34 research outputs found


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    Indonesia is known as a country whose economy depends on or is supported by the agricultural sector. But now climate change poses an increasingly greater threat. The agricultural sector is very vulnerable to climate change because of its dependence on weather. Renewable energy is expected to surpass the use of coal in electricity generation in the second half of the 2020s, and by 2050, renewable energy will account for 50% of global electricity generation. Based on the data, there is a lot of use of solar cells to support energy in the agricultural sector. There are several uses, such as irrigation, drying, spraying, fertilizing, pest control, and controlling pH and temperature. Apart from that, using solar panels also has the advantage of being environmentally friendly, economical, efficient, and can be used for a long period.Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara yang perekonomiannya bergantung tau ditopang oleh sektor pertanian. Namun kini perubahan iklim menjadi ancaman yang semakin besar. Sektor pertanian sangat rentan terhadap perubahan iklim karena ketergantungannya terhadap cuaca. Energi terbarukan diperkirakan akan melampaui penggunaan batu bara dalam pembangkit Listrik pada paruh kedua tahun 2020an, sampai tahun 2050, energi terbarukan akan menyumbang 50% dari pembangkitan Listrik global. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa banyak sekali pemanfaatan sel surya untuk menunjang energi di sktor pertanian. Ada beberapa kegunaan seperti irigasi, pengeringan, penyemprotan, pemupukan, pengendalian hama, serta pengendalian pH dan suhu. Selain itu penggunaan panel surya juga memiliki keunggulan yaitu ramah lingkungan, ekonomis, efisien dan dapat digunakan dalam jangka waktu lama

    Do agrivoltaics improve public support for solar? A survey on perceptions, preferences, and priorities

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    Agrivoltaic systems integrate agricultural production with solar photovoltaic electricity generation. Given the proven technical, economic, and environmental co-benefits provided by agrivoltaic systems, increased proliferation is anticipated, which necessitates accounting for the nuances of community resistance to solar development on farmland and identifying pathways for mitigation. Minimizing siting conflict and addressing agricultural communities’ concerns will be key in continued deployment of agrivoltaics, as localized acceptance of solar is a critical determinant of project success. This survey study assessed if public support for solar development increases when energy and agricultural production are combined in an agrivoltaic system. Results show that 81.8% of respondents would be more likely to support solar development in their community if it integrated agricultural production. This increase in support for solar given the agrivoltaic approach highlights a development strategy that can improve local social acceptance and the deployment rate of solar. Survey respondents prefer agrivoltaic projects that a) are designed to provide economic opportunities for farmers and the local community b) are not located on public property c) do not threaten local interests and d) ensure fair distribution of economic benefits. Proactively identifying what the public perceives as opportunities and concerns related to agrivoltaic development can help improve the design, business model, and siting of systems in the U.S

    Urban surface uses for climate resilient and sustainable cities: A catalogue of solutions

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    Abstract In the current scenario of massive urbanization and global climate change, the urban surfaces and their characteristics have a key role, as they significantly influence the quality of life in urban areas, as well as their environmental conditions. To shed light on the role of urban surfaces in fostering climate resilient and sustainable cities, this paper proposes a catalogue of solutions for the urban surface use. The catalogue presents the main surface uses suitable for the built environment, and discusses the potential conflicts and synergies among them in the view of a multiple and integrated utilization of urban surfaces. Reviewing studies published in the last 15 years, this study aims to answer three major questions: (i) which solutions do exist, (ii) where can these be applied, and (iii) which benefits do they provide. The discussion demonstrates that the use of urban surfaces might lead the development of multiple opportunities for improving the existing urban environments and supporting not only environmental, but also social and economic resilience. Finally, it emphasizes the need for specific quantitative and qualitative approaches to address the multi-disciplinary challenges posed by the design and implementation of surface uses, and the evaluation of their contribution to site-specific objectives


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    The source of electrical energy is one of the main components in everyday life. The development of technology today requires all people to be able to take advantage of renewable energy, one of which is solar energy. The solar panel is an energy conversion machine that can produce electrical energy. Coastal communities have an abundance of solar energy sources that can be utilized by solar panels as alternative electrical energy in the aquaponics system that has been built. The majority of the people of Tanjung Palas Village, Dumai City, are fishermen. So that there is a need for additional economic income besides being a fisherman. On the other hand, the community still does not understand the operation and maintenance of solar panels due to knowledge problems. Therefore education and the installation of solar panels as a source of aquaponic electricity are alternative solutions offered to the community. The educational activity of solar panels as a source of aquaponic electricity is carried out in collaboration with CSR PT Pertamina RU II Dumai with the Dumai Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic. The result of this activity is that the level of understanding of participants from per category always increases. The knowledge category increased from 39% of participants to 93% of participants, the operating category increased from 14% of participants to 94% and the care category increased from 14% of participants to 95% of participants. In addition, the level of satisfaction of the participants shows that 25% of participants are very satisfied and 75% of participants are satisfied with this activity. Recommendations for the results of activities that have been carried out are that there is a need for follow-up activities so that the community can better utilize solar panels as alternative electrical energy

