4,129 research outputs found

    Experimental test of strongly non-classical character of a noisy squeezed single-photon state

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    We experimentally verify the quantum non-Gaussian character of a conditionally generated noisy squeezed single-photon state with positive Wigner function. Employing an optimized witness based on probabilities of squeezed vacuum and squeezed single-photon states we prove that the state cannot be expressed as a mixture of Gaussian states. In our experiment, the non-Gaussian state is generated by conditional subtraction of a single photon from squeezed vacuum state. The state is probed with a homodyne detector and the witness is determined by averaging a suitable pattern function over the measured homodyne data. Our experimental results are in good agreement with a theoretical fit obtained from a simple yet realistic model of the experimental setup.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, REVTeX

    Transformations of symmetric multipartite Gaussian states by Gaussian LOCC

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    Multipartite quantum correlations, in spite of years of intensive research, still leave many questions unanswered. While bipartite entanglement is relatively well understood for Gaussian states, the complexity of mere qualitative characterization grows rapidly with increasing number of parties. Here, we present two schemes for transformations of multipartite permutation invariant Gaussian states by Gaussian local operations and classical communication. To this end, we use a scheme for possible experimental realization, making use of the fact, that in this picture, the whole N - partite state can be described using two separable modes. Numerically, we study entanglement transformations of tripartite states. Finally, we look at the effect our protocols have on fidelity of assisted quantum teleportation and find that while adding correlated noise does not affect the fidelity at all, there is strong evidence that partial non-demolition measurement leads to a drop in teleportation fidelity.Comment: 9 page

    Homodyne estimation of Gaussian quantum discord

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    We address the experimental estimation of Gaussian quantum discord for two-mode squeezed thermal state, and demonstrate a measurement scheme based on a pair of homodyne detectors assisted by Bayesian analysis which provides nearly optimal estimation for small value of discord. Besides, though homodyne detection is not optimal for Gaussian discord, the noise ratio to the ultimate quantum limit, as dictacted by the quantum Cramer-Rao bound, is limited to about 10 dB.Comment: 5+3 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Cram\'er-Rao bound for time-continuous measurements in linear Gaussian quantum systems

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    We describe a compact and reliable method to calculate the Fisher information for the estimation of a dynamical parameter in a continuously measured linear Gaussian quantum system. Unlike previous methods in the literature, which involve the numerical integration of a stochastic master equation for the corresponding density operator in a Hilbert space of infinite dimension, the formulas here derived depends only on the evolution of first and second moments of the quantum states, and thus can be easily evaluated without the need of any approximation. We also present some basic but physically meaningful examples where this result is exploited, calculating analytical and numerical bounds on the estimation of the squeezing parameter for a quantum parametric amplifier, and of a constant force acting on a mechanical oscillator in a standard optomechanical scenario.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    On the distillation and purification of phase-diffused squeezed states

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    Recently it was discovered that non-Gaussian decoherence processes, such as phase-diffusion, can be counteracted by purification and distillation protocols that are solely built on Gaussian operations. Here, we make use of this experimentally highly accessible regime, and provide a detailed experimental and theoretical analysis of several strategies for purification/distillation protocols on phase-diffused squeezed states. Our results provide valuable information for the optimization of such protocols with respect to the choice of the trigger quadrature, the trigger threshold value and the probability of generating a distilled state

    Computation of generalized matrix functions

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    We develop numerical algorithms for the efficient evaluation of quantities associated with generalized matrix functions [J. B. Hawkins and A. Ben-Israel, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1(2), 1973, pp. 163-171]. Our algorithms are based on Gaussian quadrature and Golub--Kahan bidiagonalization. Block variants are also investigated. Numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our techniques in computing generalized matrix functions arising in the analysis of networks.Comment: 25 paged, 2 figure
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