and observation-based popular article. In terms of engagements, most of the teachers and academic staff read research papers occasionally, and more academic staff did research compared to teachers. Research done by both teachers and academic staff is largely associated with internal and external factors, such as, professional awareness and professional obligation, with academic staff seem to receive more support to engage in research. The findings of the study provide insights for future continuous professional development (CPD) activities for English teachers and academic staff. The activities might involve exploring ways to integrate teacher research into teachers’ and academic staff’s teaching responsibilities and integrating teacher research into the short-term and long-term goals of CPD

    Who needs access to research? Exploring the societal impact of open access

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    Studies about open access (OA) have predominantly focused it impact on communication within the scholarly community. For example, many studies have been published on what is called the “Open Access Citation Advantage (OACA)”. On the other hand, implications of OA in nonacademic contexts (e.g. medical practice, policymaking, patient advocacy and citizen science) have been the subject of and the basis for a lot of the advocacy work and many funding agencies’ OA policies, but not so much the subject of original research studies. To date, this study is the first attempt to collect and synthesize the available evidence on the societal impact of open access. It further builds on this evidence base by introducing a typology of the various sciencesociety interfaces where demand for access to research potentially exists. The proposed scheme is anticipated to provide guidance for future research on the issue of OA’s societal impact. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of non-academic usage of research on the open access debate, especially on the question of who should bear the cost of scholarly publishing

    Work experience and vocational/technical provision for young people on SEN support: A rapid evidence assessment. Final report, December 2018

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    This rapid evidence assessment (REA) focuses on young people aged 16-19 with less complex special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who are studying vocational or technical study programmes in the further education (FE) or training sectors. ‘Less complex SEND’ here refers to needs that, in England, would be supported at the SEN support level under the SEND Code of Practice1: that is, the needs of young people with identified SEND but without a statement of SEN or Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan. The aim of this REA is to identify evidence on the benefits (or otherwise) of work experience for these young people as they prepare to enter paid employment. Within this overall aim, the REA seeks to answer three overarching research questions (RQs): 1. What evidence is available about the benefits of work experience or substantial work placements for the population of interest in terms of preparing them for and helping them get paid employment? 2. What evidence is available on the effectiveness of education or training provision to help these young people secure a job/career? 3. For the questions above, is there any difference in evidence for young people studying at (i) level 3, (ii) level 2 and (iii) below level 2? Four evidence sources are used to address these questions: • A focused review of peer-reviewed articles published in English in scholarly journals from 01 January 2000 to 28 February 2018. • A focused review of grey literature published on websites of relevant national and international organisations • New analysis of the Next Steps Survey4 to help answer RQ1 • New analysis of the Labour Force Survey (LFS)/Annual Population Survey (APS) to help answer RQ

    John William Powell and The China Weekly Review : An analysis of his reporting and his McCarthy era ordeal

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    Суправентрикулярная тахикардия у детей

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    State University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Nicolae Testemitanu”, Department of Pediatrics, Institute for Maternal and Child HealthcareTahicardia supraventriculară este cea mai frecventă aritmie pediatrică simptomatică. Incidenţa este estimată de la 1 la 250 până la 1 la 1000 copii. 50 la sută din copii cu tahicardie supraventriculară prezintă primul episod în primul an de viaţă. Manifestarea clinică a tahicardiei supraventriculare este dependentă de vârstă şi durata accesului. Frecvenţa cardiacă la sugari cu tahicardie paroxistică variază de la 220-320 b/min., la copiii de vârstă mare de la 160-280 b/min. Tahiaritmia netratată poate provocoa insufi cienţă cardiacă congestivă în 24-48 ore. Tratamentul acut începe cu documentarea aritmiei, aprecierea statutului hemodinamic şi recunoaşterea mecanismului aritmiei. Tratamentul cu medicaţie rămîne de prima linie la sugari şi copii de vârstă fragedă, pentru copiii de vârstă mare şi adolescenţi ablaţia prin cateter este o metodă inofensivă şi efectivă.Суправентрикулярная тахикардия является самой частой симптоматической аритмией в педиатрии. Частота суправентрикулярной тахикардии от 1 на 250 до 1 на 1000 детей, 50% детей имеют приступ тахикардии на первом году жизни. Клиническое проявление тахиаритмии зависит от возраста и продолжительности приступа. Пульс у новорожденных с суправентрикулярной тахикардией варьирует от 220-320 ударов в минуту у новорожденных и у детей старшего возраста от 160-280 ударов в минуту. Тахиаритмия без лечения может привести к сердечной недостаточности в течении 24-48 часов. Неотложная помощь начинается с диагностики аритмии, оценки гемодинамики и механизма аритмии. Консервативное лечение остается базовой у новорожденных и детей младшего возраста. Детям старшего возраста и подросткам рекомендуется катетерная аблация как малотравматичный и эффективный метод

    D9.10. Final List of RRI Publications (scientific)

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    Deliverable D9.10. provides information about the efforts taken by the NewHoRRIzon consortium to disseminate project results in publications and presentations to different audiences in various settings (conferences, workshops, etc.)

