54 research outputs found

    Teaching Cultural Heritage using Mobile Augmented Reality

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    open2noThe relationship between augmented reality, mobile learning, gamification and non-formal education methods provide a great potential. The AR-CIMUVE Augmented Reality for the Walled Cities of the Veneto is an original project in collaboration with Italia Nostra and other associations which deal with transmitting our cultural heritage and which teach primary and middle school children the cultural and historical importance of the Veneto’s and the surrounding territories’ walled cities. In this learning experience students will explore how our environment has developed across the ages using the mobile devices with the technical back-up of the AR App. This will allow them to see maps, examine data, 3D models and will enable them to judge and improve their skills. From a pedagogical and educational point of view the emphasis is on a constructivist social-cultural approach which helps students to become active citizens more aware of their historical identity.openPetrucco, Corrado; Agostini, DanielePetrucco, Corrado; Agostini, Daniel

    Emociones, afectos y experiencias en la caracterización urbano-arquitectónica. El apego al lugar en los viajes de la memoria

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    Memory, experiences, emotions and affections have always played a key role in the processes of human settlement and in the understanding of the reality of our cities. The discoveries of Neuroscience also guarantee that knowledge is only possible with the integration of the emotional with the most assumed rational component. Although in a first stage marked by diverse contexts such as the phenomenological one and the subsequent Cultural Turn, Architecture and Urbanism had a leading role in this field of knowledge, in the recent Affective Turn it has lost relevance compared to other disciplines. This research is included in this last period through one of the concepts that have had the longest journey: place attachment. Quantitative methodologies, those integrated with qualitative ones and those that also incorporate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) convert this emotional and affective component into new metadata called to complete the comprehensive model of the urban and architectural understanding. The review of the methodological cases selected for this study reveals the essential role of experiences, emotions and affections for the understanding of urban complexity, with special interest in the specific case of migration in relation to the city.Memoria, experiencias, emociones y afectos siempre han jugado un papel clave en los procesos de asentamiento humano y en el entendimiento de la realidad de nuestras ciudades. Los descubrimientos de la Neurociencia avalan además que el conocimiento solo es posible con la integración de lo emocional con el componente más asumido racional. Aunque en una primera etapa  marcada por contextos diversos como el fenomenológico y el del posterior Giro Cultural, la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo tuvieron un papel protagonista en este campo de conocimiento, en el reciente Giro Afectivo ha perdido relevancia respecto a otras disciplinas. Esta investigación se incardina en este último periodo a través de uno de los conceptos que mayor recorrido ha tenido: el apego al lugar. Las metodologías cuantitativas, aquellas integradas con las cualitativas y las que además incorporan los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) convierten esta componente emocional y afectiva en un novedoso metadato llamado a completar el modelo integral de entendimiento de lo urbano-arquitectónico. La revisión de los casos metodológicos seleccionados para este estudio desvela el papel indispensable de las experiencias, emociones y afectos para la comprensión de la complejidad urbana, con especial interés en el caso concreto de las migraciones en relación a la ciudad


