82 research outputs found

    Biomimetic Manipulator Control Design for Bimanual Tasks in the Natural Environment

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    As robots become more prolific in the human environment, it is important that safe operational procedures are introduced at the same time; typical robot control methods are often very stiff to maintain good positional tracking, but this makes contact (purposeful or accidental) with the robot dangerous. In addition, if robots are to work cooperatively with humans, natural interaction between agents will make tasks easier to perform with less effort and learning time. Stability of the robot is particularly important in this situation, especially as outside forces are likely to affect the manipulator when in a close working environment; for example, a user leaning on the arm, or task-related disturbance at the end-effector. Recent research has discovered the mechanisms of how humans adapt the applied force and impedance during tasks. Studies have been performed to apply this adaptation to robots, with promising results showing an improvement in tracking and effort reduction over other adaptive methods. The basic algorithm is straightforward to implement, and allows the robot to be compliant most of the time and only stiff when required by the task. This allows the robot to work in an environment close to humans, but also suggests that it could create a natural work interaction with a human. In addition, no force sensor is needed, which means the algorithm can be implemented on almost any robot. This work develops a stable control method for bimanual robot tasks, which could also be applied to robot-human interactive tasks. A dynamic model of the Baxter robot is created and verified, which is then used for controller simulations. The biomimetic control algorithm forms the basis of the controller, which is developed into a hybrid control system to improve both task-space and joint-space control when the manipulator is disturbed in the natural environment. Fuzzy systems are implemented to remove the need for repetitive and time consuming parameter tuning, and also allows the controller to actively improve performance during the task. Experimental simulations are performed, and demonstrate how the hybrid task/joint-space controller performs better than either of the component parts under the same conditions. The fuzzy tuning method is then applied to the hybrid controller, which is shown to slightly improve performance as well as automating the gain tuning process. In summary, a novel biomimetic hybrid controller is presented, with a fuzzy mechanism to avoid the gain tuning process, finalised with a demonstration of task-suitability in a bimanual-type situation.EPSR

    Design of an intelligent embedded system for condition monitoring of an industrial robot

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    PhD ThesisIndustrial robots have long been used in production systems in order to improve productivity, quality and safety in automated manufacturing processes. There are significant implications for operator safety in the event of a robot malfunction or failure, and an unforeseen robot stoppage, due to different reasons, has the potential to cause an interruption in the entire production line, resulting in economic and production losses. Condition monitoring (CM) is a type of maintenance inspection technique by which an operational asset is monitored and the data obtained is analysed to detect signs of degradation, diagnose the causes of faults and thus reduce maintenance costs. So, the main focus of this research is to design and develop an online, intelligent CM system based on wireless embedded technology to detect and diagnose the most common faults in the transmission systems (gears and bearings) of the industrial robot joints using vibration signal analysis. To this end an old, but operational, PUMA 560 robot was utilized to synthesize a number of different transmission faults in one of the joints (3 - elbow), such as backlash between the gear pair, gear tooth and bearing faults. A two-stage condition monitoring algorithm is proposed for robot health assessment, incorporating fault detection and fault diagnosis. Signal processing techniques play a significant role in building any condition monitoring system, in order to determine fault-symptom relationships, and detect abnormalities in robot health. Fault detection stage is based on time-domain signal analysis and a statistical control chart (SCC) technique. For accurate fault diagnosis in the second stage, a novel implementation of a time-frequency signal analysis technique based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is adopted. In this technique, vibration signals are decomposed into eight levels of wavelet coefficients and statistical features, such as standard deviation, kurtosis and skewness, are obtained at each level and analysed to extract the most salient feature related to faults; the artificial neural network (ANN) is then used for fault classification. A data acquisition system based on National Instruments (NI) software and hardware was initially developed for preliminary robot vibration analysis and feature extraction. The transmission faults induced in the robot can change the captured vibration spectra, and the robot’s natural frequencies were established using experimental modal analysis, and also the fundamental fault frequencies for the gear transmission and bearings were obtained and utilized for preliminary robot condition monitoring. In addition to simulation of different levels of backlash fault, gear tooth and bearing faults which have not been previously investigated in industrial robots, with several levels of ii severity, were successfully simulated and detected in the robot’s joint transmission. The vibration features extracted, which are related to the robot healthy state and different fault types, using the data acquisition system were subsequently used in building the SCC and ANN, which were trained using part of the measured data set that represents the robot operating range. Another set of data, not used within the training stage, was then utilized for validation. The results indicate the successful detection and diagnosis of faults using the key extracted parameters. A wireless embedded system based on the ZigBee communication protocol was designed for the application of the proposed CM algorithm in real-time, using an Arduino DUE as the core of the wireless sensor unit attached on the robot arm. A Texas Instruments digital signal processor (TMS320C6713 DSK board) was used as the base station of the wireless system on which the robot’s fault diagnosis algorithm is run. To implement the two stages of the proposed CM algorithm on the designed embedded system, software based on the C programming language has been developed. To demonstrate the reliability of the designed wireless CM system, experimental validations were performed, and high reliability was shown in the detection and diagnosis of several seeded faults in the robot. Optimistically, the established wireless embedded system could be envisaged for fault detection and diagnostics on any type of rotating machine, with the monitoring system realized using vibration signal analysis. Furthermore, with some modifications to the system’s hardware and software, different CM techniques such as acoustic emission (AE) analysis or motor current signature analysis (MCSA), can be applied.Iraqi government, represented by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Iraqi Cultural Attaché in London, and the University of Technology in Baghda

