1,574 research outputs found

    Methods to Facilitate the Capture, Use, and Reuse of Structured and Unstructured Clinical Data.

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    Electronic health records (EHRs) have great potential to improve quality of care and to support clinical and translational research. While EHRs are being increasingly implemented in U.S. hospitals and clinics, their anticipated benefits have been largely unachieved or underachieved. Among many factors, tedious documentation requirements and the lack of effective information retrieval tools to access and reuse data are two key reasons accounting for this deficiency. In this dissertation, I describe my research on developing novel methods to facilitate the capture, use, and reuse of both structured and unstructured clinical data. Specifically, I develop a framework to investigate potential issues in this research topic, with a focus on three significant challenges. The first challenge is structured data entry (SDE), which can be facilitated by four effective strategies based on my systematic review. I further propose a multi-strategy model to guide the development of future SDE applications. In the follow-up study, I focus on workflow integration and evaluate the feasibility of using EHR audit trail logs for clinical workflow analysis. The second challenge is the use of clinical narratives, which can be supported by my innovative information retrieval (IR) technique called “semantically-based query recommendation (SBQR)”. My user experiment shows that SBQR can help improve the perceived performance of a medical IR system, and may work better on search tasks with average difficulty. The third challenge involves reusing EHR data as a reference standard to benchmark the quality of other health-related information. My study assesses the readability of trial descriptions on ClinicalTrials.gov and found that trial descriptions are very hard to read, even harder than clinical notes. My dissertation has several contributions. First, it conducts pioneer studies with innovative methods to improve the capture, use, and reuse of clinical data. Second, my dissertation provides successful examples for investigators who would like to conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of health informatics. Third, the framework of my research can be a great tool to generate future research agenda in clinical documentation and EHRs. I will continue exploring innovative and effective methods to maximize the value of EHRs.PHDInformationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135845/1/tzuyu_1.pd

    Designing Clinical Data Presentation Using Cognitive Task Analysis Methods

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    Despite the many decades of research on effective use of clinical systems in medicine, the adoption of health information technology to improve patient care continues to be slow especially in ambulatory settings. This applies to dentistry as well, a primary care discipline with approximately 137,000 practicing dentists in the United States. One critical reason is the poor usability of clinical systems, which makes it difficult for providers to navigate through the system and obtain an integrated view of patient data during patient care. Cognitive science methods have shown significant promise to meaningfully inform and formulate the design, development and assessment of clinical information systems. Most of these methods were applied to evaluate the design of systems after they have been developed. Very few studies, on the other hand, have used cognitive engineering methods to inform the design process for a system itself. It is this gap in knowledge – how cognitive engineering methods can be optimally applied to inform the system design process – that this research seeks to address through this project proposal. This project examined the cognitive processes and information management strategies used by dentists during a typical patient exam and used the results to inform the design of an electronic dental record interface. The resulting 'proof of concept' was evaluated to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of such a cognitively engineered and application flow design. The results of this study contribute to designing clinical systems that provide clinicians with better cognitive support during patient care. Such a system will contribute to enhancing the quality and safety of patient care, and potentially to reducing healthcare costs

    Master of Science

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    thesisElectronic Health Record (EHR) adoption rates have been low in the United States. A key reason for this low adoption rate is poor EHR usability. Currently no standards exist for design, testing and monitoring the usability of EHRs. Therefore, we conducted a usability evaluation of a vendor's product in the Emergency Department at the University of Utah. In the first objective of this study, we evaluated a newly implemented computerized provider order entry application. Four usability experts used the Zhang et al 14 heuristics and 23 predefined tasks to perform the evaluation. The experts found 48 usability problems categorized into 51 heuristic violations. There were 4 cosmetic, 120 minor, 64 major, and 4 catastrophic problems identified. The interrater reliability was 0.81 using Fleis' Kappa, showing a high level of consistency in ratings across evaluators. For the second objective, we used an electronic version of Questionnaire of User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS 7.0) to evaluate physician satisfaction with the CPOE application in the ED. The physician response rate was 50% (25/50). The total survey mean was 4.87, lower than the -a priori‖ definition for acceptable satisfaction score of 5.0 (of a possible 9). The lowest scale scores were for overall user reaction and learning iv and the highest were for screen, terminology and system capabilities. Further analyses were completed to determine any differences for satisfaction scores between physician trainees and attending. A multifactor ANOVA was performed to examine the combined effect of the different experience levels and sections of the QUIS. The results were significant at -1.43 (p < 0.05) for screen and terminology and system capabilities. In this setting, the ED CPOE application had a high level of usability issues and low mean satisfaction scores among physician end-users. The responsibility for improved usability lies with both vendors developing the product and facilities implementing the product and both should be educated on usability principles. The combination of a user-based and expert-based inspection method yielded congruent findings and was an accurate and efficient means of evaluation

