255 research outputs found

    Distributed energy resources network connection considering reliability optimization using a NSGAII algorithm.

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    Trabalho apresentado conferência IEEE CPE-POWERENG, 4 a 6 de abril de 2017, Cádiz, EspanhaDistributed Energy Resources (DER) has been widely introduced in distribution networks in response to the increase of environmental awareness of the consumers. The benefits with the use of DER are increased with network reconfiguration, but in some countries exists the impossibility of island operation as well as the obligation to buy all the electricity generated. These limitations, in a network fault situation, causes a waste of resources, because of the unavailability of the DER. On other hand, the location of DER connection under the context of the improvement of the reliability indexes has not been studied. Thus, this paper will propose a multi objective optimization of the location of DER connection considering the switching devices placement to increase network reliability and availability of DER, minimizing at the same time the investment in equipment in a no island operation environment. For the resolution of the proposed formulation, it will be used the multi objective algorithm NSGA-II (Fast Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm). The formulation of the problem also considers a composite index made up of DER and interruption duration. This approach is applied to a real utility distribution network, with the results presented and discussed.N/

    Expansion planning of power distribution systems considering reliability : a comprehensive review

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    One of the big concerns when planning the expansion of power distribution systems (PDS) is reliability. This is defined as the ability to continuously meet the load demand of consumers in terms of quantity and quality. In a scenario in which consumers increasingly demand high supply quality, including few interruptions and continuity, it becomes essential to consider reliability indices in models used to plan PDS. The inclusion of reliability in optimization models is a challenge, given the need to estimate failure rates for the network and devices. Such failure rates depend on the specific characteristics of a feeder. In this context, this paper discusses the main reliability indices, followed by a comprehensive survey of the methods and models used to solve the optimal expansion planning of PDS considering reliability criteria. Emphasis is also placed on comparing the main features and contributions of each article, aiming to provide a handy resource for researchers. The comparison includes the decision variables and reliability indices considered in each reviewed article, which can be used as a guide to applying the most suitable method according to the requisites of the system. In addition, each paper is classified according to the optimization method, objective type (single or multiobjective), and the number of stages. Finally, we discuss future research trends concerning the inclusion of reliability in PDS expansion planning

    Distribution energy storage investment prioritization with a real coded multi-objective genetic algorithm

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    Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) are progressively becoming an essential requisite for the upcoming Smart Distribution Systems thanks to the flexibility they introduce in the network operation. A rapid improvement in ESS technology efficiency has been seen, but not yet sufficient to drastically reduce the high investments associated. Thus, optimal planning and management of these devices are crucial to identify specific configurations that can justify ESSs installation. This consideration has motivated a strong interest of the researchers in this field that, however, have separately solved the optimal ESS location and the optimal ESS schedule. In the paper, a novel multi-objective approach is presented, based on the Non-dominated Sorted Genetic Algorithm - II integrated with a real codification that allows joining in a single optimization all the main features of an optimal ESS implementation project: siting, sizing and scheduling. The methodology has been tested on a real-size rural distribution network

    Energy-aware scheduling in distributed computing systems

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    Distributed computing systems, such as data centers, are key for supporting modern computing demands. However, the energy consumption of data centers has become a major concern over the last decade. Worldwide energy consumption in 2012 was estimated to be around 270 TWh, and grim forecasts predict it will quadruple by 2030. Maximizing energy efficiency while also maximizing computing efficiency is a major challenge for modern data centers. This work addresses this challenge by scheduling the operation of modern data centers, considering a multi-objective approach for simultaneously optimizing both efficiency objectives. Multiple data center scenarios are studied, such as scheduling a single data center and scheduling a federation of several geographically-distributed data centers. Mathematical models are formulated for each scenario, considering the modeling of their most relevant components such as computing resources, computing workload, cooling system, networking, and green energy generators, among others. A set of accurate heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms are designed for addressing the scheduling problem. These scheduling algorithms are comprehensively studied, and compared with each other, using statistical tools to evaluate their efficacy when addressing realistic workloads and scenarios. Experimental results show the designed scheduling algorithms are able to significantly increase the energy efficiency of data centers when compared to traditional scheduling methods, while providing a diverse set of trade-off solutions regarding the computing efficiency of the data center. These results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithmic approaches for data center infrastructures.Los sistemas informáticos distribuidos, como los centros de datos, son clave para satisfacer la demanda informática moderna. Sin embargo, su consumo de energético se ha convertido en una gran preocupación. Se estima que mundialmente su consumo energético rondó los 270 TWh en el año 2012, y algunos prevén que este consumo se cuadruplicará para el año 2030. Maximizar simultáneamente la eficiencia energética y computacional de los centros de datos es un desafío crítico. Esta tesis aborda dicho desafío mediante la planificación de la operativa del centro de datos considerando un enfoque multiobjetivo para optimizar simultáneamente ambos objetivos de eficiencia. En esta tesis se estudian múltiples variantes del problema, desde la planificación de un único centro de datos hasta la de una federación de múltiples centros de datos geográficmentea distribuidos. Para esto, se formulan modelos matemáticos para cada variante del problema, modelado sus componentes más relevantes, como: recursos computacionales, carga de trabajo, refrigeración, redes, energía verde, etc. Para resolver el problema de planificación planteado, se diseñan un conjunto de algoritmos heurísticos y metaheurísticos. Estos son estudiados exhaustivamente y su eficiencia es evaluada utilizando una batería de herramientas estadísticas. Los resultados experimentales muestran que los algoritmos de planificación diseñados son capaces de aumentar significativamente la eficiencia energética de un centros de datos en comparación con métodos tradicionales planificación. A su vez, los métodos propuestos proporcionan un conjunto diverso de soluciones con diferente nivel de compromiso respecto a la eficiencia computacional del centro de datos. Estos resultados confirman la eficacia del enfoque algorítmico propuesto


