15 research outputs found

    Research on the Evaluation Method of Enterprise Legal Risk

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    Purpose: Legal act is frequent in daily management of the legal behavior. Enterprises are facing all kinds of legal issues in all kinds of business activities, enterprises in the business, the process of the contract, shall be strictly in accordance with the contract rights and obligations to fulfill, but due to the enterprise internal and external some uncertain factors, these may lead to business and business contract cannot smooth realization factors, Enterprises may be involved in disputes, losses, thus forming risks.   Theoretical framework: After analyzing the factors that cause enterprise legal risk, this paper carries on the scientific classification and the characteristic boundary to enterprise legal risk.   Design/methodology/approach: This paper analyzes the system level of enterprise legal risk, uses the method of hierarchy comprehensive evaluation, studies the ideas and evaluation objectives of the evaluation system of enterprise legal risk.   Findings: The results of the study, the paper establishes the evaluation model of the enterprise legal risk, and gives a set of the evaluation system of the enterprise legal risk.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The study can reduce enterprise disputes and losses, thus reducing legal risks.   Originality/value: The value of the study realizes that the legal risk management measures of enterprises can be scientific, systematic and practical, and play a greater role in practice

    Sustainable Construction Engineering and Management

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    This Book is a Printed Edition of the Special Issue which covers sustainability as an emerging requirement in the fields of construction management, project management and engineering. We invited authors to submit their theoretical or experimental research articles that address the challenges and opportunities for sustainable construction in all its facets, including technical topics and specific operational or procedural solutions, as well as strategic approaches aimed at the project, company or industry level. Central to developments are smart technologies and sophisticated decision-making mechanisms that augment sustainable outcomes. The Special Issue was received with great interest by the research community and attracted a high number of submissions. The selection process sought to balance the inclusion of a broad representative spread of topics against research quality, with editors and reviewers settling on thirty-three articles for publication. The Editors invite all participating researchers and those interested in sustainable construction engineering and management to read the summary of the Special Issue and of course to access the full-text articles provided in the Book for deeper analyses

    Using neighborhood rough set theory to address the smart elderly care in multi-level attributes

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    The neighborhood rough set theory was adopted for attributes reduction and the weight distribution of condition attributes based on the concept of importance level. Smart elderly care coverage rate is low in China. A decisive role in the adoption of smart elderly care is still a problem that needs to be addressed. This study contributes to the adoption of smart elderly care was selected as the decision attribute. The remaining attributes are used as conditional attributes and the multi-level symmetric attribute set for assessing acceptance of smart elderly care. Prior studies are not included smart elderly care adoption attributes in multi-levels; hence, this problem needs to be addressed. The results of this study indicate that the condition attribute of gender has the greatest influence on the decision attribute. The condition attribute of living expenses for smart elderly care has the second largest impact on decision attribute. Children’s support for the elderly decency of the novel elderly care system and the acceptance of non-traditional elderly care methods belong to the primary condition attribute of traditional concept. The result indicates traditional concepts have a certain impact on the adoption of smart elderly care and a condition attribute of residence also has a slight influence on the symmetric decision attribute. The sensitivity analysis shows the insights for uncertainties and provides as a basis for the analysis of the attributes in the smart elderly care service adoption

    Sistema de medición del rendimiento para redes colaborativas de Pymes en el sector agroindustrial de Ecuador

