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    Konstruksi Makna Penggunaan Smartphone Android sebagai Media Komunikasi Dikalangan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Riau

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    The development of communication technology has brought many changes, one which is a mobile phone with the label smart phone (smartphone). Android is one of the types of smartphones are widely used by people at this time Android has many advantages that make many people are interested in using it, one of which is among the students. The use of Android as a communication media among students bring a variety of meanings related to the use of Android itself by them. This study aims to determine the motive, knowledge and understanding of Android applications and communications experience Android users among students of the University of Riau communication.This research method is using a qualitative research method with phenomenological approach. Informants in this study were 10 students of Communication Studies, University of Riau who use Android smartphone selected using purposive technique. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and conclusion and verification.These results indicate that the motive of communication science students use the Android smartphone as a media communication because they consist of motifs (Because motive) the sense of dissatisfaction, the influence of friends, the look and features of interest, and also because of the need, while the motive for (in order to motives) that facilitate communication, facilitate communication and for existence itself. Knowledge and understanding of Android apps for students of Communication consists of Android as a communication media, Android as media information, and Android as a media presentation of self. Communication experience of communication science students for using Android smartphone consists of exciting experiences (positive experience) and an unpleasant experience (experience negate). An interesting experience for students of science communication using Android are, getting a lot of new friends, to be reunited with old friends as well as the experience of communicating that seemed real. While not a pleasant experience for students of science communication using the Android, Android battery run out quickly, which isnot a good communication network, communication is often misdirected, scams online shop and difficulty in arranging Android device.Keywords: Android, Construction Meaning, Phenomenology


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    ABSTRAKIlmu Pengetahuan Sosial merupakan suatu pendekatan interdisipliner dari pelajaran ilmu-ilmu sosial seperti sosiologi, antropologi budaya, psikologi sosial, sejarah, geografi, ekonomi, ilmu politik, dan sebagainya. Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial di MTs Al-Wasliyah Jakarta Timur masih bersifat tradisonal, dimana proses pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial sering mengalami kendala proses belajar mengajar tidak berjalan baik. Aplikasi ini menggunakan dasar pemrograman Java pada Android Studio. Pembelajaran pada sistem ini dimulai dengan menu materi, kuis dan video. Aplikasi berbasis Android ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi guru dan murid. Model pengembangan pembelajaran IPS ini menggunakan metode model pengembangan waterfall atau model air terjun. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu dengan adanya aplikasi multimedia interaktif pembelajaran IPS dapat membantu guru untuk melakukan proses pembelajaran lebih berkualitas dan multimedia interaktif pembelajaran IPS berbasis android sebagai pendamping siswa dalam belajar ilmu pengetahuan sosial sehingga bisa diakses dimana dan kapanpun menggunakan smart phone.Kata Kunci: Android, Multimedia, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial. ABSTRACTSocial Sciences is an interdisciplinary approach from the study of social sciences such as sociology, cultural anthropology, social psychology, history, geography, economics, political science, and so on. Social Science Learning at MTs Al-Wasliyah East Jakarta is still traditional, where the learning process of Social Science often experience constraints of teaching and learning process is not going well. This app uses Java programming base on Android Studio. Learning on this system begins with material menus, quizzes and videos. This Android-based app can provide benefits for teachers and students. This IPS learning development model uses the waterfall model or waterfall model. The result of this research is with the application of interactive multimedia of IPS learning can help the teacher to do the learning process of higher quality and interactive multimedia of IPS based learning of android as student companion in learning social science so that can be accessed where and whenever using smart phone.Keywords: Android, Multimedia, Sosial Science

    Implementation of Student Worksheets with Android-Based on Natural Science Subject

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    This study was conducted cause the student's learning outcomes were less successful. Based on the Midterm Assessment (PTS) evaluation at SDN 2 Mojo, 27 students (25%) were incomplete. Based on the data, the lowest value is 40, and the highest value is 80. The research adopts the ADDIE model with Mollena and Januszewski's theories: analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Research gets the following results: 1) Student Worksheet with the android system for Natural Science learning activities with style material created using the Android Studio application, operating through the lollipop type android system; 2) Student Worksheets with developed android systems included in the criteria were very feasible; Assessment was carried out by material and media experts with an assessment of the presentation component 90%, while the feasibility of content with a value of 92%; 3) The student worksheet was effective as a learning facility in Natural Science learning. The average pre-test value was 55.57143, and the post-test with a value of 80.88571. The t-test results showed that tcount ≤ - ttable with tcount calculation of -14,463 less than the ttable, which was -1.995469, then Ho was rejected. N-Gain earned amounted to 0.569775. As a result, there was a difference in the value of Natural Science style material after using Student Worksheets or LKS android-based. Keywords:  Student Worksheets, Natural Science Subject, Worksheets Andorid Base

    The eroticism of artificial flesh in Villiers de L'Isle Adam's L'Eve Future

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    Villiers de L'Isle Adam's 'L'Eve Future' published in 1886 features a fictional version of the inventor Thomas Edison who constructs a complex, custom-made android for Englishman Lord Ewald as a substitute for his unsatisfactory lover. Hadaly, the android, has a number of literary and cultural precursors and successors. Her most commonly accepted ancestor is Olympia in E. T. A. Hoffmann's 'The Sandman' (1816) and among her fascinating descendants are Oskar Kokoschka's 'Silent Woman'; Model Borghild, a sex doll designed by German technicians during World War II;‘Caracas' in Tommaso Landolfi's short story ‘Gogol's Wife' (1954); a variety of gynoids and golems from the realms of science fiction, including Ira Levin's 'Stepford Wives' (1972); and, most recently, that silicon masterpiece - the Real Doll. All, arguably, have their genesis in the classical myth of Pygmalion. This essay considers the tension between animation and stasis in relation to this myth, and explores the necrophiliac aesthetic implicit in Villiers's novel