    Usability analysis of contending electronic health record systems

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    In this paper, we report measured usability of two leading EHR systems during procurement. A total of 18 users participated in paired-usability testing of three scenarios: ordering and managing medications by an outpatient physician, medicine administration by an inpatient nurse and scheduling of appointments by nursing staff. Data for audio, screen capture, satisfaction rating, task success and errors made was collected during testing. We found a clear difference between the systems for percentage of successfully completed tasks, two different satisfaction measures and perceived learnability when looking at the results over all scenarios. We conclude that usability should be evaluated during procurement and the difference in usability between systems could be revealed even with fewer measures than were used in our study. © 2019 American Psychological Association Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Investigating Evaluation Frameworks for Electronic Health Record: A Literature Review

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    BACKGROUND: There are various electronic health records (EHRs) evaluation frameworks with multiple dimensions and numerous sets of evaluation measures, while the coverage rate of evaluation measures in a common framework varies in different studies. AIM: This study provides a literature review of the current EHR evaluation frameworks and a model for measuring the coverage rate of evaluation measures in EHR frameworks. METHODS: The current study was a comprehensive literature review and a critical appraisal study. The study was conducted in three phases. In Phase 1, a literature review of EHR evaluation frameworks was conducted. In Phase 2, a three-level hierarchical structure was developed, which includes three aspects, 12 dimensions, and 110 evaluation measures. Subsequently, evaluation measures in the identified studies were categorized based on the hierarchical structure. In Phase 3, relative frequency (RF) of evaluation measures in different dimensions and aspects for each of the identified studies were determined and categorized as follows: Appropriate, moderate, and low coverage. RESULTS: Out of a total of 8276 retrieved articles, 62 studies were considered relevant. The RF range in the second and third level of the hierarchical structure was between 8.6%–91.94% and 0.2%–61%, respectively. “Ease of use” and “system quality” were the most frequent evaluation measure and dimension. Our results indicate that identified studies cover at least one and at most nine evaluation dimensions and current evaluation frameworks focus more on the technology aspect. Almost in all identified studies, evaluation measures related to the technology aspect were covered. However, evaluation measures related to human and organization aspects were covered in 68% and 84% of the identified studies, respectively. CONCLUSION: In this study, we systematically reviewed all literature presenting any type of EHR evaluation framework and analyzed and discussed their aspects and features. We believe that the findings of this study can help researchers to review and adopt the EHR evaluation frameworks for their own particular field of usage

    A collaborative platform for management of chronic diseases via guideline-driven individualized care plans

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    Older age is associated with an increased accumulation of multiple chronic conditions. The clinical management of patients suffering from multiple chronic conditions is very complex, disconnected and time-consuming with the traditional care settings. Integrated care is a means to address the growing demand for improved patient experience and health outcomes of multimorbid and long-term care patients. Care planning is a prevalent approach of integrated care, where the aim is to deliver more personalized and targeted care creating shared care plans by clearly articulating the role of each provider and patient in the care process. In this paper, we present a method and corresponding implementation of a semi-automatic care plan management tool, integrated with clinical decision support services which can seamlessly access and assess the electronic health records (EHRs) of the patient in comparison with evidence based clinical guidelines to suggest personalized recommendations for goals and interventions to be added to the individualized care plans. We also report the results of usability studies carried out in four pilot sites by patients and clinicians

