30 research outputs found

    Study of radar pulse compression for high resolution satellite altimetry

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    Pulse compression techniques are studied which are applicable to a satellite altimeter having a topographic resolution of + 10 cm. A systematic design procedure is used to determine the system parameters. The performance of an optimum, maximum likelihood processor is analysed, which provides the basis for modifying the standard split-gate tracker to achieve improved performance. Bandwidth considerations lead to the recommendation of a full deramp STRETCH pulse compression technique followed by an analog filter bank to separate range returns. The implementation of the recommended technique is examined

    Optical processing devices and techniques for next generation optical networks

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    Doutoramento em FísicaEste trabalho surge do interesse em substituir os nós de rede óptica baseados maioritariamente em electrónica por nós de rede baseados em tecnologia óptica. Espera-se que a tecnologia óptica permita maiores débitos binários na rede, maior transparência e maior eficiência através de novos paradigmas de comutação. Segundo esta visão, utilizou-se o MZI-SOA, um dispositivo semicondutor integrado hibridamente, para realizar funcionalidades de processamento óptico de sinal necessárias em nós de redes ópticas de nova geração. Nas novas redes ópticas são utilizados formatos de modulação avançados, com gestão da fase, pelo que foi estudado experimentalmente e por simulação o impacto da utilização destes formatos no desempenho do MZI-SOA na conversão de comprimento de onda e formato, em várias condições de operação. Foram derivadas regras de utilização para funcionamento óptimo. Foi também estudado o impacto da forma dos pulsos do sinal no desempenho do dispositivo. De seguida, o MZI-SOA foi utilizado para realizar funcionalidades temporais ao nível do bit e do pacote. Foi investigada a operação de um conversor de multiplexagem por divisão no comprimento de onda para multiplexagem por divisão temporal óptica, experimentalmente e por simulação, e de um compressor e descompressor de pacotes, por simulação. Para este último, foi investigada a operação com o MZI-SOA baseado em amplificadores ópticos de semicondutor com geometria de poço quântico e ponto quântico. Foi também realizado experimentalmente um ermutador de intervalos temporais que explora o MZI-SOA como conversor de comprimento de onda e usa um banco de linhas de atraso ópticas para introduzir no sinal um atraso seleccionável. Por fim, foi estudado analiticamente, experimentalmente e por simulação o impacto de diafonia em redes ópticas em diversas situações. Extendeu-se um modelo analítico de cálculo de desempenho para contemplar sinais distorcidos e afectados por diafonia. Estudou-se o caso de sinais muito filtrados e afectados por diafonia e mostrou-se que, para determinar correctamente as penalidades que ocorrem, ambos os efeitos devem ser considerados simultaneamente e não em separado. Foi estudada a escalabilidade limitada por diafonia de um comutador de intervalos temporais baseado em MZI-SOA a operar como comutador espacial. Mostrou-se também que sinais afectados fortemente por não-linearidades podem causar penalidades de diafonia mais elevadas do que sinais não afectados por não-linearidades. Neste trabalho foi demonstrado que o MZI-SOA permite construir vários e pertinentes circuitos ópticos, funcionando como bloco fundamental de construção, tendo sido o seu desempenho analisado, desde o nível de componente até ao nível de sistema. Tendo em conta as vantagens e desvantagens do MZI-SOA e os desenvolvimentos recentes de outras tecnologias, foram sugeridos tópicos de investigação com o intuito de evoluir para as redes ópticas de nova geração.The main motivation for this work is the desire to upgrade today’s opaque network nodes, which are plagued by inherent limitations of its constitutive electronics, by all-optical transparent network nodes. The all-optical promise consists in delivering ever higher bit rates, more transparency, and unsurpassed efficiency associated to sophisticated all-optical switching paradigms. In this light, the integrated MZI-SOA has been selected as the fundamental building block for this investigation of all-optical processing techniques and functions necessary for developing the next generation alloptical networks. Next generation optical networks will use advanced phase-managed modulation formats. Accordingly, the first simulation and experimental investigation assesses the performance of MZI-SOA based wavelength and format converter circuits for advanced modulation formats. Rules are derived for ensuring optimal MZI-SOA operation. The impact of the pulse shape on both the wavelength and format conversion processes is also addressed. More complex MZI-SOA based implementations of bit-level, and packet-level, time domain processing functions are analysed. A MZI-SOA based wavelength division multiplexing to time division multiplexing converter is experimentally investigated and compared to similar simulation results. The performance of packet compressor and decompressor circuit schemes, based on quantum well and quantum dots SOA devices, is analysed through simulation techniques. A MZI-SOA wavelength converter based selectable packet delay time slot interchanger, which uses an optical delay line bank, is experimentally demonstrated. Finally, the impact of crosstalk on all-optical networks is studied analytically, experimentally, and through simulations. An extant analytical model for assessing the performance of crosstalk impaired signals is improved for dealing also with distorted signals. Using the extended model, it is shown that heavily filtered signals are more seriously affected by crosstalk than unfiltered signals. Hence, accurate calculation of penalties stemming from both filtering and crosstalk, must model these effects jointly. The crosstalk limited scalability of a MZI-SOA space switched time slot interchanger is also assessed employing this method. An additional study points to the conclusion that crosstalk caused by signals impaired by non-linear effects can have a more significant detrimental impact on optical systems performance than that of the crosstalk caused by a signal unimpaired by non-linearities. On the whole, it has been demonstrated that the MZI-SOA is a suitable building block for a variety of optical processing circuits required for the next generation optical networks. Its performance capabilities have been established in several optical circuits, from the component up to the system level. Next steps towards the implementation of next generation optical networks have been suggested according to the recent developments and the MZI-SOA’s strengths and drawbacks, in order to pursue the goal of higher bit rate, more transparent, and efficient optical networks

