47 research outputs found

    Applications of computer-graphics animation for motion-perception research

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    The advantages and limitations of using computer animated stimuli in studying motion perception are presented and discussed. Most current programs of motion perception research could not be pursued without the use of computer graphics animation. Computer generated displays afford latitudes of freedom and control that are almost impossible to attain through conventional methods. There are, however, limitations to this presentational medium. At present, computer generated displays present simplified approximations of the dynamics in natural events. Very little is known about how the differences between natural events and computer simulations influence perceptual processing. In practice, the differences are assumed to be irrelevant to the questions under study, and that findings with computer generated stimuli will generalize to natural events

    Stream bundles - cohesive advection through flow fields

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    Journal ArticleStreamline advection has proven an effective method for visualizing vector flow field data. Traditional streamlines do not, however, provide for investigating the coarsergrained features of complex datasets, such as the white matter tracts in the brain or the thermal conveyor belts in the ocean. In this paper, we introduce a cohesive advection primitive, called a stream bundle. Whereas traditional streamlines describe the advection patterns of single, infinitesimal micro-particles, stream bundles indicate advection paths for large macro-particles. Implementationally, stream bundles are composed of a collection of individual streamlines (here termed fibers), each of which only advects a short distance before being terminated and re-seeded in a new location. The individual fibers combine to dictate the instantaneous distribution of the bundle, and it is this collective distribution which is used in determining where fibers are reseeded. By carefully controlling the termination and re-seeding policies of the fibers, we can prevent the bundle from becoming frayed in divergent regions. By maintaining a cohesive from, the bundles can indicate the coarse structure of complex vector fields. In this paper, we use stream bundles to investigate the oceanic currents

    RF Source Seeking using Frequency Measurements

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    In this paper, we consider a problem motivated by search-and-rescue applications, where an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) seeks to approach the vicinity of a distant quasi-stationary radio frequency (RF) emitter surrounded by local scatterers. The UAV employs only measurements of the Doppler frequency of the received RF signal, along with its own bearing, to continuously adapt its trajectory. We propose and evaluate a trajectory planning approach that addresses technical difficulties such as the unknown carrier frequency offset between the emitter and the UAV's receiver, the frequency drifts of the local oscillators over time, the direction ambiguity in Doppler, and the noise in the observations. For the initial trajectory, the UAV estimates the direction of the emitter using a circular motion, which resolves direction ambiguity. The trajectory is then continuously adapted using feedback from frequency measurements obtained by perturbing the bearing around the current trajectory. We show that the proposed algorithm converges to the vicinity of the emitter, and illustrate its efficacy using simulations.Comment: Submitted to IEEE SPAWC 2018, Greec

    Local and Global Illumination in the Volume Rendering Integral

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    Refractive Index Dependent Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions

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    Wir untersuchen die Wirkung des Eintauchens von realen Materialien in Medien mit unterschiedlichem Brechindex. In der Theorie sollte das Reflektanz-Verhalten eines Materials, das in den umgebenden Medien mit unterschiedlichen Brechungsindizes eingetaucht wird,durch die Fresnel-Gleichungen vorhergesagt werden. Wie wir jedoch zeigen, folgt nur eine Unterklasse von Materialien diesem theoretischen Modell. In der Realität zeigen viele Materialien unerwartete Effekte wie stärker lokalisierte Highlights oder eine deutliche Zunahme von spekularer Reflexion durch Mikrogeometrie. In unseren Experimenten haben wir herausgefunden, dass diese Effekte ziemlich stark variieren, und keines der bestehenden BRDF-Modelle das realistisch wiedergeben. Wir schlagen ein neues, parametrisches Modell vor, dass den Brechungsindex berücksichtigt. Wir fitten unsere Messergebnisse an das Modell und erhalten so Parameter zur Beschreibung der Reflektanz verschiedener Medien.We investigate the effect of immersing real-world materials into media of different refractive indices. In theory, the reflective and transmissive behavior of a material that is immersed into surrounding media with different refractive indices should be predicted by the Fresnel equations. However, as we show, %\todo{Ivo}{} only a subclass of materials follows this theoretical model. In reality, many materials exhibit unexpected effects such as stronger localized highlights or a significant increase in the glossy reflection due to microgeometry. In our experiments we found that the variation of these effects can be quite strong, and none of the existing BRDF models realistically reproduce these effects seen in reality. We propose a new, parametric model that takes refractive index changes into account. We fit measurements of different materials and present results to demonstrate the importance of BRDF changes for submerged objects