12 research outputs found


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    IMPROVING TEACHER JOB SATISFACTION BY STRENGTHENING TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTUREThis study is intended to empirically determining teacher job satisfaction by strengthening transformational leadership and organizational culture of honorary teachers of private vocational schools at Cibungbulang District. The number of research sample was 158 teachers taken using proportional random sampling techniques. The utilizing method was the correlational method. Hypothesis testing was carried out using parametric statistical analysis in the form of simple and multiple linear regression analysis, simple and multiple correlation analysis with significance levels α = 0.01 and α = 0.05. This research resulted in four conclusions. Firstly, there was a positive and significant relationship between transformational leadership and teacher job satisfaction where the correlation coefficient ry1 = 0.588, the coefficient of determination Ry12 = 0.3461.  Secondly, there was a positive and significant relationship between organizational culture and teacher job satisfaction where the correlation coefficient ry2 = 0.626, the coefficient of determination Ry22 = 0.3914. Thirdly, there was a positive and significant relationship between both transformational leadership and organizational culture with teacher job satisfaction where the correlation coefficient ry.12 = 0.71 and the coefficient of determination Ry.122 = 0.504. Fourthly, the job satisfaction could be improved by strengthening transformational leadership and organizational culture, both separately or altogether. It can be concluded that teacher job satisfaction can be improved by strengthening transformational leadership and organizational culture

    Factors Influencing Customers’ Perception of Digital Banking Service Quality in Vietnam

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    Purpose: This paper examines the impacts of gender, education, and age on consumer’s perception of digital banking service quality in the case of a branch of Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: Inspired by Parasuraman‘s five dimensions of service quality, this research defined four criteria measured digital banking service quality including the security, the ability, the convenience, and the supported policies for customers. Among different factors influencing consumers’ perception, the authors selected to analyzed impacts of education, gender, and age of consumers.   Design/Methodology/Approach: Primary data was collected from 200 customers who were randomly selected, then analyzed by descriptive statistics. The T-test, Cronbach Alpha, and ANOVA were used to test the differences of consumers’ perception of digital banking service quality by their gender, age, and education.   Findings: The analysis showed that consumers’ perception of digital banking service quality clearly differed by their gender and age. Nevertheless, there was not a clear correlation between educational levels and their perception of security, convenience, and promotion policies of digital banking services.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The findings imply that Vietnamese commercial banks need to improve the quality of digital banking services by: cooperating with Fintech companies to increase security, improving human resource quality, innovating technology and promoting communication activities.   Originality/Value: This study indicated the differences of consumers’ perception of digital banking service quality by their age, gender, and education. All the respondents of the survey are digital banking service users.

    Decentralized Finance: A Configurational Perspective on UTAUT

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    Blockchain-based decentralized finance (DeFi) enables financial transactions without intermediaries. Among its most diffused applications is DeFi borrowing, which allows users to borrow money from other users. DeFi borrowing relies on sufficient users requesting money, making it essential for blockchain technology platform providers to understand why users intend to use DeFi borrowing. To explain this, we turn to the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). Given that existing studies differ in how the beliefs of UTAUT influence use intention, we explain previous findings by suggesting that multiple beliefs together, so-called configurations, lead to high and low use intention. Following a configurational approach on potential users of DeFi borrowing, we reveal three configurations resulting in high use intention and two configurations resulting in low use intention. We contribute by explaining DeFi borrowing use intention and resolving previous differing findings on UTAUT by taking a configurational perspective

    Organizational and Team Culture as Antecedents of Protection Motivation Among IT Employees

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    The rapid development of technology and information systems has led to higher information security-related issues in an organization. The age of remote working (i.e., telecommuting) has further increased information security related incidents that need to be adequately addressed. This paper extends the protection motivation theory by drawing insights from organizational and institutional theory literature to examine how organizational culture and subcultures such as team culture impact information security compliance. The primary objective of this study is to understand the impact of the dimensions of organizational culture and team culture on employees’ perceived threats and coping motivation associated with information security compliance. The study applied structural equation modeling to analyze survey responses of 341 IT employees in the United States. The result of the study indicates that both organization and team culture impacts employees’ perception to appraise threat and coping, which in turn impacts behavioral intention to comply with information security policies. The findings of this study con- tribute to the information security compliance research by demonstrating the importance of developing an information security culture within an organization and its subgroups

