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    Hubungan Waktu Tunggu Dengan Kecemasan Pasien Di Unit Gawat Darurat RSU Gmim Pancaran Kasih Manado

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    : One form of service quality often complained of patients is the waiting time. The waiting time is the time the patient arrives at the emergency room starting from registration to the administration or from the triage process to completion of service in the ER. Waiting can provide an emotional reaction to the patient, such as anxiety. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship with the patient's anxiety waiting time at IGD RSU GMIM Pancaran Kasih Manado. Samples are 40 respondents in the can by using the technique of accidential sampling. Design of descriptive analytic research with cross sectional approach and the data collected from respondents using STAI anxiety questionnaire and observation sheet. Chi square test research results obtained by the significant value of p = 0.011 <0.05. These results indicate that there is a relationship between the waiting time with the anxiety of patients in the Emergency Department RSU GMIM Pancaran Kasih Manado. Recommendations for further research are expected to investigate more about the influence of the first visit in the ER with a patient's anxiety level

    Not all suffering is pain: sources of patients' suffering in the emergency department call for improvements in communication from practitioners

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    Background Provision of prompt, effective analgesia is rightly considered as a standard of care in the emergency department (ED). However, much suffering is not ‘painful’ and may be under-recognised. We sought to describe the burden of suffering in the ED and explore how this may be best addressed from a patient centred perspective. Methods In a prospective cohort study, we included undifferentiated patients presenting to the ED. We undertook two face to face questionnaires with the first immediately following triage. We asked patients: (a) if they were ‘suffering’; (b) how they were suffering; and (c) what they hoped would be done to ease this. Prior to leaving the ED, we asked patients what had been done to ease their suffering. Data were analysed thematically. Results Of 125 patients included, 77 (61.6%) reported suffering on direct questioning and 92 (73.6%) listed at least one way in which they were suffering. 90 (72.0%) patients had a pain score >0/10 but only 37 (29.6%) reported that pain was causing suffering. Patients reported suffering from both physical symptoms (especially pain, nausea, vomiting and dizziness) and emotional distress (notably anxiety). Treatment (to ease physical and emotional symptoms), information (particularly diagnosis, reassurance and explanation), care (notably friendly staff) and closure (being seen, resolving the problem and going home) were the key themes identified as important for relief of suffering. Conclusions In seeking to ease suffering in the ED, clinicians must focus not only on providing analgesia but on treating Emotional distress, Physical symptoms, providing Information, Care and Closure (EPICC)

    Improving Patient Satisfaction with the Virtual Handoff Process through the Utilization of Educational Pamphlets in the Emergency Department

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    Boarding patients in the emergency room while waiting to transfer the patient to the proper unit can be harmful to clinical care and have significant financial opportunity costs. At one local hospital it was found that on average patients were being boarded in the emergency room (ED) for approximately 85 minutes waiting to be transferred. Several barriers that caused this delay were found including, delay in room cleaning, nurse staff shortage, and inability to give report to the nurse receiving the patient. In an attempt to combat this delay which may be caused by a difficulty in giving patient report, this organization is rolling out a virtual bedside handoff process. While virtual technology is not a new concept, there are many patients that may not be comfortable with the technology. The purpose of the evidence-based project was to provide a written educational pamphlet that details the how’s and why’s of the virtual handoff process to the patient to be given upon admission. The goal of the educational pamphlet was to increase the patients’ satisfaction with the process. A pre-survey was given to a group of patients after they experienced the virtual handoff process to assess their comfort level. These results were compared to the post-survey results of patients that received the educational pamphlet prior to experiencing the virtual handoff process. Ten pre-surveys and seven post-surveys were analyzed utilizing SPSS and descriptive statistics. The analysis concluded that the participants who received the educational pamphlet felt more prepared for the virtual handoff process

    Realist evaluation of the impact of paediatric nurse practitioner clinics, specialist paediatric nurses, and a children’s community nursing team in deflecting attendance at emergency departments and urgent care centres by children with long-term conditions

