15 research outputs found

    Adaptive initial step size selection for simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation

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    A difficulty in using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastics Approximation (SPSA) is its performance sensitivity to the step sizes chosen at the initial stage of the iteration. If the step size is too large, the solution estimate may fail to converge. The proposed adaptive stepping method automatically reduces the initial step size of the SPSA so that reduction of the objective function value occurs more reliably. Ten mathematical functions each with three different noise levels were used to empirically show the effectiveness of the proposed idea. A parameter estimation example of a nonlinear dynamical system is also included

    Digital Data-Based PID Controller Design for Processes with Inverse Response

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    Sampling high-dimensional design spaces for analysis and optimization

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    This paper will present training data denoising procedure for neural network performance improvement. Performance improvement will be measured by evaluation criterion which is based on a training estimation error and signal strength factor. Strength factor will be obtained by applying denoising method on a default training signal. The method is based on a noise removal procedure performed on the original signal in a manner which is defined by the proposed algorithm. Ten different processed signals are obtained from the performed method on a default noisy signal. Those signals are then used as a training data for the nonlinear autoregressive neural network learning phase. Empirical comparisons are made at the end, and they show that the proposed denoising procedure is an effective way to improve network performances when the training set possesses the significant noise component

    Ability of Black-Box Optimisation to Efficiently Perform Simulation Studies in Power Engineering

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    In this study, the potential of the so-called black-box optimisation (BBO) to increase the efficiency of simulation studies in power engineering is evaluated. Three algorithms ("Multilevel Coordinate Search"(MCS) and "Stable Noisy Optimization by Branch and Fit"(SNOBFIT) by Huyer and Neumaier and "blackbox: A Procedure for Parallel Optimization of Expensive Black-box Functions"(blackbox) by Knysh and Korkolis) are implemented in MATLAB and compared for solving two use cases: the analysis of the maximum rotational speed of a gas turbine after a load rejection and the identification of transfer function parameters by measurements. The first use case has a high computational cost, whereas the second use case is computationally cheap. For each run of the algorithms, the accuracy of the found solution and the number of simulations or function evaluations needed to determine the optimum and the overall runtime are used to identify the potential of the algorithms in comparison to currently used methods. All methods provide solutions for potential optima that are at least 99.8% accurate compared to the reference methods. The number of evaluations of the objective functions differs significantly but cannot be directly compared as only the SNOBFIT algorithm does stop when the found solution does not improve further, whereas the other algorithms use a predefined number of function evaluations. Therefore, SNOBFIT has the shortest runtime for both examples. For computationally expensive simulations, it is shown that parallelisation of the function evaluations (SNOBFIT and blackbox) and quantisation of the input variables (SNOBFIT) are essential for the algorithmic performance. For the gas turbine overspeed analysis, only SNOBFIT can compete with the reference procedure concerning the runtime. Further studies will have to investigate whether the quantisation of input variables can be applied to other algorithms and whether the BBO algorithms can outperform the reference methods for problems with a higher dimensionality

