11 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Mapping Parallel Processes onto Grid and Torus Architectures

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    Static mapping is the assignment of parallel processes to the processing elements (PEs) of a parallel system, where the assignment does not change during the application's lifetime. In our scenario we model an application's computations and their dependencies by an application graph. This graph is first partitioned into (nearly) equally sized blocks. These blocks need to communicate at block boundaries. To assign the processes to PEs, our goal is to compute a communication-efficient bijective mapping between the blocks and the PEs. This approach of partitioning followed by bijective mapping has many degrees of freedom. Thus, users and developers of parallel applications need to know more about which choices work for which application graphs and which parallel architectures. To this end, we not only develop new mapping algorithms (derived from known greedy methods). We also perform extensive experiments involving different classes of application graphs (meshes and complex networks), architectures of parallel computers (grids and tori), as well as different partitioners and mapping algorithms. Surprisingly, the quality of the partitions, unless very poor, has little influence on the quality of the mapping. More importantly, one of our new mapping algorithms always yields the best results in terms of the quality measure maximum congestion when the application graphs are complex networks. In case of meshes as application graphs, this mapping algorithm always leads in terms of maximum congestion AND maximum dilation, another common quality measure.Comment: Accepted at PDP-201

    Fast Iterative Graph Computation: A Path Centric Approach

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    Abstract—Large scale graph processing represents an inter-esting challenge due to the lack of locality. This paper presents PathGraph for improving iterative graph computation on graphs with billions of edges. Our system design has three unique features: First, we model a large graph using a collection of tree-based partitions and use an path-centric computation rather than vertex-centric or edge-centric computation. Our parallel computation model significantly improves the memory and disk locality for performing iterative computation algorithms. Second, we design a compact storage that further maximize sequential access and minimize random access on storage media. Third, we implement the path-centric computation model by using a scatter/gather programming model, which parallels the iterative computation at partition tree level and performs sequential updates for vertices in each partition tree. The experimental results show that the path-centric approach outperforms vertex-centric and edge-centric systems on a number of graph algorithms for both in-memory and out-of-core graphs

    Improving scalability of large-scale distributed Spiking Neural Network simulations on High Performance Computing systems using novel architecture-aware streaming hypergraph partitioning

