12 research outputs found

    Etapas del tratamiento documental de imagen en movimiento para televisión.

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    Se presenta las fases del tratamiento documental para la gestión de la documentación audiovisual en los programas informativos de televisión. Previo a la presentación de un nuevo modelo se muestran las principales aportaciones realizadas por los profesionales de ámbito nacional e internacional. Se desarrollan las etapas de visionado, resumen e indización, en un modelo válido para televisiones locales, autonómicas y nacionales.This article deals with the stages of documentary processing for audiovisual documentation management in informative television programs. Before introducing a new model, the main contributions made by both national and international professionals are reviewed. The viewing, summary and indexing stages are developed in a model valid for local, regional and national television


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    This study aims to analyze the development of Indonesian domestic defense industry after the end ofcold war. The focus of the discussion is how to improve Indonesian militarystrength and capabilitiesthrough the development of the domestic defense industry, currently Indonesia has three potential domestic defense industries (PT. Pindad, PT. Dirgantara Indonesia, PT. PAL). In the era of cold war,the securityof the Southeast Asian region countriesare very dependent on the two super power countriesUSA and USSR, but after the end of the cold war, every country in Southeast Asia has an obligation to fight for their own security, including Indonesia. Therefore, the defense industry needs to be built through the revitalization of the defense industry. According to GFP (Global Fire Power) and other military institutions Indonesia is the strongest in Southeast Asia region. To increase its military strength Indonesiaintensely developing the capabilities of the domestic defense industry and doing a lot of defense cooperation with developed countries in the world. This military theme is very interesting to discus


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    Historical archives save invaluable treasures and play a critical role in the conservation of Cultural Heritage. Old photographs and videos, which have survived over time and stored in these archives, preserve traces of architecture and urban transformation and, in many cases, are the only evidence of buildings that no longer exist. They are a precious source of enormous informative potential in Cultural Heritage documentation and save invaluable treasures. Thanks to photogrammetric techniques it is possible to extract metric information from these sources useful for 3D virtual reconstructions of monuments and historic buildings. This paper explores the ways to search for, classify and group historical data by considering their possible use in metric documentation and aims to provide an overview of criticality and open issues of the methodologies that could be used to process these data. A practical example is described and presented as a case study. The video "Torino 1928", an old movie dating from the 1930s, was processed for reconstructing the temporary pavilions of the "Exposition" held in Turin in 1928. Despite the initial concerns relating to processing this kind of data, the experimental methodology used in this research has allowed to reach a quality of results of acceptable standard

    The Modern Methods of Data Analysis in Social Research: Python Programming Language and its Pandas Library as an Example- a Theoretic Study

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    سنحاول من خلال هذه الورقة البحثية تسليط الضوء على أهمية وأبعاد استخدامات لغة 'بايثون' في العلوم الاجتماعية، كأحد لغات البرمجة الأكثر استخداما، باعتبارها لغة سهلة التعلم، قوية، وسهلة التطبيق، لتحليل البيانات في البحوث الاجتماعية، والتركيز على مكتبة Pandas باعتبارها واحدة من المكتبات الأكثر استخداماً في تحليل البيانات في تلك البحوث، حيث توفر وسائل قوية لتحليل وتحويل البيانات وإجراء العمليات الحسابية والإحصائية على البيانات بشكل سهل وفعال.  وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى   أن تعلُّم لغات البرمجة وتوظيفها في تحليل البيانات في العلوم الاجتماعية أصبح أمرًا حاسمًا في وقتنا الحاضر، لفهم وتحليل وتفسير المجتمع المعاصر ولتوليد رؤى علمية جديدة وإنتاج معرفة توافق التغيرات المتسارعة في المجال الاجتماعي.          This study aims to highlight the significance and various dimensions of utilizing the Python language in the field of social sciences. Python is widely recognized as one of the most frequently employed programming languages, primarily due to its user-friendly nature and suitability for data analysis in social research. In this study, particular emphasis is placed on the Pandas library, which holds a prominent position in data analysis for social research. The library offers robust tools for data analysis, manipulation, and the execution of mathematical and statistical operations in an efficient and accessible manner. The study has concluded that learning programming languages and using them in data analysis in social sciences has become crucial nowadays to understand, analyze and interpret the contemporary society, as well as to generate new scientific perspectives and produce knowledge that corresponds to the rapid changes in the social field

