15 research outputs found

    A Knowledge Based Decision Making Tool to Support Cloud Migration Decision Making

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    way that IT services are delivered within enterprises. Cloud computing promises to reduce the cost of computing services, provide on-demand computing resources and a pay per use model. However, there are numerous challenges for enterprises planning to migrate to a cloud computing environment as cloud computing impacts multiple aspects of enterprises and the implications of migration to the cloud vary between enterprises. This paper discusses the development of an holistic model to support strategic decision making for cloud computing migration. The proposed model uses a hybrid approach to support decision making, combining the analytical hierarchical approach (AHP) with Case Based Reasoning (CBR) to provide a knowledge based decision support model and takes into account five factors identified from the secondary research as covering all aspects of cloud migration decision making. The paper discusses the different phases of the model and describes the next stage of the research which will include the development of a prototype tool and use of the tool to evaluate the model in a real life contex

    A decision-making approach for investigating the potential effects of near sourcing on supply chain

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    Purpose - Near sourcing is starting to be regarded as a valid alternative to global sourcing in order to leverage supply chain (SC) responsiveness and economic efficiency. The present work proposes a decision-making approach developed in collaboration with a leading Italian retailer that was willing to turn the global store furniture procurement process into near sourcing. Design/methodology/approach - Action research is employed. The limitations of the traditional SC organisation and purchasing process of the company are first identified. On such basis, an inventory management model is applied to run spreadsheet estimates where different purchasing and SC management strategies are adopted to determine the solution providing the lowest cost performance. Finally, a risk analysis of the selected best SC arrangement is conducted and results are discussed. Findings - Switching from East Asian suppliers to continental vendors enables a SC reengineering that increases flexibility and responsiveness to demand uncertainty which, together with decreased transportation costs, assures economic viability, thus proving the benefits of near sourcing. Research limitations/implications - The decision-making framework provides a methodological roadmap to address the comparison between near and global sourcing policies and to calculate the savings of the former against the latter. The approach could include additional organisational aspects and cost categories impacting on near sourcing and could be adapted to investigate different products, services, and business sectors. Originality/value - The work provides SC researchers and practitioners with a structured approach for understanding what drives companies to adopt near sourcing and for quantitatively assessing its advantage

    A bibliometric analysis of selection of third-party logistics providers

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    19 páginasPurpose – To carry out a bibliometric review of third-party logistics service (3PLS) provider selection and identify the current stream of the field. Design/methodology/approach – Begins by setting the keywords for the search query to properly set the limit and scope of the research. The input selected for the study are papers, conference papers. Key indicators like publication productivity, citation, conceptual mapping, and research front are presented and discussed. The tools used for gathering the output were Rstudio and VosViewer. Findings: 3PLS provider selection is a topic studied mainly by surveys, case studies, and mathematical models' application. The selection decision is a multicriteria decisionmaking process and is mainly guided by quantitative models. Future research: 3PLS provider selection should include additional financial performance analysis. Last-mile distribution or collaborative distribution (covid19 as the main driver) and selection models applied to ecommerce could be developed. Practical implications: Managers could adapt the available publications and their models to their industry. Scholars can apply the model to different industries to set more robustness to the current conceptual and theoretical framework.Maestría en Gerencia InternacionalMagíster en Gerencia Internaciona


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    Logistics management has been playing a significant role in ensuring competitive growth of industries and nations. This study proposes a new Multi-Criteria Decision-making (MCDM) framework for evaluating operational efficiency of logistics service provider (LSP). We present a case study of comparative analysis of six leading LSPs in India using our proposed framework. We consider three operational metrics such as annual overhead expense (OE), annual fuel consumption (FC) and cost of delay (CoD, two qualitative indicators such as innovativeness (IN) which basically indicates process innovation and average customer rating (CR)and one outcome variable such as turnover (TO) as the criteria for comparative analysis. The result shows that the final ranking is a combined effect of all criteria. However, it is evident that IN largely influences the ranking. We carry out a comparative analysis of the results obtained from our proposed method with that derived by using existing established frameworks. We find that our method provides consistent results; it is more stable and does not suffer from rank reversal problem

    Third-party logistics (3Pls) provider selection via Fuzzy AHP and EDAS integrated model

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    In the global competitive environment, companies not only improve the quality of service and increase the efficiency, they also decrease the cost by means of third-party logistics (3PLs). 3PLs, therefore, is an important strategy for companies desiring to gain a competitive advantage and 3PLs provider selection plays a critical role for the success of outsourcing. Nevertheless, the level of uncer­tainty in the selection process is relatively high and need to be carefully considered. Hence, in order to select a proper 3PLs provider, integration of the Fuzzy AHP and Evaluation based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS) has offered a novel integrated model, in which Fuzzy AHP is used for calculating priority weights of each criteria and EDAS is employed to achieve the final ranking of 3PLs providers. Besides, in order to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model, it is validated by a case study. Cost together with quality, and professionalism are found to be the most important factors for 3PLs provider selection. Consequently, the advantage of this model is that it is simple to apprehend and easy to apply. The use of the proposed model leads to the selection of suitable alternative successfully in other selection problems. First published online: 23 Apr 201