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    [ES] La colaboración empresarial evidenciada en pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes) está contribuyendo a ampliar su competitividad, impulsar diversos procesos de innovación y mejorar su rendimiento; siendo, por tanto, fundamental la medición eficaz del rendimiento como una práctica estratégica para impulsar su desarrollo y eficiencia colectiva. La medición del rendimiento (MR) es un elemento esencial para la planificación efectiva y el control empresarial; así como para la toma de decisiones, a fin de desplegar diferentes acciones de mejora. La MR en Pymes incluye las siguientes tres categorías: las medidas de rendimiento o indicadores, el diseño del sistema de medición del rendimiento (SMR) y su desarrollo. El diseño del SMR para redes de Pymes es un proceso importante para asegurar que el marco de medición integre tanto, los factores y elementos del rendimiento propios del contexto colaborativo abordado, así como los métodos y técnicas para un proceso de medición del rendimiento balanceado y con alineamiento estratégico. Sin embargo, en la literatura fueron pocos los estudios que abordaban a la MR en contextos colaborativos. Entre aquellos que lo hacían, la mayoría se relacionaba con el direccionamiento hacia las mejores prácticas; lo que señaló dificultades en cuanto a la consideración de diversos factores entorno a este grupo de Pymes y con ello su implicación en el desarrollo de SMRs específicos. Otro aspecto importante en el diseño del SMR es la presencia de múltiples tomadores de decisión, espacio que tampoco evidenció mayor aporte entre la literatura revisada. Al considerar estos aspectos en el marco del diseño de SMRs para redes de Pymes en colaboración, ninguna investigación presentó un abordaje que contemple todas las características de forma simultánea. Considerando estas brechas, este trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo proponer un sistema de medición del rendimiento para redes colaborativas de pymes (SMR - RECOP) en un escenario de toma de decisiones en grupo, considerando un enfoque de alineamiento estratégico. La propuesta tiene como finalidad integrar los principales factores de influencia del entorno de la red de Pymes, los requerimientos de medición básicos y la visión de un crecimiento sostenible enmarcado en la eficiencia colectiva. La propuesta de medición del rendimiento utiliza el Balanced Scorecard (BSC) como herramienta para direccionar la estrategia de la red al interior del sistema de medición, donde los indicadores se encuentran en alineación directa con los objetivos estratégicos; además, la técnica Fuzzy TOPSIS para apoyar el proceso de toma de decisiones en grupo que permite la determinación de los objetivos estratégicos y; por último, mesas de diálogo como los espacios para la discusión de ideas y formulación de indicadores de medición. Estas técnicas, juntamente con los elementos citados anteriormente son integrados en una metodología de tres fases. El sistema de medición propuesto se aplica en un caso de investigación para fines de validación; la red de Pymes evaluada pertenece al sector agroindustrial productor de cacao en Ecuador, donde los contextos empresariales tanto de red y cadena se evidencian como las estratégicas colaborativas con importante presencia. La aplicación empírica del SMR - RECOP mostró como resultados necesarios de su desarrollo a los siguientes productos: un conjunto de objetivos estratégicos; un procedimiento establecido para la definición y selección de estos objetivos en el marco de la toma de decisiones en grupo; un mapa estratégico consolidado y por último un conjunto de indicadores de rendimiento. Estos resultados muestran consistencia con los estamentos pretendidos por la red y su contexto de desarrollo; así como con los requerimientos que enmarcan un SMR para Pymes.[CA] La col·laboració empresarial evidenciada en petites i mitjanes empreses (Pimes) està contribuint a ampliar la seva competitivitat, impulsar diversos processos d'innovació i millorar el seu rendiment; sent, per tant, fonamental el mesurament eficaç de l'rendiment com una pràctica estratègica per impulsar el seu desenvolupament i eficiència col·lectiva. El mesurament de l'rendiment (MR) és un element essencial per a la planificació efectiva i el control empresarial; així com per a la presa de decisions, per tal de desplegar diferents accions de millora. La MR a Pimes inclou les següents tres categories: les mesures de rendiment o indicadors, el disseny de sistema de mesurament de l'rendiment (SMR) i el seu desenvolupament. El disseny de l'SMR per a xarxes de Pimes és un procés important per assegurar que el marc de mesurament integri tant, els factors i elements de l'rendiment propis de l'context col·laboratiu abordat, així com els mètodes i tècniques per a un procés de mesurament de l'rendiment balancejat i amb alineament estratègic. No obstant això, en la literatura van ser pocs els estudis que abordaven a la MR en contextos col·laboratius. Entre aquells que ho feien, la majoria es relacionava amb l'adreçament cap a les millors pràctiques; el que va assenyalar dificultats pel que fa a la consideració de diversos factors entorn a aquest grup de Pimes i amb això la seva implicació en el desenvolupament de SMRs específics. Un altre aspecte important en el disseny de l'SMR és la presència de múltiples prenedors de decisió, espai que tampoc va evidenciar major aportació entre la literatura revisada. A l'considerar aquests aspectes en el marc de el disseny de SMRs per a xarxes de pimes en col·laboració, cap investigació va presentar un abordatge que contempli totes les característiques de forma simultània. Considerant