    Модель фахової комунікації за посередництвом наукового журналу

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    Предметом дослідження стали напрями й умови взаємодії між редакціями наукових журналів, авторськими колективами та аудиторіями. У дослідженні використано метод моделювання. Розроблено модель фахової комунікації за посередництвом наукового журналу. Пізнавальні можливості моделі полягають у тому, що модель відтворює загальні риси предмета дослідження. Вибір методу дослідження зумовлено тим, що моделі легко візуалізуються, допомагають зосередитися на головному, а також дають змогу прогнозувати результат. Розроблена автором модель відображає структуру, вдастивості та взаємозв’язки між суб’єктами фахової комунікації, яка відбувається за посередництвом наукового журналу: 1) відправниками повідомлення — авторами чи авторськими колективами; 2) гейткіперами науки — редакторами і рецензентами, 3) аудиторіями. Поведінка цих суб’єктів визначається, з одного боку, загальноприйнятими етичними нормами для наукової спільноти, а з другого — мотивами й очікуваннями, які в окремих випадках можуть виходити за межі означених норм. Описано бар’єри, які обмежують мету, засоби та результати наукової комунікації. До таких бар’єрів для автора на різних етапах можна віднести проблеми з вибором теми; відсутність відкритого доступу до літератури з тематики дослідження; нестачу часу; брак матеріальної бази (реактивів, технічних засобів тощо) для проведення емпіричних досліджень; труднощі з дотриманням формальних вимог до публікацій; невміння встановлювати й підтримувати контакти зі співавторами; брак мотивації; систему вимог, дотримання якої є обов’язковим для розгляду публікації та уникнення відхилення без рецензування); низьку видимість публікації для аудиторії. Ефекти наукової комунікації, опосередкованої науковим журналом, можуть набувати різних форм: генерування нових гіпотез, ідей, спростування застарілих теорій; ухвалення рішень щодо фінансування наукових розробок; започаткування й підтримання дискусії; налагодження контактів, становлення і сегментація наукових спільнот; формування нових поведінкових нормативів для учасників наукової комунікації. Публікаційна система наукового журналу має відповідати таким критеріям: 1) широка доступність опублікованих статей, а отже — можливість використання результатів широкою аудиторією; 2) висока якість рецензування; 3) можливість відкликання статей у разі виявлення факту академічної недоброчесності.The subject of the research is the directions and conditions of interaction between the editors of scientific journals, author groups and audiences. The modeling method was used in the research. A model of professional communication has been developed through a scientific journal. The cognitive capabilities of the model are that the model reproduces the general features of the original object. The models are easy to visualize, they help to focus on the main thing, as well as allow to predict the results. The model developed by the author reflects the structure, features and relationships between the subjects of professional communication, which takes place through a scientific journal: 1) senders of the message (authors or co-authors); 2) gatekeepers of science (editors and reviewers), 3) audiences. The behavior of these subjects is determined, on the one hand, by generally accepted ethical norms for the scientific community, and on the other by motives and expectations, which in some cases may go beyond these norms. Barriers that limit the purpose, means and results of scientific communication are described. Such barriers at various stages include problems with the choice of topic; lack of open access to literature on research topics; lack of time; lack of material base (reagents, technical means, etc.) for empirical research; difficulties in complying with formal requirements for publications; inability to establish and maintain contacts with co-authors; lack of motivation; a system of requirements, compliance with which is mandatory to review the publication and avoid deviations without review); low visibility of the publication for the audience. The effects of scientific communication mediated by a scientific journal can take various forms: generating new hypotheses, ideas, refuting outdated theories; decision-making on financing of scientific developments; initiating and maintaining a discussion; networking, formation and segmentation of scientific communities; formation of new behavioral norms for participants of scientific communication. The publication system of a scientific journal must meet the following criteria: 1) wide availability of published articles, and hence the possibility of using the results by a wide audience; 2) high quality review; 3) the possibility of recalling articles in case of discovery of the fact of academic dishonesty

    Research Methods for Psychology

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    This is a textbook for a research methods class in the social sciences. This book is OER and creative commons