    The Effect of Mobile Gamification on Brand Loyalty

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    Pricing the Cloud: An Auction Approach

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    Cloud computing has changed the processing and service modes of information communication technology and has affected the transformation, upgrading and innovation of the IT-related industry systems. The rapid development of cloud computing in business practice has spawned a whole new field of interdisciplinary, providing opportunities and challenges for business management research. One of the critical factors impacting cloud computing is how to price cloud services. An appropriate pricing strategy has important practical means to stakeholders, especially to providers and customers. This study addressed and discussed research findings on cloud computing pricing strategies, such as fixed pricing, bidding pricing, and dynamic pricing. Another key factor for cloud computing is Quality of Service (QoS), such as availability, reliability, latency, security, throughput, capacity, scalability, elasticity, etc. Cloud providers seek to improve QoS to attract more potential customers; while, customers intend to find QoS matching services that do not exceed their budget constraints. Based on the existing study, a hybrid QoS-based pricing mechanism, which consists of subscription and dynamic auction design, is proposed and illustrated to cloud services. The results indicate that our hybrid pricing mechanism has potential to better allocate available cloud resources, aiming at increasing revenues for providers and reducing expenses for customers in practice

    La influencia de la cultura organizacional en la adopción de metodologías ágiles en una organización

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo general, contrastar las posturas de los autores acerca de la influencia de la cultura organizacional en la adopción de metodologías ágiles. La metodología utilizada fue cualitativa, con un diseño bibliográfico y documental. El diseño metodológico se realizó en cuatro etapas: la primera fue la recopilación de información a través de fuentes ubicadas en bases de datos científicas como, por ejemplo, SciELO, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect, Mendeley, Redalyc, Emerald, SCImago y Sciendo; no obstante, fue necesario realizar la selección de artículos, de acuerdo con su relevancia, lo que formó parte de la segunda etapa. Dentro de la tercera etapa, se realizó la jerarquización de la información a través de matrices que dieron como resultado, los subtemas abordados y, en la cuarta etapa, se realizó un análisis de los aportes de los distintos autores, al clasificar su postura como influyente o no influyente. Los resultados del estudio permitieron evidenciar que 24 de los 35 autores referenciados consideraron que, en efecto, la cultura organizacional tiene una influencia significativa en la adopción de metodologías ágiles por parte de las organizaciones; por tanto, luego de contrastar las distintas posturas se obtuvo, como resultado, que la primera postura, propuesta al inicio del estudio que establece, que la cultura organizacional era el factor más influyente en la adopción de metodologías ágiles por una empresa, era correcta.In the present work, the general objective was to contrast the positions of the authors about the influence of organizational culture on the adoption of agile methodologies. The methodology used was qualitative, with a bibliographic and documentary design. The methodological design was carried out in 4 stages: The first stage addressed was the collection of information, through sources located in scientific databases: Scielo, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect, Mendeley, Redalyc, Emerald, Scimago and Sciendo; however, it was necessary to select articles according to their relevance, which is part of the second stage. Within the third stage, the hierarchy of information is carried out through matrices that resulted in the subtopics addressed. In the fourth stage, an analysis of the contributions of the different authors was carried out, classifying their position as influential or non-influential. The results of the study made it possible to show that 24 of the 35 referenced authors consider that, in effect, the organizational culture has a significant influence on the adoption of agile methodologies by organizations; Therefore, after contrasting the different positions, the result is that first position, proposed at the beginning of the study, which establishes that: The organizational culture is the most influential factor on the adoption of agile methodologies by a company.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Cultura organizacional y desempeño laboral del personal de una institución pública de Huarmaca, Piura, 2023

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    El objetivo fue determinar la relación entre la Cultura organizacional y desempeño laboral del personal de una institución pública de Huarmaca, Piura, 2023.La metodología comprendió el enfoque cuantitativo de tipo básico y diseño correlacional transversal; Para esta investigación estuvo conformada la población y muestra por 54 trabajadores de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local, siendo la muestra de tipo censal. Se utilizaron la técnica de la encuesta y los cuestionarios de cultura organizacional y desempeño laboral. Los resultados fueron que existe una relación significativa de (p = 0,000< 0,05) entre las dimensiones de la cultura organizacional y el desempeño laboral. Se concluyen que la cultura organizacional está en conexión con el desempeño laboral, pues al aplicar el estadístico Rho de Spearman se encontró un valor de 0,952 que indica una relación directa entre las variables, mientras que al encontrar un valor de significancia de 0,000 menor a 0,05 nos permite comprobar la hipótesis y afirmar que existe un nivel de conexión entre la cultura organizacional y el desempeño laboral del personal de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa es significativa