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    Power converter has played a very important role in modern electric power systems. The control of power converters is necessary to achieve high performance. In this study, a dc-dc buck converter is studied. The parameters of a notional proportional-integral controller are to be selected. Genetic algorithms (GAs), which have been widely used to solve multi-objective optimization problems, is used in order to locate appropriate controller design. The control metrics are specified as phase margin in frequency domain and voltage error in time-domain. GAs presented the optimal tradeoffs between these two objectives. Three candidate control designs are studied in simulation and experimentally. There is some agreement between the experimental results and the simulation results, but there are also some discrepancies due to model error. Overall, the use of multi-domain, multi-objective-optimization-based approach has proven feasible

    A probabilistic multi-objective approach for FACTS devices allocation with different levels of wind penetration under uncertainties and load correlation

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    This study presents a probabilistic multi-objective optimization approach to obtain the optimal locations and sizes of static var compensator (SVC) and thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) in a power transmission network with large level of wind generation. In this study, the uncertainties of the wind power generation and correlated load demand are considered. The uncertainties are modeled in this work using the points estimation method (PEM). The optimization problem is solved using the Multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm to find the best position and rating of the flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices. The objective of the problem is to maximize the system loadability while minimizing the power losses and FACTS devices installation cost. Additionally, a technique based on fuzzy decision-making approach is employed to extract one of the Pareto optimal solutions as the best compromise one. The proposed approach is applied on the modified IEEE 30-bus system. The numerical results evince the effectiveness of the proposed approach and shows the economic benefits that can be achieved when considering the FACTS controller

    Genetic Algorithms in Stochastic Optimization and Applications in Power Electronics

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    Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are widely used in multiple fields, ranging from mathematics, physics, to engineering fields, computational science, bioinformatics, manufacturing, economics, etc. The stochastic optimization problems are important in power electronics and control systems, and most designs require choosing optimum parameters to ensure maximum control effect or minimum noise impact; however, they are difficult to solve using the exhaustive searching method, especially when the search domain conveys a large area or is infinite. Instead, GAs can be applied to solve those problems. And efficient computing budget allocation technique for allocating the samples in GAs is necessary because the real-life problems with noise are often difficult to evaluate and require significant computation effort. A single objective GA is proposed in which computing budget allocation techniques are integrated directly into the selection operator rather than being used during fitness evaluation. This allows fitness evaluations to be allocated towards specific individuals for whom the algorithm requires more information, and this selection-integrated method is shown to be more accurate for the same computing budget than the existing evaluation-integrated methods on several test problems. A combination of studies is performed on a multi-objective GA that compares integration of different computing budget allocation methods into either the evaluation or the environmental selection steps. These comparisons are performed on stochastic problems derived from benchmark multi-objective optimization problems and consider varying levels of noise. The algorithms are compared regarding both proximity to and coverage of the true Pareto-optimal front, and sufficient studies are performed to allow statistically significant conclusions to be drawn. Finally, the multi-objective GA with selection integrated sampling technique is applied to solve a multi-objective stochastic optimization problem in a grid connected photovoltaic inverter system with noise injected from both the solar power input and the utility grid

    Building Energy Modeling and Studies of Electric Power Distribution Systems with Distributed Energy Resources

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    There is significant opportunity for savings in energy and investment from improved performance of electric Power Distribution Systems (PDSs) through optimal planning and operation of conventional voltage-controlling devices. Novel multi-step model conversion and optimal capacitor planning (OCP) procedures are proposed for large-scale utility PDSs and are exemplified with an existing utility circuit of approximately 4,000 buses. Simulated optimal control and operation is achieved with a cluster-based approach that utilizes load-forecasting to minimize equipment degradation by intelligently dispersing device setting adjustments over time such that they remain most applicable. Improved performance may also be achieved through smart building technologies and Virtual Power Plant (VPP) control of increasingly more prevalent Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). The established simulation test bed for PDSs incorporates DERs to evaluate VPP implementations and an optimization process for control timing is proposed that minimizes targeted peak power and possible resulting increase in total daily energy. The advanced VPP controls incorporate the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) 2045 standard and EnergyStar performance characterizations to leverage HVAC systems as Generalized Energy Storage (GES) for load manipulation and to support the integration of demand-side generating DERs, such as local solar Photo-Voltaic (PV) systems