2,322 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of structural equation modeling to measure hotel customer satisfaction

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    Although some studies on gauging hotel guests' levels of satisfaction have been published in several research findings, structural equation modeling's efficacy in Indonesia is still rarely investigated. The study's objective is to assess hotel patron satisfaction utilizing an electronic system for guest reviews that is centered on online and Internet technology. The research's data came from 500 hotel guests staying at two five-star full-service hotels in Medan, North Sumatra. To accomplish this goal, the study used structural equation modeling to uncover the inherent link between consumer assessments of hotel services and amenities on one side and perceived usefulness, contentment, and their intention to return and refer customers on the other side. The findings demonstrate the clear correlations between value, contentment, desire to return and suggest as well as customer ratings of employee quality of service, guest bedroom quality, safety, and service disruption. Additionally, it should be highlighted that major mediating influences had an impact on how well-liked the hotel's amenities and employees provided service to guests. Through the use of web-based technologies, the research offered several recommendations for improving guest satisfaction with hotel operations. The results of this study could contribute to hotel management concentrating on the elements of the experiences of their guests that are the most important factors for boosting the level of satisfaction.Although some studies on gauging hotel guests' levels of satisfaction have been published in several research findings, structural equation modeling's efficacy in Indonesia is still rarely investigated. The study's objective is to assess hotel patron satisfaction utilizing an electronic system for guest reviews that is centered on online and Internet technology. The research's data came from 500 hotel guests staying at two five-star full-service hotels in Medan, North Sumatra. To accomplish this goal, the study used structural equation modeling to uncover the inherent link between consumer assessments of hotel services and amenities on one side and perceived usefulness, contentment, and their intention to return and refer customers on the other side. The findings demonstrate the clear correlations between value, contentment, desire to return and suggest as well as customer ratings of employee quality of service, guest bedroom quality, safety, and service disruption. Additionally, it should be highlighted that major mediating influences had an impact on how well-liked the hotel's amenities and employees provided service to guests. Through the use of web-based technologies, the research offered several recommendations for improving guest satisfaction with hotel operations. The results of this study could contribute to hotel management concentrating on the elements of the experiences of their guests that are the most important factors for boosting the level of satisfaction

    Fly me to the moon: from corporate branding orientation to retailer preference and business performance

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    Purpose – The airline aviation industry is both capital-intensive and competitive. Hence, the evolution of the sector needs original marketing strategies. To study the relationships between corporate branding and corporate image, taking into account two views, namely, corporate strategy and corporate expression in airline identity, this research aims to analyze the main indicators of the corporate branding that affect the outcomes of the corporate image. Design/methodology/approach – In order to inspect the theories, the foundational configural model was assessed through the perceptions of 395 employees in Indian aviation companies. By employing complexity theory, this study matched the concept of equifinality, and it examined the data via a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis. Findings – Findings show that corporate strategy positively influences corporate image and corporate expression. The corporate expression offers the verbal and visual facets of a brand. Surprisingly, the paper shows that there is no link between corporate expression and corporate image. It also suggests that corporate expression, including corporate community, corporate promise, and corporate personality, are all components of a corporate brand and do not influence the corporate image. Finally, the study highlights that corporate image positively affects superior business performance, which influences superior retailer preference. Research limitations/implications - Our study identifies the corporate identity’s indicators (corporate strategy and corporate expression) that affect the corporate image, which results in stronger, superior business performance and retailer preference. It suggests that managers in the airline industry should follow the recommendations of this research by adopting more objective and fairer procedures to attain superior business performance and retailer preference. In addition, the continued growth and the financial impact of the airline sector require the use of pioneering branding strategies. Future study is needed in various nations to advance the generalizability of the research findings. Originality/value – The paper is the first to study corporate brand, its sub-dimensions (corporate strategy and corporate expression), and their individual links to brand image, which involves experience, relationships, and visual identity

    Security Enhanced Applications for Information Systems

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    Every day, more users access services and electronically transmit information which is usually disseminated over insecure networks and processed by websites and databases, which lack proper security protection mechanisms and tools. This may have an impact on both the users’ trust as well as the reputation of the system’s stakeholders. Designing and implementing security enhanced systems is of vital importance. Therefore, this book aims to present a number of innovative security enhanced applications. It is titled “Security Enhanced Applications for Information Systems” and includes 11 chapters. This book is a quality guide for teaching purposes as well as for young researchers since it presents leading innovative contributions on security enhanced applications on various Information Systems. It involves cases based on the standalone, network and Cloud environments

    Influencing factors of employee innovation and satisfaction in fast growing medical and internet service companies