    Learning manipulative skills using an artificial intelligence approach.

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    The aim of this research was to design a non-linear controller based on an Artificial Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning algorithms implementation, which is able to perform an intelligent robotic assembly of mechanical components. Different information was applied and combined to develop a fully unsupervised, intelligent controller. In the author's design no class labelling or geometry feature pretraining takes place. Only force and torque signals together with the direction of insertion were supplied to the controller. A unique sandwich structure of the intelligent controller was proposed. It featured two major layers, a State Recognition module where the detection and localisation of the contact points were performed, and the Decision Making subsystem where the decision about the next action took place.All the algorithms were implemented and tested on simulated data before being applied to the real-life peg-in-hole insertion. The results are presented in the form of graphs and tables.Evaluation of the environmental uncertainty was accomplished. The signal from the force and torque sensor was acquired under controlled conditions. All the data was collected to establish the area and level of uncertainty (e.g. signal errors) the artificial controller would need to learn to cope with and compensate for.The empirical part of the thesis includes the investigation into the effects of different learning methods applied on the same geometry. The influence of action-selection methods on AI agent performance was analysed. The proposed controller was applied to a set of real life peg-and-hole experiments. Both circular and square peg geometries were used, and insertions into chamfered and non-chamfered holes were performed. Materials with different friction factors were used for mating parts.Fast and stable knowledge acquisition was clearly present in all the cases investigated. A significant reduction in contact force value during the initial stage of the learning process was recorded. The force was usually reduced to one tenth of the initial value. Some fluctuations were recorded but when the cylindrical peg was considered the value of contact forces never exceeded 0.5 N during the steady state

    Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS 1994), volume 1

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    The AIAA/NASA Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS '94) was originally proposed because of the strong belief that America's problems of global economic competitiveness and job creation and preservation can partly be solved by the use of intelligent robotics, which are also required for human space exploration missions. Individual sessions addressed nuclear industry, agile manufacturing, security/building monitoring, on-orbit applications, vision and sensing technologies, situated control and low-level control, robotic systems architecture, environmental restoration and waste management, robotic remanufacturing, and healthcare applications

