232 research outputs found

    A Process Model for the Integrated Reasoning about Quantitative IT Infrastructure Attributes

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    IT infrastructures can be quantitatively described by attributes, like performance or energy efficiency. Ever-changing user demands and economic attempts require varying short-term and long-term decisions regarding the alignment of an IT infrastructure and particularly its attributes to this dynamic surrounding. Potentially conflicting attribute goals and the central role of IT infrastructures presuppose decision making based upon reasoning, the process of forming inferences from facts or premises. The focus on specific IT infrastructure parts or a fixed (small) attribute set disqualify existing reasoning approaches for this intent, as they neither cover the (complex) interplay of all IT infrastructure components simultaneously, nor do they address inter- and intra-attribute correlations sufficiently. This thesis presents a process model for the integrated reasoning about quantitative IT infrastructure attributes. The process model’s main idea is to formalize the compilation of an individual reasoning function, a mathematical mapping of parametric influencing factors and modifications on an attribute vector. Compilation bases upon model integration to benefit from the multitude of existing specialized, elaborated, and well-established attribute models. The achieved reasoning function consumes an individual tuple of IT infrastructure components, attributes, and external influencing factors to expose a broad applicability. The process model formalizes a reasoning intent in three phases. First, reasoning goals and parameters are collected in a reasoning suite, and formalized in a reasoning function skeleton. Second, the skeleton is iteratively refined, guided by the reasoning suite. Third, the achieved reasoning function is employed for What-if analyses, optimization, or descriptive statistics to conduct the concrete reasoning. The process model provides five template classes that collectively formalize all phases in order to foster reproducibility and to reduce error-proneness. Process model validation is threefold. A controlled experiment reasons about a Raspberry Pi cluster’s performance and energy efficiency to illustrate feasibility. Besides, a requirements analysis on a world-class supercomputer and on the European-wide execution of hydro meteorology simulations as well as a related work examination disclose the process model’s level of innovation. Potential future work employs prepared automation capabilities, integrates human factors, and uses reasoning results for the automatic generation of modification recommendations.IT-Infrastrukturen können mit Attributen, wie Leistung und Energieeffizienz, quantitativ beschrieben werden. NutzungsbedarfsĂ€nderungen und ökonomische Bestrebungen erfordern Kurz- und Langfristentscheidungen zur Anpassung einer IT-Infrastruktur und insbesondere ihre Attribute an dieses dynamische Umfeld. Potentielle Attribut-Zielkonflikte sowie die zentrale Rolle von IT-Infrastrukturen erfordern eine Entscheidungsfindung mittels Reasoning, einem Prozess, der RĂŒckschlĂŒsse (rein) aus Fakten und PrĂ€missen zieht. Die Fokussierung auf spezifische Teile einer IT-Infrastruktur sowie die BeschrĂ€nkung auf (sehr) wenige Attribute disqualifizieren bestehende Reasoning-AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr dieses Vorhaben, da sie weder das komplexe Zusammenspiel von IT-Infrastruktur-Komponenten, noch AbhĂ€ngigkeiten zwischen und innerhalb einzelner Attribute ausreichend berĂŒcksichtigen können. Diese Arbeit prĂ€sentiert ein Prozessmodell fĂŒr das integrierte Reasoning ĂŒber quantitative IT-Infrastruktur-Attribute. Die grundlegende Idee des Prozessmodells ist die Herleitung einer individuellen Reasoning-Funktion, einer mathematischen Abbildung von Einfluss- und Modifikationsparametern auf einen Attributvektor. Die Herleitung basiert auf der Integration bestehender (Attribut-)Modelle, um von deren Spezialisierung, Reife und Verbreitung profitieren zu können. Die erzielte Reasoning-Funktion verarbeitet ein individuelles Tupel aus IT-Infrastruktur-Komponenten, Attributen und externen Einflussfaktoren, um eine breite Anwendbarkeit zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Das Prozessmodell formalisiert ein Reasoning-Vorhaben in drei Phasen. ZunĂ€chst werden die Reasoning-Ziele und -Parameter in einer Reasoning-Suite gesammelt und in einem Reasoning-Funktions-GerĂŒst formalisiert. Anschließend wird das GerĂŒst entsprechend den Vorgaben der Reasoning-Suite iterativ verfeinert. Abschließend wird die hergeleitete Reasoning-Funktion verwendet, um mittels “What-if”–Analysen, Optimierungsverfahren oder deskriptiver Statistik das Reasoning durchzufĂŒhren. Das Prozessmodell enthĂ€lt fĂŒnf Template-Klassen, die den Prozess formalisieren, um Reproduzierbarkeit zu gewĂ€hrleisten und FehleranfĂ€lligkeit zu reduzieren. Das Prozessmodell wird auf drei Arten validiert. Ein kontrolliertes Experiment zeigt die DurchfĂŒhrbarkeit des Prozessmodells anhand des Reasonings zur Leistung und Energieeffizienz eines Raspberry Pi Clusters. Eine Anforderungsanalyse an einem Superrechner und an der europaweiten AusfĂŒhrung von Hydro-Meteorologie-Modellen erlĂ€utert gemeinsam mit der Betrachtung verwandter Arbeiten den Innovationsgrad des Prozessmodells. Potentielle Erweiterungen nutzen die vorbereiteten AutomatisierungsansĂ€tze, integrieren menschliche Faktoren, und generieren Modifikationsempfehlungen basierend auf Reasoning-Ergebnissen

