90 research outputs found

    Advances in Robotics, Automation and Control

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    The book presents an excellent overview of the recent developments in the different areas of Robotics, Automation and Control. Through its 24 chapters, this book presents topics related to control and robot design; it also introduces new mathematical tools and techniques devoted to improve the system modeling and control. An important point is the use of rational agents and heuristic techniques to cope with the computational complexity required for controlling complex systems. Through this book, we also find navigation and vision algorithms, automatic handwritten comprehension and speech recognition systems that will be included in the next generation of productive systems developed by man

    Multi-resolution fault diagnosis in discrete-event systems

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    In this thesis, a framework for multi-resolution fault diagnosis in discrete-event systems (DES) is introduced. Here a sequence of plant models, with increasing resolution, are used in fault diagnosis and the range of possible diagnosis is narrowed down step by step, until the failure node is isolated. In this way, the original problem of fault diagnosis is replaced by a sequence of smaller problems. The plant models used at each step of diagnosis are abstractions of the original plant model. We propose to use model reduction through the solutions of the Relational Coarsest Partition problem to obtain these abstractions. For each diagnosis step, minimal sensor sets are chosen to have a coarser output map, and hence, to improve the efficiency of model reduction. In this thesis, a polynomial algorithm is proposed that verifies failure diagnosability by examining the distinguishability of two plant (normal/faulty) conditions at a time. A procedure is presented that finds minimal sensor sets, referred to as minimal distinguishes for distinguishability of one condition from another. A polynomial procedure is introduced that combines minimal distinguishers to obtain a minimal sensor set for fault diagnosis. The proposed method reduces the computational complexity of sensor selection. A benefit of using minimal distinguishers is that their computation maybe speeded up using expert knowledge. The proposed method for sensor selection is particularly suitable for multi-resolution diagnosis since it permits some of the results of computations, performed for sensor selection at the lowest (finest) level of multi-resolution diagnosis to be reduced at higher levels. This feature is particularly useful in reducing the computations necessary for online reconfiguration of the multi-resolution diagnosis system. An important procedure used in sensor selection is testing diagnosability. In this thesis, a new procedure for testing diagnosability in timed DES is introduced based on the relatively timing of plant output sequence. It is shown through example that the proposed test maybe executed with significantly fewer computations compared to tests developed for untimed models and adapted for timed systems. Furthermore, two new sets of sufficient conditions are provided under which diagnoser design and diagnosability tests based on relative timing of output sequence can be performed efficientl

    Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 2020

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    Computer Science & Technology Series : XXI Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected papers

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    CACIC’15 was the 21thCongress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Technology at the UNNOBA (North-West of Buenos Aires National University) in Junín, Buenos Aires. The Congress included 13 Workshops with 131 accepted papers, 4 Conferences, 2 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 6 courses. CACIC 2015 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 13 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of 3-5 chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 202 submissions. An average of 2.5 review reports werecollected for each paper, for a grand total of 495 review reports that involved about 191 different reviewers. A total of 131 full papers, involving 404 authors and 75 Universities, were accepted and 24 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Computer Science & Technology Series : XXI Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected papers

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    CACIC’15 was the 21thCongress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Technology at the UNNOBA (North-West of Buenos Aires National University) in Junín, Buenos Aires. The Congress included 13 Workshops with 131 accepted papers, 4 Conferences, 2 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 6 courses. CACIC 2015 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 13 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of 3-5 chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 202 submissions. An average of 2.5 review reports werecollected for each paper, for a grand total of 495 review reports that involved about 191 different reviewers. A total of 131 full papers, involving 404 authors and 75 Universities, were accepted and 24 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 21. Number 3.

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    Simulation product fidelity: a qualitative & quantitative system engineering approach