aquestes bretxes, aquest treball de recerca té per objectiu proposar un sistema de mesurament de l'rendiment per a xarxes col·laboratives de pimes (SMR - Recull) en un escenari de presa de decisions en grup, considerant un enfocament d'alineament estratègic. La proposta té com a finalitat integrar els principals factors d'influència de l'entorn de la xarxa de pimes, els requeriments de mesurament bàsics i la visió d'un creixement sostenible emmarcat en l'eficiència col·lectiva. La proposta de mesurament de l'rendiment utilitza el Balanced Scorecard (BSC) com a eina per adreçar l'estratègia de la xarxa a l'interior de el sistema de mesurament, on els indicadors es troben en alineació directa amb els objectius estratègics; a més, la tècnica Fuzzy TOPSIS per donar suport al procés de presa de decisions en grup que permet la determinació dels objectius estratègics i; finalment, taules de diàleg com els espais per a la discussió d'idees i formulació d'indicadors de mesurament. Aquestes tècniques, conjuntament amb els elements esmentats anteriorment són integrats en una metodologia de tres fases. El sistema de mesurament proposat s'aplica en un cas d'investigació per a fins de validació; la xarxa de Pimes avaluada pertany a el sector agroindustrial productor de cacau a l'Equador, on els contextos empresarials tant de xarxa i cadena s'evidencien com les estratègiques col·laboratives amb important presència. L'aplicació empírica d'el SMR - RECOP va mostrar com a resultats necessaris del seu desenvolupament als següents productes: un conjunt d'objectius estratègics; un procediment per a la definició i selecció d'aquests objectius en el marc de la presa de decisions en grup; un mapa estratègic consolidat i finalment un conjunt d'indicadors de rendiment. Els resultats obtinguts mostren consistència amb els estaments pretesos per la xarxa i el seu context de desenvolupament; així com amb els requeriments que emmarquen un SMR per a Pimes.[EN] The business collaboration evidenced in small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) is helping to expand their competitiveness, promote different innovation processes, and improve their performance. Therefore, effective performance measurement is essential as a strategic practice to promote its development and collective efficiency. Performance measurement (PM) is an essential element for effective business planning and control; as well as for decision making, in order to deploy different improvement actions. PM in SMEs includes the following three categories: performance measures or indicators, the design of the performance measurement system (PMS), and its development. The design of the PMS for SME networks is an important process to ensure that the measurement framework integrates both the factors and elements of the performance, which belong to the collaborative context addressed, as well as the methods and techniques for a balanced performance measurement process and with strategic alignment. However, in the literature, few studies addressed PM in collaborative contexts. Among those that did it, the majority was related to directing toward best practices; which pointed to difficulties in considering various factors around this group of SMEs and thus their involvement in the development of specific PMSs. Another important issue in the design of the PMS is the presence of multiple decision-makers, a space that did not show a greater contribution among the literature reviewed. When considering these aspects in the framework of PMSs design for collaborative SME networks, no research presented an approach that considers all the characteristics simultaneously. Considering these gaps, this research work aims to propose a performance measurement system for collaborative networks of SMEs (PMS - RECOP) in a group decision-making scenario, considering a strategic alignment approach. The purpose of the proposal is to integrate the main factors that influence the environment of the SMEs network, the basic measurement requirements, and the vision of sustainable growth framed in collective efficiency The performance measurement proposal uses the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a tool to direct the strategy of the network within the measurement system, where the indicators are in direct alignment with the strategic objectives. In addition, the Fuzzy TOPSIS technique supports the group decision-making process that allows the determination of strategic objectives and; finally, dialogue tables as spaces for the discussion of ideas and formulation of measurement indicators. These techniques, together with the elements aforementioned, are integrated into a three-phase methodology. The proposed evaluation system is applied in a research case for validation purposes; the network of SMEs evaluated belongs to the agro-industrial sector that produces cocoa in Ecuador, where the business contexts of both the network and the chain are evidenced as collaborative strategies with an important presence. The empirical application of the PMS - RECOP showed the following products as necessary results of its development: a set of strategic objectives, such as an established procedure for the definition and selection of these objectives within the framework of group decision-making; a consolidated strategic map, and finally a set of performance indicators. The obtained results showed consistency with the states intended by the network and its development context, as well as the requirements that frame a PMS for SMEs.Rojas Lema, XB. (2021). Sistema de medición del rendimiento para redes colaborativas de Pymes en el sector agroindustrial de Ecuador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165779TESI

