2,059 research outputs found

    Centrifugal pumps for rocket engines

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    The use of centrifugal pumps for rocket engines is described in terms of general requirements of operational and planned systems. Hydrodynamic and mechanical design considerations and techniques and test procedures are summarized. Some of the pump development experiences, in terms of both problems and solutions, are highlighted


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    The 5-axis CNC machine tools are used for manufacturing free form surfaces of sophisticated parts such as turbine blades, airfoils, impellers, and aircraft components. The virtual machining systems can be used in order to analyze and modify the 5-axis CNC machine tools operations. Cutting forces and cutting temperatures induce deflection errors in thin-walled structures such as impeller blades through machining operations. Thin-walled impeller blades' flexibility can result in machining errors such as overcutting or undercutting. So, decreasing the deflection error during machining operations of impeller blades can achieve the desired accuracy in produced parts. Optimized machining parameters can be obtained to minimize the deflection of machined impeller blades. In terms of precision and efficiency enhancement in component production processes, a virtual machining system is developed to predict and minimize deflection errors of 5-axis milling operations of impeller blades. The deflection error in machined impeller blades is calculated by using finite element analysis. The optimization methodology based on the genetic algorithm is applied to minimize the deflection error of impeller blades in machining operations. To validate the integrated virtual machining system in the study, the impeller is milled by using a 5-axis CNC machine tool. The CMM machine is used in order to measure and analyze deflection error in the machined impeller blades. As a result, by using the developed virtual machining system in the study, accuracy and efficiency in 5-axis milling operations of impellers can be increased

    Orbital transfer vehicle oxygen turbopump technology. Volume 1: Design, fabrication, and hydrostatic bearing testing

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    The design, fabrication, and initial testing of a rocket engine turbopump (TPA) for the delivery of high pressure liquid oxygen using hot oxygen for the turbine drive fluid are described. This TPA is basic to the dual expander engine which uses both oxygen and hydrogen as working fluids. Separate tasks addressed the key issue of materials for this TPA. All materials selections emphasized compatibility with hot oxygen. The OX TPA design uses a two-stage centrifugal pump driven by a single-stage axial turbine on a common shaft. The design includes ports for three shaft displacement/speed sensors, various temperature measurements, and accelerometers

    Manufacturing Processes of Integral Blade Rotors for Turbomachinery, Processes and New Approaches

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    Manufacturing techniques applied to turbomachinery components represent a challenge in the aeronautical sector. These components are commonly composed of high resistant super-alloys; in order to satisfy the extreme working conditions, they have to support during their useful life. Besides, in the particular case of Integrally Bladed Rotors (IBR), they usually present complex geometries that need to be roughed and finished by milling and grinding processes, respectively. Thermoresistant superalloys present many challenges in terms of machinability what leads to find new alternatives to conventional manufacturing processes. In order to face this issue, this work presents a review of the last advances for IBR manufacturing and repairing processes.We are grateful to Basque Excellence university Groups IT IT1337-19, and Ministry of economy project IBRELIABLE (DPI2016-74845-R), and Elkartek PROCODA KK 2019-004

    Applications of Additive Manufacturing for Norwegian Oil and Gas Industries

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    The additive manufacturing or 3D printing (3DP) technologies have undergone exponential expansion, particularly in the previous couple of decades. Additive manufacturing technologies have paved the way for easy component manufacturing in large-scale and high-performance businesses. The introduction of desktop 3D printers has established 3DP as a reliable technique for generating prototypes and direct parts from CAD files. This technology is employed in an industrial setting for a range of purposes, including the invention and manufacture of customized and task-specific tools. This thesis looks at the benefits and drawbacks of deploying a 3D printer on an offshore facility to encourage on-site part manufacture, save operating costs, and reduce downtime. The thesis proposes ways for speeding and simplifying the creation of customized products. The approaches utilized were aimed to discover flaws and opportunities in offshore platforms' 3D printing processes. It also includes a comparative examination of production procedures, which will aid in decision-making. Furthermore, the technical structure of the proposed method would outline a path for developing prototype designs and tools to address identified difficulties. The proposed ideas and produced technologies could have a positive impact on the oil and gas industries' operations. The thesis also goes over the equipment needed for post-processing printed parts, as well as their availability on offshore platforms. The reliability issues associated with 3D printed parts are also addressed, which will improve RAMS analysis of printed parts

