1,562 research outputs found

    Performance and area optimization for reliable FPGA-based shifter design

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    This thesis addresses the problem of implementing reliable FPGA-based shifters. An FPGA-based design requires optimization between performance and resource utilization, and an effective verification methodology to validate design behavior. The FPGA-based implementation of a large shifter design is restricted by an I/O resource bottleneck. The verification of the design behavior presents a further challenge due to the \u27black-box\u27 nature of FPGAs. To tackle these design challenges, we propose a novel approach to implement FPGA-based shifters. The proposed design alleviates the I/O bottleneck while significantly reducing the logic resources required. This is achieved with a minimal increase in the design delay. The design is seamlessly scalable to a multi-FPGA chip setup to improve performance or to implement larger shifters. It is configured using assertion checkers for efficient design verification. The assertion-based design is further optimized to alleviate the performance degradation caused by the assertion checkers


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    Modern central processing units (CPUs) employ arithmetic logic units (ALUs) that support statically defined precisions, often adhering to industry standards. Although CPU manufacturers highly optimize their ALUs, industry standard precisions embody accuracy and performance compromises for general purpose deployment. Hence, optimizing ALU precision holds great potential for improving speed and energy efficiency. Previous research on multiple precision ALUs focused on predefined, static precisions. Little previous work addressed ALU architectures with customized, dynamically defined precision. This dissertation presents approaches for developing dynamic precision ALU architectures for both fixed-point and floating-point to enable better performance, energy efficiency, and numeric accuracy. These new architectures enable dynamically defined precision, including support for vectorization. The new architectures also prevent performance and energy loss due to applying unnecessarily high precision on computations, which often happens with statically defined standard precisions. The new ALU architectures support different precisions through the use of configurable sub-blocks, with this dissertation including demonstration implementations for floating point adder, multiply, and fused multiply-add (FMA) circuits with 4-bit sub-blocks. For these circuits, the dynamic precision ALU speed is nearly the same as traditional ALU approaches, although the dynamic precision ALU is nearly twice as large

    Hybrid FPGA: Architecture and Interface

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    Hybrid FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) are composed of general-purpose logic resources with different granularities, together with domain-specific coarse-grained units. This thesis proposes a novel hybrid FPGA architecture with embedded coarse-grained Floating Point Units (FPUs) to improve the floating point capability of FPGAs. Based on the proposed hybrid FPGA architecture, we examine three aspects to optimise the speed and area for domain-specific applications. First, we examine the interface between large coarse-grained embedded blocks (EBs) and fine-grained elements in hybrid FPGAs. The interface includes parameters for varying: (1) aspect ratio of EBs, (2) position of the EBs in the FPGA, (3) I/O pins arrangement of EBs, (4) interconnect flexibility of EBs, and (5) location of additional embedded elements such as memory. Second, we examine the interconnect structure for hybrid FPGAs. We investigate how large and highdensity EBs affect the routing demand for hybrid FPGAs over a set of domain-specific applications. We then propose three routing optimisation methods to meet the additional routing demand introduced by large EBs: (1) identifying the best separation distance between EBs, (2) adding routing switches on EBs to increase routing flexibility, and (3) introducing wider channel width near the edge of EBs. We study and compare the trade-offs in delay, area and routability of these three optimisation methods. Finally, we employ common subgraph extraction to determine the number of floating point adders/subtractors, multipliers and wordblocks in the FPUs. The wordblocks include registers and can implement fixed point operations. We study the area, speed and utilisation trade-offs of the selected FPU subgraphs in a set of floating point benchmark circuits. We develop an optimised coarse-grained FPU, taking into account both architectural and system-level issues. Furthermore, we investigate the trade-offs between granularities and performance by composing small FPUs into a large FPU. The results of this thesis would help design a domain-specific hybrid FPGA to meet user requirements, by optimising for speed, area or a combination of speed and area

