13 research outputs found

    Geospatial capacity allocation framework of wind and solar renewable generation for optimal grid support

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has displayed a unique energy supply profile over recent years, where the ability to consistently meet the energy demand has been constrained by physical limitations of the current energy supply infrastructure. The inadequate supply infrastructure results in countrywide loadshedding events, where total energy supply within high demand periods cannot be met. Low-grade coal, poorly maintained power plants and the impending decommissioning of existing thermal plants adds to the country’s energy supply deficit. Inadequate supply in high demand periods typically requires response from expensive on demand dispatch units, which are often non-renewable resources. This also equates to a decrease in grid supply stability. It is expected that optimised geospatial capacity allocation of new build wind and solar plants can assist in addressing the generation capacity constraints in the medium to longer term future. The framework proposed in this study favours a cascaded optimisation strategy, whereby the residual load profile is optimised statistically to reduce the requirements of ancillary services to complement baseload generation. In support of a reliable future energy supply scenario with high penetration of renewable energy, the optimisation framework proposed in this work represents a probabilistic risk-based approach that seeks to minimise the number of events where high residual load values require ancillary service interventions to maintain power balance. In this approach, renewable energy resource features are categorised in terms of the statistical properties of the spatiotemporal wind and solar power profiles for a given set of daily and seasonal Time-of-Use periods. In this context, it is recognised that the resource characteristics and grid impact of wind and solar generation profiles can be interpreted with reference to the daily and seasonal cycles exhibited by the demand profiles, wherein some Time-of-Use periods are more important than others. Apart from the benefit of assigning renewable energy capacities to spatial regions rather than specific coordinates, clustering reduces the dimensions of input data sets dramatically. This reduces the dimensionality of the multi-variable optimisation search space, which translates to reduced risk of local minima and reduced computational cost. The proposed framework has been implemented for a number of baseline case studies and optimisation case studies. It is concluded that the framework is highly flexible in the sense that the formulation of the minimum and maximum allocation constraints allow application for real-world scenarios where capacity allocation constraints apply on a regional level. Overall, the optimisation framework provides a robust method for the geospatial capacity allocation of wind and solar resources. The framework employs a robust way of handling constraint scenarios when considering multiple highly granular resource clusters.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het die afgelope jare 'n unieke energie-voorsienings-profiel getoon, waar die vermoë om konsekwent aan die energievraag te voldoen deur fisiese beperkings van die huidige energievoorsienings-infrastruktuur. Die onvoldoende voorsienings-infrastruktuur lei tot landswye beurtkraggebeurtenisse, waar die totale energie voorraad tydens hoë aanvraag periodes nie nagekom kan word nie. Laegraadse steenkool, swak onderhoud op kragsentrales en die naderende afskakel van bestaande termiese aanlegte dra by tot die land se tekort aan energie-voorsiening. ʼn Onvoldoende aanbod tydens hoë-aanvraag-periodes vereis tipies ʼn onmiddellike reaksie vanaf die kragopwekker, waar duurder intydse elektrisiteits-eenhede opgewek moet word. Hierdie eenhede is gewoonlik afkomstig vanaf niehernubare hulpbronne en plaas addisionele druk op krag-stelsel-stabiliteit. Daar word verwag dat die beperkings op opwekkings-kapasiteit, in die medium- tot langtermyn toekoms, aangespreek kan word deur die geoptimaliseerde georuimtelike-kapasiteits-toewysing van nuwe winden sonkrag-aanlegte. Die raamwerk wat in hierdie studie voorgestel word, bevoordeel 'n kaskadeoptimeringstrategie, waardeur die oorblywende-lasprofiel statisties geoptimaliseer word om die vereistes van bykomende dienste te verminder om basislading-opwekking aan te vul. Ter ondersteuning van 'n betroubare toekomstige energie-voorsienings-scenario met 'n hoë penetrasie van hernubare energie, verteenwoordig die voorgestelde optimaliserings-raamwerk 'n risiko-gebaseerde waarskynlikheids-benadering wat poog om die aantal gebeurtenisse te minimaliseer waar hoë oorblywende laswaardes aanvullende diens-ingryping vereis om die kragbalans te handhaaf. In hierdie benadering word hernubare-energie-hulpbron-kenmerke gekategoriseer. Dit word gedoen volgens die statistiese eienskappe van die tydruimtelike wind- en sonkragprofiele, vir 'n gegewe stel daaglikse en seisoenale tyd-van-gebruik periodes. In hierdie konteks word erken dat die hulpbron-kenmerke van winden sonkragkragstelsels se opwekkings-profiele geïnterpreteer kan word met verwysing na die daaglikse en seisoenale siklusse, soos vertoon deur die aanvraag-profiel. In hierdie aanvraag-profiel is daar ook sommige tyd-van-gebruik periodes wat belangriker is as ander. Afgesien van die voordeel om hernubare energie-vermoëns aan ruimtelike streke toe te ken, eerder as spesifieke koördinate, verminder die groepering van die insetdatastel-afmetings dramaties. Dit verminder die dimensionaliteit van die multiveranderlike optimaliserings-soekruimte, wat neerkom op ʼn verminderde risiko van plaaslike minima en berekenings-koste. Die voorgestelde raamwerk is geïmplementeer vir 'n aantal basislyn-scenarios en optimaliseringsgevallestudies. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die raamwerk hoogs buigsaam is rakende die formulering van die minimum en maksimum toekennings-beperkings-toepassing, soos toegelaat vir werklike scenarios waar kapasiteits-toekennings-beperkings op 'n streeksvlak geld. In die algemeen bied die optimaliseringsraamwerk 'n robuuste metode vir die georuimtelike-kapasiteits toewysing van wind- en sonkragbronne. Die raamwerk gebruik 'n robuuste manier om beperkingscenarios te hanteer wanneer verskeie hoogs korrelvormige hulpbrongroeperings oorweeg word.Doctora


