2,338 research outputs found

    Unstable Slope Management Program

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    INE/AUTC 11.1

    Early warning monitoring of natural and engineered slopes with Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    The first application of ground-based interferometric synthetic-aperture radar (GBInSAR) for slope monitoring dates back 13 years. Today, GBInSAR is used internationally as a leading-edge tool for near-real-time monitoring of surface slope movements in landslides and open pit mines. The success of the technology relies mainly on its ability to measure slope movements rapidly with sub- millimetric accuracy over wide areas and in almost any weather conditions. In recent years, GBInSAR has experienced significant improvements, due to the development of more advanced radar techniques in terms of both data processing and sensor performance. These improvements have led to widespread diffusion of the technology for early warning monitoring of slopes in both civil and mining applications. The main technical features of modern SAR technology for slope monitoring are discussed in this paper. A comparative analysis with other monitoring technologies is also presented along with some recent examples of successful slope monitorin

    Soil-landscape modelling and soil property variability for forestry land evaluation in Longwood Forest, Southland. Phase 1: soil-landscape model development

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    Large scale, quantitative information about the variability of target soil properties is required for forest management. This project is attempting to determine whether or not the New Zealand Soil Classification system (NZSC), when used in combination with a soillandscape model, adequately communicates this information. In the first phase of this project a soil-landscape model was developed and a pilot variability study conducted. The soils in the study area, located in the W oodlaw Block of the Longwood Range, are formed from either Permian andesite or greywacke on moderately steep to steep hill slopes under a moist cool climate and a vegetation cover of beech and podocarp forests. The soil-landscape model was developed using the land systems approach. The model consists of predictive relationships between topographic features and soil classes. There is a clear relationship between slope steepness, the abundance of surface boulders and the gravel content of the soil. A soil-landscape unit map showing the distribution of predicted soil classes has been produced. The results of the pilot variability study have showed that the soils sampled are acidic and have moderate to high P-retention values. An analysis of variance indicated that both of these properties are significantly variable between sites and between horizons. There appears to be a relationship between land component type and the magnitude and variability of these properties. The clay mineralogical analysis revealed that the dominant clay minerals present in all the soils sampled are chlorite-vermiculite, kaolinite, sepiolite, and allophane. The presence of allophane and kaolinite may be related to the moderate to high P-retention values

    Physical modeling of tsunamis generated by three-dimensional deformable granular landslides

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    Tsunamis are gravity water waves that are generated by impulsive disturbances such as submarine earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, underwater explosions or asteroid impacts. Submarine earthquakes are the primary tsunami source, but landslides may generate tsunamis exceeding tectonic tsunamis locally, in both wave and runup heights. The field data on landslide tsunami events are limited, in particular regarding submarine landslide dynamics and wave generation. Tsunamis generated by three-dimensional deformable granular landslides are physically modeled in the NEES (Network of Earthquake Engineering Simulation) 3D tsunami wave basin (TWB) at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. A novel pneumatic landslide tsunami generator is deployed to simulate natural landslide motion on a hill slope. The instrumentation consists of various underwater, above water and particle image velocimetry (PIV) cameras, numerous wave and runup gauges and a multi-transducer acoustic array (MTA). The subaerial landslide shape and kinematics on the hill slope and the surface elevation of the offshore propagating tsunami wave and runup on the hill slope are measured. The evolution of the landslide front velocity, maximum landslide thickness and width are obtained along the hill slope. The landslide surface velocity distribution is obtained from the PIV analysis of the subaerial landslide motion. The shape and the size of the submarine landslide deposit are measured with the MTA. Predictive equations are obtained for the tsunami wave amplitude, wave period and wavelength in terms of the non-dimensional landslide parameters. The generated 3D tsunami waves propagate away from the landslide source as radial wave fronts. The amplitudes of the leading tsunami waves decay away from the landslide source in radial and angular direction. The wave celerity of the leading tsunami wave may be approximated by the solitary wave speed while the trailing waves are slower due to the dispersion effects. The energy conversion rate between the landslide and the generated wave is estimated. The observed waves are weakly non-linear in nature and span from shallow water to deep water depth regime. The unique experimental data serves the validation and advancement of numerical models of tsunamis generated by landslides. The obtained predictive equations facilitate initial rapid tsunami hazard assessment and mitigation.Ph.D.Fritz, Herman