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    La modélisation informatique et la simulation sont des activités de plus en plus répandues lors de la conception de systèmes complexes et critiques tels que ceux embarqués dans les avions. Une proposition pour la conception et réalisation d'abstractions compatibles avec les objectifs de simulation est présentée basés sur la théorie de l'informatique, le contrôle et le système des concepts d'ingénierie. Il adresse deux problèmes fondamentaux de fidélité dans la simulation, c'est-à-dire, pour une spécification du système et quelques propriétés d'intérêt, comment extraire des abstractions pour définir une architecture de produit de simulation et jusqu'où quel point le comportement du modèle de simulation représente la spécification du système. Une notion générale de cette fidélité de la simulation, tant architecturale et comportementale, est expliquée dans les notions du cadre expérimental et discuté dans le contexte des abstractions de modélisation et des relations d'inclusion. Une approche semi-formelle basée sur l'ontologie pour construire et définir l'architecture de produit de simulation est proposée et démontrée sur une étude d'échelle industrielle. Une approche formelle basée sur le jeu théorique et méthode formelle est proposée pour différentes classes de modèles des systèmes et des simulations avec un développement d'outils de prototype et cas des études. Les problèmes dans la recherche et implémentation de ce cadre de fidélité sont discutées particulièrement dans un contexte industriel.In using Modeling and Simulation for the system Verification & Validation activities, often the difficulty is finding and implementing consistent abstractions to model the system being simulated with respect to the simulation requirements. A proposition for the unified design and implementation of modeling abstractions consistent with the simulation objectives based on the computer science, control and system engineering concepts is presented. It addresses two fundamental problems of fidelity in simulation, namely, for a given system specification and some properties of interest, how to extract modeling abstractions to define a simulation product architecture and how far does the behaviour of the simulation model represents the system specification. A general notion of this simulation fidelity, both architectural and behavioural, in system verification and validation is explained in the established notions of the experimental frame and discussed in the context of modeling abstractions and inclusion relations. A semi-formal ontology based domain model approach to build and define the simulation product architecture is proposed with a real industrial scale study. A formal approach based on game theoretic quantitative system refinement notions is proposed for different class of system and simulation models with a prototype tool development and case studies. Challenges in research and implementation of this formal and semi-formal fidelity framework especially in an industrial context are discussed

    Digital Twins of production systems - Automated validation and update of material flow simulation models with real data

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    Um eine gute Wirtschaftlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit zu erzielen, müssen Produktionssysteme über lange Zeiträume mit einer hohen Produktivität betrieben werden. Dies stellt produzierende Unternehmen insbesondere in Zeiten gesteigerter Volatilität, die z.B. durch technologische Umbrüche in der Mobilität, sowie politischen und gesellschaftlichen Wandel ausgelöst wird, vor große Herausforderungen, da sich die Anforderungen an das Produktionssystem ständig verändern. Die Frequenz von notwendigen Anpassungsentscheidungen und folgenden Optimierungsmaßnahmen steigt, sodass der Bedarf nach Bewertungsmöglichkeiten von Szenarien und möglichen Systemkonfigurationen zunimmt. Ein mächtiges Werkzeug hierzu ist die Materialflusssimulation, deren Einsatz aktuell jedoch durch ihre aufwändige manuelle Erstellung und ihre zeitlich begrenzte, projektbasierte Nutzung eingeschränkt wird. Einer längerfristigen, lebenszyklusbegleitenden Nutzung steht momentan die arbeitsintensive Pflege des Simulationsmodells, d.h. die manuelle Anpassung des Modells bei Veränderungen am Realsystem, im Wege. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines Konzeptes inkl. der benötigten Methoden, die Pflege und Anpassung des Simulationsmodells an die Realität zu automatisieren. Hierzu werden die zur Verfügung stehenden Realdaten genutzt, die aufgrund von Trends wie Industrie 4.0 und allgemeiner Digitalisierung verstärkt vorliegen. Die verfolgte Vision der Arbeit ist ein Digitaler Zwilling des Produktionssystems, der durch den Dateninput zu jedem Zeitpunkt ein realitätsnahes Abbild des Systems darstellt und zur realistischen Bewertung von Szenarien verwendet werden kann. Hierfür wurde das benötigte Gesamtkonzept entworfen und die Mechanismen zur automatischen Validierung und Aktualisierung des Modells entwickelt. Im Fokus standen dabei unter anderem die Entwicklung von Algorithmen zur Erkennung von Veränderungen in der Struktur und den Abläufen im Produktionssystem, sowie die Untersuchung des Einflusses der zur Verfügung stehenden Daten. Die entwickelten Komponenten konnten an einem realen Anwendungsfall der Robert Bosch GmbH erfolgreich eingesetzt werden und führten zu einer Steigerung der Realitätsnähe des Digitalen Zwillings, der erfolgreich zur Produktionsplanung und -optimierung eingesetzt werden konnte. Das Potential von Lokalisierungsdaten für die Erstellung von Digitalen Zwillingen von Produktionssystem konnte anhand der Versuchsumgebung der Lernfabrik des wbk Instituts für Produktionstechnik demonstriert werden

    Computer Science & Technology Series

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    CACIC’15 was the 21thCongress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Technology at the UNNOBA (North-West of Buenos Aires National University) in Junín, Buenos Aires. The Congress included 13 Workshops with 131 accepted papers, 4 Conferences, 2 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 6 courses. CACIC 2015 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 13 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of 3-5 chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 202 submissions. An average of 2.5 review reports werecollected for each paper, for a grand total of 495 review reports that involved about 191 different reviewers. A total of 131 full papers, involving 404 authors and 75 Universities, were accepted and 24 of them were selected for this book
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