    Importance of Solar & Renewable Energy in United States

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    As climate change remains a problem in the United States, renewable energy provides an optimal solution to replace fossil fuels using the energy available from the sun, wind, and water. Unfortunately, developing renewable energy hinders many people due to the amount of time, cost, and maintenance to provide plenty of energy to multiple communities, industries, and businesses. We are using case studies, scholarly articles and textbooks that focuses on solar energy as our main focus of the topic. Specifically, we analyze ways for the United States to use solar energy using solar panel or photovoltaics in their homes and industries to educate people to take advantage of solar panels to be installed in their homes. We will demonstrate solutions using engineering to help save land, cost, and time to show the society in using solar first and later other renewable energy techniques. Our goal is to demonstrate the importance in developing photovoltaics as well as planning to develop existing solutions into new and improve for upcoming research and development.Ope

    Optimal Inverter And Wire Selection For Solar Photovoltaic Fencing Applications

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    Despite the benefits and the economic advantages of agrivoltaics, capital costs limit deployment velocity. One recent potential solution to this challenge is to radically reduce the cost of racking materials by using existing farm fencing as vertical photovoltaic (PV) racking. This type of fenced-based PV system is inherently electrically challenging because of the relatively long distances between individual modules that are not present in more densely packed conventional solar PV farms. This study provides practical insights for inverter selection and wire sizing optimization for fence-based agrivoltaic systems. Numerical simulation sensitivities on the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) were performed for 1) distance from the fence to the AC electrical panel, 2) inverter costs, and 3) geographic locations. The results showed that microinverters had better performance when the cross-over fence length was under 30 m or when the system was designed with less than seven solar PV modules, whereas string inverters were a better selection for longer fences. The cross-over number of modules depends significantly on the cost of the inverters, which is a parameter that influences the system\u27s design. The capital costs for a fence retrofit are far less than for any form of conventional PV racking. In addition, the LCOE of the vertical fencing solar agrivoltaic system can be competitive with conventional ground-mounted solar PV for the niche of farmers. Especially, when they are located between the latitudes of 10° and 50° in either the northern or southern hemisphere, and coupled with their ancillary benefits they represent a great alternative for conventional PV systems

    Mutually-Beneficial Renewable Energy Systems

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    Recognizing the present mass extinction of species and populations worldwide, considerable effort is underway to resolve tensions between achieving high levels of renewable energy development and protecting ecosystems and biodiversity. Moving beyond common mitigation measures designed to avoid or minimize adverse impacts, this paper takes a relational view of energy futures to explore the opportunities and implications of rethinking renewable energy systems as processes for restoration and healing of human-nature relationships. In a relational view, avoiding or minimizing harm is necessary but insufficient for establishing healthy enduring relationships based on mutual benefit between humans and nonhuman nature. The primary aim of the paper is to identify a set of practices for renewable energy technologies that support ecological enhancement through their deployment and use, as discovered through recent research and practice. The paper first presents the case for mutual benefit as a crucial principle for guiding renewable energy developments due to reasons of practice, ecology, ethics, and culture, and goes on to provide examples of mutually-beneficial energy development across a range of technologies. The study reveals options for renewable energy systems as a whole to be assembled, operated and repurposed for the co-benefit of humans and nonhuman nature

    Foam-Based Floatovoltaics: A Potential Solution To Disappearing Terminal Natural Lakes

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    Terminal lakes are disappearing worldwide because of direct and indirect human activities. Floating photovoltaics (FPV) are a synergistic system with increased energy output because of water cooling, while the FPV reduces water evaporation. This study explores how low-cost foam-based floatovoltaic systems can mitigate the disappearance of natural lakes. A case study is performed on 10%–50% FPV coverage of terminal and disappearing Walker Lake. Water conservation is investigated with a modified Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration method and energy generation is calculated with an operating temperature model experimentally determined from foam-based FPV. Results show FPV saves 52,000,000 m3/year of water and US$6,000,000 at 50% FPV coverage. The FPV generates 20 TWh/year of renewable energy, which is enough to offset all coal-fired power plants in Nevada thus reducing carbon-emission based climate forcing partially responsible for a greater rate of disappearance of the lake. The results of this study, which is the first of its kind, indicate foam-based FPV has potential to play a crucial role in mitigation efforts to prevent the disappearing of natural lakes worldwide

    Importance of Solar & Renewable Energy in United States

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    As climate change remains a problem in the United States, renewable energy provides an optimal solution to replace fossil fuels using the energy available from the sun, wind, and water. Unfortunately, developing renewable energy hinders many people due to the amount of time, cost, and maintenance to provide plenty of energy to multiple communities, industries, and businesses. We are using case studies, scholarly articles and textbooks that focuses on solar energy as our main focus of the topic. Specifically, we analyze ways for the United States to use solar energy using solar panel or photovoltaics in their homes and industries to educate people to take advantage of solar panels to be installed in their homes. We will demonstrate solutions using engineering to help save land, cost, and time to show the society in using solar first and later other renewable energy techniques. Our goal is to demonstrate the importance in developing photovoltaics as well as planning to develop existing solutions into new and improve for upcoming research and development.Ope