372 research outputs found

    Using gaming paratexts in the literacy classroom

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    This paper illustrates how digital game paratexts may effectively be used in the high school English to meet a variety of traditional and multimodal literacy outcomes. Paratexts are texts that refer to digital gaming and game cultures, and using them in the classroom enables practitioners to focus on and valorise the considerable literacies and skills that young people develop and deploy in their engagement with digital gaming and game cultures. The effectiveness of valorizing paratexts in this manner is demonstrated through two examples of assessment by students in classes where teachers had designed curriculum and assessment activities using paratexts

    Game Changer: Investing in Digital Play to Advance Children's Learning and Health

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    Based on a literature review and interviews with digital learning experts, explores how digital games can foster skills and knowledge for better academic performance and health. Makes recommendations for government research, partnerships, and media

    From head to toe:body movement for human-computer interaction

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    Our bodies are the medium through which we experience the world around us, so human-computer interaction can highly benefit from the richness of body movements and postures as an input modality. In recent years, the widespread availability of inertial measurement units and depth sensors led to the development of a plethora of applications for the body in human-computer interaction. However, the main focus of these works has been on using the upper body for explicit input. This thesis investigates the research space of full-body human-computer interaction through three propositions. The first proposition is that there is more to be inferred by natural users’ movements and postures, such as the quality of activities and psychological states. We develop this proposition in two domains. First, we explore how to support users in performing weight lifting activities. We propose a system that classifies different ways of performing the same activity; an object-oriented model-based framework for formally specifying activities; and a system that automatically extracts an activity model by demonstration. Second, we explore how to automatically capture nonverbal cues for affective computing. We developed a system that annotates motion and gaze data according to the Body Action and Posture coding system. We show that quality analysis can add another layer of information to activity recognition, and that systems that support the communication of quality information should strive to support how we implicitly communicate movement through nonverbal communication. Further, we argue that working at a higher level of abstraction, affect recognition systems can more directly translate findings from other areas into their algorithms, but also contribute new knowledge to these fields. The second proposition is that the lower limbs can provide an effective means of interacting with computers beyond assistive technology To address the problem of the dispersed literature on the topic, we conducted a comprehensive survey on the lower body in HCI, under the lenses of users, systems and interactions. To address the lack of a fundamental understanding of foot-based interactions, we conducted a series of studies that quantitatively characterises several aspects of foot-based interaction, including Fitts’s Law performance models, the effects of movement direction, foot dominance and visual feedback, and the overhead incurred by using the feet together with the hand. To enable all these studies, we developed a foot tracker based on a Kinect mounted under the desk. We show that the lower body can be used as a valuable complementary modality for computing input. Our third proposition is that by treating body movements as multiple modalities, rather than a single one, we can enable novel user experiences. We develop this proposition in the domain of 3D user interfaces, as it requires input with multiple degrees of freedom and offers a rich set of complex tasks. We propose an approach for tracking the whole body up close, by splitting the sensing of different body parts across multiple sensors. Our setup allows tracking gaze, head, mid-air gestures, multi-touch gestures, and foot movements. We investigate specific applications for multimodal combinations in the domain of 3DUI, specifically how gaze and mid-air gestures can be combined to improve selection and manipulation tasks; how the feet can support the canonical 3DUI tasks; and how a multimodal sensing platform can inspire new 3D game mechanics. We show that the combination of multiple modalities can lead to enhanced task performance, that offloading certain tasks to alternative modalities not only frees the hands, but also allows simultaneous control of multiple degrees of freedom, and that by sensing different modalities separately, we achieve a more detailed and precise full body tracking

    Trustworthy Reinforcement Learning Against Intrinsic Vulnerabilities: Robustness, Safety, and Generalizability

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    A trustworthy reinforcement learning algorithm should be competent in solving challenging real-world problems, including {robustly} handling uncertainties, satisfying {safety} constraints to avoid catastrophic failures, and {generalizing} to unseen scenarios during deployments. This study aims to overview these main perspectives of trustworthy reinforcement learning considering its intrinsic vulnerabilities on robustness, safety, and generalizability. In particular, we give rigorous formulations, categorize corresponding methodologies, and discuss benchmarks for each perspective. Moreover, we provide an outlook section to spur promising future directions with a brief discussion on extrinsic vulnerabilities considering human feedback. We hope this survey could bring together separate threads of studies together in a unified framework and promote the trustworthiness of reinforcement learning.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figure

    The 2011 Horizon report

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    Analyzing the m-business landscape