    Performance Analysis of Deep-Learning and Explainable AI Techniques for Detecting and Predicting Epileptic Seizures

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    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases globally. Notably, people in low to middle-income nations could not get proper epilepsy treatment due to the cost and availability of medical infrastructure. The risk of sudden unpredicted death in Epilepsy is considerably high. Medical statistics reveal that people with Epilepsy die more prematurely than those without the disease. Early and accurately diagnosing diseases in the medical field is challenging due to the complex disease patterns and the need for time-sensitive medical responses to the patients. Even though numerous machine learning and advanced deep learning techniques have been employed for the seizure stages classification and prediction, understanding the causes behind the decision is difficult, termed a black box problem. Hence, doctors and patients are confronted with the black box decision-making to initiate the appropriate treatment and understand the disease patterns respectively. Owing to the scarcity of epileptic Electroencephalography (EEG) data, training the deep learning model with diversified epilepsy knowledge is still critical. Explainable Artificial intelligence has become a potential solution to provide the explanation and result interpretation of the learning models. By applying the explainable AI, there is a higher possibility of examining the features that influence the decision-making that either the patient recorded from epileptic or non-epileptic EEG signals. This paper reviews the various deep learning and Explainable AI techniques used for detecting and predicting epileptic seizures  using EEG data. It provides a comparative analysis of the different techniques based on their performance

    AI-based framework for automatically extracting high-low features from NDS data to understand driver behavior

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    Our ability to detect and characterize unsafe driving behaviors in naturalistic driving environments and associate them with road crashes will be a significant step toward developing effective crash countermeasures. Due to some limitations, researchers have not yet fully achieved the stated goal of characterizing unsafe driving behaviors. These limitations include, but are not limited to, the high cost of data collection and the manual processes required to extract information from NDS data. In light of this limitations, the primary objective of this study is to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) framework for automatically extracting high-low features from the NDS dataset to explain driver behavior using a low-cost data collection method. The author proposed three novel objectives for achieving the study's objective in light of the identified research gaps. Initially, the study develops a low-cost data acquisition system for gathering data on naturalistic driving. Second, the study develops a framework that automatically extracts high- to low-level features, such as vehicle density, turning movements, and lane changes, from the data collected by the developed data acquisition system. Thirdly, the study extracted information from the NDS data to gain a better understanding of people's car-following behavior and other driving behaviors in order to develop countermeasures for traffic safety through data collection and analysis. The first objective of this study is to develop a multifunctional smartphone application for collecting NDS data. Three major modules comprised the designed app: a front-end user interface module, a sensor module, and a backend module. The front-end, which is also the application's user interface, was created to provide a streamlined view that exposed the application's key features via a tab bar controller. This allows us to compartmentalize the application's critical components into separate views. The backend module provides computational resources that can be used to accelerate front-end query responses. Google Firebase powered the backend of the developed application. The sensor modules included CoreMotion, CoreLocation, and AVKit. CoreMotion collects motion and environmental data from the onboard hardware of iOS devices, including accelerometers, gyroscopes, pedometers, magnetometers, and barometers. In contrast, CoreLocation determines the altitude, orientation, and geographical location of a device, as well as its position relative to an adjacent iBeacon device. The AVKit finally provides a high-level interface for video content playback. To achieve objective two, we formulated the problem as both a classification and time-series segmentation problem. This is due to the fact that the majority of existing driver maneuver detection methods formulate the problem as a pure classification problem, assuming a discretized input signal with known start and end locations for each event or segment. In practice, however, vehicle telemetry data used for detecting driver maneuvers are continuous; thus, a fully automated driver maneuver detection system should incorporate solutions for both time series segmentation and classification. The five stages of our proposed methodology are as follows: 1) data preprocessing, 2) segmentation of events, 3) machine learning classification, 4) heuristics classification, and 5) frame-by-frame video annotation. The result of the study indicates that the gyroscope reading is an exceptional parameter for extracting driving events, as its accuracy was consistent across all four models developed. The study reveals that the Energy Maximization Algorithm's accuracy ranges from 56.80 percent (left lane change) to 85.20 percent (right lane change) (lane-keeping) All four models developed had comparable accuracies to studies that used similar models. The 1D-CNN model had the highest accuracy (98.99 percent), followed by the LSTM model (97.75 percent), the RF model (97.71 percent), and the SVM model (97.65 percent). To serve as a ground truth, continuous signal data was annotated. In addition, the proposed method outperformed the fixed time window approach. The study analyzed the overall pipeline's accuracy by penalizing the F1 scores of the ML models with the EMA's duration score. The pipeline's accuracy ranged between 56.8 percent and 85.0 percent overall. The ultimate goal of this study was to extract variables from naturalistic driving videos that would facilitate an understanding of driver behavior in a naturalistic driving environment. To achieve this objective, three sub-goals were established. First, we developed a framework for extracting features pertinent to comprehending the behavior of natural-environment drivers. Using the extracted features, we then analyzed the car-following behaviors of various demographic groups. Thirdly, using a machine learning algorithm, we modeled the acceleration of both the ego-vehicle and the leading vehicle. Younger drivers are more likely to be aggressive, according to the findings of this study. In addition, the study revealed that drivers tend to accelerate when the distance between them and the vehicle in front of them is substantial. Lastly, compared to younger drivers, elderly motorists maintain a significantly larger following distance. This study's results have numerous safety implications. First, the analysis of the driving behavior of different demographic groups will enable safety engineers to develop the most effective crash countermeasures by enhancing their understanding of the driving styles of different demographic groups and the causes of collisions. Second, the models developed to predict the acceleration of both the ego-vehicle and the leading vehicle will provide enough information to explain the behavior of the ego-driver.Includes bibliographical references