    Theory Informing Decision-Making on Outsourcing: A Review of Four ‘Five- Year’ Snapshots Spanning 47 Years

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    This study investigates how researchers use theory for decision-making on outsourcing through a longitudinal systematic literature review covering four five-year intervals spanning 1965–2011. Each of the 249 retrieved papers has been categorised based on theory used, nature of literature review, research method, type of industry investigated, organisational functions, performance criteria and level of decision making. Notwithstanding a surge in academic writings on outsourcing, our analysis of the four periods shows that few papers contribute to theory or provide further insight into outsourcing. The focus of most papers tends to be on the practitioner’s perspective with decision making shifting from mainly financial–economic and operational considerations to strategic, long-term and multidimensional criteria that are not necessarily linked to a particular theoretical stance. The findings also imply that a full account of theories, their application as well as systematic testing in the context of outsourcing decision making, is still needed for advancing such knowledge. However, the evidence also suggests that methods for decision making do not vary much between domains and functions, although there are some exceptions, such as R&D, logistics and public sector functions. This study also identifies a framework for future research into decision-making on outsourcing

    Advanced decision making in sustainable city logistics projects : criteria and, risk identification and assessment

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    Les villes sont les lieux de la plus grande concentration d'activitĂ©s sociales et Ă©conomiques. La logistique est l'une des plus importants Ă©lĂ©ments de la durabilitĂ© et de l'Ă©conomie d’une la ville. Pour la logistique urbaine, il est nĂ©cessaire de prendre en compte les caractĂ©ristiques de la ville et les objectifs de toutes les parties prenantes (expĂ©diteurs, destinataires, transporteurs, prestataires de services logistiques, rĂ©sidents, gouvernement de la ville). Les plans de logistique urbaine durable pourraient avoir un impact significatif sur la qualitĂ© de la vie en milieu urbain. L'Ă©valuation d'initiatives de logistique de ville durable (SCLI) telles que les centres de distribution urbains, la tarification de la congestion, le dĂ©lai de livraison et les restrictions d'accĂšs est un problĂšme complexe, car plusieurs critĂšres et contraintes subjectifs et objectifs doivent ĂȘtre pris en compte. Les administrations municipales investissent dans des initiatives de logistique urbaine durable telles que les centres de distribution urbains, la tarification de la congestion, le calendrier de livraison et les restrictions d'accĂšs afin d'amĂ©liorer les conditions de transport de marchandises dans les villes et de rĂ©duire leurs impacts nĂ©gatifs sur les citoyens et leur environnement. Cependant, il y a toujours des risques dynamiques associĂ©s Ă  la sĂ©lection. L’analyse des risques des initiatives de logistique urbaine est une tĂąche complexe en raison de la multiplicitĂ© des facteurs de risque et de leurs dĂ©pendances. Bien qu'il n'y ait pas beaucoup d'Ă©tudes sur les risques liĂ©s Ă  la logistique urbaine, aucune attention n'a Ă©tĂ© portĂ©e Ă  l'analyse des risques liĂ©s Ă  la logistique urbaine en prenant en compte les dĂ©pendances entre les facteurs de risque et leurs critĂšres. ConsidĂ©rer les dĂ©pendances entre les facteurs de risque pourrait conduire Ă  une analyse plus prĂ©cise des risques et augmenter le taux de rĂ©ussite de la sĂ©lection des initiatives de logistique urbaine. MĂ©thodes: pour rĂ©soudre ce problĂšme, nous proposons un outil avancĂ© d'aide Ă  la dĂ©cision appelĂ© «cartescognitives floues» (FCM), capable de gĂ©rer les risques associĂ©s Ă  des systĂšmes aussi complexes. La FCM reprĂ©sente avec prĂ©cision le comportement de systĂšmes complexes et peut prendre en compte les incertitudes, les informations imprĂ©cises, les interactions entre les facteurs de risque, la raretĂ© de l'information et les opinions de plusieurs dĂ©cideurs. En outre, il pourrait ĂȘtre appliquĂ© Ă  diffĂ©rents problĂšmes de prise de dĂ©cision liĂ©s aux initiatives de logistique de ville durable (SCLI). Par consĂ©quent, l'outil proposĂ© aiderait les praticiens Ă  gĂ©rer les risques liĂ©s Ă  la logistique urbaine d'une maniĂšre plus efficace et proactive et offrirait de meilleures solutions d'attĂ©nuation des risques. Dans les Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©dentes, les mĂ©thodes de dĂ©cision multicritĂšres Ă©taient principalement utilisĂ©es pour l'Ă©valuation, la comparaison et la sĂ©lection d'initiatives logistiques de villes en fonction des effets obtenus ou prĂ©vus rĂ©sultant de leur introduction dans divers environnements urbains. Afin d'Ă©valuer l'adĂ©quation des solutions conceptuelles aux exigences des diffĂ©rentes parties prenantes et conformĂ©ment aux attributs spĂ©cifiques de l'environnement urbain, il convient de dĂ©finir des solutions conceptuelles associant diffĂ©rentes initiatives de logistique urbaine en utilisant un processus artificiel; outils de renseignement, y compris la FCM.The cities are the places of the largest concentration of social activities and economic. Logistics is one of the most important for the sustainability and the economy of the city. Inselecting the city logistics concept, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of the city and the goals of all the stakeholders (shippers, receivers, carriers, logistics service providers, residents, city government). Sustainable city logistics (SCL) plans could significantly affect the quality of life in the urban environment. Evaluating sustainable city logistics initiatives (SCLI) such as urban distribution centres, congestion pricing, delivery timing and access restrictions is a complex problem since several subjective and objective criteria and constraints should be considered. Municipal administrations are investing in sustainable city logistics initiatives (SCLI) such as urban distribution centres, congestion pricing, delivery timing and access restrictions in order to improve the condition of goods transport in cities and reduce their negative impacts on citizens and their environment. However, there is always some dynamic risks associated that should be selected. Risk analysis of sustainable city logistics initiatives is a complex task due to consisting of many risk factors with dependencies among them. Although there are no lots of studies on sustainable city logistics risks, no attention has been paid to the risk analysis of sustainable city logistics by considering the dependencies among risk factors and their criteria. Considering the dependencies among risk factors could lead to more precise risks analysis and increase the success rate of selecting sustainable city logistics initiatives. Methods: To address this, we are proposing an advanced decision support tool called "Fuzzy Cognitive Maps" (FCM) which can deal with risks of such complicated systems. FCM represents the behaviour of complex systems accurately and is able to consider uncertainties, imprecise information, the interactions between risk factors, information scarcity, and several decision maker's opinions. In addition, it could be applied to different decision makings problems related to sustainable city logistics initiatives (SCLI). Therefore, the proposed tool would help practitioners to manage sustainable city logistics risks in a more effective and proactive way and offer better risk mitigation solutions. In previous studies, multi-criteriadecision-making methods are mainly used for the evaluation, comparison and selection of individual sustainable city logistics initiatives in relation to the achieved or planned effects resulting from their introduction in various urban environments. In order to assess the suitability of the conceptual solutions to the requirements of different stakeholders, and in accordance with the specific attributes of the urban environment, there is the definition of conceptual solutions that combine different sustainable city logistics initiatives by using an artificial; intelligence tools including FCM

