6 research outputs found

    Decision-making Processes in Introducing RFID Technology in Manufacturing Company

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    The article deals with the application of modern automatic identification systems in manufacturing companies. Automatic identification is nowadays an integral part of any logistics chain, since it enables time and financial savings in managing material flow. In particular, the article focuses on the radiofrequency technology and shows one of the possible standpoints on the decision-making processes in the individual stages of application of the technology. It points to the possible application of exact mathematical methods in solving practical problems. The first part of the article focuses on the possible application and use of the RFID technology in a chosen unnamed company consisting of the automated loading of data on the incoming flow of raw material into the warehouse. The second part of the article deals with a practical application of selected exact methods in the decision-making processes when introducing new technologies in the company. The author of the article points out that the processes and methods described represent only one of the possible solutions

    Application of a business process model (BPM) method for a warehouse RFID system implementation

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    In recent years, the importance of the RFID technology within the operations management environment has become more evident. In particular, the RFID technology is recognised as an accelerator of the change towards a more efficient way to manage operations in an industrial context. The aim of this paper is to present a case study for the application of a pre-existing model (based on the Business Process Modelling method) for the technical, economic and financial evaluation of an RFID technology application in the area of industrial logistics for a bike manufacturer. The paper will face this issue preliminarily analysing the RFID utilization in the industrial context, afterwards analysing the existing literature on the BPM use for the evaluation of the applicability of RFID to the industrial context and lastly illustrating the case study and the results of the application of the BPM to the specific firm. The results demonstrate the improvement that it is possible to achieve in terms of financial returns and in terms of bikes worked in the warehouse per year

    Propuesta de mejora en el área de almacén de una empresa comercializadora para reducir las devoluciones de productos mediante la metodología Lean Warehousing 

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    La presente investigación propone como foco poder desarrollar un sistema adecuado para la optimización de la gestión que se realiza en los almacenes de medianas empresas comercializadores, incluyendo maximizar el tiempo del proceso de picking (selección y empaquetado) con el objetivo de obtener una disminución de productos devueltos. Dentro de la investigación, se determinó que la implementación de las herramientas Lean Warehousing (SLP, inventarios cíclicos, estandarización, de procesos, entre otros) permitirá mejorar la administración y gestión de los procesos que se realizan en los almacenes. Actualmente, las necesidades de los clientes, con respecto a calidad y tiempo de entrega de los productos, se han vuelto más exigentes, lo que hace que las empresas busquen nuevos métodos de atraer su valor ante la competitividad en el mercado. Por ello, se estudia la distribución que se realiza en el almacén y en base a que metodología, con la finalidad de poder eliminar las actividades que no agregan valor, poder llevar un mejor control de los inventarios y reubicar los sectores del almacén estratégicamente según importancia. Finalmente, mejorar la gestión de almacenes genera una disminución en la tasa de devoluciones de productos, debido a que se realiza una entrega eficiente y se mejoró la distribución del almacén. A consecuencia, se generó un impacto positivo para un escenario optimista con un VAN de S/ 95,798.91 demostrando su rentabilidad al ser mayor que cero (VAN > 0); asimismo se obtuvo una tasa de rentabilidad (TIR) de 87.21%. Esto conseguido por la reducción de devoluciones de un 14.1% a un 5%This research work focuses on developing a warehouse management system for medium-sized trading companies, which includes maximizing the time of the picking process (selection and packaging) to obtain a decrease in returned products. The knowledge and application of Lean Warehousing tools (SLP, cyclical inventories and process standardization), and the ABC multicriteria as an analysis tool, will allow to administer and manage the processes within the warehouse. The demands of the clients regarding the quality and on-time deliveries of the products are increasing, which requires being more competitive in the operations, for which the warehouse distribution and the methodology used by the operators are analysed, and thus eliminate everything that does not generate value, get control of inventories, and redistribute products according to their importance. Finally, improving warehouse management generates a decrease in the rate of product returns, due to efficient delivery and improved warehouse distribution. As a result, a positive impact was generated for an optimistic scenario with a NPV of S/ 95,798.91, demonstrating its profitability as it is greater than zero (VAN > 0); Likewise, a rate of return (IRR) of 87.21% was obtained. This was achieved by reducing returns from 14.1% to 5%.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Modelo de mejora para reducir las demoras en las entregas parciales de proyectos de obra civil basado en las herramientas BPMN, PERT e ISM