    Data-driven controller tuning using the correlation approach

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    The essential ingredients of control design procedures include the acquisition of process knowledge and its efficient integration into the controller. In many practical control applications, a reliable mathematical description of the plant is difficult or impossible to obtain, and the controller has to be designed on the basis of measurements. This thesis proposes a new datadriven method labeled Correlation-based Tuning (CbT). The underlying idea is inspired by the well-known correlation approach in system identification. The controller parameters are tuned iteratively either to decorrelate the closed-loop output error between designed and achieved closed-loop systems with the external reference signal (decorrelation procedure) or to reduce this correlation (correlation reduction). Ideally, the resulting closedloop output error contains only the contribution of the noise and perfect model-following can be achieved. By the very nature of the control design criterion, the controller parameters are asymptotically insensitive to noise. Both theoretical and implementation aspects of CbT are treated. For the decorrelation procedure, a correlation equation is solved using the stochastic approximation method. The iterative procedure converges to the solution of the correlation equation even in the case when an approximate gradient of the closed-loop output error with respect to controller The asymptotic distribution of the resulting controller parameter estimates is analyzed. When perfect decorrelation is not possible, the correlation reduction method can be used. That is, instead of solving the correlation equation, the norm of a cross-correlation function is minimized. A frequency domain analysis of the criterion shows that the algorithm minimizes the two-norm of the difference between the achieved and designed closed-loop systems.With the correlation reduction method, an unbiased estimate of the gradient of the closed-loop output error is necessary to guarantee convergence of the algorithm to a local minimum of the criterion. Furthermore, this criterion can be generalized to allow handling the mixed sensitivity specifications. An extension of this method for the tuning of linear time-invariant multivariable controllers is proposed for both procedures. CbT allows tuning some of the elements of the controller transfer function matrix to satisfy the desired closed-loop performance, while the other elements are tuned to mutually decouple the closed-loop outputs. The tuning of all decouplers and controllers can be made by performing only one experiment per iteration regardless of the number of inputs and outputs since all reference signals can be excited simultaneously. However, due to the fact that decoupling is imposed as a design criterion, simultaneous excitation of all references brings a negative impact on the variance of the estimated controller parameters. In fact, one must choose between low experimental cost (simultaneous excitation) and better accuracy of the estimated parameters (sequential excitation). The CbT algorithm has been tested on numerous simulation examples and implemented experimentally on a magnetic suspension system and the active suspension system benchmark problem proposed for a special issue of European Journal of Control on the design and optimization of restricted-complexity controllers

    The constrained discrete-time state-dependent Riccati equation technique for uncertain nonlinear systems

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    The objective of the thesis is to introduce a relatively general nonlinear controller/estimator synthesis framework using a special type of the state-dependent Riccati equation technique. The continuous time state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) technique is extended to discrete-time under input and state constraints, yielding constrained (C) discrete-time (D) SDRE, referred to as CD-SDRE. For the latter, stability analysis and calculation of a region of attraction are carried out. The derivation of the D-SDRE under state-dependent weights is provided. Stability of the D-SDRE feedback system is established using Lyapunov stability approach. Receding horizon strategy is used to take into account the constraints on D-SDRE controller. Stability condition of the CD-SDRE controller is analyzed by using a switched system. The use of CD-SDRE scheme in the presence of constraints is then systematically demonstrated by applying this scheme to problems of spacecraft formation orbit reconfiguration under limited performance on thrusters. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy and reliability of the proposed CD-SDRE. The CD-SDRE technique is further investigated in a case where there are uncertainties in nonlinear systems to be controlled. First, the system stability under each of the controllers in the robust CD-SDRE technique is separately established. The stability of the closed-loop system under the robust CD-SDRE controller is then proven based on the stability of each control system comprising switching configuration. A high fidelity dynamical model of spacecraft attitude motion in 3-dimensional space is derived with a partially filled fuel tank, assumed to have the first fuel slosh mode. The proposed robust CD-SDRE controller is then applied to the spacecraft attitude control system to stabilize its motion in the presence of uncertainties characterized by the first fuel slosh mode. The performance of the robust CD-SDRE technique is discussed. Subsequently, filtering techniques are investigated by using the D-SDRE technique. Detailed derivation of the D-SDRE-based filter (D-SDREF) is provided under the assumption of Gaussian noises and the stability condition of the error signal between the measured signal and the estimated signals is proven to be input-to-state stable. For the non-Gaussian distributed noises, we propose a filter by combining the D-SDREF and the particle filter (PF), named the combined D-SDRE/PF. Two algorithms for the filtering techniques are provided. Several filtering techniques are compared with challenging numerical examples to show the reliability and efficacy of the proposed D-SDREF and the combined D-SDRE/PF

    Modelling, Monitoring, Control and Optimization for Complex Industrial Processes

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    This reprint includes 22 research papers and an editorial, collected from the Special Issue "Modelling, Monitoring, Control and Optimization for Complex Industrial Processes", highlighting recent research advances and emerging research directions in complex industrial processes. This reprint aims to promote the research field and benefit the readers from both academic communities and industrial sectors