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    After theory and experimentation, modelling and simulation is regarded as the third pillar of science, helping scientists to further their understanding of a complex system. In recent years there has been a growing scientific focus on computational neuroscience as a means to understand the brain and its functions, with large international projects (Human Brain Project, Brain Activity Map, MindScope and \textit{China Brain Project}) aiming to further our knowledge of high level cognitive functions. They are a testament to the enormous interest, difficulty and importance of solving the mysteries of the brain. Spiking Neural Network (SNN) simulations are widely used in the domain to facilitate experimentation. Scaling SNN simulations to large networks usually results in more-than-linear increase in computational complexity. The computing resources required at the brain scale simulation far surpass the capabilities of personal computers today. If those demands are to be met, distributed computation models need to be adopted, since there is a slow down of improvements in individual processors speed due to physical limitations on heat dissipation. This is a significant change that requires careful management of the workload in many levels: partition of work, communication and workload balancing, efficient inter-process communication and efficient use of available memory. If large scale neuronal network models are to be run successfully, simulators must consider these, and offer a viable solution to the challenges they pose. Large scale SNN simulations evidence most of the issues of general HPC systems evident in large distributed computation. Commonly used distribution of workload algorithms (round robin, random and manual allocation) do not take into consideration connectivity locality, which is natural in biological networks, which can lead to increased communication requirements when distributing the simulation in multiple computing nodes. State-of-the-art SNN simulations use dense communication collectives to distribute spike data. The common method of point to point communication in distributed computation is through dense patterns. Sparse communication collectives have been suggested to incur in lower overheads when the application's pattern of communication is sparse. In this work we characterise the bottlenecks on communication-bound SNN simulations and identify communication balance and sparsity as the main contributors to scalability. We propose hypergraph partitioning to distribute neurons along computing nodes to minimise communication (increasing sparsity). A hypergraph is a generalisation of graphs, where a (hyper)edge can link 2 or more vertices at once. Coupled with a novel use of sparse-aware communication collective, computational efficiency increases by up to 40.8 percent points and simulation time reduces by up to 73\%, compared to the common round-robin allocation in neuronal simulators. HPC systems have, by design, highly hierarchical communication network links, with qualitative differences in communication speed and latency between computing nodes. This can create a mismatch between the distributed simulation communication patterns and the physical capabilities of the hardware. If large distributed simulations are to take full advantage of these systems, the communication properties of the HPC need to be taken into consideration when allocating workload to route frequent, heavy communication through fast network links. Strategies that consider the heterogeneous physical communication capabilities are called architecture-aware. After demonstrating that hypergraph partitioning leads to more efficient workload allocation in SNN simulations, this thesis proposes a novel sequential hypergraph partitioning algorithm that incorporates network bandwidth via profiling. This leads to a significant reduction in execution time (up to 14x speedup in synthetic benchmark simulations compared to architecture-agnostic partitioners). The motivating context of this work is large scale brain simulations, however in the era of social media, large graphs and hypergraphs are increasingly relevant in many other scientific applications. A common feature of such graphs is that they are too big for a single machine to cope, both in terms of performance and memory requirements. State-of-the-art multilevel partitioning has been shown to struggle to scale to large graphs in distributed memory, not just because they take a long time to process, but also because they require full knowledge of the graph (not possible in dynamic graphs) and to fit the graph entirely in memory (not possible for very large graphs). To address those limitations we propose a parallel implementation of our architecture-aware streaming hypergraph partitioning algorithm (HyperPRAW) to model distributed applications. Results demonstrate that HyperPRAW produces consistent speedup over previous streaming approaches that only consider hyperedge overlap (up to 5.2x speedup). Compared to multilevel global partitioner in dense hypergraphs (those with high average cardinality), HyperPRAW is able to produce workload allocations that result in speeding up runtime in a synthetic simulation benchmark (up to 4.3x). HyperPRAW has the potential to scale to very large hypergraphs as it only requires local information to make allocation decisions, with an order of magnitude less memory footprint than global partitioners. The combined contributions of this thesis lead to a novel, parallel, scalable, streaming hypergraph partitioning algorithm (HyperPRAW) that can be used to help scale large distributed simulations in HPC systems. HyperPRAW helps tackle three of the main scalability challenges: it produces highly balanced distributed computation and communication, minimising idle time between computing nodes; it reduces the communication overhead by placing frequently communicating simulation elements close to each other (where the communication cost is minimal); and it provides a solution with a reasonable memory footprint that allows tackling larger problems than state-of-the-art alternatives such as global multilevel partitioning

    Architecture- and Workload-Aware Graph (Re)Partitioning

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    Graph partitioning and repartitioning have been studied for several decades. Yet, they are receiving more attention due to the increasing popularity of large graphs from various domains, such as social networks, web networks, telecommunication networks, and scientific simulations. Traditional well-studied graph (re)partitioners often scale poorly against these continuously growing graphs. Recent works on streaming graph partitioning and lightweight graph repartitioning usually assume a homogeneous computing environment. However, modern parallel architectures may exhibit highly non-uniform network communication costs. Several solutions have been proposed to address this, but they all consider the network as the primary bottleneck of the system, even though transferring data across modern high-speed networks is now as fast as the local memory access. As such, minimization of the network data communication may not be a good choice. We found that putting too much data communication into partitions assigned to cores of the same machines may result in serious contention for the shared hardware resources (e.g., last level cache, memory controller, and front-side bus) on the memory subsystems in modern multicore clusters. The performance impact of the contention can even become the dominant factor in limiting the scalability of the workload, especially for multicore machines connected via high-speed networks. Another issue of existing graph (re)partitioners is that they are usually not aware of the runtime characteristics of the target workload. To enable efficient distributed graph computation, this thesis aims to (1) understand the performance impact of non-uniform network communication costs, the impact of contention on the memory subsystems, as well as the impact of workload runtime characteristics on distributed graph computation; and (2) design and implement new scalable graph (re)partitioners that take these factors into account

