81,231 research outputs found

    Object-oriented BioAPI standard

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    BioAPI is the specification of ISO/IEC 19784-1 (also known as BioAPI) for object-oriented programming languages. It is standardized in the ISO/IEC 30106 series of standards and includes alanguage-independent specification of its architecture in part 1, while the rest of the parts details the specification in different object-oriented programming languages, such as Java (in part 2) and C# (in part 3). For the language-specific definitions, also some open-source reference implementations have been defined

    Strategic Directions in Object-Oriented Programming

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    This paper has provided an overview of the field of object-oriented programming. After presenting a historical perspective and some major achievements in the field, four research directions were introduced: technologies integration, software components, distributed programming, and new paradigms. In general there is a need to continue research in traditional areas:\ud (1) as computer systems become more and more complex, there is a need to further develop the work on architecture and design; \ud (2) to support the development of complex systems, there is a need for better languages, environments, and tools; \ud (3) foundations in the form of the conceptual framework and other theories must be extended to enhance the means for modeling and formal analysis, as well as for understanding future computer systems

    Architecture for object-oriented programming model

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    Current mainstream architectures have ISAs that are not able to maintain all the information provided by the application programmer using a high level programming language. Typically, the information that is lost in compiling to a low-level ISA is related to parallelism and speculation [14]. For example some loops are typically expressed as parallel loops by the programmer but later the processor is not able to determine this level of parallelism; conditional execution might apply control independent execution that at execution time is basically impossible to detect; function and object-level parallelism is lost when code is transformed into a low-level ISA that is oblivious to programmer intentions and high-level programming structures. Object Oriented Programming Languages are arguably the most successful programming medium because they help the programmer to use well-known practices about data distribution through operations related with the associated data. Therefore object oriented models express data/execution locality more naturally and in an efficient manner. Other OO software mechanisms such as derivation and polymorphism further help the programmer to exploit locality better. Once object oriented programs have been compiled then all information about data/execution locality is completely lost in current assembly code (ISA code). Maintaining this information until runtime is crucial to improve locality and security. Finally, Object Oriented Programming Models maintain the idea of memory (data memory) far from the programmer. These are all desirable qualities that is mostly lost in the compilation to a low-level ISA that is oblivious to the Object-Oriented Programming model. This report considers implementing the Object Oriented (OO) Programming Model directly in the hardware to serve as a base to exploit object/level parallelism, speculation and heterogeneous computing. Towards this goal, we present new computer architecture that implements the OO Programming Models. All its hardware structures are objects and its Instruction Set directly utilizes objects hiding totally the notion of memory and other complex hardware structures. It also maintains all high-level programming language information until execution time. This enables efficient extraction of available parallelism in OO serial or parallel code at execution time with minimal compiler support. We will demonstrate the potential of this novel computer architecture through several examples.Postprint (published version

    MetaBETA: Model and Implementation

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    Object-oriented programming languages are excellent for expressing abstractions in many application domains. The object-oriented programming methodology allows real-world concepts to modelled in an easy and direct fashion and it supports refinement of concepts. However, many object-oriented languages and their implementations fall short in two areas: dynamic extensibility and reflection.Dynamic extensibility is the ability to incorporate new classes into an application at runtime. Reflection makes it possible for a language to extend its own domain, e.g., to build type-orthogonal functionality. MetaBETA is an extension of the BETA language that supports dynamic extensibility and reflection. MetaBETA has a metalevel interface that provides access to the state of a running application and to the default implementation of language primities.This report presents the model behind MetaBETA. In particular, we discuss the execution model of a MetaBETA program and how type- orthogonal abstractions can be built. This includes precentation of dynamic slots, a mechanism that makes is possible ectend objects at runtime. The other main area covered in this report is the implementation of MetaBETA. The central component of the architecture is a runtime system, which is viewed as a virtual machine whose baselevel interface implements the functionality needed by the programming language

    Побудова інтерактивного електронного навчального посібника в системі управління контентом E107