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    El sector de la construcción es importante para el desarrollo de un país y actualmente aporta en gran medida a la economía y la empleabilidad. En los proyectos de construcción surgen diferentes problemas que ponen en riesgo su éxito. Entre los más frecuentes se encuentran los retrasos parciales en la ejecución de las obras. En el caso de estudio, se registró un 21,32% de sobrecostos en la entrega final de un proyecto. Al analizar se encontraron las principales causas siendo: paros de trabajo por parte de los proveedores, reprocesamiento de actividades y discrepancias entre el expediente técnico y real. Todas estas han sido ocasionadas por empresas contratistas ejecutoras de la obra y para la elaboración del expediente técnico, siendo necesario analizar el proceso de contratación de estas empresas y el proceso de supervisión (que no cuenta nuestro caso de estudio). Se propone el uso de la herramienta BPMN para diseñar procesos necesarios que la empresa actualmente no maneja o para mejorar los procesos actuales y a partir de este modelo, generar dos procesos adicionales, uno de contratación efectiva y otro de supervisión. Se propone la herramienta PERT para identificar proveedores críticos. Finalmente, la herramienta ISM se utiliza para clasificar adecuadamente los requisitos de contratación de proveedores. Se validó mediante la confiabilidad de los contratistas que ejecutaron un proyecto en Cusco la cual fue del 79,12%, implementando los procesos de mejora propuestos esto aumentaría en un 9,33% la confianza de que las empresas ejecutoras cumplen en el tiempo planificado, reduciendo así pérdidas económicas.The construction sector is important for the development of a country and currently contributes greatly to the economy and employability. Different problems arise in construction projects that put their success at risk. Among the most frequent are partial delays in the execution of works. In our case study, 21,32% overruns were recorded in the final delivery of a project. When analyzing the problem, the main causes were found, being work stoppages by suppliers, reprocessing of activities and discrepancies between the technical file and what was found on site. All these causes have been caused by contractor companies executing the work and the company hired to prepare the technical file, making it necessary to analyze the hiring process of these companies and the process from supervision (which our case study does not present). The use of the BPMN tool is proposed to find necessary processes that the company does not currently manage or to find points of improvement in the current processes and from this model two processes, one for effective contracting and the other for supervision. The PERT tool is proposed to identify critical providers. Finally, the ISM tool is used to adequately rank supplier contracting requirements. It was validated through the reliability of the contractors who executed a project in Cusco, which was 79.12%, implementing the proposed improvement processes this would increase by 9.33% the confidence that the executing companies comply with the planned time, thus reducing economic losses.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    The role of radio frequency identification (RFID) in improving the supply chain performance of small and medium construction companies in Australia and enhancing their competitiveness in the marketplace

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is being utilised more in Information Technology due to its features and capability that assist in enhancing productivity, efficiency in improving supply chain systems, and minimising cost. It is predicted to provide several advantages for both public and government organisations. RFID can increase the consistency and scalability of IT systems that permit organisations such as regional governments to focus their attention on their key business functions, including strategy formulation and adaptation. Limited studies have been conducted on the implementation of RFID in the construction industry to develop supply chain systems to improve performance. Moreover, there is an absence of exploratory research and studies that offer a comprehensive and holistic examination of the factors that impact the implementation of RFID. To date, there is also an absence of empirical studies regarding the factors that impact the employment of RFID in Australian SMEs in the construction industry. This research examines the adoption and use of information communication technologies, in particular RFID technology, for improving the performance of supply chain management systems in SME construction companies in Australia. The research objectives are to analyse the state of supply chain management systems in SME construction companies in Australia; and the potential of RFID technologies in helping to overcome the problems and challenges facing these companies. This study aims to explain the capability for creating value resulting from the adoption of RFID in SME construction companies in Australia. This research identifies the factors that are expected to impact its implementation and ascertains the factors that are essential for management to focus on when planning to implement RFID. These factors include emerging policies for adoption of RFID, expected advantages of implementation of RFID, along with highlighting the challenges and issues created by the adoption of RFID. The research model adopts a combination of three theories derived from the literature, namely, Diffusion of Innovation Theory, the Technology Organisation-Environment (Stoekel and Quirke) framework, and the Actor Network theory. This study aims to enhance knowledge about how information communication technology can play a role in improving supply chain performance, and how to optimise the use of supply chains to improve the performance of these businesses. A quantitative approach is used in this study to identify the key themes and constructs in a comprehensive survey of IT decision-makers within SME construction companies in Australia. The intention of this research is also to increase knowledge regarding factors that impact decision-making regarding the adoption of RFID within SME construction companies based in Australia. The research method used for the research is quantitative. As an in-depth study, this empirical study has involved IT managers in Australian-based SME construction companies and their employees‟ interaction with RFID suppliers. Through this, the study achieves the aim of providing in-depth insights into those factors that are perceived most likely to influence their employment of RFID; and identifying all vital factors on which to focus when planning to implement RFID, including the emerging legal setting that influences RFID implementation, expected merits of RFID implementation; and problems and issues that face SMEs when deciding to employ RFID. The study was conducted among 297 IT employees from 47 SMEs in the construction sector and RFID suppliers to conclude the outcomes of the exploratory stage. Factors such as compatibility, complexity, cost, security concerns, size of the firm, and expected advantages from the adoption of RFID are examined. The results and conclusion of the research can be used for firms‟ decision-making on whether to invest or not in the adoption of RFID