    Software-based Approximate Computation Of Signal Processing Tasks

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    This thesis introduces a new dimension in performance scaling of signal processing systems by proposing software frameworks that achieve increased processing throughput when producing approximate results. The first contribution of this work is a new theory for accelerated computation of multimedia processing based on the concept of tight packing (Chapter 2). Usage of this theory accelerates small-dynamic-range linear signal processing tasks (such as convolution and transform decomposition) that map integers to integers, without incurring any accuracy loss. The concept of tight packing is combined with incremental computation that processes inputs in a bitplane-by-bitplane manner (Chapter 3), thereby leading to substantial throughput/distortion scalability within filtering, transform-decomposition and motion-estimation tasks. This framework also provides for region-of-interest computation and has inherent robustness to arbitrary termination of processing, imposed, for example, by a task scheduler. Finally, the concept of packed processing is extended to floating-point (lossy) matrix computations, with particular focus on the generic matrix multiplication (GEMM) routine of BLAS-3 (Chapters 4 and 5). This routine is a fundamental building block for several linear algebra and digital signal processing systems, such as face recognition and neural-network training for metadata-based retrieval systems. In order to compete with the best-performing software designs for GEMM, an implementation using single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) instructions is presented and analyzed. The proposed approach demonstrates substantial performance scaling in practice; specifically, it is shown to achieve up to twice the processing throughput of the best designs for GEMM when producing approximate results (under the same hardware). In summary, the proposed approximate computation of signal processing tasks can be selectively disabled thereby producing conventional full-precision/lower-throughput processing when deemed necessary. Importantly, the proposed software designs run on off-the-shelf computer hardware and provide for on-demand reconfiguration, depending on the input data and the precision specification (from full precision to noisy computation). Thus, the proposed approximate computation framework allows for backward compatibility and can be offered as an add-on service, creating significant competitive advantages for application developers. It can be used in mobile or high-performance computing systems when the precision of computation is not of critical importance (error-tolerant systems), or when the input data is intrinsically noisy

    Lewis Structures Technology, 1988. Volume 1: Structural Dynamics

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    The specific purpose of the symposium was to familiarize the engineering structures community with the depth and range of research performed by the Structures Division of the Lewis Research Center and its academic and industrial partners. Sessions covered vibration control, fracture mechanics, ceramic component reliability, parallel computing, nondestructive testing, dynamical systems, fatigue and damage, wind turbines, hot section technology, structural mechanics codes, computational methods for dynamics, structural optimization, and applications of structural dynamics

