12 research outputs found

    Data Hiding and Its Applications

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    Data hiding techniques have been widely used to provide copyright protection, data integrity, covert communication, non-repudiation, and authentication, among other applications. In the context of the increased dissemination and distribution of multimedia content over the internet, data hiding methods, such as digital watermarking and steganography, are becoming increasingly relevant in providing multimedia security. The goal of this book is to focus on the improvement of data hiding algorithms and their different applications (both traditional and emerging), bringing together researchers and practitioners from different research fields, including data hiding, signal processing, cryptography, and information theory, among others

    Cybersecurity applications of Blockchain technologies

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    With the increase in connectivity, the popularization of cloud services, and the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), decentralized approaches for trust management are gaining momentum. Since blockchain technologies provide a distributed ledger, they are receiving massive attention from the research community in different application fields. However, this technology does not provide cybersecurity by itself. Thus, this thesis first aims to provide a comprehensive review of techniques and elements that have been proposed to achieve cybersecurity in blockchain-based systems. The analysis is intended to target area researchers, cybersecurity specialists and blockchain developers. We present a series of lessons learned as well. One of them is the rise of Ethereum as one of the most used technologies. Furthermore, some intrinsic characteristics of the blockchain, like permanent availability and immutability made it interesting for other ends, namely as covert channels and malicious purposes. On the one hand, the use of blockchains by malwares has not been characterized yet. Therefore, this thesis also analyzes the current state of the art in this area. One of the lessons learned is that covert communications have received little attention. On the other hand, although previous works have analyzed the feasibility of covert channels in a particular blockchain technology called Bitcoin, no previous work has explored the use of Ethereum to establish a covert channel considering all transaction fields and smart contracts. To foster further defence-oriented research, two novel mechanisms are presented on this thesis. First, Zephyrus takes advantage of all Ethereum fields and smartcontract bytecode. Second, Smart-Zephyrus is built to complement Zephyrus by leveraging smart contracts written in Solidity. We also assess the mechanisms feasibility and cost. Our experiments show that Zephyrus, in the best case, can embed 40 Kbits in 0.57 s. for US1.64,andretrievethemin2.8s.SmartZephyrus,however,isabletohidea4Kbsecretin41s.Whilebeingexpensive(aroundUS 1.64, and retrieve them in 2.8 s. Smart-Zephyrus, however, is able to hide a 4 Kb secret in 41 s. While being expensive (around US 1.82 per bit), the provided stealthiness might be worth the price for attackers. Furthermore, these two mechanisms can be combined to increase capacity and reduce costs.Debido al aumento de la conectividad, la popularización de los servicios en la nube y el auge del Internet de las cosas (IoT), los enfoques descentralizados para la gestión de la confianza están cobrando impulso. Dado que las tecnologías de cadena de bloques (blockchain) proporcionan un archivo distribuido, están recibiendo una atención masiva por parte de la comunidad investigadora en diferentes campos de aplicación. Sin embargo, esta tecnología no proporciona ciberseguridad por sí misma. Por lo tanto, esta tesis tiene como primer objetivo proporcionar una revisión exhaustiva de las técnicas y elementos que se han propuesto para lograr la ciberseguridad en los sistemas basados en blockchain. Este análisis está dirigido a investigadores del área, especialistas en ciberseguridad y desarrolladores de blockchain. A su vez, se presentan una serie de lecciones aprendidas, siendo una de ellas el auge de Ethereum como una de las tecnologías más utilizadas. Asimismo, algunas características intrínsecas de la blockchain, como la disponibilidad permanente y la inmutabilidad, la hacen interesante para otros fines, concretamente como canal encubierto y con fines maliciosos. Por una parte, aún no se ha caracterizado el uso de la blockchain por parte de malwares. Por ello, esta tesis también analiza el actual estado del arte en este ámbito. Una de las lecciones aprendidas al analizar los datos es que las comunicaciones encubiertas han recibido poca atención. Por otro lado, aunque trabajos anteriores han analizado la viabilidad de los canales encubiertos en una tecnología blockchain concreta llamada Bitcoin, ningún trabajo anterior ha explorado el uso de Ethereum para establecer un canal encubierto considerando todos los campos de transacción y contratos inteligentes. Con el objetivo de fomentar una mayor investigación orientada a la defensa, en esta tesis se presentan dos mecanismos novedosos. En primer lugar, Zephyrus aprovecha todos los campos de Ethereum y el bytecode de los contratos inteligentes. En segundo lugar, Smart-Zephyrus complementa Zephyrus aprovechando los contratos inteligentes escritos en Solidity. Se evalúa, también, la viabilidad y el coste de ambos mecanismos. Los resultados muestran que Zephyrus, en el mejor de los casos, puede ocultar 40 Kbits en 0,57 s. por 1,64 US$, y recuperarlos en 2,8 s. Smart-Zephyrus, por su parte, es capaz de ocultar un secreto de 4 Kb en 41 s. Si bien es cierto que es caro (alrededor de 1,82 dólares por bit), el sigilo proporcionado podría valer la pena para los atacantes. Además, estos dos mecanismos pueden combinarse para aumentar la capacidad y reducir los costesPrograma de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José Manuel Estévez Tapiador.- Secretario: Jorge Blasco Alís.- Vocal: Luis Hernández Encina