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    This report examines the transport and delivery of logistics in contested environments within the context of great-power competition (GPC). Across the Department of Defense (DOD), it is believed that GPC will strain our current supply lines beyond their capacity to maintain required warfighting capability. Current DOD efforts are underway to determine an appropriate range of platforms, platform quantities, and delivery tactics to meet the projected logistics demand in future conflicts. This report explores the effectiveness of various platforms and delivery methods through analysis in developed survivability, circulation, and network optimization models. Among other factors, platforms are discriminated by their radar cross-section (RCS), noise level, speed, cargo capacity, and self-defense capability. To maximize supply delivered and minimize the cost of losses, the results of this analysis indicate preference for utilization of well-defended convoys on supply routes where bulk supply is appropriate and smaller, and widely dispersed assets on shorter, more contested routes with less demand. Sensitivity analysis on these results indicates system survivability can be improved by applying RCS and noise-reduction measures to logistics assets.Director, Warfare Integration (OPNAV N9I)Major, Israel Defence ForcesCivilian, Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd, SingaporeCommander, Republic of Singapore NavyCommander, United States NavyCaptain, Singapore ArmyLieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyMajor, Republic of Singapore Air ForceCaptain, United States Marine CorpsLieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyCaptain, Singapore ArmyLieutenant Junior Grade, United States NavyCaptain, Singapore ArmyLieutenant Colonel, Republic of Singapore Air ForceApproved for public release. distribution is unlimite

    Implementation of an experimental program to investigate the performance characteristics of OMEGA navigation

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    A theoretical formulation of differential and composite OMEGA error is presented to establish hypotheses about the functional relationships between various parameters and OMEGA navigational errors. Computer software developed to provide for extensive statistical analysis of the phase data is described. Results from the regression analysis used to conduct parameter sensitivity studies on differential OMEGA error tend to validate the theoretically based hypothesis concerning the relationship between uncorrected differential OMEGA error and receiver separation range and azimuth. Limited results of measurement of receiver repeatability error and line of position measurement error are also presented

    Development of a synthetic solar irradiance generator that produces time series with high temporal and spatial resolutions using readily available mean hourly observations

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    Photovoltaics (PV) have seen rapid global penetration into the low voltage (LV) electricity distribution grid year-on-year. The result of high PV penetration levels is grid impacts of voltage fluctuations, harmonic distortions and reverse flow among others. Research that attempts to quantify the maximum allowable PV penetration into the LV grid before experiencing detrimental impacts is an important. The most commonly reported barrier to enabling grid impact analysis is the lacking availability of high-resolution and geographically flexible solar irradiance data. As an alternative, synthetically generated solar irradiance data can be used. There is a distinct lack of synthetic solar irradiance generators that can derive high resolution and statistically accurate solar irradiance data using only readily available inputs. This thesis presents the development of two synthetic generators: the Solar Irradiance Generator (SIG), and the Spatially Decorrelating Solar Irradiance Generator (SDSIG). The SIG proves the concept that synthetic minutely irradiance time series can be generated using readily available mean hourly observations of total cloud amount, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and cloud base height. The SDSIG presents the first ever methodology to synthetically generate unique and spatially decorrelating minutely irradiance time series for any number of uniquely orientated and tilted houses inside a spatial domain using the same inputs as the SIG. The SDSIG employs (1) Markov chains, to derive stochastic weather variable time series, (2) synthetic representations of clouds in the sky, using a novel method called cloud fields, (3) globally flexible irradiance estimation models, and (4) distributions of clear-sky irradiance by total cloud amount, to create the irradiance time series. The SDSIG outputs are temporally validated using metrics of ramp rates, variability indices and irradiance magnitude frequencies against real world observations at two UK sites and two USA sites, representing three distinct climates. Daily 2-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests of each metric passed a minimum of 95.34% of the time with a 99% confidence limit. The lowest CDF correlation coefficient between modelled and observed data for all metrics and sites was R=0.908; the mean was R=0.987. The SDSIG outputs are spatially validated at Oahu, HI USA, showing R=0.955, RMSE=0.01 and MAPE=0.865% when comparing modelled and observed spatial correlation versus site separation. The SDSIG outputs are applied to a grid impacts power flow model of an LV grid with increasing PV penetration to test the over voltage metric of daily on-load tap changer (OLTC) operations. Using correlating irradiance time series at each house in the LV grid overestimates OLTC operations in every instance of PV penetration when compared to using spatially decorrelating irradiance time series from the SDSIG

