478 research outputs found

    A comparative study of maximum power point tracking techniques for a photovoltaic grid-connected system

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    Purpose. In recent years, the photovoltaic systems (PV) become popular due to several advantages among the renewable energy. Tracking maximum power point in PV systems is an important task and represents a challenging issue to increase their efficiency. Many different maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control methods have been proposed to adjust the peak power output and improve the generating efficiency of the PV system connected to the grid. Methods. This paper presents a Beta technique based MPPT controller to effectively track maximum power under all weather conditions. The effectiveness of this algorithm based MPPT is supplemented by a comparative study with incremental conductance (INC), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and fuzzy logic control (FLC). Results Faster MPPT, lower computational burden, and higher efficiency are the key contributions of the Beta based MPPT technique than the other three techniques.Мета. В останні роки фотоелектричні системи набули популярності завдяки низці переваг серед відновлюваних джерел енергії. Відстеження точки максимальної потужності у фотоелектричних системах є важливим завданням і складною проблемою для підвищення їх ефективності. Було запропоновано безліч різних методів керування відстеженням точки максимальної потужності (ВТМП) для регулювання пікової вихідної потужності та підвищення ефективності генерації фотоелектричної системи, підключеної до мережі. Методи. У цій статті представлений контролер ВТМП, заснований на бета-методі, для ефективного відстеження максимальної потужності за будь-яких погодних умов. Ефективність ВТМП на основі цього алгоритму доповнюється порівняльним дослідженням з інкрементною провідністю, оптимізацією рою частинок та нечітким логічним управлінням. Результати. Швидше ВТМП, менші витрати на обчислення та більша ефективність є ключовими перевагами методу ВТМП на основі бета-методу порівняно з трьома іншими методами

    Maximum power point tracking based on improved spotted hyena optimizer for solar photovoltaic

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    The conventional maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method such as perturb and observe (P&O) under partial shading conditions with non-uniform irradiation, can get trapped on local maximum power point (LMPP) and cannot reach global maximum power point (GMPP). This study proposes a bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithm spotted hyena optimizer (SHO) and improved SHO as a new MPPT technique. The proposed SHO-MPPT and improved SHO-MPPT are used to extract GMPP from solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays operated under uniform irradiation and non-uniform irradiation. Simulation with Powersim (PSIM) and experimental with the emulated PV source were presented. Furthermore, to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, SHO-MPPT is compared with P&O-MPPT and particle swarm optimization (PSO)-MPPT. The SHO-MPPT has an accuracy of 99% and has the good capability, but there are power fluctuations before reaching MPP. Therefore, improved SHO-MPPT was developed to get better results. The improved SHO-MPPT proved high accuracy of 99% and faster than SHO-MPPT and PSO-MPPT in tracking the maximum power point (MPP). Furthermore, there are minor power fluctuations

    Design of a MPPT System Based on Modified Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm in Photovoltaic System under Partially Shaded Condition

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    Conventional Maximum Potential Monitoring strategies such as perturbation and observation, incremental conduct, and climbing can effectively monitor the maximum power point in uniform shading, whereas failing in a partially shaded condition. Nevertheless, it is difficult to achieve optimal and reliable power by using photovoltaics. So, to solve this issue, this article proposes to monitor the photovoltaic system's global optimum powerpoint for partial shading with a Modified Gray Wolf Optimizer (MGWO) based maximum power point tracking algorithm. Under partial shadows, a mathematical model of the PV system is built with a single diode, EGWO is used to monitor global maximum power points.  A photovoltaic system includes deciding which converter is used to increase photovoltaic power generation. The MPPT architecture uses a modified gray wolf optimization algorithm to quickly track the output power and reduce photovoltaic oscillations. The efficiency of the maximum power tracker is better than the GWO algorithm of up to 0,4 s with the modified gray wolf optimization algorithm. Converters are used to resolve the power losses often occurring in PV systems with a soft-buck converter process.  The output of the power generator is greater than the soft-switching buck converter. The simulation and experimental results obtained suggest that both the P & O and IPSO MPPTs are superior to the proposed MPPT algorithm, the proposed algorithm increases the traceability efficiency. The suggested algorithm has the fastest follow-up speed since the α value decreases during the iteration exponentially

    Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic Systems Under Partial Shading Conditions Using Bat Algorithm

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    The vibrant, noiseless, and low-maintenance characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) systems make them one of the fast-growing technologies in the modern era. This on-demand source of energy suffers from low-output efficiency compared with other alternatives. Given that PV systems must be installed in outdoor spaces, their efficiency is significantly affected by the inevitable complication called partial shading (PS). Partial shading occurs when different sections of the solar array are subjected to different levels of solar irradiance, which then leads to a multiple-peak function in the output characteristics of the system. Conventional tracking techniques, along with some nascent/novel approaches used for the tracking maximum power point (MPP), are unsatisfactory when subjected to PS, eventually leading to the reduced efficiency of the PV system. This study aims at investigating the use of the bat algorithm (BA), a nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm for MPP tracking (MPPT) subjected to PS conditions. A brief explanation of the behavior of the PV system under the PS condition and the advantages of using BA for estimating the MPPT of the PV system under PS condition is discussed. The deployment of the BA for the MPPT in PV systems is then explained in detail highlighting the simulation results which verifies whether the proposed method is faster, more efficient, sustainable and more reliable than conventional and other soft computing-based methods. Three testing conditions are considered in the simulation, and the results indicate that the proposed technique has high efficiency and reliability even when subjected to an acute shading condition

