20 research outputs found

    Investigation of indoor positioning based on WLAN 802.11

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    The need for location based services has dramatically increased within the past few years, especially with the popularity and capability of mobile device such as smart phones and tablets. The limitation of GPS for indoor positioning has seen an increase of indoor positioning based on Wireless Local Area Network 802.11.\ud This thesis reviews the various different techniques used by applications to determine one’s location through the measurement of Wi-Fi signals. It particularly focuses on the Cisco Context-Aware Mobility which provides a Real Time Location System solution based on Wi-Fi. It details the implementation of an Android application, developed to communicate with the Cisco Context-Aware Mobility to visually display the location of the mobile device. The application was tested in a production environment. Limitations in the production environment along with the diagnostic capabilities of the Context-Aware Mobility were identified

    Discovering user mobility and activity in smart lighting environments

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    "Smart lighting" environments seek to improve energy efficiency, human productivity and health by combining sensors, controls, and Internet-enabled lights with emerging “Internet-of-Things” technology. Interesting and potentially impactful applications involve adaptive lighting that responds to individual occupants' location, mobility and activity. In this dissertation, we focus on the recognition of user mobility and activity using sensing modalities and analytical techniques. This dissertation encompasses prior work using body-worn inertial sensors in one study, followed by smart-lighting inspired infrastructure sensors deployed with lights. The first approach employs wearable inertial sensors and body area networks that monitor human activities with a user's smart devices. Real-time algorithms are developed to (1) estimate angles of excess forward lean to prevent risk of falls, (2) identify functional activities, including postures, locomotion, and transitions, and (3) capture gait parameters. Two human activity datasets are collected from 10 healthy young adults and 297 elder subjects, respectively, for laboratory validation and real-world evaluation. Results show that these algorithms can identify all functional activities accurately with a sensitivity of 98.96% on the 10-subject dataset, and can detect walking activities and gait parameters consistently with high test-retest reliability (p-value < 0.001) on the 297-subject dataset. The second approach leverages pervasive "smart lighting" infrastructure to track human location and predict activities. A use case oriented design methodology is considered to guide the design of sensor operation parameters for localization performance metrics from a system perspective. Integrating a network of low-resolution time-of-flight sensors in ceiling fixtures, a recursive 3D location estimation formulation is established that links a physical indoor space to an analytical simulation framework. Based on indoor location information, a label-free clustering-based method is developed to learn user behaviors and activity patterns. Location datasets are collected when users are performing unconstrained and uninstructed activities in the smart lighting testbed under different layout configurations. Results show that the activity recognition performance measured in terms of CCR ranges from approximately 90% to 100% throughout a wide range of spatio-temporal resolutions on these location datasets, insensitive to the reconfiguration of environment layout and the presence of multiple users.2017-02-17T00:00:00

    New Approach of Indoor and Outdoor Localization Systems

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    Accurate determination of the mobile position constitutes the basis of many new applications. This book provides a detailed account of wireless systems for positioning, signal processing, radio localization techniques (Time Difference Of Arrival), performances evaluation, and localization applications. The first section is dedicated to Satellite systems for positioning like GPS, GNSS. The second section addresses the localization applications using the wireless sensor networks. Some techniques are introduced for localization systems, especially for indoor positioning, such as Ultra Wide Band (UWB), WIFI. The last section is dedicated to Coupled GPS and other sensors. Some results of simulations, implementation and tests are given to help readers grasp the presented techniques. This is an ideal book for students, PhD students, academics and engineers in the field of Communication, localization & Signal Processing, especially in indoor and outdoor localization domains

    Concept of a Robust & Training-free Probabilistic System for Real-time Intention Analysis in Teams

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    Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse von Teamintentionen in Smart Environments (SE). Die fundamentale Aussage der Arbeit ist, dass die Entwicklung und Integration expliziter Modelle von Nutzeraufgaben einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Entwicklung mobiler und ubiquitärer Softwaresysteme liefern können. Die Arbeit sammelt Beschreibungen von menschlichem Verhalten sowohl in Gruppensituationen als auch Problemlösungssituationen. Sie untersucht, wie SE-Projekte die Aktivitäten eines Nutzers modellieren, und liefert ein Teamintentionsmodell zur Ableitung und Auswahl geplanten Teamaktivitäten mittels der Beobachtung mehrerer Nutzer durch verrauschte und heterogene Sensoren. Dazu wird ein auf hierarchischen dynamischen Bayes’schen Netzen basierender Ansatz gewählt

