95 research outputs found

    Operational and real-time Business Intelligence

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    A key component of a company’s IT framework is a business intelligence (BI) system. BI enables business users to report on, analyze and optimize business operations to reduce costs and increase revenues. Organizations use BI for strategic and tactical decision making where the decision-making cycle may span a time period of several weeks (e.g., campaign management) or months (e.g., improving customer satisfaction).Competitive pressures coming from a very dynamic business environment are forcing companies to react faster to changing business conditions and customer requirements. As a result, there is now a need to use BI to help drive and optimize business operations on a daily basis, and, in some cases, even for intraday decision making. This type of BI is usually called operational business intelligence and real-time business intelligence.Operational Business Intelligence, Real Time Business Intelligence, strategic, tactical, operational, real-time.

    Pragmatic development of service based real-time change data capture

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    This thesis makes a contribution to the Change Data Capture (CDC) field by providing an empirical evaluation on the performance of CDC architectures in the context of realtime data warehousing. CDC is a mechanism for providing data warehouse architectures with fresh data from Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) databases. There are two types of CDC architectures, pull architectures and push architectures. There is exiguous data on the performance of CDC architectures in a real-time environment. Performance data is required to determine the real-time viability of the two architectures. We propose that push CDC architectures are optimal for real-time CDC. However, push CDC architectures are seldom implemented because they are highly intrusive towards existing systems and arduous to maintain. As part of our contribution, we pragmatically develop a service based push CDC solution, which addresses the issues of intrusiveness and maintainability. Our solution uses Data Access Services (DAS) to decouple CDC logic from the applications. A requirement for the DAS is to place minimal overhead on a transaction in an OLTP environment. We synthesize DAS literature and pragmatically develop DAS that eciently execute transactions in an OLTP environment. Essentially we develop effeicient RESTful DAS, which expose Transactions As A Resource (TAAR). We evaluate the TAAR solution and three pull CDC mechanisms in a real-time environment, using the industry recognised TPC-C benchmark. The optimal CDC mechanism in a real-time environment, will capture change data with minimal latency and will have a negligible affect on the database's transactional throughput. Capture latency is the time it takes a CDC mechanism to capture a data change that has been applied to an OLTP database. A standard definition for capture latency and how to measure it does not exist in the field. We create this definition and extend the TPC-C benchmark to make the capture latency measurement. The results from our evaluation show that pull CDC is capable of real-time CDC at low levels of user concurrency. However, as the level of user concurrency scales upwards, pull CDC has a significant impact on the database's transaction rate, which affirms the theory that pull CDC architectures are not viable in a real-time architecture. TAAR CDC on the other hand is capable of real-time CDC, and places a minimal overhead on the transaction rate, although this performance is at the expense of CPU resources

    Optimising HYBRIDJOIN to Process Semi-Stream Data in Near-real-time Data Warehousing

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    Near-real-time data warehousing plays an essential role for decision making in organizations where latest data is to be fed from various data sources on near-real-time basis. The stream of sales data coming from data sources needs to be transformed to the data warehouse format using disk-based master data. This transformation process is a challenging task due to slow disk access rate as compare to the fast stream data. For this purpose, an adaptive semi-stream join algorithm called HYBRIDJOIN (Hybrid Join) is presented in the literature. The algorithm uses a single buffer to load partitions from the master data. Therefore, the algorithm has to wait until the next disk partition overwrites the existing partition in the buffer. As the cost of loading the disk partition into the buffer is a major cost in the total algorithm’s processing cost, this leaves the performance of the algorithm sub-optimal. This paper presents optimisation of existing HYBRIDJOIN by introducing another buffer. This enables the algorithm to load the second buffer while the first one is under join execution. This reduces the time that the algorithm wait for loading of master data partition and consequently, this improves the performance of the algorithm significantly

    Big data velocity management-from stream to warehouse via high performance memory optimized index join