    Rooftop PV with battery storage for constant output power production

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    In this thesis, the application and control of battery storage (BS) system is introduced and developed to compensate for output power changes of rooftop PVs due to variations in the environmental conditions and household loads. A practical battery storage energy management strategy (BS-EMS) for operating small scale grid-connected rooftop PVs is implemented such that the net delivered output power to the grid is constant under various operating conditions

    A Comprehensive Review of Most Competitive Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for Enhanced Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation

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    A major design challenge for a grid-integrated photovoltaic power plant is to generate maximum power under varying loads, irradiance, and outdoor climatic conditions using competitive algorithm-based controllers. The objective of this study is to review experimentally validated advanced maximum power point tracking algorithms for enhancing power generation. A comprehensive analysis of 14 of the most advanced metaheuristics and 17 hybrid homogeneous and heterogeneous metaheuristic techniques is carried out, along with a comparison of algorithm complexity, maximum power point tracking capability, tracking frequency, accuracy, and maximum power extracted from PV systems. The results show that maximum power point tracking controllers mostly use conventional algorithms; however, metaheuristic algorithms and their hybrid variants are found to be superior to conventional techniques under varying environmental conditions. The Grey Wolf Optimization, in combination with Perturb & Observe, and Jaya-Differential Evolution, is found to be the most competitive technique. The study shows that standard testing and evaluation procedures can be further developed for comparing metaheuristic algorithms and their hybrid variants for developing advanced maximum power point tracking controllers. The identified algorithms are found to enhance power generation by grid-integrated commercial solar power plants. The results are of importance to the solar industry and researchers worldwide

    Novel bio-inspired memetic salp swarm algorithm and application to MPPT for PV systems considering partial shading condition

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd This paper proposes a novel bio-inspired optimization method named memetic salp swarm algorithm (MSSA). It is developed by extending the original salp swarm algorithm (SSA) with multiple independent salp chains, thus it can implement a wider exploration and a deeper exploitation under the memetic computing framework. In order to enhance the convergence stability, a virtual population based regroup operation is used for the global coordination between different salp chains. Due to partial shading condition (PSC) and fast time-varying weather conditions, photovoltaic (PV) systems may not be able to generate the global maximum power. Hence, MSSA is applied for an effective and efficient maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of PV systems under PSC. To evaluate the MPPT performance of the proposed algorithm, four case studies are undertaken using Matlab/Simulink, e.g., start-up test, step change of solar irradiation, ramp change of solar irradiation and temperature, and field atmospheric data of Hong Kong. The obtained PV system responses are compared to that of eight existing MPPT algorithms, such as incremental conductance (INC), genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), artificial bees colony (ABC), cuckoo search algorithm (CSA), grey wolf optimizer (GWO), SSA, and teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO), respectively. Simulation results demonstrate that the output energy generated by MSSA in Spring in HongKong is 118.57%, 100.73%, 100.96%, 100.87%, 101.35%, 100.36%, 100.81%, and 100.22% to that of INC, GA, PSO, ABC, CSA, GWO, SSA, and TLBO, respectively. Lastly, a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) experiment using dSpace platform is undertaken to further validate the implementation feasibility of MSSA

    An improved genetic algorithm based fractional open circuit voltage MPPT for solar PV systems

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    To extract the maximum power from solar PV, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers are needed to operate the PV arrays at their maximum power point under varying environmental conditions. Fractional Open Circuit Voltage (FOCV) is a simple, cost-effective, and easy to implement MPPT technique. However, it suffers from the discontinuous power supply and low tracking efficiency. To overcome these drawbacks, a new hybrid MPPT technique based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and FOCV is proposed. The proposed technique is based on a single decision variable, reducing the complexity and convergence time of the algorithm. MATLAB/Simulink is used to test the robustness of the proposed technique under uniform and non-uniform irradiance conditions. The performance is compared to the Perturb & Observe, Incremental Conductance, and other hybrid MPPT techniques. Furthermore, the efficacy of the proposed technique is also assessed against a commercial PV system\u27s power output over one day. The results demonstrate that the proposed GA-FOCV technique improves the efficiency of the conventional FOCV method by almost 3%, exhibiting an average tracking efficiency of 99.96% and tracking speed of around 0.07 s with minimal steady-state oscillations. Additionally, the proposed technique can also efficiently track the global MPP under partial shading conditions and offers faster tracking speed, higher efficiency, and fewer oscillations than other hybrid MPPT techniques

    A review of recent advances in metaheuristic maximum power point tracking algorithms for solar photovoltaic systems under the partial-shading conditions

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    Several maximum power point (MPP) tracking algorithms for solar power or photovoltaic (PV) systems concerning partial-shading conditions have been studied and reviewed using conventional or advanced methods. The standard MPPT algorithms for partial-shading conditions are: (i) conventional; (ii) mathematics-based; (iii) artificial intelligence; (iv) metaheuristic. The main problems of the conventional methods are poor power harvesting and low efficiency due to many local maximum appearances and difficulty in determining the global maximum tracking. This paper presents MPPT algorithms for partial-shading conditions, mainly metaheuristics algorithms. Firstly, the four classification algorithms will be reviewed. Secondly, an in-depth review of the metaheuristic algorithms is presented. Remarkably, 40 metaheuristic algorithms are classified into four classes for a more detailed discussion; physics-based, biology-based, sociology-based, and human behavior-based are presented and evaluated comprehensively. Furthermore, the performance comparison of the 40 metaheuristic algorithms in terms of complexity level, converter type, sensor requirement, steady-state oscillation, tracking capability, cost, and grid connection are synthesized. Generally, readers can choose the most appropriate algorithms according to application necessities and system conditions. This study can be considered a valuable reference for in-depth works on current related issues