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    The article considers the problem of ensuring the availability and integrity of wireless subscribers in cellular and other wireless corporate networks. The article aims to determine the threshold values for the moment of failure of video transmission, quantitative parameters, artifacts, and the number of errors for the image. Show the dependence of the integrity of data transmitted in real-time on the characteristics of the environment. Two approaches were used to assess the quality of video information: qualitative (image recognition assessment) and quantitative (error measurement). Because the research program was written in the Kotlin programming language, a library written in Java or Kotlin was required. After searching the library, it turned out that only three libraries meet such parameters as reliability, relevance, and availability of documentation: Jaffree, Xuggler, and VLCJ. After gathering information, it was found that the most common screen extensions for desktops are 1366 × 768 and for phones—360 × 640. An error occurred that RTP did not support more than one connection. Also, the RTSP protocol could not pass the experiment on codecs other than MP4V. The experiment stopped earlier than necessary without error. Judging by the indicators, this was a very high CPU load. All other protocols were successfully tested, and results were obtained. During the experiments, we encountered various video anomalies. The worst was the video playback problem with the MJPG codec. Other anomalies were also identified: frame delay, incorrect frame rendering, white noise, and white noise mixed with frames. It is clear how up to 128 kbps experiments are successful and then begin to stop the video stream without error information. According to the results of experiments, the H.264 codec performs best.В статті розглянута проблема забезпечення доступності та цілісності безпроводових абонентів у стільникових та інших безпроводових корпоративних мережах. Метою статті є визначення порогових значень для моменту зриву передавання відеосигналу, кількісні параметри, артефакти і кількість помилок для зображення. Показати залежність цілісність даних, переданих в режимі реального часу, від характеристик середовища. Для оцінки якості відеоінформації були застосовані два підходи: якісний (оцінка розпізнавання зображення) і кількісний (вимірювання кількості помилок). Оскільки програма для проведення дослідження була написана на мові програмування Kotlin, то була потрібна бібліотека написана на Java або Kotlin. Після проведення пошуку бібліотеки виявилося, що бібліотек які задовольняють таким параметрам як: надійність, актуальність та наявність документації, лише три: Jaffree, Xuggler і VLCJ. Після збору інформації було встановлено, що найпоширенішими розширеннями екрану для настільних комп’ютерів є 1366×768 і для телефонів — 360×640. Виявилася помилка, що протокол RTP не підтримував більше одного підключення. Також протокол RTSP не зміг пройти дослід на інших кодеках крім MP4V, дослід припинявся раніше ніж потрібно без помилки, судячи по показникам причиною цьому була дуже велика загрузка процесора. Всі інші протоколи успішно пройшли дослід і були отримані результати. Під час проведення дослідів, ми зіткалися з різними аномаліями відео. сама найгірша була, проблема з відтворення відео у кодека MJPG. Також були виявлені інші аномалії: затримка кадрів, некоректне відмальовування кадрів, білий шум і білий шум в перемішку з кадрами. Добре видно як до 128 кбіт/с досліди проходять успішно, а потім починаються припинення відеопотоку без інформації про помилку. За результатами дослідів найкраще себе проявляє кодек H.26

    Tsunami Evacuation Drill System Using Smart Glasses

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    Evacuation drills are commonly conducted as traditional disaster education to reduce damages from natural disasters. However participants are not always interested in or committed to such drills. To improve this situation, we focused on Edutainment and proposed game-based evacuation drill (GBED) using the Real-World Edutainment (RWE) program. There are two types of GBED systems, i.e. the Tablet-based GBED (T-GBED) and the AR and HMD-based GBED (AH-GBED). We conducted GBED at several schools and determined that it can improve student motivation for disaster prevention. Subduction-zone earthquakes frequently generate tsunamis and can cause catastrophic damage especially to coastal areas. Thus people in coastal areas must move very quickly to evacuation sites when a massive earthquake occurs. Both GBED systems cannot be used directly for tsunami evacuation drills because the participants will not want to sprint while holding a tablet or wearing a HMD and have time to stop to view the digital materials. In this study, we propose a tsunami evacuation drill (TED) and have developed a TED system. The TED system uses smart glasses (a lightweight optical see-through HMD) which allows participants to view digital materials while moving quickly

    An Augmented Reality Multimedia Learning Platform Assisting Online Lecture Delivery of Engineering Classes: an HVAC Course

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    Background: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has recently resulted in an emergent shift of traditional instruction to (presumably temporary) online delivery, and many students were not able to participate in practical activities (e.g., laboratory experiments) due to inaccessible or unavailable “brick and mortar” laboratories. Purpose: This works-in-progress paper developed a multimedia learning platform with virtual laboratory modules through an Augmented Reality (AR) environment, where virtual objects (augmented components) are superimposed onto a real learning setting during online lecture instruction. Specifically, to facilitate students’ gaining practical skills, a library of virtual objects were established for the main physical components or systems related to the undergraduate “Heating, Ventilating, and Air-conditioning (HVAC)” class to allow students to be immersed in an augmented learning reality representing the real physical world. Design: This proceeds in the following steps: 1) selecting a set of common HVAC components in the HVAC course; 2) developing an AR method to recognize each component’s figures or pictures from any learning documents (e.g., printed lecture ppt notes and textbook, and documents shown on computer or mobile screens); 3) establishing components’ 3D models with learning materials (e.g., concept and evaluation); 4) developing an AR app sequencing the learning materials upon request once an component is recognized; and 5) evaluating the app’s effectiveness. Results: This works-in-progress developed an initial AR app for an air handling unit (one main HAVC component), and the AR-based supplementary learning tool was tested and validated by graduate students who have already taken this HVAC class before. Their feedback showed that the AR tool would allow them to learn at their own pace while the instructor is not face-to-face with them, and the results revealed that the tool enhanced their practical skills especially when they are sheltered at their homes without accessing a lab or field trip. Conclusion: A well-designed AR learning app will effectively guide students to perform hands-on experiments related to the HVAC course and other STEM laboratory courses. The alternative pedagogy through AR technology also provides an efficient way to deliver practical experience online, especially when on-campus lab resources are limited or people are sheltered at home during natural disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Berbasis Quantum Teaching Berbantuan Augmented Reality Materi Keberagaman sebagai Identitas Nasional Bangsa Indonesia