    Human-Computer Interaction

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    In this book the reader will find a collection of 31 papers presenting different facets of Human Computer Interaction, the result of research projects and experiments as well as new approaches to design user interfaces. The book is organized according to the following main topics in a sequential order: new interaction paradigms, multimodality, usability studies on several interaction mechanisms, human factors, universal design and development methodologies and tools

    Determining Additional Modulus of Subgarde Reaction Based on Tolerable Settlement for the Nailed-slab System Resting on Soft Clay.

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    Abstract—Nailed-slab System is a proposed alternative solution for rigid pavement problem on soft soils. Equivalent modulus of subgrade reaction (k’) can be used in designing of nailed-slab system. This modular is the cumulative of modulus of subgrade reaction from plate load test (k) and additional modulus of subgrade reaction due to pile installing (∆∆∆∆k). A recent method has used reduction of pile resistance approach in determining ∆∆∆∆k. The relative displacement between pile and soils, and reduction of pile resistance has been identified. In fact, determining of reduction of pile resistance is difficult. This paper proposes an approach by considering tolerable settlement of rigid pavement. Validation is carried out with respect to a loading test of nailed-slab models. The models are presented as strip section of rigid pavement. The theory of beams on elastic foundation is used to calculate the slab deflection by using k’. Proposed approach can results in deflection prediction close to observed one. In practice, the Nailed-slab System would be constructed by multiple-row piles. Designing this system based on one-pile row analysis will give more safety design and will consume less time

    Ambient assisted living systems for older people with Alzheimer’s

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    The older people population in the world is increasing as a result of advances in technology, public health, nutrition and medicine. People aged sixty or over were more than 11.5% of the global population in 2012. By 2050, this percentage is expected to be doubled to two billion and around thirty-three countries will have more than ten million people aged sixty or more each. With increasing population age around the word, medical and everyday support for the older people, especially those who live with Alzheimer’s who can't be trusted for consistence interaction with their environment, attract the attention of scientists and health care providers. Existing provisions are often deemed inadequate; e.g.; current UK housing services for the older people are inadequate for an aging population both in terms of quality and quantity. Many older people prefer to spend their remaining life in their home environment; over 40% of the older people have concerns about having to move into a care home when they become old and nearly 70% of them worry about losing their independence or becoming dependent on others. There is, therefore, a growing interest in the design and implementation of smart and intelligent Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems that can provide everyday support to enable the older people to live independently in their homes. Moreover, such systems will reduce the cost of health care that governments have to tackle in providing assistance for this category of citizens. It also relieves relatives from continuous and often tedious supervision of these people around the clock, so that their life and commitments are not severely affected. Hence, recognition, categorization, and decision-making for such peoples’ everyday life activities is very important to the design of proper and effective intelligent support systems that are able to provide the necessary help for them in the right manner and time. Consequently, the collection of monitoring data for such people around the clock to record their vital signs, environmental conditions, health condition, and activities is the entry level to design such systems. This study aims to capture everyday activities using ambient sensory II information and proposes an intelligent decision support system for older people living with Alzheimer’s through conducting field study research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia within their homes and health care centres. The study considers the older people, who live with Alzheimer’s in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Since Alzheimer’s is a special form of dementia that can be supported in early stages with the ambient assistive systems. Further, the results of the field study can also be generalized to societies, which are interested in the mental and cognitive behaviour of older people. This generalization is related to the existence of common similarities in their daily life. Moreover, the approach is a generalized approach. Hence it can also be utilized on a new society which is conducting the same field study. This study initially presents a real-life observation process to identify the most common activities for these patients’ group. Then, a survey analysis is carried out to identify the daily life activities based on the observation. The survey analysis is accomplished using a U-test (Mann-Whitney). According to the analysis, it has been found that these people have fourteen common activities. However, three of these activities such as sleeping, walking (standing) and sitting cover about 72% of overall activities. Therefore, this study focuses on the recognition of these three common activities to demonstrate the effectiveness of the research. The activity recognition is carried out using a common image processing technique, called Phase-Correlation and Log-Polar (PCLP) transformation. According to results, the techniques predicted human activities of about 43.7%. However, this ratio is low to utilise for further analysis. Therefore, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)- based PCLP model is developed to increase the accuracy of activity recognition. The enhanced PCLP transformation method can predict nearly 80% of the evaluated activities. Moreover, this study also presents a decision support system for Alzheimer’s people, which will provide these people with a safe environment. The decision support system utilises an extended sensory-based system, including a vision sensor, vital signs sensor and environmental sensor with expert rules. The proposed system was implemented on an older people patient with 87.2% accuracy