    Low delay video coding

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    Analogue wireless cameras have been employed for decades, however they have not become an universal solution due to their difficulties of set up and use. The main problem is the link robustness which mainly depends on the requirement of a line-of-sight view between transmitter and receiver, a working condition not always possible. Despite the use of tracking antenna system such as the Portable Intelligent Tracking Antenna (PITA [1]), if strong multipath fading occurs (e.g. obstacles between transmitter and receiver) the picture rapidly falls apart. Digital wireless cameras based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation schemes give a valid solution for the above problem. OFDM offers strong multipath protection due to the insertion of the guard interval; in particular, the OFDM-based DVB-T standard has proven to offer excellent performance for the broadcasting of multimedia streams with bit rates over 10 Mbps in difficult terrestrial propagation channels, for fixed and portable applications. However, in typical conditions, the latency needed to compress/decompress a digital video signal at Standard Definition (SD) resolution is of the order of 15 frames, which corresponds to ≃ 0.5 sec. This delay introduces a serious problem when wireless and wired cameras have to be interfaced. Cabled cameras do not use compression, because the cable which directly links transmitter and receiver does not impose restrictive bandwidth constraints. Therefore, the only latency that affects a cable cameras link system is the on cable propagation delay, almost not significant, when switching between wired and wireless cameras, the residual latency makes it impossible to achieve the audio-video synchronization, with consequent disagreeable effects. A way to solve this problem is to provide a low delay digital processing scheme based on a video coding algorithm which avoids massive intermediate data storage. The analysis of the last MPEG based coding standards puts in evidence a series of problems which limits the real performance of a low delay MPEG coding system. The first effort of this work is to study the MPEG standard to understand its limit from both the coding delay and implementation complexity points of views. This thesis also investigates an alternative solution based on HERMES codec, a proprietary algorithm which is described implemented and evaluated. HERMES achieves better results than MPEG in terms of latency and implementation complexity, at the price of higher compression ratios, which means high output bit rates. The use of HERMES codec together with an enhanced OFDM system [2] leads to a competitive solution for wireless digital professional video applications

    Fourth NASA Inter-Center Control Systems Conference

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    Space vehicle control applications are discussed, along with aircraft guidance, control, and handling qualities. System simulation and identification, engine control, advanced propulsion techniques, and advanced control techniques are also included

    Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications

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    This book focuses on new sensing technologies, measurement techniques, and their applications in medicine and healthcare. Specifically, the book briefly describes the potential of smart sensors in the aforementioned applications, collecting 24 articles selected and published in the Special Issue “Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications”. We proposed this topic, being aware of the pivotal role that smart sensors can play in the improvement of healthcare services in both acute and chronic conditions as well as in prevention for a healthy life and active aging. The articles selected in this book cover a variety of topics related to the design, validation, and application of smart sensors to healthcare

    Sliding Mode Control

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    The main objective of this monograph is to present a broad range of well worked out, recent application studies as well as theoretical contributions in the field of sliding mode control system analysis and design. The contributions presented here include new theoretical developments as well as successful applications of variable structure controllers primarily in the field of power electronics, electric drives and motion steering systems. They enrich the current state of the art, and motivate and encourage new ideas and solutions in the sliding mode control area

    Proceedings of the Circulation-Control Workshop, 1986

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    A Circulation Control Workshop was held at NASA Ames by respresentatives of academia, industry, and government. A total of 32 papers were given in six technical sessions covering turbulence, circulation control airfoil theory, circulation control airfoil wing experiments, circulation control rotor theory, x-wing technology, fixed wing technology, and other concepts. The last session of the workshop was devoted to circulation control research planning

    Technology 2001: The Second National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition, volume 1

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    Papers from the technical sessions of the Technology 2001 Conference and Exposition are presented. The technical sessions featured discussions of advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, computer graphics and simulation, communications, data and information management, electronics, electro-optics, environmental technology, life sciences, materials science, medical advances, robotics, software engineering, and test and measurement