    Rule pruning techniques in the ant-miner classification algorithm and its variants: A review

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    Rule-based classification is considered an important task of data classification.The ant-mining rule-based classification algorithm, inspired from the ant colony optimization algorithm, shows a comparable performance and outperforms in some application domains to the existing methods in the literature.One problem that often arises in any rule-based classification is the overfitting problem. Rule pruning is a framework to avoid overfitting.Furthermore, we find that the influence of rule pruning in ant-miner classification algorithms is equivalent to that of local search in stochastic methods when they aim to search for more improvement for each candidate solution.In this paper, we review the history of the pruning techniques in ant-miner and its variants.These techniques are classified into post-pruning, pre-pruning and hybrid-pruning.In addition, we compare and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. Finally, future research direction to find new hybrid rule pruning techniques are provided

    A Survey of Neural Trees

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    Neural networks (NNs) and decision trees (DTs) are both popular models of machine learning, yet coming with mutually exclusive advantages and limitations. To bring the best of the two worlds, a variety of approaches are proposed to integrate NNs and DTs explicitly or implicitly. In this survey, these approaches are organized in a school which we term as neural trees (NTs). This survey aims to present a comprehensive review of NTs and attempts to identify how they enhance the model interpretability. We first propose a thorough taxonomy of NTs that expresses the gradual integration and co-evolution of NNs and DTs. Afterward, we analyze NTs in terms of their interpretability and performance, and suggest possible solutions to the remaining challenges. Finally, this survey concludes with a discussion about other considerations like conditional computation and promising directions towards this field. A list of papers reviewed in this survey, along with their corresponding codes, is available at: https://github.com/zju-vipa/awesome-neural-treesComment: 35 pages, 7 figures and 1 tabl

    Towards Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): A Data Mining Perspective

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    Given the complexity and lack of transparency in deep neural networks (DNNs), extensive efforts have been made to make these systems more interpretable or explain their behaviors in accessible terms. Unlike most reviews, which focus on algorithmic and model-centric perspectives, this work takes a "data-centric" view, examining how data collection, processing, and analysis contribute to explainable AI (XAI). We categorize existing work into three categories subject to their purposes: interpretations of deep models, referring to feature attributions and reasoning processes that correlate data points with model outputs; influences of training data, examining the impact of training data nuances, such as data valuation and sample anomalies, on decision-making processes; and insights of domain knowledge, discovering latent patterns and fostering new knowledge from data and models to advance social values and scientific discovery. Specifically, we distill XAI methodologies into data mining operations on training and testing data across modalities, such as images, text, and tabular data, as well as on training logs, checkpoints, models and other DNN behavior descriptors. In this way, our study offers a comprehensive, data-centric examination of XAI from a lens of data mining methods and applications
