1,159 research outputs found

    Application of sliding-mode control to the design of a buck-based sinusoidal generator

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    This paper is devoted to the design of a sliding-mode control scheme for a buck-based inverter, with programmable amplitude, frequency, and DC offset, with no external sinusoidal reference required. A general procedure for obtaining an autonomous (time independent) switching surface from a time-dependent one is presented. For this surface, the system exhibits a zeroth-order dynamics in sliding motion. On the other hand, from the sliding-domain analysis, a set of design restrictions is established in terms of the inverter output filter Bode diagram and the output signal parameters (amplitude, frequency and DC offset), facilitating the subsequent design procedure. The control scheme is robust with respect to both power-stage parameter variations and external disturbances and can be implemented by means of conventional electronic circuitry. Simulations and experimental results for both reactive and nonlinear loads are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Application of Sliding Mode Control to the design of a Buck-based sinusoidal Generator

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    This paper is devoted to the design of a sliding-mode control scheme for a buck-based inverter, with programmable amplitude, frequency, and dc offset, with no external sinusoidal reference required. A general procedure for obtaining an autonomous (time independent) switching surface from a time-dependent one is presented. For this surface, the system exhibits a zeroth-order dynamics in sliding motion. On the other hand, from the sliding-domain analysis, a set of design restrictions is established in terms of the inverter output filter Bode diagram and the output signal parameters (amplitude, frequency and dc offset), facilitating the subsequent design procedure. The control scheme is robust with respect to both power-stage parameter variations and external disturbances and can be implemented by means of conventional electronic circuitry. Simulations and experimental results for both reactive and nonlinear loads are presented.Peer Reviewe

    DC-AC power inverter controlled analogically with zero hysteresis

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    This paper presents the design and experimental validation of a DC-AC power inverter, controlled analogically with zero hysteresis. A control circuit was built using analog electronics components, and optocoupler devices are used to couple the control module with the power stage. The design of DC-AC inverter with electronics circuit and implementation are shown in detail.  Experimental results show the effectiveness of control technique and implementation, leading to a robust system concerning load disturbances. The developed inverter offers the possibility of generating regulated output voltages of different signal types, both DC and AC, variable in frequency and in amplitude, useful for feeding a load with various AC signals

    Sliding-Mode Control Design of a Boost-Buck Switching Converter for AC Signal Generation

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    This paper presents a sliding-mode control design of a boost–buck switching converter for a voltage step-up dc–ac conversion without the use of any transformer. This approach combines the step-up/step-down conversion ratio capability of the converter with the robustness properties of sliding-mode control. The proposed control strategy is based on the design of two slidingcontrol laws, one ensuring the control of a full-bridge buck converter for proper dc–ac conversion, and the other one the control a boost converter for guaranteeing a global dc-to-ac voltage step-up ratio. A set of design criteria and a complete design procedure of the sliding-control laws are derived from small-signal analysis and large-signal considerations. The experimental results presented in the paper evidence both the achievement of step-up dc–ac conversion with good accuracy and robustness in front of input voltage and load perturbations, thus validating the proposed approach.Peer Reviewe

    Control por histéresis para un inversor buck-dual conectado a la red

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    Single-phase inverters are widely used in different renewable energy applications. Although the full-bridge inverter is typically used, dual-buck inverters provide an important advantage, since they eliminate the shoot-through problems. However, solutions proposed in the literature require additional inductors, use linear controllers designed around an operation point, or cannot be used in grid-connected applications. This paper presents a hysteresis current control of a single-phase dual-buck full-bridge inverter for grid-connected active power injection. Includes the dynamical model in state variables, as well as analytical conditions to guarantee the evolution of the error dynamics in a set with boundaries defined by the designer. Moreover, the paper provides guidelines for the design of the dead band required for the transitions between the positive and negative semi-cycles (and vice-versa) of the grid voltage. Finally, simulation results validate the main features of the controller as well as the design of the dead band.Los inversores monofásicos son ampliamente usados en diferentes aplicaciones de energías renovables. Aunque típicamente se usa el inversor de puente completo, el inversor buck-dual provee una ventaja  importante porque elimina el problema de posibles cortos-circuitos. Sin embargo, las soluciones reportadas en la literatura requieren inductores adicionales, usan controladores lineales diseñados para un punto de operación, o no se pueden usar en aplicaciones de conexión a la red. En este artículo se presenta un control por histéresis para un inversor monofásico buck-dual de puente completo con conexión a la red para inyección de corriente activa. En particular, se presenta el modelo matemático en variables de estado y se obtienen condiciones analíticas para garantizar la evolución de la dinámica de error dentro de un conjunto con límites establecido por el diseñador. Además, se discuten los elementos para diseñar la banda muerta requerida en la transición entre los semi-ciclos positivos y negativos de la tensión de la red. Finalmente, los resultados de simulación validan las principales características del controlador propuesto, así como el diseño de la banda muerta