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    This thesis studies the factors that affect the innovation and satisfaction of employees in fast-growing medical and Internet service companies. More and more enterprises, especially the managers of medical and Internet enterprises, are constantly aware that employees are really the core competitiveness of modern enterprises and can attract and retain excellent employees, even to encourage employees' continuous innovation is the key for medical and Internet enterprises to grow and win the market competition. This thesis mainly studies three problems: (1) The influences of incentive mechanisms and dynamic capability on innovation and employee satisfaction? (2) Team factors that affect incentive mechanisms and dynamic capabilities? (3) The mediating roles of incentive mechanisms and dynamic capabilities between team factors and innovation/employee satisfaction? The two research methods of this thesis are qualitative case study based on action and quantitative study based on questionnaire survey data. The research model in this thesis mainly comes from literature and case studies, and the measurement model also verifies whether the indicators in the literature adapt to the current enterprise environment through case studies. In the case study, by company started to build in June 2015, located in Beijing. It is an Internet finance company established with regulatory approval. By interviewing company leaders and related employees, the thesis studies the changes and evolution of the variables in the three different growth stages of the enterprise. In the questionnaire survey, 774 questionnaires were sent out to 12 Internet companies and medical service companies, and 523 valid survey samples were collected to quantitatively test the research models and hypotheses in the thesis. The results show that team diversity, team leadership, team culture, career development and dynamic ability have a significant positive impact on employee innovation, while team leadership, team culture, financial incentive, career development and dynamic ability have a significant positive impact on employee satisfaction. My research results show that in order to improve employee satisfaction and innovation ability, we need to effectively manage team factors and incentive mechanism to improve the management mechanism.Esta tese estuda os fatores que afetam a inovação e a satisfação dos funcionários em empresas de serviços médicos e de Internet em rápido crescimento. Cada vez mais empresas, especialmente gerentes de empresas médicas e de Internet, estão constantemente percebendo que os funcionários são realmente o núcleo da competitividade das empresas modernas. Atrair e ser capaz de reter funcionários excepcionais, e até mesmo incentivar os funcionários a continuar a inovar, é a chave para o desenvolvimento e crescimento contínuos das empresas médicas e de Internet e, em última instância, a capacidade de vencer a concorrência no mercado. Esta tese estuda principalmente três questões: (1) O impacto dos mecanismos de incentivo e capacidades dinâmicas na inovação e na satisfação dos funcionários? (2) Fatores da equipe que afetam o mecanismo de incentivo e as capacidades dinâmicas? (3) O papel mediador do mecanismo de incentivo e as capacidades dinâmicas entre os fatores da equipe e a inovação / satisfação do funcionário? Os dois métodos de pesquisa nesta tese são um estudo de caso qualitativo baseado em ação e o outro é uma pesquisa quantitativa baseada em dados de pesquisa por questionário. O modelo de pesquisa na tese é derivado principalmente da literatura e estudos de caso, e o modelo de medição também usa estudos de caso para verificar se os indicadores da literatura são adequados para o ambiente corporativo atual. No estudo de caso, a empresa BY iniciou os preparativos em junho de 2015 e está localizada em Pequim. É uma empresa financeira de Internet estabelecida com aprovação regulamentar. Por meio de entrevistas com os diretores da empresa e funcionários relacionados, estudamos as mudanças e a evolução das variáveis do papel nas três diferentes fases de crescimento da empresa. Na pesquisa de pesquisa por questionário, 774 questionários foram distribuídos a um total de 12 empresas de Internet e empresas de serviços médicos, e um total de 523 amostras de pesquisa válidas foram recuperadas para testar quantitativamente os modelos de pesquisa e hipóteses no artigo. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que a diversidade da equipe, liderança da equipe, cultura da equipe, desenvolvimento de carreira e capacidades dinâmicas têm um impacto positivo significativo na inovação do funcionário, e liderança da equipe, cultura da equipe, incentivos financeiros, desenvolvimento de carreira e capacidades dinâmicas têm efeitos significativos na satisfação do funcionário Impacto positivo. Os resultados da minha pesquisa mostram que, para melhorar a satisfação dos funcionários e as capacidades de inovação de uma empresa, é necessário aprimorar o seu mecanismo de gestão por meio da gestão eficaz dos fatores da equipe e dos mecanismos de incentivo

    Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps

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    As extension of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps are now introduced the Neutrosophic Cognitive Map

    Service Quality Improvement Strategy in The Auto Insurance Industry: Customer Perspective Study

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    Service quality is one of the parameters of conformity between consumers' perceived and expected services and influences the company's sustainability. In an insurance company, quality service is essential because advising quality services is important to develop more trusted engagement with the whole customers. In this study, the analysis of quality services was performed using gap analysis and quality function deployment (QFD) in auto insurance companies with intense competition. Gap analysis is required to identify the quality dimensions to be improved. While technical improvement actions are generated using the QFD method by mapping consumer needs and technical actions through the house of quality (HOQ) matrix. The results showed that using the integration of gap analysis and QFD, the auto insurance company received the gap scores and obtained recommendations for technical actions that could be adopted for continuous improvement