    UA1C4/7 Student Groups & Association Photos

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    Images of student groups and associations not otherwise listed

    Exploration of Plant Species in Traditional Ceremonies Kajang Tribe in Bulukumba Regency South Sulawesi

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    Abstract: Plant that is used in traditional ceremonies kajang tribe in Bulukumba regency is a symbol of the hopes from society containing two meanings, religious and adjust to the plants function. The research method is descriptive, conducted in Tanah Towa village, Kajang Sub-district which aimed to determine species of the plants, parts of the plants, and the meaning of the plants in traditional ceremony. Informants consisted of indigenous leaders and community leaders who are aged over 50 years, while community leaders under the age of 50 years. Data collection techniques are interview and documentation techniques while processing the data with qualitative descriptive analysis. The result of the research show that, species of plants that is used in traditional ceremony, there are 26 species were classified into 17 order, part of the plant that used are roots (radix), stems (caulis), leave (folium), flowers and fruit (flos and fructus). Traditional ceremonies especially using plants are wedding ceremony, pregnancy, birth, funerals, new homes, agricultural, prolonged drought, pilgrimage to the tomb, and Ammatoa inauguration ceremony

    Diagnostics for building commissioning and operation

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    Digital Forensics and Born-Digital Content in Cultural Heritage Collections

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    Digital Forensics and Born-Digital Content in Cultural Heritage Collections examines digital forensics and its relevance for contemporary research. The applicability of digital forensics to archivists, curators, and others working within our cultural heritage is not necessarily intuitive. When the shared interests of digital forensics and responsibilities associated with securing and maintaining our cultural legacy are identified—preservation, extraction, documentation, and interpretation, as this report details—the correspondence between these fields of study becomes logical and compelling.Council on Library and Information Resource

    Towards a conceptual framework for stakeholder relationship management on South African wine farms

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    The importance of the South African wine industry has grown due to increased access to global markets and its growing contribution to the GDP. The sector contributed R36 billion (1.2%) to the GDP in 2018 and continues to directly and indirectly employ 300 000 people. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the sector remains stable to drive further development. However, the industry outlook is uncertain. Rising production costs, climate and technological disruption is cause for concern. Wine farms are under pressure as wine production is declining and sustainability at the farm level is increasingly challenging. Sustainability and stabilisation do not simply lie in driving direct sales in regional, national and international markets. It is crucial that the industry comes together to drive inclusive growth which considers the quadruple bottom line of people, planet, profit and purpose. Literature shows stakeholder relationship management (SRM) is a key driver for sustainable and successful businesses across multiple industries. Stakeholder relationships are evident throughout the wine value chain; however, research on wine farms and SRM is limited. Furthermore, literature suggests that the wine industry as a whole should build and maintain resilient relationships. This should lead to mutual value creation which considers a diverse set of needs and wants from small and large wine farms, consumers, customers and other industry role players. The AccountAbility Stakeholder Engagement Standard (2015) is viewed as central for implementing SRM. This study adopted an ethnographic design to qualitatively answer the key question of what the best practices for SRM on South African wine farms could be. An industry body for the South African wine industry and several wine farms participated in this study. Interviews and organisational documents served as the sources of empirical evidence. The evidence suggests that the industry and selected wine farms value SRM as a business function. However, SRM practices are not being used to its full potential despite an understanding of the importance thereof. The major recommendation of this study is a conceptual framework which could enable wine farms to improve SRM practices and thus better identify and meet stakeholders’ legitimate needs and wants. Future research would elevate this framework to a model.Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2019.TM2019Communication ManagementMComUnrestricte

    Maine State Government Administrative Report 1980-1981

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