    Adoção e sucesso de sistemas de informação integrados (ERP)

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    Os Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) são nos dias de hoje, indispensáveis ao dia a dia das organizações. Os gestores assumem um papel fundamental perante a cultura organizacional das empresas, uma vez que são importantes integrantes do núcleo organizacional e, como tal ganham capacidades de influência perante os restantes colaboradores. Assim torna-se importante perceber perante a realidade dos ERP, se tais capacidades podem impactar positivamente na adoção e no sucesso dos mesmos. Os objetivos desta tese são, por um lado, entender os fatores determinantes da adoção, da satisfação dos utilizadores de ERP, e por outro lado determinar os fatores de sucesso dos ERP. Para atingir estes objetivos foram realizados quatro estudos, um estudo bibliométrico no sentido de perceber como os ERP têm evoluído relativamente à sua área de intervenção organizacional e outros três estudos empíricos focados na medição da influência do suporte dos gestores de topo, da qualidade dos processos de negócio e da formação dos utilizadores, sobre a adoção e sucesso dos ERP. Foram utilizados métodos de análise de redes sociais para o primeiro estudo e de equações estruturais (SEM/PLS) para o testar empiricamente modelos teóricos propostos. Os resultados indicam que o suporte da gestão de topo, a formação e os processos organizacionais afetam determinantemente a adoção, a satisfação dos utilizadores e o sucesso dos ERP.Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is nowadays vital to the daily life of organizations. Managers play a crucial role in the organizational culture of companies, since they are essential members of the organizational core and, as such, gain influence over employees. Thus, it becomes important to understand the reality of ERP, if such capabilities, it could impact positively in their adoption and success. The objectives of this thesis are, on the one hand, to understand the determinants of the adoption and users’ satisfaction of ERP systems, and on the other hand to comprehend the determinants of ERP’s success. To achieve the research objectives, it was developed four studies, one bibliometric study to understand how ERPs have evolved in relation to their organizational intervention area and three other empirical studies focused on the measuring influence of top managers support, the quality of business processes and user training, on the adoption and success of ERP. Social network analysis methods were used for the first study and structural equations (SEM/PLS) for the development of the presented models. The results show that top management support, training and organizational processes decisively affect ERP adoption, users’ satisfaction, and ERP’s success

    Impact de la congruence des valeurs TI sur l'intention de résister

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    La thèse étudie l’impact de la congruence des valeurs accordées à la technologie de l’information sur l’intention d’y résister. Une mesure de congruence des valeurs TI est proposée. Cette mesure correspond à l’écart entre les valeurs accordées par un utilisateur aux TI en général et les valeurs accordées à une TI spécifique dans le contexte de son travail. La thèse propose une mesure originale de ces concepts. Elle a recours, pour ce faire, à une revue de littérature et à des entrevues avec des utilisateurs.Un modèle reliant la congruence des valeurs TI, l’attitude comportementale et l’intention de résister est ensuite élaboré. Le modèle est testé et vérifié auprès de 261 enseignants tunisiens avec, comme technologies de référence, les plateformes d’enseignement à distance et en utilisant les techniques d’équations structurelles. D’un point de vue théorique, la thèse propose une explication de l’intention de résister en fonction de la congruence des valeurs TI et de l’attitude comportementale. D’un point de vue pratique, les résultats guident les gestionnaires des projets TI dans le choix des pratiques de gestion du changement.Abstract: The thesis studies the impact of the congruence of values granted to information technology (IT) on the intention to resist. A measure congruence of the IT values is proposed. This measure corresponds to the difference between the values given by a user to IT in general and the values given to a specific IT in his work context. The thesis proposes an original measure of these concepts. To do this, it uses a literature review and interviews with users. A model linking the global congruence of IT values, behavioral attitude, and the intention to resist is then developed. The model is tested and verified with 261 Tunisian teachers using, as reference technology, distance learning platforms and using the techniques of structural equations. From a theoretical point of view, the thesis proposes an explanation of the intention to resist as a function of the congruence of TI values and behavioral attitude. From a practical point of view, the results guide IT projects managers in the choice of change management practices