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    The m-business landscape never stops to change and the impacts on the mobile market are constant as players reposition themselves on the market according to the new opportunities and threats brought by rapid technological developments. This paper provides a conceptual tool to better understand this player arena and its objective is threefold. The first one is to analyze the role of the key actors using ontology for defining and assessing their business models. The second objective is to analyze and visualize the interaction of actors with each other from a value system perspective. The final objective is to evaluate and represent the dependencies of the actors, their strategies and their convergence or divergence on different issues by using an approach borrowed from policy makin


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    Il progresso tecnologico e l'abbassamento del costo di sequenziamento del DNA, hanno reso i test genetici sempre pi\uf9 accessibili al pubblico. Questo sviluppo per\uf2 non procede di pari passo con la scarsa conoscenza che la gente comune risulta avere in ambito genetico. Oggi giorno \ue8 possibile sottoporsi ad un test genetico autonomamente senza il consulto medico, ma la diffusa carenza di consapevolezza e informazione in questo ambito pu\uf2 portare ad un fraintendimento dei risultati genetici ottenuti e quindi a possibili conseguenze negative per quanto concerne le decisioni relative alla propria salute. Per cercare di porre rimedio a questa lacuna sono state sviluppate diverse policy. Tra queste, la necessit\ue0 di educare la gente sui concetti di genetica assume un rilievo di particolare importanza. Si vuole infatti cercare di potenziare la consapevolezza della cittadinanza, favorendo prese di decisione in ambito medico pi\uf9 responsabili. Per ottenere questo risultato l'impiego di Serious Games (SG) sembra uno tra gli approcci pi\uf9 promettenti. I SG hanno infatti mostrato ottimi risultati se impiegati in ambiti quali l'educazione, l'addestramento, la promozione della salute e la socializzazione; ecco dunque perch\ue8 sembrano essere un valido strumento per divulgare concetti di genetica tra la gente comune. Lo scopo di questa ricerca \ue8 studiare la possibilit\ue0 di utilizzare i SG come media fortemente interattivo per incoraggiare un apprendimento esperienziale, aumentare la conoscenza e promuovere il processo cognitivo dell'autoefficacia nel contesto dei processi decisionali in ambito genetico. Per ottenere questo risultato esploriamo lo stato dell'arte dei SG legati alla genetica e discutiamo sulla possibilit\ue0 di farli utilizzare dalla gente comune. Successivamente progettiamo, sviluppiamo e testiamo una suite di SG su misura per educare la gente sui concetti di genetica e di test genetico. Lo sviluppo e la validazione di videogiochi arcade custom per illustrare concetti di genetica di base e l'utilizzo del genere ``Adventure Game'' per mettere in relazione il rischio genetico individuale ai fattori dello stile di vita, risulta essere, sulla base delle nostre ricerche, completamete nuovo in questo ambito. Concludiamo infine presentando i risultati della ricerca condotta testando i videogiochi sviluppati per quanto riguarda la loro usabilit\ue0, la capacit\ue0 di trasferire conoscenza e migliorare il processo cognitivo nell'ambito dei processi decisionali in ambito medico e analizzando i dati collezionati durante le sessioni di gioco.Technological progress and the lowering of DNA sequencing costs have made genetic testing increasingly accessible to the general public. However, this progress does not reflect an increased genetics literacy in lay people that at present remains poor. Thus almost everyone has the possibility to undergo genetic testing independently, but the diffuse lack of knowledge may lead to misinterpretation of genetic information and result in negative consequences for personal health decisions. Several policies have been developed to try to address this issue. The most appropriate one is to educate people about genetic concepts and genetic test interpretation, to empower them in order to make responsible health-related decisions. To reach this goal the Serious Games (SG) approach seems very promising as it has been shown to be very powerful in education, training, health promotion, and socialization. This is why SG appear an attractive means to communicate genetic concepts to the general public. The aim of this research is to study the feasibility of using SG as a highly interactive medium to encourage experiential learning, increase literacy and promote self-efficacy in the genetic-related decision-making process. For this purpose, we explore state-of-the-art of Serious Games related to genetics, discussing whether these games are an adequate instrument to increase literacy and self-efficacy in the general public. Based on this analysis we design, develop and test a suite of SG specifically tailored to educate people about genetic concepts and genetic testing. To maximize the efficacy and mass appeal, the level of complexity of genetic information was balanced with the intent of making comprehensible and usable games. We believe that our approach --development and validation, using an evidence-based approach, of customized arcade games to convey basic genetics concepts together with the use of the ``Adventure Game'' genre to relate the individual genetic risk with lifestyle factors-- is completely new in this field. We conclude by discussing results about usability/playability, knowledge transfer and self-efficacy promotion in the field of health-related decision making, analysing data collected during monitored playing sessions

    Playful User Interfaces:Interfaces that Invite Social and Physical Interaction

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