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    In 2018, the Greater Manchester Children’s Health and Wellbeing Board developed a 10-point strategy to achieve its objectives, the sixth of which was to reduce unnecessary hospital attendances and admissions for children with long term conditions such as asthma, diabetes and epilepsy. Funding was secured from Manchester Academic Health Science Centre to commission an exploration of the impact of the Paediatric Nurse Practitioner Clinic within the context of the Family Services Model and the impact that the service was having on reducing attendance at urgent care centres or admission to hospital. Alternatives to taking children to the ED/UCC can be a preference. An integrated system, with elements able to book directly into others, with rapid access, information, health promotion, and follow-up were essential to success. Extra consultation time for proactive intervention, with sufficient nurses to provide a seven-days service were valued. Advertisement of the service to the public and to professionals is vital for uptake by professionals and the public

    Coming in Warm: Qualitative Study and Concept Map to Cultivate Patient‐Centered Empathy in Emergency Care

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    Background Increased empathy may improve patient perceptions and outcomes. No training tool has been derived to teach empathy to emergency care providers. Accordingly, we engaged patients to assist in creating a concept map to teach empathy to emergency care providers. Methods We recruited patients, patient caretakers and patient advocates with emergency department experience to participate in three separate focus groups (n = 18 participants). Facilitators guided discussion about behaviors that physicians should demonstrate in order to rapidly create trust, enhance patient perception that the physician understood the patient's point of view, needs, concerns, fears, and optimize patient/caregiver understanding of their experience. Verbatim transcripts from the three focus groups were read by the authors and by consensus, 5 major themes with 10 minor themes were identified. After creating a codebook with thematic definitions, one author reviewed all transcripts to a library of verbatim excerpts coded by theme. To test for inter‐rater reliability, two other authors similarly coded a random sample of 40% of the transcripts. Authors independently chose excerpts that represented consensus and strong emotional responses from participants. Results Approximately 90% of opinions and preferences fell within 15 themes, with five central themes: Provider transparency, Acknowledgement of patient's emotions, Provider disposition, Trust in physician, and Listening. Participants also highlighted the need for authenticity, context and individuality to enhance empathic communication. For empathy map content, patients offered example behaviors that promote perceptions of physician warmth, respect, physical touch, knowledge of medical history, explanation of tests, transparency, and treating patients as partners. The resulting concept map was named the “Empathy Circle”. Conclusions Focus group participants emphasized themes and tangible behaviors to improve empathy in emergency care. These were incorporated into the “Empathy Circle”, a novel concept map that can serve as the framework to teach empathy to emergency care providers

    Affection not affliction: The role of emotions in information systems and organizational change

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    Most IS research in both the technical/rational and socio-technical traditions ignores or marginalizes the emotionally charged behaviours through which individuals engage in, and cope with the consequences of, IS practice and associated organizational change. Even within the small body of work that engages with emotions through particular conceptual efforts, affections are often conceived as a phenomenon to be eradicated – an affliction requiring a cure. In this paper, I argue that emotions are always implicated in our lived experiences, crucially influencing how we come to our beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong. I draw from the theoretical work of Michel Foucault to argue for elaborating current notions of IS innovation as a moral and political struggle in which individuals’ beliefs and feelings are constantly tested. Finally, I demonstrate these ideas by reference to a case study that had considerable emotional impact, and highlight the implications for future work

    Debrief in Emergency Departments to Improve Compassion Fatigue and Promote Resiliency

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    The purpose of this case study was to describe compassion fatigue using one nurse\u27s experience as an example and to present the process of Personal Reflective Debrief as an intervention to prevent compassion fatigue in emergency department (ED) nurses. Debriefing after adverse outcomes using a structured model has been used in health care as a nonthreatening and relatively low-cost way to discuss unanticipated outcomes, identify opportunities for improvement, and heal as a group. There are many methods of debrief tailored to specific timing around events, specific populations of health care workers, and amount of time for debriefing. Debrief with personal and group reflection will help develop insights that nurses may need to understand their own emotions and experiences, as well as to develop knowledge that can be used in subsequent situations. Regular engagement in a proactive scheduled Personal Reflective Debrief has been identified as a method of promoting resiliency in an environment where the realities of emergency nursing make compassion fatigue an imminent concern. Nurses working in the ED normally experience some level of stress because of high acuity patients and high patient volume; yet, repeated exposure puts them at risk for developing compassion fatigue. The Personal Reflective Debrief is one way emergency nurses can alleviate some of this caring-related stress and thereby become more resilient. Increasing nurses\u27 resilience to workplace stress can counter compassion fatigue. The key is to provide planned, proactive resources to positively improve resiliency