    Sistema inteligente web de recomendaciĂłn de actividades turĂ­sticas para una provincia del PerĂș

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    Hoy en dĂ­a un tour turĂ­stico es un proceso complejo que consume tiempo al turista, porque no sĂłlo busca informaciĂłn si no tiene que tomar en cuenta o considerar algunas restricciones como su presupuesto, fecha de viaje y al hacer todo esto, Ă©l debe poder planificarlo mayormente con la informaciĂłn que encuentra en la web y estos son numerosas pĂĄginas webs informando de distintas posibilidades de visitas. En esta tesis se propone un sistema web de recomendaciĂłn de lugares turĂ­sticos en Lima denominado SIRETUR que considera los dĂ­as de visita, el presupuesto asignado y el perfil del turista; cuya meta es ayudar a resolver la sobrecarga de informaciĂłn que hay en la web sobre actividades en Lima, facilitar la bĂșsqueda y decisiĂłn a sus usuarios y que se encuentren satisfechos con la recomendaciĂłn. Se combinĂł las tĂ©cnicas “Basado en Contenido” y “Filtrado Colaborativo” para generar un sistema hĂ­brido que aproveche las ventajas de cada uno y mejore la precisiĂłn de la recomendaciĂłn. Adicionalmente, para facilitar el acceso se muestra los lugares turĂ­sticos recomendados en la interfaz de Google Maps. El sistema ha sido validado teniendo como usuarios finales a un grupo de turistas, en donde se tomĂł encuestas de satisfacciĂłn con el fin de medir su grado de conformidad respecto a la recomendaciĂłn proporcionada. En los resultados, el 96% de los encuestados afirmĂł que la recomendaciĂłn fue precisa y el 98% que fue fĂĄcil de usar

    Thresholds in logistics collaboration decisions:A study in the chemical industry

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