2,244 research outputs found

    MORA - an architecture and programming model for a resource efficient coarse grained reconfigurable processor

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    This paper presents an architecture and implementation details for MORA, a novel coarse grained reconfigurable processor for accelerating media processing applications. The MORA architecture involves a 2-D array of several such processors, to deliver low cost, high throughput performance in media processing applications. A distinguishing feature of the MORA architecture is the co-design of hardware architecture and low-level programming language throughout the design cycle. The implementation details for the single MORA processor, and benchmark evaluation using a cycle accurate simulator are presented

    Radix Conversion for IEEE754-2008 Mixed Radix Floating-Point Arithmetic

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    Conversion between binary and decimal floating-point representations is ubiquitous. Floating-point radix conversion means converting both the exponent and the mantissa. We develop an atomic operation for FP radix conversion with simple straight-line algorithm, suitable for hardware design. Exponent conversion is performed with a small multiplication and a lookup table. It yields the correct result without error. Mantissa conversion uses a few multiplications and a small lookup table that is shared amongst all types of conversions. The accuracy changes by adjusting the computing precision

    Self-testing and repairing computer Patent

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    Self testing and repairing computer comprising control and diagnostic unit and rollback points for error correctio

    Detecting Floating-Point Errors via Atomic Conditions

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    This paper tackles the important, difficult problem of detecting program inputs that trigger large floating-point errors in numerical code. It introduces a novel, principled dynamic analysis that leverages the mathematically rigorously analyzed condition numbers for atomic numerical operations, which we call atomic conditions, to effectively guide the search for large floating-point errors. Compared with existing approaches, our work based on atomic conditions has several distinctive benefits: (1) it does not rely on high-precision implementations to act as approximate oracles, which are difficult to obtain in general and computationally costly; and (2) atomic conditions provide accurate, modular search guidance. These benefits in combination lead to a highly effective approach that detects more significant errors in real-world code (e.g., widely-used numerical library functions) and achieves several orders of speedups over the state-of-the-art, thus making error analysis significantly more practical. We expect the methodology and principles behind our approach to benefit other floating-point program analysis tasks such as debugging, repair and synthesis. To facilitate the reproduction of our work, we have made our implementation, evaluation data and results publicly available on GitHub at https://github.com/FP-Analysis/atomic-condition.ISSN:2475-142

    User-defined data types and operators in occam

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    This paper describes the addition of user-defined monadic and dyadic operators to occam* [1], together with some libraries that demonstrate their use. It also discusses some techniques used in their implementation in KRoC [2] for a variety of target machines

    HAL/S programmer's guide

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    HAL/S is a programming language developed to satisfy the flight software requirements for the space shuttle program. The user's guide explains pertinent language operating procedures and described the various HAL/S facilities for manipulating integer, scalar, vector, and matrix data types

    Optimization guide for programs compiled under IBM FORTRAN H (OPT=2)

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    Guidelines are given to provide the programmer with various techniques for optimizing programs when the FORTRAN IV H compiler is used with OPT=2. Subroutines and programs are described in the appendices along with a timing summary of all the examples given in the manual

    Development of a prototype commonality analysis tool for use in space programs

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    A software tool to aid in performing commonality analyses, called Commonality Analysis Problem Solver (CAPS), was designed, and a prototype version (CAPS 1.0) was implemented and tested. The CAPS 1.0 runs in an MS-DOS or IBM PC-DOS environment. The CAPS is designed around a simple input language which provides a natural syntax for the description of feasibility constraints. It provides its users with the ability to load a database representing a set of design items, describe the feasibility constraints on items in that database, and do a comprehensive cost analysis to find the most economical substitution pattern

    A study of systems implementation languages for the POCCNET system

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    The results are presented of a study of systems implementation languages for the Payload Operations Control Center Network (POCCNET). Criteria are developed for evaluating the languages, and fifteen existing languages are evaluated on the basis of these criteria