    Service Quality Improvement Strategy in The Auto Insurance Industry: Customer Perspective Study

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    Service quality is one of the parameters of conformity between consumers' perceived and expected services and influences the company's sustainability. In an insurance company, quality service is essential because advising quality services is important to develop more trusted engagement with the whole customers. In this study, the analysis of quality services was performed using gap analysis and quality function deployment (QFD) in auto insurance companies with intense competition. Gap analysis is required to identify the quality dimensions to be improved. While technical improvement actions are generated using the QFD method by mapping consumer needs and technical actions through the house of quality (HOQ) matrix. The results showed that using the integration of gap analysis and QFD, the auto insurance company received the gap scores and obtained recommendations for technical actions that could be adopted for continuous improvement

    Quality management maturity: Its application and evaluation in Chinese private equipment manufacturing enterprises

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    Although China’s private equipment manufacturing enterprises have made significant progress, quality problems still occur because of the weak quality foundation. Therefore, it is necessary to scientifically evaluate the quality management of equipment manufacturing enterprises, identify the deficiencies and defects of quality management, and provide systematic and targeted countermeasures and suggestions. The thesis conducted text analysis on the quality award self-assessment materials of three companies and constructed an evaluation model for private equipment manufacturing enterprises including four sub-systems (management process, support process, customeroriented process and result) through three-level coding. Meanwhile, in order to empirically test the quality management maturity evaluation model of private equipment enterprises and explore the relationships between the sub-systems, the thesis selected 6 private equipment enterprises located in Guizhou province as the pre-survey objects and selected 80 private manufacturing enterprises located in Beijing, Zhejiang province, Guizhou province, Hunan province, and Sichuan province as the formal survey objects to carry out hypothesis test. Moreover, the thesis developed a maturity evaluation scale. Applying the scale to the case GXTF company, the thesis proposed improvement strategies for GXTF company. In theory, the thesis enriched the research on the quality management of private equipment manufacturing enterprises. In practice, the thesis provided reference for maturity evaluation, and provided an updated version for GJB9001C quality management accreditation institutions.Embora as empresas de manufaturação privadas da China têm feito progressos significativos, existem ainda problemas de qualidade uma vez que as fundações para a qualidade são débeis. Por isso mesmo, é relevante avaliar de forma científica a gestão da qualidade das empresas de manufaturação, bem como, identificar os defeitos e as deficiências da gestão da qualidade nessas mesmas e, por fim, apresentar sugestões e medidas de melhoria. Esta tese conduziu um estudo com base em procedimentos de auto-avaliação para concurso de prémios de qualidade fornecidos por três empresas e construiu um modelo de avaliação da maturidade da gestão da qualidade com quatro subsistemas (processo de gestão, processo de suporte, processo de foco no cliente e resultados) e três níveis de desempenho. Com o intuito de o testar empiricamente, foram selecionadas 6 empresas particulares de manufaturação da província de Guizhou para o pré-teste. E ainda, foram selecionadas 80 empresas sediadas em Beijing, nas províncias de Zhejiang, de Guizhou, de Hunan e de Sichuan para formalmente testar as hipóteses do odelo. Por outro lado, concebeu-se um guião para análise de processos de maturidade da gestão de qualidade e foi selecionada a empresa GXTF para este estudo. Contribuímos para a teoria com o enriquecimento da investigação da gestão da qualidade em empresas de manufaturação. E, contribuímos para a prática da gestão, com um novo modelo de avaliação da maturidade da gestão da qualidade e ainda de elementos para a atualização da norma GJB9001Cl da gestão da qualidade

    Critical Success Factors of Lean Six Sigma Deployment in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Firm: A Case Study

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    The research is to study what is the Critical Success Factor (CSF) that makes a Multinational Company (MNC) in Malaysia successfully deploys Lean Six Sigma 4.0 (LSS 4.0) for its business excellence. The study examines the three major categories and their CSFs to assess what are the most important factors that succeed in the deployment. The CSFs are grouped into three major categories and apply the Fuzzy Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to analyze the collected data from 30 internal practitioners and consultants. This research revealed that the management initiative category is important in the LSS deployment, followed by involvement and engagement, which involves various parties in the transformation process. In contrast, technology and knowledge are the least critical category. The important CSFs are customer focus, communication, and understanding of the tools and techniques. This research further explores the adoption of IR4.0 in the LSS framework, which is named LSS 4.0, though the result shows it is the least important factor. The study disclosed that CSF prioritization varies by job function; it might depend on the subject’s job requirements and working environment. This research guides managers in semiconductor industries on continuous improvement deployment and transformation by integrating LSS and IR4.0 to plan and design the framework with the important CSFs. It shares the deployment strategy of respective important CSFs in the company as a reference and proposed a guideline for the execution of different CSFs