14 research outputs found

    Matchings with lower quotas: Algorithms and complexity

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    We study a natural generalization of the maximum weight many-to-one matching problem. We are given an undirected bipartite graph G=(A∪˙P,E)G=(A∪˙P,E) with weights on the edges in E, and with lower and upper quotas on the vertices in P. We seek a maximum weight many-to-one matching satisfying two sets of constraints: vertices in A are incident to at most one matching edge, while vertices in P are either unmatched or they are incident to a number of matching edges between their lower and upper quota. This problem, which we call maximum weight many-to-one matching with lower and upper quotas (WMLQ), has applications to the assignment of students to projects within university courses, where there are constraints on the minimum and maximum numbers of students that must be assigned to each project. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the complexity of WMLQ from the viewpoints of classical polynomial time algorithms, fixed-parameter tractability, as well as approximability. We draw the line between NPNP-hard and polynomially tractable instances in terms of degree and quota constraints and provide efficient algorithms to solve the tractable ones. We further show that the problem can be solved in polynomial time for instances with bounded treewidth; however, the corresponding runtime is exponential in the treewidth with the maximum upper quota umaxumax as basis, and we prove that this dependence is necessary unless FPT=W[1]FPT=W[1]. The approximability of WMLQ is also discussed: we present an approximation algorithm for the general case with performance guarantee umax+1umax+1, which is asymptotically best possible unless P=NPP=NP. Finally, we elaborate on how most of our positive results carry over to matchings in arbitrary graphs with lower quotas

    Finding a Maximum Restricted tt-Matching via Boolean Edge-CSP

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    The problem of finding a maximum 22-matching without short cycles has received significant attention due to its relevance to the Hamilton cycle problem. This problem is generalized to finding a maximum tt-matching which excludes specified complete tt-partite subgraphs, where tt is a fixed positive integer. The polynomial solvability of this generalized problem remains an open question. In this paper, we present polynomial-time algorithms for the following two cases of this problem: in the first case the forbidden complete tt-partite subgraphs are edge-disjoint; and in the second case the maximum degree of the input graph is at most 2t12t-1. Our result for the first case extends the previous work of Nam (1994) showing the polynomial solvability of the problem of finding a maximum 22-matching without cycles of length four, where the cycles of length four are vertex-disjoint. The second result expands upon the works of B\'{e}rczi and V\'{e}gh (2010) and Kobayashi and Yin (2012), which focused on graphs with maximum degree at most t+1t+1. Our algorithms are obtained from exploiting the discrete structure of restricted tt-matchings and employing an algorithm for the Boolean edge-CSP.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Ear-Slicing for Matchings in Hypergraphs

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    We study when a given edge of a factor-critical graph is contained in a matching avoiding exactly one, pregiven vertex of the graph. We then apply the results to always partition the vertex-set of a 33-regular, 33-uniform hypergraph into at most one triangle (hyperedge of size 33) and edges (subsets of size 22 of hyperedges), corresponding to the intuition, and providing new insight to triangle and edge packings of Cornu\'ejols' and Pulleyblank's. The existence of such a packing can be considered to be a hypergraph variant of Petersen's theorem on perfect matchings, and leads to a simple proof for a sharpening of Lu's theorem on antifactors of graphs

    Many-to-one matchings with lower quotas : algorithms and complexity

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    We study a natural generalization of the maximum weight many-to-one matching problem. We are given an undirected bipartite graph G = (AUP,E) with weights on the edges in E, and with lower and upper quotas on the vertices in P. We seek a maximum weight many-toone matching satisfying two sets of constraints: vertices in A are incident to at most one matching edge, while vertices in P are either unmatched or they are incident to a number of matching edges between their lower and upper quota. This problem, which we call maximum weight many-toone matching with lower and upper quotas (wmlq), has applications to the assignment of students to projects within university courses, where there are constraints on the minimum and maximum numbers of students that must be assigned to each project. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the complexity of wmlq from the viewpoints of classic polynomial time algorithms, fixed-parameter tractability, as well as approximability. We draw the line between NP-hard and polynomially tractable instances in terms of degree and quota constraints and provide efficient algorithms to solve the tractable ones. We further show that the problem can be solved in polynomial time for instances with bounded treewidth; however, the corresponding runtime is exponential in the treewidth with the maximum upper quota umax as basis, and we prove that this dependence is necessary unless FPT = W[1]. Finally, we also present an approximation algorithm for the general case with performance guarantee umax+1, which is asymptotically best possible unless P = NP