    A Fixed-Frequency Quasi-Sliding Control Algorithm: Application to Power Inverters Design by Means of FPGA Implementation

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    In this paper a fixed-frequency quasi-sliding control algorithm based on switching surface zero averaged dynamics (ZAD) is reported. This algorithm is applied to the design of a Buck-based inverter, and implemented in a laboratory prototype by means of a field programmable gate array (FPGA), taking into account processing speed versus computational complexity trade-off. Three control laws, namely sliding control (SC), fixed-frequency quasi-sliding ZAD and PWM-based control have been experimentally tested to highlight the features of the proposed algorithm. According to the experimental results presented in the paper, the ZAD algorithm fulfills the requirement of fixed switching frequency and exhibits similar robustness properties in the presence of perturbations to those of sliding control mode.Peer Reviewe

    Control of power electronic interfaces in distributed generation.

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    Renewable energy has gained popularity as an alternative resource for electric power generation. As such, Distributed Generation (DG) is expected to open new horizons to electric power generation. Most renewable energy sources cannot be connected to the load directly. Integration of the renewable energy sources with the load has brought new challenges in terms of the system’s stability, voltage regulation and power quality issues. For example, the output power, voltage and frequency of an example wind turbine depend on the wind speed, which fluctuate over time and cannot be forecasted accurately. At the same time, the nonlinearity of residential electrical load is steadily increasing with the growing use of devices with rectifiers at their front end. This nonlinearity of the load deviates both current and voltage waveforms in the distribution feeder from their sinusoidal shape, hence increasing the Total Harmonics Distortions (THD) and polluting the grid. Advances in Power Electronic Interfaces (PEI) have increased the viability of DG systems and enhanced controllability and power transfer capability. Power electronic converter as an interface between energy sources and the grid/load has a higher degree of controllability compared to electrical machine used as the generator. This controllability can be used to not only overcome the aforementioned shortfalls of integration of renewable energy with the grid/load but also to reduce THD and improve the power quality. As a consequence, design of a sophisticated controller that can take advantage of this controllability provided by PEIs to facilitate the integration of DG with the load and generate high quality power has become of great interest. In this study a set of nonlinear controllers and observers are proposed for the control of PEIs with different DG technologies. Lyapunov stability analysis, simulation and experimental results are used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control solution in terms of tracking objective and meeting the THD requirements of IEEE 519 and EN 50160 standards for US and European power systems, respectively

    Kaskadno upravljanje paralelno spojenim izmjenjivačima zasnovamo na kliznim režimima

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    This work presents the design of a master-slave sliding-mode control scheme for a modular inverter system composed of N parallel-connected Buck-based single inverters. AC output voltage regulation and balanced current-sharing among the single inverters is achieved by means of a set of switching surfaces and the corresponding sliding control laws. On the other hand, a set of design restrictions is established in terms of inverter parameters and AC output signal amplitude and frequency, this facilitating the subsequent design procedure. Simulation and experimental results for both resistive and nonlinear loads are provided to illustrate the application of the method.U ovom se članku opisuje postupak projektiranja sustava upravljanja modularnim izmjenjivačkim sustavom sačinjenim od N paralelno spojenih izmjenjivača. Sustav upravljanja osigurava regulaciju izlaznog izmjeničnog napona i ravnomjerno strujno opterećenje svih izmjenivača, što se postiže pomoću skupa kliznih površina i odgovarajućeg upravljanja koje osigurava gibanje sustava po njima. Postupak projektiranja sustava upravljanja dodatno je pojednostavljen postavljanjem skupa ograničenja u vidu ograničenja parametara invertera te ograničenja amplitude i frekvencije izlaznog napona. Funkcionalnost sustava upravljanja ilustrirana je simulacijskim i eksperimentalnim rezultatima dobivenim uz otporno i nelinearno opterećenje izmjenivačkog sustava

    Advances in Control of Power Electronic Converters

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    This book proposes a list of contributions in the field of control of power electronics converters for different topologies: DC-DC, DC-AC and AC-DC. It particularly focuses on the use of different advanced control techniques with the aim of improving the performances, flexibility and efficiency in the context of several operation conditions. Sliding mode control, fuzzy logic based control, dead time compensation and optimal linear control are among the techniques developed in the special issue. Simulation and experimental results are provided by the authors to validate the proposed control strategies