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    In order to define a methodology that faces the major critical issues, we used a Terrestrial Laser Scanner to monitor a large landslide that caused significant disruptions both to an important state road and to a major railway line in Italy. To survey the landslide we used three different models of Terrestrial Laser Scanners, including a "full wave form" one, potentially useful for filtering vegetation from the data. The output of each measurement campaign is a Digital Surface Model referred to a unique reference system. Starting from the DSMs we produced the Digital Terrain Models, one for each survey. The use of different models of TLS together with the software packages recommended by the companies for data processing, allowed us to compare the surveys and to evaluate the reliability and the accuracy of results. The comparison of data has been useful in order to identify and analyse over time the areas of greatest deformation and the directions of landslide movement and it also gives us some elements about the validity of the technique in this kind of applications. The laser surveys have shown a strong dynamic of the slope but have also highlighted some difficulties in order to efficiently filtering the data. Using two different kinds of TLS, full wave form and mono eco, on the same portion of landslide allows us to make comparisons between the two methodologies for landslide monitoring in a real-world context

    3D ground model development for an active landslide in Lias mudrocks using geophysical, remote sensing and geotechnical methods

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    A ground model of an active and complex landslide system in instability prone Lias mudrocks of North Yorkshire, UK is developed through an integrated approach, utilising geophysical, geotechnical and remote sensing investigative methods. Surface geomorphology is mapped and interpreted using immersive 3D visualisation software to interpret airborne light detection and ranging data and aerial photographs. Subsurface structure is determined by core logging and 3D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), which is deployed at two scales of resolution to provide a means of volumetrically characterising the subsurface expression of both site scale (tens of metres) geological structure, and finer (metre to sub-metre) scale earth-flow related structures. Petrophysical analysis of the borehole core samples is used to develop relationships between the electrical and physical formation properties, to aid calibration and interpretation of 3D ERT images. Results of the landslide investigation reveal that an integrated approach centred on volumetric geophysical imaging successfully achieves a detailed understanding of structure and lithology of a complex landslide system, which cannot be achieved through the use of remotely sensed data or discrete intrusive sampling alone

    Understanding the retreat of the Jurassic Cantabrian coast (N. Spain): comprehensive monitoring and 4D evolution model of the Tazones Lighthouse landslide

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    Forecasting coastal dynamics and sea cliff retreat under different sea level rise scenarios requires a good understanding of the conditioning factors and their relative contribution to cliff stability. The so-called Jurassic Cantabrian Coast extends along 76 km of the coastline of the Asturias region (N Spain) and is well-known worldwide due to its paleontological heritage, in particular the presence of dinosaur remains and footprints. The abundance of stratigraphic, paleontological and tectonic studies contrasts with the scarcity of studies focused on the stability of this rocky coastline where cliffs predominate, sometimes exceeding 120 m in height. In fact, evidence of current and recent instability processes can be observed along the entire coastline. In this regard, continuous monitoring is crucial to understand ongoing instabilities in rocky coastlines, as in these settings some instabilities might initiate as slow movements that induce subtle topographic changes whose detection from either satellite or aerial imagery is problematic due to the spatial and temporal resolutions.This research is part of 1) the “COSINES” Project [CGL2017-83909-R], Call 2017 for RETOS Projects funded by the Spanish Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Ministry-Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), the Spanish Research Agency-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Regional Development Found (FEDER) and 2) the GEOCANCOSTA research group, supported by the Asturian Regional Government (Spain) [grant number GRUPIN-IDI-2018-184]

    Understanding the retreat of the Jurassic Cantabrian coast (N. Spain): Comprehensive monitoring and 4D evolution model of the Tazones Lighthouse landslide

