41,160 research outputs found

    Exact results of the limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph associated to random time series and its application

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    The limited penetrable horizontal visibility algorithm is a new time analysis tool and is a further development of the horizontal visibility algorithm. We present some exact results on the topological properties of the limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph associated with random series. We show that the random series maps on a limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph with exponential degree distribution P(k)∌exp[−λ(k−2ρ−2)],λ=ln[(2ρ+3)/(2ρ+2)],ρ=0,1,2,...,k=2ρ+2,2ρ+3,...P(k)\sim exp[-\lambda (k-2\rho-2)], \lambda = ln[(2\rho+3)/(2\rho+2)],\rho=0,1,2,...,k=2\rho+2,2\rho+3,..., independent of the probability distribution from which the series was generated. We deduce the exact expressions of the mean degree and the clustering coefficient and demonstrate the long distance visibility property. Numerical simulations confirm the accuracy of our theoretical results. We then examine several deterministic chaotic series (a logistic map, the Heˊ\acute{e}non map, the Lorentz system, and an energy price chaotic system) and a real crude oil price series to test our results. The empirical results show that the limited penetrable horizontal visibility algorithm is direct, has a low computational cost when discriminating chaos from uncorrelated randomness, and is able to measure the global evolution characteristics of the real time series.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    The BGP Visibility Toolkit: detecting anomalous internet routing behavior

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    In this paper, we propose the BGP Visibility Toolkit, a system for detecting and analyzing anomalous behavior in the Internet. We show that interdomain prefix visibility can be used to single out cases of erroneous demeanors resulting from misconfiguration or bogus routing policies. The implementation of routing policies with BGP is a complicated process, involving fine-tuning operations and interactions with the policies of the other active ASes. Network operators might end up with faulty configurations or unintended routing policies that prevent the success of their strategies and impact their revenues. As part of the Visibility Toolkit, we propose the BGP Visibility Scanner, a tool which identifies limited visibility prefixes in the Internet. The tool enables operators to provide feedback on the expected visibility status of prefixes. We build a unique set of ground-truth prefixes qualified by their ASes as intended or unintended to have limited visibility. Using a machine learning algorithm, we train on this unique dataset an alarm system that separates with 95% accuracy the prefixes with unintended limited visibility. Hence, we find that visibility features are generally powerful to detect prefixes which are suffering from inadvertent effects of routing policies. Limited visibility could render a whole prefix globally unreachable. This points towards a serious problem, as limited reachability of a non-negligible set of prefixes undermines the global connectivity of the Internet. We thus verify the correlation between global visibility and global connectivity of prefixes.This work was sup-ported in part by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant 317647 (Leone)

    P-modes in rapidly rotating stars -- looking for regular patterns in synthetic asymptotic spectra

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    According to a recent ray-based asymptotic theory, the high-frequency p-mode spectrum of rapidly rotating stars is a superposition of frequency subsets associated with dynamically independent regions of the ray-dynamics phase space. At high rotation rates corresponding to typical ÎŽ\delta Scuti stars, two frequency subsets are expected to be visible : a regular frequency subset described by a Tassoul like formula and an irregular frequency subset with specific statistical properties. In this paper, we investigate whether the regular patterns can be detected in the resulting spectrum. We compute the autocorrelation function of synthetic spectra where the frequencies follow the asymptotic theory, the relative amplitudes are simply given by the modes' disk-averaging factors, and the frequency resolution is that of a CoRoT long run. Our first results are that (i) the detection of regular patterns strongly depends on the ratio of regular over irregular modes, (ii) low inclination angle configurations are more favorable than near equator-on configurations, (iii) in the absence of differential rotation, the 2Ω2 \Omega rotational splitting between m=1m=1 and m=−1m=-1 modes is an easy feature to detect.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of the HELAS-IV International Conference, accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichte

    Gouy Phase Radial Mode Sorter for Light: Concepts and Experiments

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    We present an in principle lossless sorter for radial modes of light, using accumulated Gouy phases. The experimental setups have been found by a computer algorithm, and can be intuitively understood in a geometric way. Together with the ability to sort angular-momentum modes, we now have access to the complete 2-dimensional transverse plane of light. The device can readily be used in multiplexing classical information. On a quantum level, it is an analog of the Stern-Gerlach experiment -- significant for the discussion of fundamental concepts in quantum physics. As such, it can be applied in high-dimensional and multi-photonic quantum experiments.Comment: main text: 7 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary Information: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Feature and viewpoint selection for industrial car assembly

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    Abstract. Quality assurance programs of today’s car manufacturers show increasing demand for automated visual inspection tasks. A typical example is just-in-time checking of assemblies along production lines. Since high throughput must be achieved, object recognition and pose estimation heavily rely on offline preprocessing stages of available CAD data. In this paper, we propose a complete, universal framework for CAD model feature extraction and entropy index based viewpoint selection that is developed in cooperation with a major german car manufacturer

    Towards a Rigorous Methodology for Measuring Adoption of RPKI Route Validation and Filtering

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    A proposal to improve routing security---Route Origin Authorization (ROA)---has been standardized. A ROA specifies which network is allowed to announce a set of Internet destinations. While some networks now specify ROAs, little is known about whether other networks check routes they receive against these ROAs, a process known as Route Origin Validation (ROV). Which networks blindly accept invalid routes? Which reject them outright? Which de-preference them if alternatives exist? Recent analysis attempts to use uncontrolled experiments to characterize ROV adoption by comparing valid routes and invalid routes. However, we argue that gaining a solid understanding of ROV adoption is impossible using currently available data sets and techniques. Our measurements suggest that, although some ISPs are not observed using invalid routes in uncontrolled experiments, they are actually using different routes for (non-security) traffic engineering purposes, without performing ROV. We conclude with a description of a controlled, verifiable methodology for measuring ROV and present three ASes that do implement ROV, confirmed by operators

    Turning the shelves: empirical findings and space syntax analyses of two virtual supermarket variations

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    The spatial structure of a virtual supermarket was systematically varied to investigate human behavior and cognitive processes in unusual building configurations. The study builds upon experiments in a regular supermarket, which serve as a baseline case. In a between-participant design a total of 41 participants completed a search task in two different virtual supermarket environments. For 21 participants the supermarket shelves were turned towards them at a 45° angle when entering the store, giving high visual access to product categories and products. For 20 participants the shelves were placed in exactly the opposite direction obstructing a quick development of shopping goods dependencies. The obtained differences in search performance between the two conditions are analyzed using space syntax analyses and comparisons made of environmental features and participants’ actual search path trajectories