    Ambient assisted living systems for older people with Alzheimer’s

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    The older people population in the world is increasing as a result of advances in technology, public health, nutrition and medicine. People aged sixty or over were more than 11.5% of the global population in 2012. By 2050, this percentage is expected to be doubled to two billion and around thirty-three countries will have more than ten million people aged sixty or more each. With increasing population age around the word, medical and everyday support for the older people, especially those who live with Alzheimer’s who can't be trusted for consistence interaction with their environment, attract the attention of scientists and health care providers. Existing provisions are often deemed inadequate; e.g.; current UK housing services for the older people are inadequate for an aging population both in terms of quality and quantity. Many older people prefer to spend their remaining life in their home environment; over 40% of the older people have concerns about having to move into a care home when they become old and nearly 70% of them worry about losing their independence or becoming dependent on others. There is, therefore, a growing interest in the design and implementation of smart and intelligent Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems that can provide everyday support to enable the older people to live independently in their homes. Moreover, such systems will reduce the cost of health care that governments have to tackle in providing assistance for this category of citizens. It also relieves relatives from continuous and often tedious supervision of these people around the clock, so that their life and commitments are not severely affected. Hence, recognition, categorization, and decision-making for such peoples’ everyday life activities is very important to the design of proper and effective intelligent support systems that are able to provide the necessary help for them in the right manner and time. Consequently, the collection of monitoring data for such people around the clock to record their vital signs, environmental conditions, health condition, and activities is the entry level to design such systems. This study aims to capture everyday activities using ambient sensory II information and proposes an intelligent decision support system for older people living with Alzheimer’s through conducting field study research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia within their homes and health care centres. The study considers the older people, who live with Alzheimer’s in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Since Alzheimer’s is a special form of dementia that can be supported in early stages with the ambient assistive systems. Further, the results of the field study can also be generalized to societies, which are interested in the mental and cognitive behaviour of older people. This generalization is related to the existence of common similarities in their daily life. Moreover, the approach is a generalized approach. Hence it can also be utilized on a new society which is conducting the same field study. This study initially presents a real-life observation process to identify the most common activities for these patients’ group. Then, a survey analysis is carried out to identify the daily life activities based on the observation. The survey analysis is accomplished using a U-test (Mann-Whitney). According to the analysis, it has been found that these people have fourteen common activities. However, three of these activities such as sleeping, walking (standing) and sitting cover about 72% of overall activities. Therefore, this study focuses on the recognition of these three common activities to demonstrate the effectiveness of the research. The activity recognition is carried out using a common image processing technique, called Phase-Correlation and Log-Polar (PCLP) transformation. According to results, the techniques predicted human activities of about 43.7%. However, this ratio is low to utilise for further analysis. Therefore, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)- based PCLP model is developed to increase the accuracy of activity recognition. The enhanced PCLP transformation method can predict nearly 80% of the evaluated activities. Moreover, this study also presents a decision support system for Alzheimer’s people, which will provide these people with a safe environment. The decision support system utilises an extended sensory-based system, including a vision sensor, vital signs sensor and environmental sensor with expert rules. The proposed system was implemented on an older people patient with 87.2% accuracy