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    У роботі розглядається побудова інтерактивного електронного навчального посібника для вивчення мов програмування (об’єктно-орієнтованого програмування). Описано спеціалізований веб-інструментарій об’єднання різноформатних навчальних матеріалів в єдиний інтерактивний посібник, розглянуто основні етапи проектування і запропонована концепція архітектури системи.In the paper we consider construction of an interactive electronic textbook for the study of programming languages (Object Oriented Programming). We describe a specialized web-toolkit that associats multiformat learning materials into a single interactive guide , also we describe the basic stages of the design and propose the concept of the system architecture

    Modular language processors as framework completions

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    Journal ArticleThe conceptual and specificational power of denotational semantics for programming language design has been amply demonstrated. We report here on a language implementation method that is similarly semantically motivated, but is based upon object-oriented design principles, and results in flexible and evolvable language processors. We apply this technique to the area of object-oriented (O-O) languages, in the form of a general metalevel architecture for objects and inheritance that facilitates the development of compilers and interpreters for 0-0 languages. This development strategy maintains architectural modularity by mapping conceptual language design decisions to isolatable parts of resulting language processors. Our architecture, which is presented as an OO framework, is characterized by (i) support for a broad set of modularity features including encapsulation and strong typing, and (ii) an "unbundled" view of inheritance, semantic features of which are decomposed by means of a set of module combination operations (combinators). We describe an implementation of our framework in C++, and assess its utility by constructing a compiler for a simple 0 - 0 extension to the programming language C. We further argue the flexibility of the resulting processor by outlining the incorporation of several significant extensions to the basic module language. We claim that the use of such a framework for compiler construction has many advantages, including a systematic language development method, processor software reuse, language extensibility, and potential for interoperability among languages.

    The Extension of Object-Oriented Languages to a Homogenous, Concurrent Architecture

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    A homogeneous machine architecture, consisting of a regular interconnection of many identical elements, exploits the economic benefits of VLSI technology, A concurrent programming model is presented that is related to object oriented languages such as Simula and Smalltalk. Techniques are developed which permit the execution of general purpose object oriented programs on a homogeneous machine. Both the hardware architecture and the supporting software algorithms are demonstrated to scale their performance with the size of the system. The program objects communicate by passing messages. Objects may move about in the system and may have an arbitrary pointer topology, A distributed, on-the-fly garbage collection algorithm is presented which operates by message passing. Simulation of the algorithm demonstrates its ability to collect obsolete objects over the entire machine with acceptable overhead costs. Algorithms for maintaining the locality of object references and for implementing a virtual object capability are also presented. To insure the absence of hardware bottlenecks, a number of interconnection strategies are discussed and simulated for use in a homogeneous machine. Of those considered, the Boolean N-cube connection is demonstrated to provide the necessary characteristics. The object oriented machine will provide increased performance as its size is increased. It can execute a general purpose, concurrent, object oriented language where the size of the machine and its interconnection topology are transparent to the programmer

    Julia Programming Language Benchmark Using a Flight Simulation

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    Julias goal to provide scripting language ease-of-coding with compiled language speed is explored. The runtime speed of the relatively new Julia programming language is assessed against other commonly used languages including Python, Java, and C++. An industry-standard missile and rocket simulation, coded in multiple languages, was used as a test bench for runtime speed. All language versions of the simulation, including Julia, were coded to a highly-developed object-oriented simulation architecture tailored specifically for time-domain flight simulation. A speed-of-coding second-dimension is plotted against runtime for each language to portray a space that characterizes Julias scripting language efficiencies in the context of the other languages. With caveats, Julia runtime speed was found to be in the class of compiled or semi-compiled languages. However, some factors that affect runtime speed at the cost of ease-of-coding are shown. Julias built-in functionality for multi-core processing is briefly examined as a means for obtaining even faster runtime speed. The major contribution of this research to the extensive language benchmarking body-of-work is comparing Julia to other mainstream languages using a complex flight simulation as opposed to benchmarking with single algorithms