    Clinical Decision Support Systems for Palliative Care Referral: Design and Evaluation of Frailty and Mortality Predictive Models

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    [ES] Los Cuidados Paliativos (PC) son cuidados médicos especializados cuyo objetivo esmejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con enfermedades graves. Históricamente,se han aplicado a los pacientes en fase terminal, especialmente a los que tienen undiagnóstico oncológico. Sin embargo, los resultados de las investigaciones actualessugieren que la PC afecta positivamente a la calidad de vida de los pacientes condiferentes enfermedades. La tendencia actual sobre la PC es incluir a pacientes nooncológicos con afecciones como la EPOC, la insuficiencia de funciones orgánicas ola demencia. Sin embargo, la identificación de los pacientes con esas necesidades escompleja, por lo que se requieren herramientas alternativas basadas en datos clínicos. La creciente demanda de PC puede beneficiarse de una herramienta de cribadopara identificar a los pacientes con necesidades de PC durante el ingreso hospitalario.Se han propuesto varias herramientas, como la Pregunta Sorpresa (SQ) o la creaciónde diferentes índices y puntuaciones, con distintos grados de éxito. Recientemente,el uso de algoritmos de inteligencia artificial, en concreto de Machine Learning (ML), ha surgido como una solución potencial dada su capacidad de aprendizaje a partirde las Historias Clínicas Electrónicas (EHR) y con la expectativa de proporcionarpredicciones precisas para el ingreso en programas de PC. Esta tesis se centra en la creación de herramientas digitales basadas en ML para la identificación de pacientes con necesidades de cuidados paliativos en el momento del ingreso hospitalario. Hemos utilizado la mortalidad y la fragilidad como los dos criterios clínicos para la toma de decisiones, siendo la corta supervivencia y el aumento de la fragilidad, nuestros objetivos para hacer predicciones. También nos hemos centrado en la implementación de estas herramientas en entornos clínicos y en el estudio de su usabilidad y aceptación en los flujos de trabajo clínicos. Para lograr estos objetivos, en primer lugar, estudiamos y comparamos algoritmos de ML para la supervivencia a un año en pacientes adultos durante el ingreso hospitalario. Para ello, definimos una variable binaria a predecir, equivalente a la SQ y definimos el conjunto de variables predictivas basadas en la literatura. Comparamos modelos basados en Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN), Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) y Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), atendiendo a su rendimiento, especialmente al Área bajo la curva ROC (AUC ROC). Además, obtuvimos información sobre la importancia de las variables para los modelos basados en árboles utilizando el criterio GINI. En segundo lugar, estudiamos la medición de la fragilidad de la calidad de vida(QoL) en los candidatos a la intervención en PC. Para este segundo estudio, redujimosla franja de edad de la población a pacientes ancianos (≥ 65 años) como grupo objetivo. A continuación, creamos tres modelos diferentes: 1) la adaptación del modelo demortalidad a un año para pacientes ancianos, 2) un modelo de regresión para estimarel número de días desde el ingreso hasta la muerte para complementar los resultadosdel primer modelo, y finalmente, 3) un modelo predictivo del estado de fragilidad aun año. Estos modelos se compartieron con la comunidad académica a través de unaaplicación web b que permite la entrada de datos y muestra la predicción de los tresmodelos y unos gráficos con la importancia de las variables. En tercer lugar, propusimos una versión del modelo de mortalidad a un año enforma de calculadora online. Esta versión se diseñó para maximizar el acceso de losprofesionales minimizando los requisitos de datos y haciendo que el software respondiera a las plataformas tecnológicas actuales. Así pues, se eliminaron las variablesadministrativas específicas de la fuente de datos y se trabajó en un proceso para minimizar las variables de entrada requeridas, manteniendo al mismo tiempo un ROCAUC elevado del modelo. Como resultado, e[CA] Les Cures Pal·liatives (PC) són cures mèdiques especialitzades l'objectiu de les qualsés millorar la qualitat de vida dels pacients amb malalties greus. Històricament, s'hanaplicat als pacients en fase terminal, especialment als quals tenen un diagnòstic oncològic. No obstant això, els resultats de les investigacions actuals suggereixen que lesPC afecten positivament a la qualitat de vida dels pacients amb diferents malalties. Latendència actual sobre les PC és incloure a pacients no oncològics amb afeccions comla malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica, la insuficiència de funcions orgàniques o lademència. No obstant això, la identificació dels pacients amb aqueixes necessitats éscomplexa, per la qual cosa es requereixen eines alternatives basades en dades clíniques. La creixent demanda de PC pot beneficiar-se d'una eina de garbellat per a identificar als pacients amb necessitats de PC durant l'ingrés hospitalari. S'han proposatdiverses eines, com la Pregunta Sorpresa (SQ) o la creació de diferents índexs i puntuacions, amb diferents graus d'èxit. Recentment, l'ús d'algorismes d'intel·ligènciaartificial, en concret de Machine Learning (ML), ha sorgit com una potencial soluciódonada la seua capacitat d'aprenentatge a partir de les Històries Clíniques Electròniques (EHR) i amb l'expectativa de proporcionar prediccions precises per a l'ingrés enprogrames de PC. Aquesta tesi se centra en la creació d'eines digitals basades en MLper a la identificació de pacients amb necessitats de cures pal·liatives durant l'ingréshospitalari. Hem utilitzat mortalitat i fragilitat com els dos criteris clínics per a lapresa de decisions, sent la curta supervivència i la major fragilitat els nostres objectiusa predir. Després, ens hem centrat en la seua implementació en entorns clínics i hemestudiat la seua usabilitat i acceptació en els fluxos de treball clínics.Aquesta tesi se centra en la creació d'eines digitals basades en ML per a la identificació de pacients amb necessitats