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein

    Distributed Control for Collective Behaviour in Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Full version unavailable due to 3rd party copyright restrictions.The work presented herein focuses on the design of distributed autonomous controllers for collective behaviour of Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MAVs). Two alternative approaches to this topic are introduced: one based upon the Evolutionary Robotics (ER) paradigm, the other one upon flocking principles. Three computer simulators have been developed in order to carry out the required experiments, all of them having their focus on the modelling of fixed-wing aircraft flight dynamics. The employment of fixed-wing aircraft rather than the omni-directional robots typically employed in collective robotics significantly increases the complexity of the challenges that an autonomous controller has to face. This is mostly due to the strict motion constraints associated with fixed-wing platforms, that require a high degree of accuracy by the controller. Concerning the ER approach, the experimental setups elaborated have resulted in controllers that have been evolved in simulation with the following capabilities: (1) navigation across unknown environments, (2) obstacle avoidance, (3) tracking of a moving target, and (4) execution of cooperative and coordinated behaviours based on implicit communication strategies. The design methodology based upon flocking principles has involved tests on computer simulations and subsequent experimentation on real-world robotic platforms. A customised implementation of Reynolds’ flocking algorithm has been developed and successfully validated through flight tests performed with the swinglet MAV. It has been notably demonstrated how the Evolutionary Robotics approach could be successfully extended to the domain of fixed-wing aerial robotics, which has never received a great deal of attention in the past. The investigations performed have also shown that complex and real physics-based computer simulators are not a compulsory requirement when approaching the domain of aerial robotics, as long as proper autopilot systems (taking care of the ”reality gap” issue) are used on the real robots.EOARD (European Office of Aerospace Research & Development), euCognitio

    Seventh Annual Workshop on Space Operations Applications and Research (SOAR 1993), volume 2

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    This document contains papers presented at the Space Operations, Applications and Research Symposium (SOAR) Symposium hosted by NASA/Johnson Space Center (JSC) and cosponsored by NASA/JSC and U.S. Air Force Materiel Command. SOAR included NASA and USAF programmatic overviews, plenary session, panel discussions, panel sessions, and exhibits. It invited technical papers in support of U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, Department of Energy, NASA, and USAF programs in the following areas: robotics and telepresence, automation and intelligent systems, human factors, life support, and space maintenance and servicing. SOAR was concerned with Government-sponsored research and development relevant to aerospace operations

    Gesture-Based Robot Path Shaping

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    For many individuals, aging is frequently associated with diminished mobility and dexterity. Such decreases may be accompanied by a loss of independence, increased burden to caregivers, or institutionalization. It is foreseen that the ability to retain independence and quality of life as one ages will increasingly depend on environmental sensing and robotics which facilitate aging in place. The development of ubiquitous sensing strategies in the home underpins the promise of adaptive services, assistive robotics, and architectural design which would support a person\u27s ability to live independently as they age. Instrumentation (sensors and processing) which is capable of recognizing the actions and behavioral patterns of an individual is key to the effective component design in these areas. Recognition of user activity and the inference of user intention may be used to inform the action plans of support systems and service robotics within the environment. Automated activity recognition involves detection of events in a sensor data stream, conversion to a compact format, and classification as one of a known set of actions. Once classified, an action may be used to elicit a specific response from those systems designed to provide support to the user. It is this response that is the ultimate use of recognized activity. Hence, the activity may be considered as a command to the system. Extending this concept, a set of distinct activities in the form of hand and arm gestures may form the basis of a command interface for human-robot interaction. A gesture-based interface of this type promises an intuitive method for accessing computing and other assistive resources so as to promote rapid adoption by elderly, impaired, or otherwise unskilled users. This thesis includes a thorough survey of relevant work in the area of machine learning for activity and gesture recognition. Previous approaches are compared for their relative benefits and limitations. A novel approach is presented which utilizes user-generated feedback to rate the desirability of a robotic response to gesture. Poorly rated responses are altered so as to elicit improved ratings on subsequent observations. In this way, responses are honed toward increasing effectiveness. A clustering method based on the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) algorithm is used to create a topological map of reference nodes representing input gesture types. It is shown that learning of desired responses to gesture may be accelerated by exploiting well-rewarded actions associated with reference nodes in a local neighborhood of the growing neural gas topology. Significant variation in the user\u27s performance of gestures is interpreted as a new gesture for which the system must learn a desired response. A method for allowing the system to learn new gestures while retaining past training is also proposed and shown to be effective