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    This study aimed to develop and test the feasibility, attractiveness, and effectiveness of textbooks based on quantum teaching with the help of augmented reality material on Diversity as the National Identity of the Indonesian Nation. The procedure used was research and development based on the steps proposed by Borg and Gall. The product produced in this development study is a quantum teaching-based textbook assisted by augmented reality on Diversity as the National Identity of the Indonesian Nation, which is appropriate, attractive, and effective. The product feasibility test is based on the validation results of material experts by 83.7 percent, media expert validation by 92.9 percent, and learning expert validation by 89.4 percent. The product attractiveness test was based on the results of the small group trial of 85.9 percent and the results of the large group trial of 87.1 percent. The product effectiveness test was based on the results of the large group trials: the average pretest value of 64.9 and the post-test of 84.1. It shows an increase in the average value obtained by students, equal to 19.2

    Entornos virtuales para la didáctica de las matemáticas y del patrimonio histórico-artístico. Una propuesta interdisciplinar.

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    El presente trabajo pretende reflexionar sobre el uso de las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información (TIC) en la educación, concretamente la relevancia que adquieren las tecnologías virtuales que, cada vez más en uso en las prácticas docentes, constituyen una oportunidad para avanzar en la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La propuesta que se plantea se enmarca en la experimentación de las buenas prácticas didácticas con TIC y en la línea de las tendencias de la educación del futuro. Se promueve así la enseñanza de las matemáticas y del patrimonio histórico-artístico a través de la cultura del método científico y desde una perspectiva integrada del conocimiento, favoreciendo una mayor conciencia de las relaciones entre las diferentes áreas del saber. Con ello, las didácticas de ambas materias se pueden combinar interdisciplinarmente y potenciarse y enriquecerse mutuamente a través de las tecnologías y entornos virtuales

    Novel Approaches to research and discover Urban History

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    Photographs and plans are an essential source for historical research (Münster, Kamposiori, Friedrichs, & Kröber, 2018) and key objects in Digital Humanities (Kwastek, 2014). Numerous digital image archives, containing vast numbers of photographs, have been set up in the context of digitization projects. These extensive repositories of image media are still difficult to search. It is not easy to identify sources relevant for research, analyze and contextualize them, or compare them with the historical original. The eHumanities research group HistStadt4D, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) until July 2020 consists of 14 people – including 4 post-doctoral and 5 PhD researchers. Since a focal interest is to comprehensively investigate how to enhance accessibility of large scale image repositories, researchers and research approaches originate from the humanities, geoand information technologies as well as from educational and information studies. In contrast to adjacent projects dealing primarily with large scale linked text data as the Venice Time Machine project (“The Venice Time Machine,” 2017), sources addressed by the junior group are primarily historical photographs and plans. Historical media and their contextual information are being transferred into a 4D – 3D spatial and temporal scaled - model to support research and education on urban history. Content will be made accessible in two ways; via a 4D browser and a location-dependent augmented-reality representation. The prototype database consists of about 200,000 digitized historical photographs and plans of Dresden from the Deutsche Fotothek (“Deutsche Fotothek,”)

    Game-based evacuation drill using augmented reality and head-mounted display

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    Purpose–Evacuation drills should be more realistic and interactive. Focusing on situational and audio-visual realities and scenario-based interactivity, we have developed a game-based evacuation drill (GBED) system that presents augmented reality (AR) materials on tablet computers. Our current research purpose is to improve visual reality (AR materials) in our GBED system. Design/methodology/approach–Our approach is to develop a new GBED system that superimposes digital objects (e.g. 3DCG elements) onto real-time vision using a marker-based AR library, a binocular opaque head-mounted display (HMD) and other current easily available technologies. Findings–Our findings from a trial experiment are that the new GBED system can improve visual reality and is appropriate for disaster education. However, a few problems remain for practical use. Research limitations/implications–When using the GBED system, participants (i.e. HMD wearers) can suffer from 3D sickness and have difficulty in moving. These are important safety problems in HMD-based systems. Social implications–The combination of AR and HMDs for GBEDs (i.e. integrating virtual and real worlds) will raise questions about its merits (pros and cons). Originality/value–The originality of our research is the combination of AR and an HMD to a GBED, which have previously been realized primarily as simulation games in virtual worlds. We believe that our research has the potential to expand disaster education