    A survey of health care models that encompass multiple departments

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    In this survey we review quantitative health care models to illustrate the extent to which they encompass multiple hospital departments. The paper provides general overviews of the relationships that exists between major hospital departments and describes how these relationships are accounted for by researchers. We find the atomistic view of hospitals often taken by researchers is partially due to the ambiguity of patient care trajectories. To this end clinical pathways literature is reviewed to illustrate its potential for clarifying patient flows and for providing a holistic hospital perspective

    Development of a programme to facilitate interprofessional simulation-based training for final year undergraduate healthcare students

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    Original report can be found at: http://www.health.heacademy.ac.uk/publications/miniproject/alinier260109.pdfIntroduction: Students have few opportunities to practise alongside students from other disciplines. Simulation offers an ideal context to provide them with concrete experience in a safe and controlled environment. This project was about the development of a programme to facilitate interprofessional scenario-based simulation training for final year undergraduate healthcare students and explored whether simulation improved trainees’ knowledge of other healthcare discipline’s roles and skills. Methods: A multidisciplinary academic project team was created and trained for the development and facilitation of this project. The team worked on the development of appropriate multiprofessional scenarios and a strategy to recruit the final year students on a volunteer basis to the project. By the end of the project 95 students were involved in small groups to one of fifteen 3-hour interprofessional simulation sessions. Staff role played the relatives, doctor on call, and patient when it was more appropriate than using a patient simulator (Laerdal SimMan/SimBaby) in the simulated community setting and paediatric or adult emergency department. Each session had 3 to 4 of the following disciplines represented (Adult/Children/Learning Disability Nursing, Paramedic, Radiography, Physiotherapy) and each student observed and took part in one long and relevant high-fidelity scenario. Half the students were randomly selected to fill in a 40-item questionnaire testing their knowledge of other disciplines before the simulation (control group) and the others after (experimental group). Students were assessed on the questions relating to the disciplines represented in their session. Results: By the end of the project 95 questionnaires were collected of which 45 were control group students (Questionnaire before simulation) and 50 experimental group students (Questionnaire after simulation). Both groups were comparable in terms of gender, discipline and age representation. Participants were: Adult nurses (n=46), Children’s nurses (n=4), Learning Disability nurses (n=7), Nurses, Paramedics (n=8), Radiographers (n=20), Physiotherapists (n=8). 15 sessions were run with an average of around 7 participants and at least 3 disciplines represented. The knowledge test results about the disciplines represented was significantly different between the control and experimental groups (Control 73.80%, 95% CI 70.95-76.65; and Experimental 78.81%, 95% CI 75.76-81.87, p=0.02). In addition, there were sometimes reliable differences between the groups in their view of multidisciplinary training; confidence about working as part of a multidisciplinary team was 3.33 (SD=0.80, Control) and 3.79 (SD=0.90, Experimental), p=0.011; their anticipation that working as part of a multidisciplinary team would make them feel anxious was 2.67 (SD=1.17, Control) and 2.25 (SD=1.04, Experimental), p=0.073; their perception of their knowledge of what other healthcare professionals can or cannot do was 3.00 (SD=0.91, Control) and 3.35 (SD=0.93, Experimental), p=0.066; their view that learning with other healthcare students before qualification will improve their relationship after qualification was 3.93 (SD=1.14, Control) and 4.33 (SD=0.81, Experimental), p=0.055; their opinion about interprofessional learning helping them to become better team workers before qualification was 3.96 (SD=1.24, Control) and 4.42 (SD=0.77, Experimental), p=0.036. Conclusions: Although the difference is relatively small (~5%), the results demonstrate that students gained confidence and knowledge about the skills and role of other disciplines involved in their session. Through simulation, the positivism of students about different aspects of learning or working with other healthcare disciplines has significantly improved. Students gained knowledge of other disciplines simply by being given the opportunity to take part in a multiprofessional scenario and observe another one. The results of the test and their reported perception about multidisciplinary team working suggest that they are better prepared to enter the healthcare workforce. Discussions during the debriefings highlighted the fact that multidisciplinary training is important. The main challenges identified have been the voluntary student attendance and timetabling issues forcing us to run the session late in the day due to the number of disciplines involved in each session and their different placement rota. The aim is now to timetable formally this session within their curriculum. Introducing simulation in the undergraduate curriculum should facilitate its implementation as Continuing Professional Development once these students become qualified healthcare professionals