    Z-Numbers-Based Approach to Hotel Service Quality Assessment

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    In this study, we are analyzing the possibility of using Z-numbers for measuring the service quality and decision-making for quality improvement in the hotel industry. Techniques used for these purposes are based on consumer evalu- ations - expectations and perceptions. As a rule, these evaluations are expressed in crisp numbers (Likert scale) or fuzzy estimates. However, descriptions of the respondent opinions based on crisp or fuzzy numbers formalism not in all cases are relevant. The existing methods do not take into account the degree of con- fidence of respondents in their assessments. A fuzzy approach better describes the uncertainties associated with human perceptions and expectations. Linguis- tic values are more acceptable than crisp numbers. To consider the subjective natures of both service quality estimates and confidence degree in them, the two- component Z-numbers Z = (A, B) were used. Z-numbers express more adequately the opinion of consumers. The proposed and computationally efficient approach (Z-SERVQUAL, Z-IPA) allows to determine the quality of services and iden- tify the factors that required improvement and the areas for further development. The suggested method was applied to evaluate the service quality in small and medium-sized hotels in Turkey and Azerbaijan, illustrated by the example

    An investigation of decision support knowledge production, transfer and adoption for it outsourcing

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    Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) is a widely-adopted strategy for IT governance. ITO decisions are very complicated and challenging for many organisations. During the past three decades of ITO research, numerous decision support artefacts (e.g. frameworks, models, tools) to support organisational ITO decisions have been described in academic publications. However, the scope, rigour, relevance and adoption of this research by industry practitioners had not been assessed. This study investigates the production, transfer and adoption of academic research-generated knowledge for ITO decision support through multiple perspectives of ITO researchers and practitioners (e.g. IT managers, IT consultants) to provide insights into the research problem. A mixed-methods research approach underpinned by the critical realism paradigm is employed in this study. The study comprised three phases. In Phase A, the scope of extant research for supporting ITO decisions is identified through a systematic literature review and critical assessment of the rigour and relevance of this body of research is conducted using a highly regarded research framework. One hundred and thirty three articles on IT outsourcing (including cloud sourcing) were identified as ITO decision support academic literature. These articles suggested a range of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), optimisation and simulation methods to support different IT outsourcing decisions. The assessment of these articles raised concerns about the limited use of reference design theories, validation and naturalistic evaluation in ITO decision support academic literature. Recommendations to enhance the rigour and relevance of ITO decision support research are made in this thesis. Phase B involved interviewing and surveying academic researchers who published academic literature on ITO decision support artefacts. This phase reports researchers’ reflections on their ITO research experience and knowledge transfer activities undertaken by them. The findings indicate researchers’ motivations, knowledge transfer mechanisms, and communication/ interaction channels with industry may explain effective knowledge transfer. Impact-minded researchers were significantly more effective than publication-minded researchers in knowledge transfer. In Phase C, interviews and a survey of practitioners engaged in IT outsourcing shed light on use of academic-generated knowledge. Academic research was the least used source of decision-making knowledge among ITO practitioners. Practitioners preferred to seek advice from their peers, IT vendors and consultants to inform their ITO decision making. Two communities of users and non-users of academic research were identified in our sample of ITO practitioners, with non-users forming the majority. Six factors that may influence the use of academic research by practitioners were identified. Non-users of academic research held perceptions that academic research was not timely, required too much time to read, was far from the real world and that it was not a commonly-used knowledge source for practitioners. Also, non-users of academic research read academic research less frequently and did not perceive themselves as an audience for academic research. This study engaged two fields of research: ITO decision support and academic knowledge transfer/utilisation (including research-practice gap). ITO decision support research provide the specific context for a critical assessment of academic knowledge production, transfer and adoption. For ITO DSS, this study identified the scope, rigour and relevance of the field, and improvement opportunities. This study confirms that a research-practice gap exists in the ITO decision support field as previously suggested by some scholars. Also, this study made a significant contribution to the highly complex and contested field of research utilisation and the research-practice gap. The relationship between research and practice in terms of knowledge production, transfer and utilisation is modelled using social system theory. Multiple theories are applied through a retroductive (abductive) analysis to shed light on the root causes of the research-practice gap. This study suggests that the lack of adequate appreciation of research relevance in academic reward schemes and the academic publishing structure are the main root causes of the research-practice gap in the knowledge production side. Moreover, various institutional mechanisms exist in knowledge transfer and adoption domains that influence the knowledge adoption channels of practitioners. As a result, academic research does not become a priority source of ITO decision support knowledge for practitioners. This study suggests that to overcome the barriers to academic research adoption by practitioners, the effective structural coupling mechanism between the system of science (knowledge production domain) and organisation systems (knowledge consumption domain) needs to be identified and activated

    Recent Progress in Urbanisation Dynamics Research

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    This book is dedicated to urbanization, which is observed every day, as well as the methods and techniques of monitoring and analyzing this phenomenon. In the 21st century, urbanization has gained momentum, and the awareness of the significance and influence of this phenomenon on our lives make us take a closer look at it not only with curiosity, but also great attention. There are numerous reasons for this, among which the economy is of special significance, but it also has many results, namely, economic, social, and environmental. First of all, it is a spatial phenomenon, as all of the aspects can be placed in space. We would therefore like to draw special attention to the results of urbanization seen on the Earth's surface and in the surrounding space. The urbanization–land relation seems obvious, but is also interesting and multi-layered. The development of science and technology provides a lot of new tools for observing urbanization, as well as the analyses and inference of the phenomenon in space. This book is devoted to in-depth analysis of past, present and future urbanization processes all over the world. We present the latest trends of research that use experience in the widely understood geography of the area. This book is focused on multidisciplinary phenomenon, i.e., urbanization, with the use of the satellite and photogrammetric observation technologies and GIS analyses