    Performance and area evaluations of processor-based benchmarks on FPGA devices

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    The computing system on SoCs is being long-term research since the FPGA technology has emerged due to its personality of re-programmable fabric, reconfigurable computing, and fast development time to market. During the last decade, uni-processor in a SoC is no longer to deal with the high growing market for complex applications such as Mobile Phones audio and video encoding, image and network processing. Due to the number of transistors on a silicon wafer is increasing, the recent FPGAs or embedded systems are advancing toward multi-processor-based design to meet tremendous performance and benefit this kind of systems are possible. Therefore, is an upcoming age of the MPSoC. In addition, most of the embedded processors are soft-cores, because they are flexible and reconfigurable for specific software functions and easy to build homogenous multi-processor systems for parallel programming. Moreover, behavioural synthesis tools are becoming a lot more powerful and enable to create datapath of logic units from high-level algorithms such as C to HDL and available for partitioning a HW/SW concurrent methodology. A range of embedded processors is able to implement on a FPGA-based prototyping to integrate the CPUs on a programmable device. This research is, firstly represent different types of computer architectures in modern embedded processors that are followed in different type of software applications (eg. Multi-threading Operations or Complex Functions) on FPGA-based SoCs; and secondly investigate their capability by executing a wide-range of multimedia software codes (Integer-algometric only) in different models of the processor-systems (uni-processor or multi-processor or Co-design), and finally compare those results in terms of the benchmarks and resource utilizations within FPGAs. All the examined programs were written in standard C and executed in a variety numbers of soft-core processors or hardware units to obtain the execution times. However, the number of processors and their customizable configuration or hardware datapath being generated are limited by a target FPGA resource, and designers need to understand the FPGA-based tradeoffs that have been considered - Speed versus Area. For this experimental purpose, I defined benchmarks into DLP / HLS catalogues, which are "data" and "function" intensive respectively. The programs of DLP will be executed in LEON3 MP and LE1 CMP multi-processor systems and the programs of HLS in the LegUp Co-design system on target FPGAs. In preliminary, the performance of the soft-core processors will be examined by executing all the benchmarks. The whole story of this thesis work centres on the issue of the execute times or the speed-up and area breakdown on FPGA devices in terms of different programs

    Logic synthesis and testing techniques for switching nano-crossbar arrays

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    Beyond CMOS, new technologies are emerging to extend electronic systems with features unavailable to silicon-based devices. Emerging technologies provide new logic and interconnection structures for computation, storage and communication that may require new design paradigms, and therefore trigger the development of a new generation of design automation tools. In the last decade, several emerging technologies have been proposed and the time has come for studying new ad-hoc techniques and tools for logic synthesis, physical design and testing. The main goal of this project is developing a complete synthesis and optimization methodology for switching nano-crossbar arrays that leads to the design and construction of an emerging nanocomputer. New models for diode, FET, and four-terminal switch based nanoarrays are developed. The proposed methodology implements logic, arithmetic, and memory elements by considering performance parameters such as area, delay, power dissipation, and reliability. With combination of logic, arithmetic, and memory elements a synchronous state machine (SSM), representation of a computer, is realized. The proposed methodology targets variety of emerging technologies including nanowire/nanotube crossbar arrays, magnetic switch-based structures, and crossbar memories. The results of this project will be a foundation of nano-crossbar based circuit design techniques and greatly contribute to the construction of emerging computers beyond CMOS. The topic of this project can be considered under the research area of â\u80\u9cEmerging Computing Modelsâ\u80\u9d or â\u80\u9cComputational Nanoelectronicsâ\u80\u9d, more specifically the design, modeling, and simulation of new nanoscale switches beyond CMOS

    Microprocessor fault-tolerance via on-the-fly partial reconfiguration

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    This paper presents a novel approach to exploit FPGA dynamic partial reconfiguration to improve the fault tolerance of complex microprocessor-based systems, with no need to statically reserve area to host redundant components. The proposed method not only improves the survivability of the system by allowing the online replacement of defective key parts of the processor, but also provides performance graceful degradation by executing in software the tasks that were executed in hardware before a fault and the subsequent reconfiguration happened. The advantage of the proposed approach is that thanks to a hardware hypervisor, the CPU is totally unaware of the reconfiguration happening in real-time, and there's no dependency on the CPU to perform it. As proof of concept a design using this idea has been developed, using the LEON3 open-source processor, synthesized on a Virtex 4 FPG

    Methodology for complex dataflow application development

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    This thesis addresses problems inherent to the development of complex applications for reconfig- urable systems. Many projects fail to complete or take much longer than originally estimated by relying on traditional iterative software development processes typically used with conventional computers. Even though designer productivity can be increased by abstract programming and execution models, e.g., dataflow, development methodologies considering the specific properties of reconfigurable systems do not exist. The first contribution of this thesis is a design methodology to facilitate systematic develop- ment of complex applications using reconfigurable hardware in the context of High-Performance Computing (HPC). The proposed methodology is built upon a careful analysis of the original application, a software model of the intended hardware system, an analytical prediction of performance and on-chip area usage, and an iterative architectural refinement to resolve identi- fied bottlenecks before writing a single line of code targeting the reconfigurable hardware. It is successfully validated using two real applications and both achieve state-of-the-art performance. The second contribution extends this methodology to provide portability between devices in two steps. First, additional tool support for contemporary multi-die Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is developed. An algorithm to automatically map logical memories to hetero- geneous physical memories with special attention to die boundaries is proposed. As a result, only the proposed algorithm managed to successfully place and route all designs used in the evaluation while the second-best algorithm failed on one third of all large applications. Second, best practices for performance portability between different FPGA devices are collected and evaluated on a financial use case, showing efficient resource usage on five different platforms. The third contribution applies the extended methodology to a real, highly demanding emerging application from the radiotherapy domain. A Monte-Carlo based simulation of dose accumu- lation in human tissue is accelerated using the proposed methodology to meet the real time requirements of adaptive radiotherapy.Open Acces