7 research outputs found

    Temperature Distribution Monitoring on Blood Bank Chamber Using Android Application on Mobile Phone

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    Blood cold chain is a mandatory requirement of blood donation procedures to protect blood from bacterial contamination and to extend the shelf life of blood. Blood bank as a storage medium for blood bags requires a temperature between 2℃-6℃ on average. However, in general, blood banks only have 1 cold temperature distribution point, which is feared that the spread of cold temperatures in the compartment will be different at each point. For this reason, the researcher intended to design a blood bank temperature distribution monitoring device consisting of 7 measurement points. In this case, temperature sensor readings at each point are displayed wirelessly to smartphone devices using the Blynk platform and are also on a 3.5-inch TFT screen. The measurement data were then stored on the SD card memory so that the level of temperature fluctuations in the blood bank compartment can be analyzed during use. The module was also equipped with an alarm warning on the module and the Blynk application if the temperature is out of the normal temperature range (2℃-6℃). Before being used for measuring temperature distribution, the device made was compared with the standard Fluke DPM4 tester, in which the highest error obtained was 2.08% at T1, 1.58% at T2, -2.73% at T3, 1,61% at T4, -1.07% at T5, -0.06% at T6, and -2.32% at T7. After being compared with standard equipment, the device was used to measure the temperature spread in the Kirsch brand blood bank and the average temperature obtained was 3.56℃ at T1, 3.58℃ at T2, 3.73℃ at T3, 3.57℃ at T4, 3.67℃ at T5, 3.63℃ at T6, and 3.72℃ at T7. Based on the analysis results, the blood bank monitoring device can be used to measure the temperature spread in the blood bank compartment at 7 measurement points. Furthermore, temperature readings can be monitored wirelessly and remotely. It is hoped that this research can further help laboratory personnel at the Blood Transfusion Unit to monitor and evaluate the level of temperature spread in the blood bank compartment and prevent early damage to blood components

    Redes neuronales aplicadas al control estadístico de procesos con cartas de control EWMA

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    Objective: Design an LSTM recurrent neural network to predict the average value of the temperature variable and thus evaluate the network's ability to obtain values ​​similar to the EWMA weighted moving average calculations for individual measurements. Methodology: 1768 records of individual temperature measurements were obtained by a sensor, in the data set called: Gas sensors for home activity monitoring data set. The temperature data was plotted on an EWMA exponential weighted moving average control chart, in order to obtain the process mean values ​​and to identify that the process was within statistical control. Subsequently, an LSTM neural network was trained to a training sample of 1184 data with a backpropagation algorithm that allowed obtaining values ​​similar to EWMA, which were validated in a test sample of 584 temperature Results: The design of a neural network with a unit in the entrance door, 4 units in the forgetting door and 1 unit in the exit door trained with the Backpropagation algorithm allowed to calculate values ​​very close to those represented in the EWMA control chart. with an MSE of 1.1405e-04. Conclusions: LSTM neural networks are a good alternative for calculating EWMA values, when it is required to make statistical control of a process that generates a large amount of data obtained from measurements and there is no software to process them. Financing: Fundación universitaria Los LibertadoresObjetivo: Diseñar una red neuronal recurrente LSTM para predecir el valor promedio de la variable temperatura y evaluar así, la capacidad de la red para obtener valores similares a los cálculos del promedio móvil ponderado EWMA para mediciones individuales. Metodología: Se obtuvieron 1768 registros de mediciones individuales de temperatura realizadas por un sensor, en el conjunto de datos denominado: Gas sensors for home activity monitoring data set.  Los datos de temperatura se representaron en una carta de control de promedios móviles ponderados exponenciales EWMA, a fin de obtener los valores de la media del proceso y de identificar que el proceso estuviera dentro del control estadístico.  Posteriormente se entrenó una red neuronal LSTM a una muestra de entrenamiento de 1184 datos con algoritmo Backpropagation que permitiera obtener valores similares a EWMA, los cuales se validaron en una muestra de prueba de 584 datos de temperatura.   Resultados: El diseño de una red neuronal con una unidad en la puerta de entrada, 4 unidades en la puerta de olvido y 1 unidad en la puerta de salida entrenada con el algoritmo Backpropagation permitió calcular valores muy cercanos a los representados en la carta de control EWMA, con un MSE de 1.1405e-04. Conclusiones: Las redes neuronales LSTM son una buena alternativa para el cálculo de valores EWMA, cuando se requiera hacer control estadístico de un proceso que genera gran cantidad de datos obtenidos de mediciones y no se cuente con un software para procesarlos. Financiamiento: Fundación universitaria Los Libertadore