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    Efficient resource optimization is critical to manage the velocity and volume of real-time streaming data in near-real-time data warehousing and business intelligence. This article presents a memory optimisation algorithm for rapidly joining streaming data with persistent master data in order to reduce data latency. Typically during the transformation phase of ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading) a stream of transactional data needs to be joined with master data stored on disk. To implement this process, a semi-stream join operator is commonly used. Most semi-stream join operators cache frequent parts of the master data to improve their performance, this process requires careful distribution of allocated memory among the components of the join operator. This article presents a cache inequality approach to optimise cache size and memory. To test this approach, we present a novel Memory Optimal Index-based Join (MOIJ) algorithm. MOIJ supports many-to-many types of joins and adapts to dynamic streaming data. We also present a cost model for MOIJ and compare the performance with existing algorithms empirically as well as analytically. We envisage the enhanced ability of processing near-real-time streaming data using minimal memory will reduce latency in processing big data and will contribute to the development of highperformance real-time business intelligence systems

    The challenges of extract, transform and load (ETL) for data integration in near real-time environment

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    Organization with considerable investment into data warehousing, the influx of various data types and forms require certain ways of prepping data and staging platform that support fast, efficient and volatile data to reach its targeted audiences or users of different business needs. Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) system proved to be a choice standard for managing and sustaining the movement and transactional process of the valued big data assets. However, traditional ETL system can no longer accommodate and effectively handle streaming or near real-time data and stimulating environment which demands high availability, low latency and horizontal scalability features for functionality. This paper identifies the challenges of implementing ETL system for streaming or near real-time data which needs to evolve and streamline itself with the different requirements. Current efforts and solution approaches to address the challenges are presented. The classification of ETL system challenges are prepared based on near real-time environment features and ETL stages to encourage different perspectives for future research

    HYBRIDJOIN for near-real-time Data Warehousing

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    An important component of near-real-time data warehouses is the near-real-time integration layer. One important element in near-real-time data integration is the join of a continuous input data stream with a diskbased relation. For high-throughput streams, stream-based algorithms, such as Mesh Join (MESHJOIN), can be used. However, in MESHJOIN the performance of the algorithm is inversely proportional to the size of disk-based relation. The Index Nested Loop Join (INLJ) can be set up so that it processes stream input, and can deal with intermittences in the update stream but it has low throughput. This paper introduces a robust stream-based join algorithm called Hybrid Join (HYBRIDJOIN), which combines the two approaches. A theoretical result shows that HYBRIDJOIN is asymptotically as fast as the fastest of both algorithms. The authors present performance measurements of the implementation. In experiments using synthetic data based on a Zipfian distribution, HYBRIDJOIN performs significantly better for typical parameters of the Zipfian distribution, and in general performs in accordance with the theoretical model while the other two algorithms are unacceptably slow under different settings