    Parallel Preconditioners for an Ocean Model in Climate Simulations

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    In this work, we evaluate different solvers and preconditioners for solving the barotropic system of an ocean model to achieve optimal performance on a high-performance computer. In the field of support theory, we derive upper bounds for the condition number of a system that is preconditioned with a block-Jacobi Steiner graph preconditioner. Furthermore, we analyze the application of a high-level approach for programming preconditioners on FPGAs

    Allocation Strategies for Data-Oriented Architectures

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    Data orientation is a common design principle in distributed data management systems. In contrast to process-oriented or transaction-oriented system designs, data-oriented architectures are based on data locality and function shipping. The tight coupling of data and processing thereon is implemented in different systems in a variety of application scenarios such as data analysis, database-as-a-service, and data management on multiprocessor systems. Data-oriented systems, i.e., systems that implement a data-oriented architecture, bundle data and operations together in tasks which are processed locally on the nodes of the distributed system. Allocation strategies, i.e., methods that decide the mapping from tasks to nodes, are core components in data-oriented systems. Good allocation strategies can lead to balanced systems while bad allocation strategies cause skew in the load and therefore suboptimal application performance and infrastructure utilization. Optimal allocation strategies are hard to find given the complexity of the systems, the complicated interactions of tasks, and the huge solution space. To ensure the scalability of data-oriented systems and to keep them manageable with hundreds of thousands of tasks, thousands of nodes, and dynamic workloads, fast and reliable allocation strategies are mandatory. In this thesis, we develop novel allocation strategies for data-oriented systems based on graph partitioning algorithms. Therefore, we show that systems from different application scenarios with different abstraction levels can be generalized to generic infrastructure and workload descriptions. We use weighted graph representations to model infrastructures with bounded and unbounded, i.e., overcommited, resources and possibly non-linear performance characteristics. Based on our generalized infrastructure and workload model, we formalize the allocation problem, which seeks valid and balanced allocations that minimize communication. Our allocation strategies partition the workload graph using solution heuristics that work with single and multiple vertex weights. Novel extensions to these solution heuristics can be used to balance penalized and secondary graph partition weights. These extensions enable the allocation strategies to handle infrastructures with non-linear performance behavior. On top of the basic algorithms, we propose methods to incorporate heterogeneous infrastructures and to react to changing workloads and infrastructures by incrementally updating the partitioning. We evaluate all components of our allocation strategy algorithms and show their applicability and scalability with synthetic workload graphs. In end-to-end--performance experiments in two actual data-oriented systems, a database-as-a-service system and a database management system for multiprocessor systems, we prove that our allocation strategies outperform alternative state-of-the-art methods

    Architecture aware partitioning algorithms

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    Existing partitioning algorithms provide limited support for load balancing simulations that are performed on heterogeneous parallel computing platforms. On such architectures, effective load balancing can only be achieved if the graph is distributed so that it properly takes into account the available resources (CPU speed, network bandwidth). With heterogeneous technologies becoming more popular, the need for suitable graph partitioning algorithms is critical. We developed such algorithms that can address the partitioning requirements of scientific computations, and can correctly model the architectural characteristics of emerging hardware platforms

    Architecture aware partitioning algorithms

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    Existing partitioning algorithms provide limited support for load balancing simulations that are performed on heterogeneous parallel computing platforms. On such architectures, effective load balancing can only be achieved if the graph is distributed so that it properly takes into account the available resources (CPU speed, network bandwidth). With heterogeneous technologies becoming more popular, the need for suitable graph partitioning algorithms is critical. We developed such algorithms that can address the partitioning requirements of scientific computations, and can correctly model the architectural characteristics of emerging hardware platforms