    Matchings with lower quotas : algorithms and complexity

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    We study a natural generalization of the maximum weight many-to-one matching problem. We are given an undirected bipartite graph G=(A∪˙P,E) with weights on the edges in E, and with lower and upper quotas on the vertices in P. We seek a maximum weight many-to-one matching satisfying two sets of constraints: vertices in A are incident to at most one matching edge, while vertices in P are either unmatched or they are incident to a number of matching edges between their lower and upper quota. This problem, which we call maximum weight many-to-one matching with lower and upper quotas (WMLQ), has applications to the assignment of students to projects within university courses, where there are constraints on the minimum and maximum numbers of students that must be assigned to each project. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the complexity of WMLQ from the viewpoints of classical polynomial time algorithms, fixed-parameter tractability, as well as approximability. We draw the line between NP-hard and polynomially tractable instances in terms of degree and quota constraints and provide efficient algorithms to solve the tractable ones. We further show that the problem can be solved in polynomial time for instances with bounded treewidth; however, the corresponding runtime is exponential in the treewidth with the maximum upper quota umax as basis, and we prove that this dependence is necessary unless FPT=W[1]. The approximability of WMLQ is also discussed: we present an approximation algorithm for the general case with performance guarantee umax+1, which is asymptotically best possible unless P=NP. Finally, we elaborate on how most of our positive results carry over to matchings in arbitrary graphs with lower quotas

    Matchings with lower quotas: Algorithms and complexity = Alsó kvótás párosítások: algoritmusok és komplexitás

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    Efficient Recognition of Subgraphs of Planar Cubic Bridgeless Graphs

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    The Parameterized Complexity of Degree Constrained Editing Problems

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    This thesis examines degree constrained editing problems within the framework of parameterized complexity. A degree constrained editing problem takes as input a graph and a set of constraints and asks whether the graph can be altered in at most k editing steps such that the degrees of the remaining vertices are within the given constraints. Parameterized complexity gives a framework for examining problems that are traditionally considered intractable and developing efficient exact algorithms for them, or showing that it is unlikely that they have such algorithms, by introducing an additional component to the input, the parameter, which gives additional information about the structure of the problem. If the problem has an algorithm that is exponential in the parameter, but polynomial, with constant degree, in the size of the input, then it is considered to be fixed-parameter tractable. Parameterized complexity also provides an intractability framework for identifying problems that are likely to not have such an algorithm. Degree constrained editing problems provide natural parameterizations in terms of the total cost k of vertex deletions, edge deletions and edge additions allowed, and the upper bound r on the degree of the vertices remaining after editing. We define a class of degree constrained editing problems, WDCE, which generalises several well know problems, such as Degree r Deletion, Cubic Subgraph, r-Regular Subgraph, f-Factor and General Factor. We show that in general if both k and r are part of the parameter, problems in the WDCE class are fixed-parameter tractable, and if parameterized by k or r alone, the problems are intractable in a parameterized sense. We further show cases of WDCE that have polynomial time kernelizations, and in particular when all the degree constraints are a single number and the editing operations include vertex deletion and edge deletion we show that there is a kernel with at most O(kr(k + r)) vertices. If we allow vertex deletion and edge addition, we show that despite remaining fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by k and r together, the problems are unlikely to have polynomial sized kernelizations, or polynomial time kernelizations of a certain form, under certain complexity theoretic assumptions. We also examine a more general case where given an input graph the question is whether with at most k deletions the graph can be made r-degenerate. We show that in this case the problems are intractable, even when r is a constant


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