de cures pal·liatives en el moment de l'ingrés hospitalari. Hem utilitzat la mortalitat i la fragilitat com els dos criteris clínics per ala presa de decisions, sent la curta supervivència i l'augment de la fragilitat, els nostresobjectius per a fer prediccions. També ens hem centrat en la implementació d'aquesteseines en entorns clínics i en l'estudi de la seua usabilitat i acceptació en els fluxos detreball clínics. Per a aconseguir aquests objectius, en primer lloc, estudiem i comparem algorismesde ML per a la supervivència a un any en pacients adults durant l'ingrés hospitalari.Per a això, definim una variable binària a predir, equivalent a la SQ i definim el conjuntde variables predictives basades en la literatura. Comparem models basats en Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN), Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) i Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), atenent el seu rendiment,especialment a l'Àrea sota la corba ROC (AUC ROC). A més, vam obtindre informaciósobre la importància de les variables per als models basats en arbres utilitzant el criteri GINI. En segon lloc, estudiem el mesurament de la fragilitat de la qualitat de vida (QoL)en els candidats a la intervenció en PC. Per a aquest segon estudi, vam reduir lafranja d'edat de la població a pacients ancians (≥ 65 anys) com a grup objectiu. Acontinuació, creem tres models diferents: 1) l'adaptació del model de mortalitat a unany per a pacients ancians, 2) un model de regressió per a estimar el nombre de dies desde l'ingrés fins a la mort per a complementar els resultats del primer model, i finalment,3) un model predictiu de l'estat de fragilitat a un any. Aquests models es van compartiramb la comunitat acadèmica a través d'una aplicació web c que permet l'entrada dedades i mostra la predicció dels tres models i uns gràfics amb la importància de lesvariables. En tercer lloc, vam proposar una versió del model de mortalitat a un any en formade calculadora en línia. Aquesta versió es va di[EN] Palliative Care (PC) is specialized medical care that aims to improve patients' quality of life with serious illnesses. Historically, it has been applied to terminally ill patients, especially those with oncologic diagnoses. However, current research results suggest that PC positively affects the quality of life of patients with different conditions. The current trend on PC is to include non-oncological patients with conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), organ function failure or dementia. However, the identification of patients with those needs is complex, and therefore alternative tools based on clinical data are required. The growing demand for PC may benefit from a screening tool to identify patients with PC needs during hospital admission. Several tools, such as the Surprise Question (SQ) or the creation of different indexes and scores, have been proposed with varying degrees of success. Recently, the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, specifically Machine Learning (ML), has arisen as a potential solution given their capacity to learn from the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and with the expectation to provide accurate predictions for admission to PC programs. This thesis focuses on creating ML-based digital tools for identifying patients with palliative care needs at hospital admission. We have used mortality and frailty as the two clinical criteria for decision-making, being short survival and increased frailty, as our targets to make predictions. We also have focused on implementing these tools in clinical settings and studying their usability and acceptance in clinical workflows. To accomplish these objectives, first, we studied and compared ML algorithms for one-year survival in adult patients during hospital admission. To do so, we defined a binary variable to predict, equivalent to the SQ and defined the set of predictive variables based on literature. We compared models based on Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN), Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), attending to their performance, especially to the Area under the ROC curve (AUC ROC). Additionally, we obtained information on the importance of variables for tree-based models using the GINI criterion. Second, we studied frailty measurement of Quality of Life (QoL) in candidates for PC intervention. For this second study, we narrowed the age of the population to elderly patients (≥ 65 years) as the target group. Then we created three different models: 1) for the adaptation of the one-year mortality model for elderly patients, 2) a regression model to estimate the number of days from admission to death to complement the results of the first model, and finally, 3) a predictive model for frailty status at one year. These models were shared with the academic community through a web application a that allows data input and shows the prediction from the three models and some graphs with the importance of the variables. Third, we proposed a version of the 1-year mortality model in the form of an online calculator. This version was designed to maximize access from professionals by minimizing data requirements and making the software responsive to the current technological platforms. So we eliminated the administrative variables specific to the dataset source and worked on a process to minimize the required input variables while maintaining high the model's AUC ROC. As a result, this model retained most of the predictive power and required only seven bed-side inputs. Finally, we evaluated the Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) web tool on PC with an actual set of users. This evaluation comprised three domains: evaluation of participant's predictions against the ML baseline, the usability of the graphical interface, and user experience measurement. A first evaluation was performed, followed by a period of implementation of improvements and corrections to the plaBlanes Selva, V. (2022). Clinical Decision Support Systems for Palliative Care Referral: Design and Evaluation of Frailty and Mortality Predictive Models [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19099