    Security and trust in cloud computing and IoT through applying obfuscation, diversification, and trusted computing technologies

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    Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are very widely spread and commonly used technologies nowadays. The advanced services offered by cloud computing have made it a highly demanded technology. Enterprises and businesses are more and more relying on the cloud to deliver services to their customers. The prevalent use of cloud means that more data is stored outside the organization’s premises, which raises concerns about the security and privacy of the stored and processed data. This highlights the significance of effective security practices to secure the cloud infrastructure. The number of IoT devices is growing rapidly and the technology is being employed in a wide range of sectors including smart healthcare, industry automation, and smart environments. These devices collect and exchange a great deal of information, some of which may contain critical and personal data of the users of the device. Hence, it is highly significant to protect the collected and shared data over the network; notwithstanding, the studies signify that attacks on these devices are increasing, while a high percentage of IoT devices lack proper security measures to protect the devices, the data, and the privacy of the users. In this dissertation, we study the security of cloud computing and IoT and propose software-based security approaches supported by the hardware-based technologies to provide robust measures for enhancing the security of these environments. To achieve this goal, we use obfuscation and diversification as the potential software security techniques. Code obfuscation protects the software from malicious reverse engineering and diversification mitigates the risk of large-scale exploits. We study trusted computing and Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) as the hardware-based security solutions. Trusted Platform Module (TPM) provides security and trust through a hardware root of trust, and assures the integrity of a platform. We also study Intel SGX which is a TEE solution that guarantees the integrity and confidentiality of the code and data loaded onto its protected container, enclave. More precisely, through obfuscation and diversification of the operating systems and APIs of the IoT devices, we secure them at the application level, and by obfuscation and diversification of the communication protocols, we protect the communication of data between them at the network level. For securing the cloud computing, we employ obfuscation and diversification techniques for securing the cloud computing software at the client-side. For an enhanced level of security, we employ hardware-based security solutions, TPM and SGX. These solutions, in addition to security, ensure layered trust in various layers from hardware to the application. As the result of this PhD research, this dissertation addresses a number of security risks targeting IoT and cloud computing through the delivered publications and presents a brief outlook on the future research directions.Pilvilaskenta ja esineiden internet ovat nykyään hyvin tavallisia ja laajasti sovellettuja tekniikkoja. Pilvilaskennan pitkälle kehittyneet palvelut ovat tehneet siitä hyvin kysytyn teknologian. Yritykset enenevässä määrin nojaavat pilviteknologiaan toteuttaessaan palveluita asiakkailleen. Vallitsevassa pilviteknologian soveltamistilanteessa yritykset ulkoistavat tietojensa käsittelyä yrityksen ulkopuolelle, minkä voidaan nähdä nostavan esiin huolia taltioitavan ja käsiteltävän tiedon turvallisuudesta ja yksityisyydestä. Tämä korostaa tehokkaiden turvallisuusratkaisujen merkitystä osana pilvi-infrastruktuurin turvaamista. Esineiden internet -laitteiden lukumäärä on nopeasti kasvanut. Teknologiana sitä sovelletaan laajasti monilla sektoreilla, kuten älykkäässä terveydenhuollossa, teollisuusautomaatiossa ja älytiloissa. Sellaiset laitteet keräävät ja välittävät suuria määriä informaatiota, joka voi sisältää laitteiden käyttäjien kannalta kriittistä ja yksityistä tietoa. Tästä syystä johtuen on erittäin merkityksellistä suojata verkon yli kerättävää ja jaettavaa tietoa. Monet tutkimukset osoittavat esineiden internet -laitteisiin kohdistuvien tietoturvahyökkäysten määrän olevan nousussa, ja samaan aikaan suuri osuus näistä laitteista ei omaa kunnollisia teknisiä ominaisuuksia itse laitteiden tai niiden käyttäjien yksityisen tiedon suojaamiseksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan pilvilaskennan sekä esineiden internetin tietoturvaa ja esitetään ohjelmistopohjaisia tietoturvalähestymistapoja turvautumalla osittain laitteistopohjaisiin teknologioihin. Esitetyt lähestymistavat tarjoavat vankkoja keinoja tietoturvallisuuden kohentamiseksi näissä konteksteissa. Tämän saavuttamiseksi työssä sovelletaan obfuskaatiota ja diversifiointia potentiaalisiana ohjelmistopohjaisina tietoturvatekniikkoina. Suoritettavan koodin obfuskointi suojaa pahantahtoiselta ohjelmiston takaisinmallinnukselta ja diversifiointi torjuu tietoturva-aukkojen laaja-alaisen hyödyntämisen riskiä. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkitaan luotettua laskentaa ja luotettavan laskennan suoritusalustoja laitteistopohjaisina tietoturvaratkaisuina. TPM (Trusted Platform Module) tarjoaa turvallisuutta ja luottamuksellisuutta rakentuen laitteistopohjaiseen luottamukseen. Pyrkimyksenä on taata suoritusalustan eheys. Työssä tutkitaan myös Intel SGX:ää yhtenä luotettavan suorituksen suoritusalustana, joka takaa suoritettavan koodin ja datan eheyden sekä luottamuksellisuuden pohjautuen suojatun säiliön, saarekkeen, tekniseen toteutukseen. Tarkemmin ilmaistuna työssä turvataan käyttöjärjestelmä- ja sovellusrajapintatasojen obfuskaation ja diversifioinnin kautta esineiden internet -laitteiden ohjelmistokerrosta. Soveltamalla samoja tekniikoita protokollakerrokseen, työssä suojataan laitteiden välistä tiedonvaihtoa verkkotasolla. Pilvilaskennan turvaamiseksi työssä sovelletaan obfuskaatio ja diversifiointitekniikoita asiakaspuolen ohjelmistoratkaisuihin. Vankemman tietoturvallisuuden saavuttamiseksi työssä hyödynnetään laitteistopohjaisia TPM- ja SGX-ratkaisuja. Tietoturvallisuuden lisäksi nämä ratkaisut tarjoavat monikerroksisen luottamuksen rakentuen laitteistotasolta ohjelmistokerrokseen asti. Tämän väitöskirjatutkimustyön tuloksena, osajulkaisuiden kautta, vastataan moniin esineiden internet -laitteisiin ja pilvilaskentaan kohdistuviin tietoturvauhkiin. Työssä esitetään myös näkemyksiä jatkotutkimusaiheista

