41 research outputs found

    The Frenchness of Marcel Lefebvre and the Society of St Pius X:a new reading

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    The case of Marcel Lefebvre and the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) deserves fresh perspectives. The current historiography is too franco-centric, focused on selective aspects of Lefebvre’s biography and the actions of isolated individuals, rather than with the life of the SSPX itself. After evaluating the current state of the historiography, this article proposes a new analysis of the SSPX’s political discourses in France and internationally and undertakes to reframe the relationship between Lefebvre’s life and his congregation by re-examining his African missionary experiences. Such new perspectives will be helpful as the SSPX moves towards regularisation under the pontificate of Pope Francis

    Franz-Xavier Bischof, Sylvio De Franceschi (éds.), Histoires antiromaines II. L’antiromanisme dans l’historiographie ecclésiastique catholique (xvie-xxe siècles)

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    Comme son titre l’indique, ce recueil est indissociable d’une première publication collective parue chez le même éditeur, dans la même collection, également sous la direction de Sylvio De Franceschi, en 2011. On pourrait ajouter à ces deux volumes, toujours sous la direction du même auteur, Antiromanisme doctrinal et romanité ecclésiale (Lyon, 2008) et Le pontife et l’erreur (Lyon, 2009). Nous sommes donc en présence d’un ensemble important consacré à l’antiromanisme catholique, bien moins co..

    Sylvio De Franceschi, Bernard Hours (dir.), « Droits antiromains xvie-xixe siècles. Juridictionalisme catholique et romanité ecclésiale »

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    La gravure à l’eau-forte qui figure en couverture de l’ouvrage est une claire illustration des enjeux politiques et doctrinaux qu’ont revêtus les rapports entre Rome et la catholicité européenne au cours de la période analysée. Œuvre du dessinateur G. Beys et du sculpteur A. Paggioli, elle représente la rencontre, à Vienne en 1802, du pape Pie VI et de l’empereur Joseph II. Franz Xaver Bischof, qui qualifie de « spectaculaire » (p. 211) le voyage du souverain pontife, rappelle que le pape éta..

    La lettre du cardinal Ottaviani et la réception du concile Vatican II en Hongrie

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    „De Signis Ecclesiae Dei”. L’ecclesiologia militante di Tommaso Bozio

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    What were the identifying marks of the true Church of God has been a strategic theological issue in the dispute between Catholics and Protestants in the modern age. Oratorian Tommaso Bozio’s De Signis Ecclesiae Dei (1592) represents a notable example of post-Tridentine controversialist theology, conceived in the Rome of the Counter Reformation as a form of a militant ecclesiology against heresy, to defend Catholic orthodoxy and aspiring to present itself as the theology of the Papal Magisterium. The article analyses the signa of the universality and of the Roman nature of the Catholic Church, of the primacy of the Roman Pontifex, source and foundation for any further spiritual and temporal power, and the signa of felicitas temporalis of the Spanish Monarchy as evidence of its historical adherence to the Ecclesia Dei.What were the identifying marks of the true Church of God has been a strategic theological issue in the dispute between Catholics and Protestants in the modern age. Oratorian Tommaso Bozio’s De Signis Ecclesiae Dei (1592) represents a notable example of post-Tridentine controversialist theology, conceived in the Rome of the Counter Reformation as a form of a militant ecclesiology against heresy, to defend Catholic orthodoxy and aspiring to present itself as the theology of the Papal Magisterium. The article analyses the signa of the universality and of the Roman nature of the Catholic Church, of the primacy of the Roman Pontifex, source and foundation for any further spiritual and temporal power, and the signa of felicitas temporalis of the Spanish Monarchy as evidence of its historical adherence to the Ecclesia Dei

    Ecrits historiques et excommunication sous Henri III et Henri IV

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    Cet article se propose d'examiner la notion d'excommunication à l'époque des guerres de Religion à travers les jugements des historiens contemporains de cette période