    Remote monitoring of a cold chain

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    We understand for cold chain the uninterrupted maintenance of the conditions of temperature needed in every moment to guarantee the integrity of organoleptic and sanitary characteristics in food, which must not be broken to avoid loose of such properties The company Vegetàlia, is involved in the production of ecological food and now wants to see the possibilities of improvement in monitoring its cold chain. Additionally, it wants also to check if its production autoclave fulfills the required operating parameters. In the present work different mechanisms are approached to remote monitoring the continuity of the mentioned cold chain, either in the vans and in the cold-storage rooms, by means of the utilization of different sensors integrated in BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and WiFi devices. In case of break of the chain, an alert systems is provided by sending SMS and e-mail to the responsible individuals. Hereby, allowing them the management of such possible anomalies, as well as improve solving it before may affect the cold chain integrity. The system performances allow know, likewise, the location of the vans, by means of the integrated GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver, working together with a positioning service, such as Google Maps.Entenem per cadena de fred el manteniment ininterromput de les condicions de temperatura requerides a cada moment per a garantir la integritat de les característiques organolèptiques i sanitàries dels aliments, i que no es pot trencar sense perdre algun d'aquests trets. L'empresa Vegetàlia, dedicada a la producció d'aliments ecològics, vol veure les expectatives de millora en el control de la cadena de fred. Addicionalment, també vol realitzar el control de l'autoclau, per tal de veure si acompleix amb els paràmetres de treball requerits. En el present treball s'aborden mecanismes per tal de monitoritzar de forma remota el manteniment d'aquesta cadena tant a les furgonetes com a les cambres frigorífiques, mitjançant la utilització de diferents sensors integrats amb dispositius BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) i WiFi. En cas de trencament, s'estableix un sistema d'alertes per mitjà de SMS i correu electrònic als responsables de la mateixa. D'aquesta manera facilita la gestió de les anomalies i la seva solució. Les prestacions del sistema també possibiliten conèixer la situació de les furgonetes, mitjançant el receptor GPS (Global Positioning System) integrat interactuant amb un servei de posicionament, com ara Google Maps.Entendemos por cadena de frío el mantenimiento ininterrumpido de las condiciones de temperatura requeridas en cada momento para garantizar la integridad de las características organolépticas y sanitarias de los alimentos, que no debe romperse en ningún momento si no se quiere perder las mismas. La empresa Vegetàlia, dedicada a la producción de alimentos ecológicos, desea ver las posibilidades de mejora en el control de su cadena de frío. Adicionalmente, también se quiere realizar un control de la autoclave, con la finalidad de ver si cumple con los parámetros de trabajo requeridos. En el presente trabajo se abordan diferentes mecanismos para monitorizar de forma remota la continuidad de dicha cadena, tanto en las furgonetas como en las cámaras frigoríficas, mediante la utilización de diferentes sensores integrados en dispositivos BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) y WiFi. En caso de rotura de la misma, se establece un sistema de alertas mediante SMS y correo electrónico a los responsables de la misma. De esta manera, se facilita la gestión de las posibles anomalías, así como agiliza su resolución antes de que pueda llegar a afectar a la integridad de la cadena de frío. Las prestaciones del sistema permiten, asimismo, conocer la ubicación de las furgonetas, mediante el receptor GPS (Global Positioning System) integrado, mediante su interacción con un servicio de posicionamiento, tal como Google Maps

    Evolution of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Agricultural Cold Chain Monitoring: A Literature Review

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology providing considerable opportunities to improve quality control for perishable foods. Over the past decade, a significant improvement in RFID application has been observed in cold chain monitoring. The aim of this paper is to, first, demonstrate the role of RFID in improving the monitoring of the agricultural products cold chain. Particular focus is placed on the specifications of RFID and its advantages, which makes its application appealing in food temperature monitoring. Second, this paper aims to provide an overview of RFID developments in cold chain monitoring. For this purpose, we conduct a review of the literature throughout 2004-2018 citing the challenges of this technology’s practical implementation in temperature monitoring of perishables, and provide the solutions presented in the literature for each limitation. This survey would be beneficial for those involved in food distribution, as it offers approaches for overcoming the limitations of RFID, making its application more advantageou

    Simulação e experimentação de sistemas de distribuição de ar em câmaras refrigeradas

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    Orientadores: Bárbara Janet Teruel Mederos, Luiz Antônio RossiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia AgrícolaResumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo propor uma nova configuração para melhorar a distribuição do ar no interior de câmaras refrigeradas (frigoríficas), a fim de minimizar zonas de diferentes temperaturas. Com esse intuito, um instrumento de CFD foi usado (OpenFOAM), a fim de simular duas configurações de distribuição de ar no interior de câmaras de refrigeração. Dois protótipos experimentais foram montados com a finalidade de analisar a distribuição da temperatura do ar com as configurações propostas. Os resultados destas medidas foram comparadas através do software escolhido. As principais variáveis monitoradas foram a diferença de temperatura, o consumo de energia e o coeficiente de desempenho (COP) . Os resultados das simulações numérica e experimental mostraram que, a fim de melhorar a circulação de ar no interior de câmaras de refrigeração, minimizando as zonas com diferentes temperaturas, a utilização de um evaporador modelo cassete, atualmente utilizado em condicionadores de ar split, com o fluxo de ar em quatro direções, seria uma alternativa bastante viável para a redução de zonas com diferentes temperaturas em câmaras frigoríficasAbstract: This work aimed to propose a new configuration to improve the air distribution inside refrigerated chambers, in order to minimize zones of different temperatures. For this, a CFD tool was used (OpenFOAM), in order to simulate two configurations of air distribution inside refrigerated chambers. Two experimental prototypes were assembled, in order to analyze the air temperature distribution with the proposed settings. The results of these measurements were compared using the chosen CFD software. The main variables monitored were temperature difference, power consumption and the coefficient of performance (COP). Results of numerical and experimental simulation showed that, in order to improve the air circulation inside refrigerated chambers, minimizing zones with different temperatures, the use of an evaporator model cassette, currently used in split air conditioners, with air flow in four directions, would be a very viable alternative for the reduction of zones with different temperatures in refrigerated chambersDoutoradoMaquinas AgricolasDoutor em Engenharia Agrícol