    Additive Manufacturing and Topology Optimization Applied to Impeller to Enhance Mechanical Performance

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    LectureThe paper describes the link between additive manufacturing techniques and topological optimization design process. An overview of Inconel718 printed material characteristics and as printed quality is given Finally expander and compressor topological optimization results are shown highlighting the improvement in stress level and dynamic behavior

    Advanced expander test bed program

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    The Advanced Expander Test Bed (AETB) is a key element in NASA's Chemical Transfer Propulsion Program for development and demonstration of expander cycle oxygen/hydrogen engine technology component technology for the next space engine. The AETB will be used to validate the high-pressure expander cycle concept, investigate system interactions, and conduct investigations of advanced missions focused components and new health monitoring techniques. The split-expander cycle AETB will operate at combustion chamber pressures up to 1200 psia with propellant flow rates equivalent to 20,000 lbf vacuum thrust

    A digital twin study for immediate design / redesign of impellers and blades: part 1: CAD modelling and tool path simulation.

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    This paper presents a digital twining study conducted for an immediate design / redesign and manufacturing of on impellers and blades. It is by accomplished by developing (i) CAD automation methods, based on the standard modelling procedures and (ii) Manufacturing automation based on the 3/3 + 1/3 + 2/5 axis milling process. Initially, the CAD model of impeller / blade is created by utilizing the dimensional parameters obtained through standard design calculations / data. It is then parametrized and converted to an automated model through simple dimensional rules and geometric algorithms developed for the purpose. After this stage, the CAD model is analyzed for manufacturing automation where the process planning data comprising cutting tools, process parameters and setups are selected. Here, the tool paths are generated for 3/3 + 1/3 + 2/5 axis milling considering a CNC Vertical Machining Center (VMC) to digitally twin milling process. Both the CAD modelling and manufacturing process plans including tool path generation are captured through journaling and customized / improved using the Application Programmable Interface's (API's) to suit the present scope. In this paper, the first part on CAD modelling and manufacturing simulation methodologies are discussed through validating the digital twining concept in a virtual environment. The work is developed with the focus to help industries moving towards Industry 4.0 and requiring a constant design improvement in their products. It is by emphasizing the importance of digital twinning concept where a concurrent verification of design and manufacturing process can be achieved

    Advanced Gas Turbine (AGT) powertrain system

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    A 74.5 kW(100 hp) advanced automotive gas turbine engine is described. A design iteration to improve the weight and production cost associated with the original concept is discussed. Major rig tests included 15 hours of compressor testing to 80% design speed and the results are presented. Approximately 150 hours of cold flow testing showed duct loss to be less than the design goal. Combustor test results are presented for initial checkout tests. Turbine design and rig fabrication is discussed. From a materials study of six methods to fabricate rotors, two have been selected for further effort. A discussion of all six methods is given

    Technical and economic feasibility study of Metal 3D Printing in the Chemical Industry: Application to pump impellers