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    Forecasting coastal dynamics and sea cliff retreat under different sea level rise scenarios requires a good understanding of the conditioning factors and their relative contribution to cliff stability. The so-called Jurassic Cantabrian Coast extends along 76 km of the coastline of the Asturias region (N Spain) and is well-known worldwide due to its paleontological heritage, in particular the presence of dinosaur remains and footprints. The abundance of stratigraphic, paleontological and tectonic studies contrasts with the scarcity of studies focused on the stability of this rocky coastline where cliffs predominate, sometimes exceeding 120 m in height. In fact, evidence of current and recent instability processes can be observed along the entire coastline. In this regard, continuous monitoring is crucial to understand ongoing instabilities in rocky coastlines, as in these settings some instabilities might initiate as slow movements that induce subtle topographic changes whose detection from either satellite or aerial imagery is problematic due to the spatial and temporal resolutions. This contribution presents a 4D evolution model of a key site, the Tazones Lighthouse landslide, located on the Cantabrian Coast of Asturias (N Spain), which affects subvertical rocky cliffs sculpted in the Jurassic bedrock made of alternating sandstone and marl. A high resolution multiapproach methodology was developed in order to understand its structure and kinematic characteristics, including: i) interpretation of aerial photographs and unmanned aerial photogrammetric surveys (UAV); ii) 22 monthly monitoring campaigns by total station; iii) 5 manual boreholes; iv) geomechanical characterization of the cliff bedrock; v) geomorphological evidence mapping; vi) analysis of landscape deformations obtained from UAV; and vii) precipitation, soil moisture and significant wave height (Hs) data analysis. The results show that the slope evolves by means of a complex-type mass movement, which combines translational and sliding mechanisms, and occupies tens of thousands of square meters. DTM and fieldwork analysis indicate that mass movement is mainly controlled by bedrock discontinuities (S0, 360/15-17; J1, 262/85; J2 166/75). The most important accelerations of slope movement correlate very well with rainfall, soil moisture and waves. Thus, the largest displacements occurring in January and October–November 2019, coincide with 2 periods of storms (maximum 24-h rainfall of 64.5 mm and 82.1 mm and maximum Hs of 6.54 and 9.09, respectively) and soil moisture values above 90%. Half of the markers moved more than 1 m and one of them exceeded 15 m. The 4D model obtained after the interpretation of the Tazones Lighthouse slope whole dataset, allows an understanding of how the surrounding cliffs have evolved in the past, fundamental to predicting their future behaviour."COSINES" Project GRUPIN-IDI-2018-184 Spanish Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Ministry-Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO)Spanish Research Agency-Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI)European Regional Development Found (FEDER)Asturian Regional Government (Spain) CGL2017-83909-

    Rock avalanches in high mountains

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of LutonRock avalanches are a high magnitude, low frequency catastrophic mass movement involving the failure of over 1 x 106 m3 of mountainside. Rock avalanches are considered a major hazard of the high mountains due to the excessive run-out often associated with them. To date the mechanism that allows for such excessive travel distance is unproven although several dozen possibilities have been proposed. Rock-avalanche deposits exhibit characteristic features such as sharp lateral margins, confinement to local topography, super-elevation on valley sides, intensely fragmented interiors and preserved stratigraphy relative to the source. However, there are few detailed studies of the internal sedimentology of rock-avalanche deposits. Such studies are a vital piece of evidence in the search for the mechanisms of motion as rock avalanches are rarely witnessed. This thesis examines the detailed sedimentology of five rock avalanche deposits of varied lithology and morphology. A novel methodology is developed to sample deposits for their grainsize distributions (GSD). The GSD's prove similar for deposits, with significant variation due to preserved lithological banding in the interior. This finding refutes the commonly held view that rock-avalanche deposits are simply inversely graded. Instead, a facies model is developed of a coarse Carapace facies forming the surface and near surface that overlies a highly fragmented Body facies that is in turn underlain by the Basal facies that is free to interact with the substrate. The sedimentology of the Body facies is considered in fine detail and is shown to be fractal in nature, that is, self-similar at all scales of observation. A predictive sedimentological plot is presented that allows generation of the grain-size distribution and descriptive statistics from a simple estimation of weight percent gravel at a rock avalanche exposure. The morphology of rock-avalanche deposits are examined and a classification presented of 'spread' 'two-phase' and 'stalled'. The hazard and features of each morphology is described in relation to the observed deposits