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    The present work was developed during an internship, under Erasmus+ Traineeship program, in Fieldwork Robotics, a Cambridge based company that develops robots to operate in agricultural fields. They collect data from commercial greenhouses with sensors and real sense cameras, as well as with gripper cameras placed in the robotic arms. This data is recorded mainly in bag files, consisting of unstructured data, such as images and semi-structured data, such as metadata associated with both the conditions where the images were taken and information about the robot itself. Data was uploaded, extracted, cleaned and labelled manually before being used to train Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to identify raspberries during the harvesting process. The amount of available data quickly escalates with every trip to the fields, which creates an ever-growing need for an automated process. This problem was addressed via the creation of a data engineering platform encom- passing a data lake, data warehouse and its needed processing capabilities. This platform was created following a series of principles entitled Lean Data Engineering Principles (LDEP), and the systems that follows them are called Lean Data Engineering Systems (LDES). These principles urge to start with the end in mind: process incoming batch or real-time data with no resource wasting, limiting the costs to the absolutely necessary for the job completion, in other words to be as lean as possible. The LDEP principles are a combination of state-of-the-art ideas stemming from several fields, such as data engineering, software engineering and DevOps, leveraging cloud technologies at its core. The proposed custom-made solution enabled the company to scale its data operations, being able to label images almost ten times faster while reducing over 99.9% of its associated costs in comparison to the previous process. In addition, the data lifecycle time has been reduced from weeks to hours while maintaining coherent data quality results, being able, for instance, to correctly identify 94% of the labels in comparison to a human counterpart.Este trabalho foi desenvolvido durante um estágio no âmbito do programa Erasmus+ Traineeship, na Fieldwork Robotics, uma empresa sediada em Cambridge que desenvolve robôs agrícolas. Estes robôs recolhem dados no terreno com sensores e câmeras real- sense, localizados na estrutura de alumínio e nos pulsos dos braços robóticos. Os dados recolhidos são ficheiros contendo dados não estruturados, tais como imagens, e dados semi- -estruturados, associados às condições em que as imagens foram recolhidas. Originalmente, o processo de tratamento dos dados recolhidos (upload, extração, limpeza e etiquetagem) era feito de forma manual, sendo depois utilizados para treinar algoritmos de Inteligência Artificial (IA) para identificar framboesas durante o processo de colheita. Como a quantidade de dados aumentava substancialmente com cada ida ao terreno, verificou-se uma necessidade crescente de um processo automatizado. Este problema foi endereçado com a criação de uma plataforma de engenharia de dados, composta por um data lake, uma data warehouse e o respetivo processamento, para movimentar os dados nas diferentes etapas do processo. Esta plataforma foi criada seguindo uma série de princípios intitulados Lean Data Engineering Principles (LDEP), sendo os sistemas que os seguem intitulados de Lean Data Engineering Systems (LDES). Estes princípios incitam a começar com o fim em mente: processar dados em batch ou em tempo real, sem desperdício de recursos, limitando os custos ao absolutamente necessário para a concluir o trabalho, ou seja, tornando-os o mais lean possível. Os LDEP combinam vertentes do estado da arte em diversas áreas, tais como engenharia de dados, engenharia de software, DevOps, tendo no seu cerne as tecnologias na cloud. O novo processo permitiu à empresa escalar as suas operações de dados, tornando-se capaz de etiquetar imagens quase 10× mais rápido e reduzindo em mais de 99,9% os custos associados, quando comparado com o processo anterior. Adicionalmente, o ciclo de vida dos dados foi reduzido de semanas para horas, mantendo uma qualidade equiparável, ao ser capaz de identificar corretamente 94% das etiquetas em comparação com um homólogo humano

    A Comparison of Query Execution Speeds for Large Amounts of Data Using Various DBMS Engines Executing on Selected RAM and CPU Configurations

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    In modern economies, most important business decisions are based on detailed analysis of available data. In order to obtain a rapid response from analytical tools, data should be pre-aggregated over dimensions that are of most interest to each business. Sometimes however, important decisions may require analysis of business data over seemingly less important dimensions which have not been pre-aggregated during the ETL process. On these occasions, the ad-hoc "online" aggregation is performed whose execution time is dependent on the overall DBMS performance. This paper describes how the performance of several commercial and non-commercial DBMSs was tested by running queries designed for data analysis using "ad-hoc" aggregations over large volumes of data. Each DBMS was installed on a separate virtual machine and was run on several computers, and two amounts of RAM memory were allocated for each test. Measurements of query execution times were recorded which demonstrated that, as expected, column-oriented databases out-performed classical row-oriented database systems

    Extract, Transform, and Load data from Legacy Systems to Azure Cloud

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    Internship report presented as partial requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceIn a world with continuously evolving technologies and hardened competitive markets, organisations need to continually be on guard to grasp cutting edge technology and tools that will help them to surpass any competition that arises. Modern data platforms that incorporate cloud technologies, support organisations to strive and get ahead of their competitors by providing solutions that help them capture and optimally use untapped data, and scalable storages to adapt to ever-growing data quantities. Also, adopt data processing and visualisation tools that help to improve the decision-making process. With many cloud providers available in the market, from small players to major technology corporations, this offers much flexibility to organisations to choose the best cloud technology that will align with their use cases and overall products and services strategy. This internship came up at the time when one of Accenture’s significant client in the financial industry decided to migrate from legacy systems to a cloud-based data infrastructure that is Microsoft Azure cloud. During this internship, development of the data lake, which is a core part of the MDP, was done to understand better the type of challenges that can be faced when migrating data from on-premise legacy systems to a cloud-based infrastructure. Also, provided in this work, are the main recommendations and guidelines when it comes to performing a large scale data migration
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