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    Les tècniques de fabricació d'Impressió 3D en Metall, també anomenada Fabricació Additiva (AM), es troben a la seva gènesi des d'un punt de vista d'aplicació industrial i divulgació massiva. Estan renovant el panorama de les tecnologies de producció disponibles fins a l'actualitat i així són/seran, a nivell industrial, una alternativa al procés de compra de materials (negociació de preus), fabricació de peces obsoletes (ja no comercialitzades) o noves i emmagatzematge/custòdia de recanvis tècnics per a la Indústria. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi se centra en l'aplicació de la fabricació additiva en metall per a impulsors de bombes a la indústria química, però també vàlid per a molts altres tipus d'indústria. L'abast del Projecte inclou la construcció de 2 impulsors metàl·lics de bomba, segons les estratègies 1 i 2 indicades a continuació: Estratègia 1: Fabricació AM tipus BJ (Binder Jetting) i posada en funcionament en una bomba centrífuga en una planta de Poliol/Poliglicol de Dow Chemical Ibérica SL, 30-octubre-2020, 6 mesos. Estratègia 2: Fabricació AM tipus SLM (Selective Laser Melting) i posada en funcionament en una bomba de buit a una planta d'hidrocarburs de Dow Chemical Ibérica SL, 16-juny-2022, 4 mesos. El desenvolupament del present treball es va basar en els passos següents: disseny/escaneig, fabricació, muntatge en bomba i posada en servei. Tot seguit es va procedir a l'anàlisi dels resultats una vegada posada en funcionament la bomba a planta. I, finalment, fer una comparació -en condicions normals de funcionament- amb el mateix servei anterior i amb el mateix tipus d'impulsor metàl·lic però fabricat de manera convencional. Aquest treball va demostrar que la implementació de tecnologies AM en metall per a processos químics és una solució útil per a fabricar recanvis que podrien ser difícils de replicar amb altres tecnologies convencionals i, a més, brinda/demostra potencials beneficis econòmics.Las técnicas de fabricación de Impresión 3D en Metal, también denominada Fabricación Aditiva (AM), se encuentran en su génesis desde un punto de vista de aplicación industrial y divulgación masiva. Están renovando el panorama de las tecnologías de producción disponibles hasta la actualidad y así son/serán, en el ámbito Industrial, una alternativa al proceso de compra de materiales (negociación de precios), fabricación de piezas obsoletas (ya no comercializadas) o nuevas y almacenamiento/custodia de repuestos técnicos para la Industria. El objetivo de este estudio se centra en la aplicación de la Fabricación Aditiva en metal para impulsores de bombas en la Industria Química, pero también válido para muchos otros tipos de Industria. El alcance del Proyecto incluye la construcción de 2 impulsores metálicos de bomba, según las estrategias 1 y 2 indicadas a continuación: Estrategia 1: Fabricación AM tipo BJ (Binder Jetting) y puesta en funcionamiento en una bomba centrífuga en una planta de Poliol/Poliglicol de Dow Chemical Ibérica SL, 30- octubre- 2020, 6 meses. Estrategia 2: Fabricación AM tipo SLM (Selective Laser Melting) y puesta en funcionamiento en una bomba de vacío en una planta de hidrocarburos de Dow Chemical Ibérica SL, 16-junio-2022, 4 meses. El desarrollo del presente trabajo se basó en los siguientes pasos: diseño/escaneo, fabricación, montaje en bomba y puesta en servicio. A continuación se procedió al análisis de los resultados una vez puesta en funcionamiento la bomba en planta. Y, por último, hacer una comparación -en condiciones normales de funcionamiento- con el mismo servicio anterior y con el mismo tipo de impulsor metálico pero fabricado de forma convencional. Este trabajo demostró que la implementación de tecnologías AM en metal para procesos químicos es una solución útil para fabricar recambios que podrían ser difíciles de replicar con otras tecnologías y, además, brinda/demuestra potenciales beneficios económicos.The Metal 3D Printing fabrication techniques, also named Additive Manufacturing (AM), are in its birth starting point from the perspective of industrial applications and worldwide massive divulgation. The emergence of AM is renovating the landscape of available production technologies with multiple different and potential uses. Among them, in the Industrial field, as an alternative to the process of materials purchasing (price negotiations), manufacturing obsolete (not yet in the market) or new pieces and storage/custody of technical spare parts for the Chemical Industry. The purpose of this study focus on the application of Additive Manufacturing in metal for pump impellers in the Chemical Industry, but also in many other types of Industry. The scope of the project includes the construction of 2 metallic pump impellers, according to strategies 1 and 2 indicated below: Strategy 1: Manufacture additive technology type BJ (Binder Jetting) put into operation in a centrifugal pump at a Polyol/Polyglycol plant of Dow Chemical Ibérica SL from October 30, 2020, 6 months. Strategy 2: Manufacture additive technology type SLM (Selective Laser Melting) put into operation in a vacuum pump at a hydrocarbon plant of Dow Chemical Ibérica SL from October 16, 2022, 4 months. The development of the present work was based on next steps: design/scanning, manufacturing, pump assembly and commissioning. Next was analysis of the results once the pump is assembled and put into operation in the plant. And finally, make a comparison - under normal operating conditions - with the same previous service and with the same type of metal impeller but manufactured in a conventional way. This work further demonstrated that the implementation of metal additive manufacturing technologies in chemical process is a useful solution to fabricate spare parts that could be difficult to replicate with other technologies, providing potential economic benefits