    Improving Antibiotic Resistant Infection Transmission Situational Awareness in Enclosed Facilities with a Novel Graphical User Interface for Tactical Biosurveillance

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    Serious challenges associated with antibiotic resistant infections (ABRIs) force healthcare practitioners (HCP) to seek innovative approaches that will slow the emergence of new ABRIs and prevent their spread. It was realized that traditional approaches to infection prevention based on education, retrospective reports, and biosurveillance often fail to ensure reliable compliance with infection prevention guidelines and real-time problem solving. The objective of this original research was to develop and test the conceptual design of a situational awareness (SA)-oriented information system for coping with healthcare-associated infection transmission. Constantly changing patterns in spatial distribution of patients, prevalence of infectious cases, clustering of contacts, and frequency of contacts may compromise the effectiveness of infection prevention and control in hospitals. It was hypothesized that providing HCPs with a graphical user interface (GUI) to visualize spatial information on the risks of exposure to ABRIs would effectively increase HCPs’ SA. Increased SA may enhance biosurveillance and result in tactical decisions leading to better patient outcomes. The study employed a mixed qualitative-quantitative research method encompassing conceptualization of GUI content, transcription of electronic health record and biosurveillance data into GUI visual artifacts, and evaluation of the GUI’s impact on HCPs’ perception and comprehension of the conditions that increase the risk of ABRI transmission. The study provided pilot evidence that visualization of spatial disease distribution and spatially-linked exposures and interventions significantly increases HCPs’ SA when compared to current practice. The research demonstrates that the SA-oriented GUI enables the HCPs to promptly answer the question, “At a given location, what are the risks of infection transmission there?” This research provides a new form of medical knowledge representation for spatial population-based decision-making within enclosed environments. The next steps include rapid application development and further hypothesis testing concerning the impact of this GUI on decsion-making