    Security and Privacy for the Modern World

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    The world is organized around technology that does not respect its users. As a precondition of participation in digital life, users cede control of their data to third-parties with murky motivations, and cannot ensure this control is not mishandled or abused. In this work, we create secure, privacy-respecting computing for the average user by giving them the tools to guarantee their data is shielded from prying eyes. We first uncover the side channels present when outsourcing scientific computation to the cloud, and address them by building a data-oblivious virtual environment capable of efficiently handling these workloads. Then, we explore stronger privacy protections for interpersonal communication through practical steganography, using it to hide sensitive messages in realistic cover distributions like English text. Finally, we discuss at-home cryptography, and leverage it to bind a user’s access to their online services and important files to a secure location, such as their smart home. This line of research represents a new model of digital life, one that is both full-featured and protected against the security and privacy threats of the modern world

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Applied Methuerstic computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Evaluation Methodologies in Software Protection Research

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    Man-at-the-end (MATE) attackers have full control over the system on which the attacked software runs, and try to break the confidentiality or integrity of assets embedded in the software. Both companies and malware authors want to prevent such attacks. This has driven an arms race between attackers and defenders, resulting in a plethora of different protection and analysis methods. However, it remains difficult to measure the strength of protections because MATE attackers can reach their goals in many different ways and a universally accepted evaluation methodology does not exist. This survey systematically reviews the evaluation methodologies of papers on obfuscation, a major class of protections against MATE attacks. For 572 papers, we collected 113 aspects of their evaluation methodologies, ranging from sample set types and sizes, over sample treatment, to performed measurements. We provide detailed insights into how the academic state of the art evaluates both the protections and analyses thereon. In summary, there is a clear need for better evaluation methodologies. We identify nine challenges for software protection evaluations, which represent threats to the validity, reproducibility, and interpretation of research results in the context of MATE attacks

    Cyber Law and Espionage Law as Communicating Vessels

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    Professor Lubin\u27s contribution is Cyber Law and Espionage Law as Communicating Vessels, pp. 203-225. Existing legal literature would have us assume that espionage operations and “below-the-threshold” cyber operations are doctrinally distinct. Whereas one is subject to the scant, amorphous, and under-developed legal framework of espionage law, the other is subject to an emerging, ever-evolving body of legal rules, known cumulatively as cyber law. This dichotomy, however, is erroneous and misleading. In practice, espionage and cyber law function as communicating vessels, and so are better conceived as two elements of a complex system, Information Warfare (IW). This paper therefore first draws attention to the similarities between the practices – the fact that the actors, technologies, and targets are interchangeable, as are the knee-jerk legal reactions of the international community. In light of the convergence between peacetime Low-Intensity Cyber Operations (LICOs) and peacetime Espionage Operations (EOs) the two should be subjected to a single regulatory framework, one which recognizes the role intelligence plays in our public world order and which adopts a contextual and consequential method of inquiry. The paper proceeds in the following order: Part 2 provides a descriptive account of the unique symbiotic relationship between espionage and cyber law, and further explains the reasons for this dynamic. Part 3 places the discussion surrounding this relationship within the broader discourse on IW, making the claim that the convergence between EOs and LICOs, as described in Part 2, could further be explained by an even larger convergence across all the various elements of the informational environment. Parts 2 and 3 then serve as the backdrop for Part 4, which details the attempt of the drafters of the Tallinn Manual 2.0 to compartmentalize espionage law and cyber law, and the deficits of their approach. The paper concludes by proposing an alternative holistic understanding of espionage law, grounded in general principles of law, which is more practically transferable to the cyber realmhttps://www.repository.law.indiana.edu/facbooks/1220/thumbnail.jp