139 research outputs found

    Simulating Train Dispatching Logic with High-Level Petri Nets

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    Railway simulation is commonly used as a tool for planning and analysis of railway traffic in operational, tactical and strategical level. During the simulation, a typical problem is a deadlock, i.e. a specific composition of trains on a simulated section positioned in such a way that they are blocking each other\u27s paths. Deadlock avoidance is very important in the simulation of railways because deadlock can stop the simulation, and significantly affect the simulation results. Simulation of train movements on a single track line requires implantation of additional rules and principles of train spacing and movement as train paths are more often in conflict than on a double track line. A High-level Petri Nets simulation model that detects and manages train path conflicts on a single track railway line is presented. Module for train management is connected to other modules on a hierarchical High-level Petri net. The model was tested on a busy single track mainline between Hrpelje-Kozina and Koper in south-western Slovenia

    Practical Use of High-level Petri Nets

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Practical Use of High-level Petri Nets, June 27, 2000. The workshop is part of the 21st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The workshop papers are available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/pn2000/proceeding

    Practical Use of High-level Petri Nets

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Practical Use of High-level Petri Nets, June 27, 2000. The workshop is part of the 21st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The workshop papers are available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/pn2000/proceeding

    Modelling methodologies for railway asset management

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    Management of railway assets incurs significant expenditure. Railway asset management modelling can predict the cost and efficacy of an asset management plan, and thus support the asset management planning process. Modelling frameworks can be used to facilitate the development of large, multi-asset, whole life cycle models which can be used to represent large sections of rail track and associated assets. This is achieved with libraries of models and tools with a high level of inter-compatibility. This research set out to support the development of modelling frameworks for railway asset management. It sought to determine the state of the art of railway asset management modelling in order to find which assets require further modelling development before they can be suitably represented in a framework’s model library. It also sought to determine the most accurate and suitable modelling methodology to base the framework upon. These aims were met by first carrying out a literature review to determine the state of the art of asset management modelling for major railway asset types. This review found Petri net models solved via Monte Carlo methods to be the most suitable modelling methodology for asset management. The level crossing asset class was chosen for the development of several models to explore the different types of Petri net model, concentrating on the computational resources required. This asset class was chosen as no asset management model was found in literature, and the diversity of the asset interactions. Literature review found several asset classes in need of further development, and some where asset management modelling may not be possible without other advances. The level crossing Petri net models developed demonstrated that computational requirements differ between the various types of Petri net. Stochastic Petri nets were found to simulate quickly, but had a high memory requirement. Coloured Petri nets were found to have the opposite requirements. A novel Petri net type, the Simple Coloured Petri net was developed to create a balance in computational cost. It was further found that complex processes such as scheduling and resource allocation can only be carried out using Coloured Petri nets due to their enhanced feature set. This work has found that further research on modelling specific asset classes is required to enable the development of a complete asset modelling library for use in a framework. If large models are to be developed, it is recommended that the Simple Coloured Petri net be used to balance computational requirements. Any models requiring complex functions should be developed using the Coloured Petri net methodology

    Tenth Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools Aarhus, Denmark, October 19-21, 2009

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, October 19-21, 2009. The workshop is organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The papers are also available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.cs.au.dk/CPnets/events/workshop0

    Modelling methodologies for railway asset management

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    Management of railway assets incurs significant expenditure. Railway asset management modelling can predict the cost and efficacy of an asset management plan, and thus support the asset management planning process. Modelling frameworks can be used to facilitate the development of large, multi-asset, whole life cycle models which can be used to represent large sections of rail track and associated assets. This is achieved with libraries of models and tools with a high level of inter-compatibility. This research set out to support the development of modelling frameworks for railway asset management. It sought to determine the state of the art of railway asset management modelling in order to find which assets require further modelling development before they can be suitably represented in a framework’s model library. It also sought to determine the most accurate and suitable modelling methodology to base the framework upon. These aims were met by first carrying out a literature review to determine the state of the art of asset management modelling for major railway asset types. This review found Petri net models solved via Monte Carlo methods to be the most suitable modelling methodology for asset management. The level crossing asset class was chosen for the development of several models to explore the different types of Petri net model, concentrating on the computational resources required. This asset class was chosen as no asset management model was found in literature, and the diversity of the asset interactions. Literature review found several asset classes in need of further development, and some where asset management modelling may not be possible without other advances. The level crossing Petri net models developed demonstrated that computational requirements differ between the various types of Petri net. Stochastic Petri nets were found to simulate quickly, but had a high memory requirement. Coloured Petri nets were found to have the opposite requirements. A novel Petri net type, the Simple Coloured Petri net was developed to create a balance in computational cost. It was further found that complex processes such as scheduling and resource allocation can only be carried out using Coloured Petri nets due to their enhanced feature set. This work has found that further research on modelling specific asset classes is required to enable the development of a complete asset modelling library for use in a framework. If large models are to be developed, it is recommended that the Simple Coloured Petri net be used to balance computational requirements. Any models requiring complex functions should be developed using the Coloured Petri net methodology

    Ingénierie de modèle pour la sécurité des systèmes critiques ferroviaires

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    Development and application of formal languages are a long-standing challenge within the computer science domain. One particular challenge is the acceptance of industry. This thesis presents some model-based methodologies for modelling and verification of the French railway interlocking systems (RIS). The first issue is the modellization of interlocking system by coloured Petri nets (CPNs). A generic and compact modelling framework is introduced, in which the interlocking rules are modelled in a hierarchical structure while the railway layout is modelled in a geographical perspective. Then, a modelling pattern is presented, which is a parameterized model respecting the French national rules. It is a reusable solution that can be applied in different stations. Then, an event-based concept is brought into the modelling process of low-level part of RIS to better describe internal interactions of relay-based logic. The second issue is the transformation of coloured Petri nets into B machines, which can help designers on the way from analysis to implementation. Firstly, a detailed mapping methodology from non-hierarchical CPNs to abstract B machine notations is presented. Then the hierarchy and the transition priority of CPNs are successively integrated into the mapping process, in order to enrich the adaptability of the transformation. This transformation is compatible with various types of colour sets and the transformed B machines can be automatically proved by Atelier B. All these works at different levels contribute towards a global safe analysis frameworkLe développement et l’application des langages formels sont un défi à long terme pour la science informatique. Un enjeu particulier est l’acceptation par l’industrie. Cette thèse présente une approche pour la modélisation et la vérification des postes d’aiguillage français. La première question est la modélisation du système d’enclenchement par les réseaux de Petri colorés (RdPC). Un cadre de modélisation générique et compact est introduit, dans lequel les règles d’enclenchement sont modélisées dans une structure hiérarchique, tandis que les installations sont modélisées dans une perspective géographique. Ensuite, un patron de modèle est présenté. C’est un modèle paramétré qui intègre les règles nationales françaises qui peut être appliquée pour différentes gares. Puis, un concept basé sur l’événement est présenté dans le processus de modélisation des parties basses des postes d’aiguillage. La deuxième question est la transformation des RdPCs en machines B, qui va aider les concepteurs sur la route de l’analyse à application. Tout d’abord, une méthodologie détaillée, s’appuyant sur une table de correspondance, du RdPCs non-hiérarchiques vers les notations B est présentée. Ensuite, la hiérarchie et la priorité des transitions du RdPC sont successivement intégrées dans le processus de mapping, afin d’enrichir les possibilités de types de modèles en entrées de la transformation. Les machines B produites par la transformation permettent la preuve automatique intégrale par l’Atelier B. L’ensemble de ces travaux, chacun à leur niveau, contribuent à renforcer l’efficacité d’un cadre global d’analyse sécuritair
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