467 research outputs found

    Computational Geometry Column 42

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    A compendium of thirty previously published open problems in computational geometry is presented.Comment: 7 pages; 72 reference

    Error bounded approximate reparametrization of NURBS curves

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    Journal ArticleThis paper reports research on solutions to the following reparametrization problem: approximate c(r(t)) by a NURBS where c is a NURBS curve and r may, or may not, be a NURBS function. There are many practical applications of this problem including establishing and exploring correspondence in geometry, creating related speed profiles along motion curves for animation, specifying speeds along tool paths, and identifying geometrically equivalent, or nearly equivalent, curve mappings. A framework for the approximation problem is described using two related algorithmic schemes. One constrains the shape of the approximation to be identical to the original curve c. The other relaxes this constraint. New algorithms for important cases of curve reparametrization are developed from within this framework. They produce results with bounded error and address approximate arc length parametrizations of curves, approximate inverses of NURBS functions, and reparametrizations that establish user specified tolerances as bounds on the Frechet distance between parametric curves

    matching, interpolation, and approximation ; a survey

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    In this survey we consider geometric techniques which have been used to measure the similarity or distance between shapes, as well as to approximate shapes, or interpolate between shapes. Shape is a modality which plays a key role in many disciplines, ranging from computer vision to molecular biology. We focus on algorithmic techniques based on computational geometry that have been developed for shape matching, simplification, and morphing

    Polyhedral approximation of metric surfaces and applications to uniformization

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    We prove that any length metric space homeomorphic to a 2-manifold with boundary, also called a length surface, is the Gromov-Hausdorff limit of polyhedral surfaces with controlled geometry. As an application, using the classical uniformization theorem for Riemann surfaces and a limiting argument, we establish a general "one-sided" quasiconformal uniformization theorem for length surfaces with locally finite Hausdorff 2-measure. Our approach yields a new proof of the Bonk-Kleiner theorem characterizing Ahlfors 2-regular quasispheres.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figure; improved and shortened some argument

    Fitting a two-joint orthogonal chain to a point set

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    We study the problem of fitting a two-joint orthogonal polygonal chain to a set S of n points in the plane, where the objective function is to minimize the maximum orthogonal distance from S to the chain. We show that this problem can be solved in Θ(n) time if the orientation of the chain is fixed, and in Θ(n log n) time when the orientation is not a priori known. We also consider some variations of the problem in three-dimensions where a polygonal chain is interpreted as a configuration of orthogonal planes. In this case we obtain O(n) and O(n log n) time algorithms depending on which plane orientations are fixed.Postprint (published version

    Probabilistic embeddings of the Fr\'echet distance

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    The Fr\'echet distance is a popular distance measure for curves which naturally lends itself to fundamental computational tasks, such as clustering, nearest-neighbor searching, and spherical range searching in the corresponding metric space. However, its inherent complexity poses considerable computational challenges in practice. To address this problem we study distortion of the probabilistic embedding that results from projecting the curves to a randomly chosen line. Such an embedding could be used in combination with, e.g. locality-sensitive hashing. We show that in the worst case and under reasonable assumptions, the discrete Fr\'echet distance between two polygonal curves of complexity tt in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, where d∈{2,3,4,5}d\in\lbrace 2,3,4,5\rbrace, degrades by a factor linear in tt with constant probability. We show upper and lower bounds on the distortion. We also evaluate our findings empirically on a benchmark data set. The preliminary experimental results stand in stark contrast with our lower bounds. They indicate that highly distorted projections happen very rarely in practice, and only for strongly conditioned input curves. Keywords: Fr\'echet distance, metric embeddings, random projectionsComment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Standard finite elements for the numerical resolution of the elliptic Monge-Ampere equation: Aleksandrov solutions

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    We prove a convergence result for a natural discretization of the Dirichlet problem of the elliptic Monge-Ampere equation using finite dimensional spaces of piecewise polynomial C0 or C1 functions. Standard discretizations of the type considered in this paper have been previous analyzed in the case the equation has a smooth solution and numerous numerical evidence of convergence were given in the case of non smooth solutions. Our convergence result is valid for non smooth solutions, is given in the setting of Aleksandrov solutions, and consists in discretizing the equation in a subdomain with the boundary data used as an approximation of the solution in the remaining part of the domain. Our result gives a theoretical validation for the use of a non monotone finite element method for the Monge-Amp\`ere equation

    A discrete methodology for controlling the sign of curvature and torsion for NURBS

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    This paper develops a discrete methodology for approximating the so-called convex domain of a NURBS curve, namely the domain in the ambient space, where a user-specified control point is free to move so that the curvature and torsion retains its sign along the NURBS parametric domain of definition. The methodology provides a monotonic sequence of convex polyhedra, converging from the interior to the convex domain. If the latter is non-empty, a simple algorithm is proposed, that yields a sequence of polytopes converging uniformly to the restriction of the convex domain to any user-specified bounding box. The algorithm is illustrated for a pair of planar and a spatial BĂ©zier configuration