    Introduction to Theology and Science Fiction

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    What is the difference between a god and a powerful alien? Can an android have a soul, or be considered a person with rights? Can we imagine biblical stories being retold in the distant future on planets far from Earth? Whether your interest is in Christianity in the future, or the Jedi in the present--and whether your interest in the Jedi is focused on real-world adherents or the fictional religion depicted on the silver screen--this book will help you explore the intersection between theology and science fiction across a range of authors and stories, topics and questions. Throughout this volume, James McGrath probes how science fiction explores theological themes, and vice versa, making the case (in conversation with some of your favorite stories, TV shows, and movies) that the answers to humanity\u27s biggest questions are best sought by science fiction and theology together as a collaborative effort

    Literature Study on the Use of Android-Based Learning Media on Student Learning Outcomes at the Faculty of Engineering

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    Saat ini teknologi digital banyak digunakan dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran pendidikan. Pendidikan berbasis Android adalah contohnya. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media pembelajaran berbasis android terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa teknik. Artikel ini menggunakan metodologi Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Artikel review diperoleh dari Perpustakaan Nasional, Science Direct, dan Google Scholar, serta membahas dampak penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis Android. Investigasi dimulai dengan pengumpulan studi literatur yang relevan. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap delapan artikel yang diperoleh, hasil penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis Android menunjukkan bahwa media ini memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik


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    Abstrak Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media mobile learning bebasis android yang layak dan efektif untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada pelajaran IPA materi pokok pemuaian untuk siswa kelas VII di SMPN 1 Gondang Tulungagung. Model yang digunakan dalam mengembangkan media ini adalah model Reseach and Development, sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument wawancara dan angket. Selanjutnya, untuk mengetahui hasil uji kelayakan media mobile learning berbasis Android hasil pengembangan pada uji coba ahli materi I dan II mendapatkan prosentase sebesar 93,35% termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Ahli media I dan II mendapat prosentase sebesar 93 % termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Uji coba perseorangan 90,67% termasuk kategori sangat baik, uji coba kelompok kecil dengan prosentase sebesar 90,7% termasuk kategori sangat baik, dan uji coba kelompok besar dengan prosentase 94,32% termasuk kategori sangat baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media mobile learning berbasis Android dalam mata pelajaran IPA dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Sedangkan tindakan untuk mengetahui keefektifan media mobile learning berbasis Android pengembang menggunakan uji-t dengan d.b = N-1 = 40-1 = 39, dengan taraf kesalahan 5% (0,05), maka nilai t0,05 harga = 16,79 >= 2,68. T hitung lebih besar daripada t tabel (16,79>2,68). Dari hasil tersebut terbukti bahwa pengembangan media mobile learning berbasis Android mata pelajaran IPA tentang pemuaian pada Siswa kelas VII di SMPN 1 Gondang Tulungagung efektif. Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, Android, Smartphone, IPA, Pemuaian Abstract This research and development aims to produce a viable and effective mobile learning media based on android to be used as a medium of learning in science lesson of subject matter of expansion for grade VII students at SMPN 1 Gondang Tulungagung. The development this media is using reseach and development method, and the data collection is using a interview and questionnaire. To find out the results of media feasibility test based on Android-based mobile learning development experiments material I and II get a percentage of 93.35% included in the category very well. Media experts I and II get a percentage of 93% included in the category very well. 90.67% individual testing including very good category, small group trial with percentage of 90,7% including very good category, and large group trial with percentage 94,32% including very good category. It can be concluded that the mobile learning media based on Android in science subjects declared eligible to be used in the learning process. While the action to know the effectiveness of mobile learning media based on Android developers use the t-test with db = N-1 = 40-1 = 39, with error level 5% (0.05), then the value t0.05 skore t_count = 16.79> T_table = 2.68. T count is greater than t table (16.79> 2.68). From these results proved that the development of mobile learning media based on the science of science subjects on the expansion of VII grade students in SMPN 1 Gondang Tulungagung to be concluded effective. Keywords: Development, Android, Smartphone, Science, Expansio

    Aplikasi Pembagian Harta Warisan Menurut Hukum Islam Berbasis Android

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    Android is an open operating system with complete library and smartphone with android operating system is relatively more cheap than another smartphone. This is triggers for various parties to develop android application, as well as with this faraid apllication. Faraid derived from the Arabic which means “division”, or more explicit defined a science which describes procedures for division of property from someone who has died with the divisions that have been determined to be distributed to who rightfully deserve it. In everyday life, heritage is often a complicated issue and often a source of dissension, for that’s require a fair inheritance law. The science that handle aboutt inheritance is a science that Allah is deign to explain the distribution explicitly. The importance of faraid science for muslims and the development trend of mobile technology today is so fast, therefore requires a calculation of inheritance application based faraid law which can be used without the limited space and time with expanding into mobile appliation. For the research methodology this software uses waterfall method, whereas for data modeling using object-oriented methods that’s is Unified Modeling Language (UML) to describe the model of analysis and system design to be created. Based on the result of testing the functionality, application which is used for help calculate the distributionn of the inheritance based faraid law successfully developed and insya’allah give right result. Keyword : Mobile Application, Android, Faraid, Musli