    Socio-Economic Impacts of Carbon Sequestration on Livelihoods and Future Climate

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    In the modern era of industrial revolution, urbanization, and deforestation of forest land, carbon (C) sequestration through well-known activities called “land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)” could establish a win–win situation from a climate change and sustainable development perspective. Equally important are the socio-economic co-benefits of C sequestration, given their implications on properly designed policies, especially on restoration and/or conservation of forests located in the tropical eco-regions. Further, the huge contribution of C sequestered in the vegetation and its underlain soil helps to protect socio-economic damages from climate change. This book explores the C sequestration of vegetation and its underlying soil, deforestation, as well as its impact on climate change, a vulnerability risk assessment for the climate, socio-economic impacts, and the mitigation of future climate impact strategies. The theme of the book extends across environmental policy (e.g., the Paris Agreement and REDD+), C sequestration in the terrestrial ecosystems, the applicability of land use, and the C credit generated at regional and global scales. This book is highly useful for environmentalists, hydrologists, soil scientists, and policymakers to understand the C sequestration potential of the vegetation and underlying soil in the terrestrial ecosystems at the regional, national and global scale to further study the long-term impacts on socio-economic development resulting from its implementation via climate change modeling

    Assembling the Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone: The Networks, Spatial Strategies and Development Impact of China’s Relocating Manufacturing Industries in Egypt

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    This thesis examines the dynamics and implications of assembling the Chinese-Egyptian Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone (SETCzone) within the situated context of Egypt’s militarised development landscape. The analysis situates the spatial interventions that facilitate the relocation of China’s manufacturing industries to the zone within contemporary processes of global spatial-economic restructuring. Nevertheless, the methodological approach presented gives analytical priority to the complex and contingent geographies of spatial-economic policymaking and industrial restructuring underpinning China’s engagements in Africa and its rise as a development actor more broadly. The thesis argues that the strategic imperative of creating an open trade environment responsive to the needs of mobile Chinese capital in Suez intersects with, and consolidates an Egyptian military-led strategy of land commercialisation as a key driver of development and infrastructure construction. The thesis further examines how these complexities influence the distribution of economic activities within the host region of Suez. In this light, the analysis emphasises the need to move beyond the fixed understanding of policy processes commonly utilised in development research, thinking and practice in order to reveal trends that are constitutive of these processes but are not captured in rational evaluations of policy. To substantiate its main argument, the thesis makes three main claims. First, the thesis examines the role of global development models in Chinese policy transfers in the context of China’s Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone program in Africa, arguing that China’s overseas economic zone initiatives are subject to the conditioning effects of the prevailing norms and standards of international development. The research then identifies unique features of China’s overseas economic zone model that shed light on China’s distinctive approach to domestic and international development. Second, the analysis traces the processes of aligning a range of agencies, institutions and modes of practice around a transferable Chinese overseas zone model in Suez. The thesis argues that land commercialisation is an emergent feature of Chinese development cooperation that is constitutive of Chinese zone policy transfers, and that contingently impacts how the host region of Suez is integrated into Chinese circuits and world markets. Finally, the thesis examines how the complex dynamics of Chinese zone-based cooperation impact the development pathway of the host region and its linkages to world markets in a country that seeks to use Chinese investment and know-how to effect structural change in the economy. The thesis finds that the SETCzone generates particular patterns of production, accumulation and exclusion that are the structural expression of the complex spatial relations identified

    Asia-Europe Sustainable Connectivity Scientific Conference - Book of Abstracts

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    This publication is a collection of extended abstracts submitted to the Asia-Europe Sustainable Connectivity Scientific Conference. The conference is jointly organised by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, the Asia-Europe Foundation, the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia and the Center for China and Globalization. It aims at creating a forum to share the latest research as well as to discuss the global and local challenges associated to connectivity.JRC.I.1-Monitoring, Indicators & Impact Evaluatio

    The Free Press : March 10, 2005

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