    Secure and Sustainable Energy System

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    This special issue aims to contribute to the climate actions which called for the need to address Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, keeping global warming to well below 2°C through various means, including accelerating renewables, clean fuels, and clean technologies into the entire energy system. As long as fossil fuels (coal, gas and oil) are still used in the foreseeable future, it is vital to ensure that these fossil fuels are used cleanly through abated technologies. Financing the clean and energy transition technologies is vital to ensure the smooth transition towards net zero emission by 2050 or beyond. The lack of long‐term financing, the low rate of return, the existence of various risks, and the lack of capacity of market players are major challenges to developing sustainable energy systems.This special collected 17 high-quality empirical studies that assess the challenges for developing secure and sustainable energy systems and provide practical policy recommendations. The editors of this special issue wish to thank the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) for funding several papers that were published in this special issue

    Cloud intrusion detection systems: fuzzy logic and classifications

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    Cloud Computing (CC), as defned by national Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is a new technology model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources such as networks, servers, storage, applications, and services that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service-provider interaction. CC is a fast growing field; yet, there are major concerns regarding the detection of security threats, which in turn have urged experts to explore solutions to improve its security performance through conventional approaches, such as, Intrusion Detection System (IDS). In the literature, there are two most successful current IDS tools that are used worldwide: Snort and Suricata; however, these tools are not flexible to the uncertainty of intrusions. The aim of this study is to explore novel approaches to uplift the CC security performance using Type-1 fuzzy logic (T1FL) technique with IDS when compared to IDS alone. All experiments in this thesis were performed within a virtual cloud that was built within an experimental environment. By combining fuzzy logic technique (FL System) with IDSs, namely SnortIDS and SuricataIDS, SnortIDS and SuricataIDS for detection systems were used twice (with and without FL) to create four detection systems (FL-SnortIDS, FL-SuricataIDS, SnortIDS, and SuricataIDS) using Intrusion Detection Evaluation Dataset (namely ISCX). ISCX comprised two types of traffic (normal and threats); the latter was classified into four classes including Denial of Service, User-to-Root, Root-to-Local, and Probing. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, false alarms and detection rate were compared among the four detection systems. Then, Fuzzy Intrusion Detection System model was designed (namely FIDSCC) in CC based on the results of the aforementioned four detection systems. The FIDSCC model comprised of two individual systems pre-and-post threat detecting systems (pre-TDS and post-TDS). The pre-TDS was designed based on the number of threats in the aforementioned classes to assess the detection rate (DR). Based on the output of this DR and false positives of the four detection systems, the post-TDS was designed in order to assess CC security performance. To assure the validity of the results, classifier algorithms (CAs) were introduced to each of the four detection systems and four threat classes for further comparison. The classifier algorithms were OneR, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree (DT), and K-nearest neighbour. The comparison was made based on specific measures including accuracy, incorrect classified instances, mean absolute error, false positive rate, precision, recall, and ROC area. The empirical results showed that FL-SnortIDS was superior to FL-SuricataIDS, SnortIDS, and SuricataIDS in terms of sensitivity. However, insignificant difference was found in specificity, false alarms and accuracy among the four detection systems. Furthermore, among the four CAs, the combination of FL-SnortIDS and DT was shown to be the best detection method. The results of these studies showed that FIDSCC model can provide a better alternative to detecting threats and reducing the false positive rates more than the other conventional approaches

    Sustainable Industrial Engineering along Product-Service Life Cycle/Supply Chain

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    Sustainable industrial engineering addresses the sustainability issue from economic, environmental, and social points of view. Its application fields are the whole value chain and lifecycle of products/services, from the development to the end-of-life stages. This book aims to address many of the challenges faced by industrial organizations and supply chains to become more sustainable through reinventing their processes and practices, by continuously incorporating sustainability guidelines and practices in their decisions, such as circular economy, collaboration with suppliers and customers, using information technologies and systems, tracking their products’ life-cycle, using optimization methods to reduce resource use, and to apply new management paradigms to help mitigate many of the wastes that exist across organizations and supply chains. This book will be of interest to the fast-growing body of academics studying and researching sustainability, as well as to industry managers involved in sustainability management