394 research outputs found

    Genet: A Quickly Scalable Fat-Tree Overlay for Personal Volunteer Computing using WebRTC

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    WebRTC enables browsers to exchange data directly but the number of possible concurrent connections to a single source is limited. We overcome the limitation by organizing participants in a fat-tree overlay: when the maximum number of connections of a tree node is reached, the new participants connect to the node's children. Our design quickly scales when a large number of participants join in a short amount of time, by relying on a novel scheme that only requires local information to route connection messages: the destination is derived from the hash value of the combined identifiers of the message's source and of the node that is holding the message. The scheme provides deterministic routing of a sequence of connection messages from a single source and probabilistic balancing of newer connections among the leaves. We show that this design puts at least 83% of nodes at the same depth as a deterministic algorithm, can connect a thousand browser windows in 21-55 seconds in a local network, and can be deployed for volunteer computing to tap into 320 cores in less than 30 seconds on a local network to increase the total throughput on the Collatz application by two orders of magnitude compared to a single core

    Spartan Daily, November 6, 1997

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    Volume 109, Issue 49https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9196/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, October 16, 1996

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    Volume 107, Issue 34https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/8890/thumbnail.jp

    Simulated penetration testing and mitigation analysis

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    Da Unternehmensnetzwerke und Internetdienste stetig komplexer werden, wird es immer schwieriger, installierte Programme, Schwachstellen und Sicherheitsprotokolle zu überblicken. Die Idee hinter simuliertem Penetrationstesten ist es, Informationen über ein Netzwerk in ein formales Modell zu transferiern und darin einen Angreifer zu simulieren. Diesem Modell fügen wir einen Verteidiger hinzu, der mittels eigener Aktionen versucht, die Fähigkeiten des Angreifers zu minimieren. Dieses zwei-Spieler Handlungsplanungsproblem nennen wir Stackelberg planning. Ziel ist es, Administratoren, Penetrationstestern und der Führungsebene dabei zu helfen, die Schwachstellen großer Netzwerke zu identifizieren und kosteneffiziente Gegenmaßnahmen vorzuschlagen. Wir schaffen in dieser Dissertation erstens die formalen und algorithmischen Grundlagen von Stackelberg planning. Indem wir dabei auf klassischen Planungsproblemen aufbauen, können wir von gut erforschten Heuristiken und anderen Techniken zur Analysebeschleunigung, z.B. symbolischer Suche, profitieren. Zweitens entwerfen wir einen Formalismus für Privilegien-Eskalation und demonstrieren die Anwendbarkeit unserer Simulation auf lokale Computernetzwerke. Drittens wenden wir unsere Simulation auf internetweite Szenarien an und untersuchen die Robustheit sowohl der E-Mail-Infrastruktur als auch von Webseiten. Viertens ermöglichen wir mittels webbasierter Benutzeroberflächen den leichten Zugang zu unseren Tools und Analyseergebnissen.As corporate networks and Internet services are becoming increasingly more complex, it is hard to keep an overview over all deployed software, their potential vulnerabilities, and all existing security protocols. Simulated penetration testing was proposed to extend regular penetration testing by transferring gathered information about a network into a formal model and simulate an attacker in this model. Having a formal model of a network enables us to add a defender trying to mitigate the capabilities of the attacker with their own actions. We name this two-player planning task Stackelberg planning. The goal behind this is to help administrators, penetration testing consultants, and the management level at finding weak spots of large computer infrastructure and suggesting cost-effective mitigations to lower the security risk. In this thesis, we first lay the formal and algorithmic foundations for Stackelberg planning tasks. By building it in a classical planning framework, we can benefit from well-studied heuristics, pruning techniques, and other approaches to speed up the search, for example symbolic search. Second, we design a theory for privilege escalation and demonstrate the applicability of our framework to local computer networks. Third, we apply our framework to Internet-wide scenarios by investigating the robustness of both the email infrastructure and the web. Fourth, we make our findings and our toolchain easily accessible via web-based user interfaces

    Spartan Daily, December 10, 1996

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    Volume 107, Issue 70https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/8926/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, March 6, 2006

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    Volume 126, Issue 22https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10222/thumbnail.jp

    Using Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts for Access Management in IoT devices

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    The Internet of Things is a proliferating industry, which is transforming many homes and businesses, making them smart. However, the rapid growth of these devices and the interactions between these devices, introduces many challenges including that of a secure management system for the identities and interactions of the devices. While the centralized model has worked well for many years, there is a risk of the servers becoming bottlenecks and a single point of failure, thereby making them vulnerable to Denial-of-Service attacks. As a backbone of these interactions, Blockchain is capable of creating a highly secure, independent and distributed platform. Blockchain is a peer to peer, distributed ledger system that stores all the transactions taking place within the network. The main purpose of the servers that form a part of the distributed system is to provide a consensus, using various consensus algorithms, on the state of the blockchain at any given time and to store a copy of all the transactions taking place. This thesis explores the Blockchain technology in general and investigates its potential with regard to access management of constrained devices. A proof of concept system has been designed and implemented that demonstrates a simplified access management system using Ethereum Blockchain. This was done to check whether the concept can be applied at a global level. Although the latency of the network depends on the computing power of the resources participating in the Blockchain, an evaluation of the proof of concept system has been made, keeping in mind the smallest device that can be involved in the consensus process. Docker containers have been used to simulate a cluster of the nodes participating in the Blockchain, in order to examine the implemented system. An outline of the various advantages and the limitations of Blockchains in general, as well as the developed proof of concept system, has also been provided

    Proceedings of the 3rd IUI Workshop on Interacting with Smart Objects

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    These are the Proceedings of the 3rd IUI Workshop on Interacting with Smart Objects. Objects that we use in our everyday life are expanding their restricted interaction capabilities and provide functionalities that go far beyond their original functionality. They feature computing capabilities and are thus able to capture information, process and store it and interact with their environments, turning them into smart objects

    Spartan Daily, February 10, 1997

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    Volume 108, Issue 12https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9089/thumbnail.jp